Sunday, March 23, 2025

95 percent of Works on the K9.7 million Katembula earth dam complete


State house chief analyst for project implementation and monitoring Joseph Mukupa (Right) with site engineer Dalisto Shawa(left) during an inspection of the Katembula Earth Dam in Lufwanayama District earlier .picture By Noah Kangali(ZANIS)
State house chief analyst for project implementation and monitoring Joseph Mukupa (Right) with site engineer Dalisto Shawa(left) during an inspection of the Katembula Earth Dam in Lufwanayama District earlier .picture By Noah Kangali(ZANIS)

95 percent of Works on the K9.7 million Katembula earth dam in Lufwanayama district on the Copperbelt province have been completed.

This came to light when state house chief analyst for project implementation and monitoring Joseph Mukupa inspected the facility to check on the progress of works.

In an interview with ZANIS, Mr Mukupa said it is delightful to note that the project has taken shape and that the people of lufwanayama are finally going to have clean and safe water.

Mr Mukupa disclosed that once works are fully completed, a contractor will be engaged to construct a water distribution and purification network that will see the people of lufwanayama receiving water directly into their homes.

Meanwhile, Lufwanayama district commissioner Miniver Mutesa said the people in her area are looking forward to seeing the dam fully operational.

Ms Mutesa said the project is a gift for the people of lufwanayama and that the district will for the first time have a water reticulation system.

She expressed confidence that the face of Lufwanayama district would take a new shape once the project is handed over to government in 3 weeks time.

State house chief analyst for project implementation and monitoring Joseph Mukupa (Right) with site engineer Dