The Human Rights Commission has demanded that police should charge New Labour Party leader Fresher Siwale or release him.
This is after Mr Siwale spent his third night in police custody after police detained following his allegations that President Edgar Lungu is not a Zambian.
Human Rights Commission Spokesperson Mwelwa Muleya said in an interview that the continued detention of Mr Siwale without a charge amounts of unlawful detention.
Mr Muleya said the police should quickly charge the opposition leader and avail him before the Courts unlike keeping him in detention without charging him.
He said the Commission has taken interest in the matter and deployed officers on Wednesday to track Mr Siwale’s area of detention.
Mr Muleya said when the Human Rights officers eventually tracked Mr Siwale at Chilenje Police but he quickly moved to Chelstone Police but the officers were told that he had been moved to Police Headquarters when they arrived there.
He said Mr Siwale’s human rights must be respected by the police as they go about investigating the allegations.
Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo when contacted for a comment on Thursday said Police will issue a statement at an appropriate time.
He’s been detained in a dark underground cell at Lusaka Central Police, na.ked, chained to a wall, being starved & tortured.
That’s your humble EVIL MALAWIAN DICTATOR for you.
Imagine if Obama had detained & tortured Trump after he queried him about his nationality.
Siwale brought this whole thing on himself. If HH is quiet then Siwale is a write off
Can they release the Zambian citizen
Deport him. He’s Liberian. His real name is Charles Siwarlenson
This guy has not been detained for questioning Lungu’s nationality! Police want to corroborate his evidence, like how and where he got the National Registration Card and maybe even point to the grave of the real Edgar Lungu and how we Zambians ended up with Jonathan Muthawere at State House.
This is a worthy detention, in fact, it is more like the police protecting Mr. Siwale from “PF thugs”! This should be extended to people crying corruption at the highest level. The police and ACC should reign in such patriotic people so that people will no longer just pop up from the woodwork and make wild allegations!
@Nubian Princess you should really take that back! Those are the kind of comments that fuelled the Rwanda massacre! I thought you were above that!
@Nubian, stop that nonsense you are doing the all week. It’s not funny. Respect Ba Siwale.
Be romantic.
If someone questioned my nationality and origin…I would show them where I was born, my neighbours, my birth certificate where I was growing up..this LAZY COWARD EDGAR/JONATHAN should not abuse his powers arresting ZAMBIANS without charge.
Any ZAMBIAN who is in support of this should be ashamed …Lazy Lungu stop arresting Zambians you spineless drunk coward, the onus is on you to prove your nationality.
LAZY LUNGU or JONATHAN call of your dogs …this is another reason why ZAMBIANS doubt your NATIONALITY.
@Nubian Princess is a disgrace not worthy of that name… I wonder why anyone would want to meet her in the flesh..really sad!!
Forced disappearance of human beings is a multiple and continuous violation of many rights the PF regime continue to disrespect and knowingly trample upon. The kidnapping of a person is an arbitrary deprivation of liberty, an infringement of a detainee’s right to be taken without delay before a judge and to invoke the appropriate procedures to review the legality of the arrest, all in violation of our constitution.
Lungu is a toilet tissue president.
Foreigners now depriving us our right of expression. If Edgar Changwa Lungu is genuinely Zambian, why the anger?
@Jay Jay, don’t insult women. I like @Nubian when she is romantic and I will definitely bang her.
I think its her week of P.
This issue is complicated
@Hamaloza yo hatred for Lungu will kill you.
No matter how loud HRC shouts, just same with any one with name starting with H, no one listens.
In Zambia now not even workers strike, no NGO goes to protest.
Siwale will be charged when State House who arrested him say so.
No hate let’s treat each other as human beings period, not as politicians.
This is not the first time a sitting president is being accused to be a foreigner. During the Chiluba time, we even had a man called Kafupi who came to offer evidence that he was Chiluba’s father. KK was also called a Malawian for which he admitted and still admits that his parents were Malawian. No one was detained for questioning the originality of these two great men. But under meno meno, we have people being detained and tortured for questioning his originality. Anyway this is what happens when people get the presidency on a silver plate.
If you go further than accusations and start forging NRCs, then you deserve detention
Under the Rule of Law, when you ‘forge NRCs’ as you are alleging, or forge any official document for that matter, are you supposed to be detailed without charge and without trial? Or are you arguing from childish ignorance?
I do not see how a case of slander or defamation can be a detainable case. This man should be charged and taken to court. We are beggining to think there is some truth in this matter by the behaviour of the state. Let the president clear the air of speculation on his identity.
Give him TREASON, He is as useless as his sponsor, the cult leader
Mulongoti says he is happy and wants the matter taken to court because there they will be free to offer evidence. Let us hope meno meno and his minions will take this matter to court so that the truth can come out. I know they first want to torture this man and confiscate all the evidence. But it is too late boss. The procedure is to take someone to court and not detain them. Why is menomeno so scared to go to court over this matter? Anyway Vakulolave.
I’m surprised the usual throngs of lawyers we see flocking to see any government detainee is missing. Does this say something or is it that there’s no money smelling or the guy is too hot. He’ll be released when he’s finished his story of how he obtained that NRC.
No matter what crime a person has committed, no one has the right to deprive them of their human rights guaranteed under the constitution. You cannot detain someone without charging them of any crime. This is really unfortunate.
Those of you justifying a clear abrogation of the constitution will find yourself on the receiving end soon enough. Then we will see if you will be saying “he brought it on himdelf”
Meno meno should leave our brother alone. Siwale is a true Zambian and deserves to be treated fairly. Us Zambian don’t treat each other the way this Malawian is treating Siwale. We all remember how the cobra used to insult Mwanawasa but was never locked up for being very controversial.
A writ of Habeas Corpus is needed here. Otherwise, this man will be dead whilst everyone is still searching for him. A court order will force the police to produce him.
@MyZambia, well said! In the first article on Siwale’s detention I actually used those exact words “Habeas Corpus” and some looney blogger attacked me. We need to work within the law, and the Police albeit being enforcers, are NOT above the law either.
Trump is racist and was not going round showing fake Obama documents. They would have also cornered him if had done so.
He has not done 100 days yet. Normally that is the benchmark for whether a person has overstayed in detention or not. Even in civilised societies
Lungu is terrorising any dissenting voice with police violence….
One is innocent until proven guilty. Another thing is the police should be professional enough by ensuring that they have sufficient grounds on which to arrest/detain someone rather than start investigations after already having detained or arrested someone.
You shunned the bill of rights today you are cry . You see now. Dont follow blindly.
And why is ZCID so silent and invisible in moments like this? When outsiders like Commonwealth step in and broker a release, that when they will wake up and want to take lead?
Please release the beast
No amounts of hatred will cause us switch to hh
The same way you view ecl is the equal measure we consider your leader
Siwale must learn to respect the Office of the President and Human Rights of others first. If don’t respect rights of others, your rights can easily be taken away. Remind him
Mate, which human rights of President Lungu did Siwale violate? Saying Lungu was not Zambian? You’re one brainwashed guy who make these politicians think they were demigods or village kings when they were supposed to be your servants. Go to civilised societies and see how much politicians respect their country’s citizens’ rights and how they work off their behinds for the people. Yours just enrich themselves while cadres like you praise them… sad!
This is a police state……commonwealth should come back quickly…….
Didn’t the Humble One the other day say that he would not bother “responding to wild claims that he is not Zambian because they are being propagated by a mad man and his response will legitimise the nonsense”. So why is he unleashing his lapdogs on an innocent ‘mad man’ if he’s not bothered? I’m starting to believe these allegations, wild and unbelievable as they may sound. Either the allegations are true or this Humble Chakolwa Mutharika is one insecure man. He thinks he is a village King of Zemunda!
Forged NRC is no child’s job??????? Shushu’s will b happy to do some work. eg just display some injections with HIV blood during interrogations.. …the weak soul will talk 100% assurance…! Wish him luck
I really pity the polisi. Still waiting for instructions from kaizar who has not yet finished drafting the charges. God help us
The reason they are not charging him is that they are not sure whether or not is argument is genuine which if so will embarrass the whole Zambi’s Presidency. Can only liken it to the impeachment issue. That one Siwale was very confident with his claims and imagine other information which can come out in court should he be charged recklessly.
Have you noticed lungu never uses the court system but police to silence anyone challenging him or defaming him ?
Police command you are being used by Terrorists. Kill this man and you will know us (indigenous and patriotic Zambians). Where is ZCID now. No comment on PF election violence and the harassment of an innocent Zambian trying to protect the constitution.
They are waiting for funding…
Mr brasbas, kindly note that Siwale is not a mansonist for Commonwealth to solicit his release. Siwale & mulongoti are not political giants .They are not known in zambia ,they are thus looking for audience, rather attention within Zambia and outside. This is the more reason mulongoti is daring the police to arrest him. Its all about politics at play but we should censor what we say and what we do. There is no small insult against the highest office of the president. The Police is able to exercise its muscles when disgruntled people misbehave.
Don’t make mr Siwales detention an enigmatic situation.The human rights must be respected.Three days in the cells without a charge is obnoxious whether he’s guilty or not.Its high time the police executed their duties with professionalism without favouring anyone regards of their political affiliation.
Fresher Siwale only came on the scene to provide more evidence to support Mlongoti’s claim. Why doesn’t Lungu want Siwale to say anything? Mlongoti has been in the forefront telling the world about Lungu’s nationality but he is let free. To me, this is proof enough that there is something wrong with Lungu’s nationality. There is more to it than meets the eye.
For how long are we going to continue to be ruled by foreigners?
Jay Jay and Spaka should be the last people to comment on Siwale’s detention because I know for a fact that if Siwale was a pf cadre the two would have supported his detention. The duo have no principles . But what is the police spokesperson Katongo doing? She is supposed to explain why Siwale is being detained that long without charge. Silence on the part of the police leads to unnecessary speculstions as is happening now. Tell us please.
You know nothing about my principles…the fact that you have pigeon holed we as a cadre will not change your thinking even if I responded. When have PF cadres being arrested?This is above politics but about human rights…
Imwe ba Meimatungu , where is the evidence that we are being ruled by foreigners? Just because Mulongoti and Siwale told you so? Shame on you. Produce the evidence.
Fresher can rot there for all I care, from fresh to stale…..kikikikikiki….
Let’s wait for the details, he could be going to Mukobeko…and do I care?….Did I care for h.h going to Mukobeko for his stupiod uninformed ill advised actions?
Next lock up Spaka lilo and Jay Jay……kikikikikiki.
Where did Buckteeth disappear to?
Siwale thank God that under pf government you can say anything had it been in kk or ftj this was going to be the end of your life
I will tell something I have noted check the lawyers who flock to HH and Kambwili every time they are in trouble with the law.you won’t see them around this guy.its all about making quick money from these foolish politicians.This guy should have known his limits and checked his pockets before bringing these allegations.
Very very very stoopid police. “police Spokesperson Esther Katongo when contacted for a comment on Thursday said Police will issue a statement at an appropriate time.”
What appropriate time? You are just waiting for orders from Lungu
Edgar Lungu was born in 1956. He was at Mukuba Secondary School from 1970 to 1974. This means that if he changed his name from Jonathan Mutaware to Edgar Lungu, he must have done so when he was only a young boy aged 14 years! Is it possible for a Zambian kid this young to even think of changing his identity – and for what reason at such an early age! One of my relatives who was with Edgar in the same class from Form I to Form V is totally shocked by these allegations and can’t believe Zambians can be so gullible and naïve to believe this nonsense!
Ati FACTS ~ iwe uli cikopo, ne mbwa ine yalikucila ukutontonkanya. If Zambia is blessed with such F00LS like ici ci self proclaimed FACTS, then the whole country is at its odds and rotten. How many Zambians know and understand their rights and duties and how many know and understand that a president is not a god but their servant who should be held accountable in areas where he/ she abrogates the constitution ?
If such are the kind and type students modern Colleges and universities are able to produce, then the whole country is in mess. No wonder even president Jonathan Mtawale Edgar Chagwa Lungu himself despite his good English does not understand the English in the constitution.
What is logical connection between what I have written and what you are saying? All you are doing is insulting me without addressing the very simple observation I have made.
maybe he is not Zambian that’s why he treating him like that.
take the big man to court not in dentation
I feel for ba Siwale and hope he will be released soon if no evidence will be found against him. The problem I see as at now is that neither ba Siwale nor ba Mulongoti have produced evidence to back up their claims that Lungu is an identity fraud. They are supposed to produce a Malawian identity document in the name of Jonathan Mutaware and bearing the photo of the current Zambian president. Without such evidence, how do they link the president to Jonathan Mutaware?
Countrymen, this debate about the nationality can be ended by one person, Mr President himself. what is so difficult about him saying i come from Eastern province, village z, chief x, my relatives in the village are a, b c. contact headmen h, i, j for any queries. The more he chooses to keep quiet the more the debate is fuelled up.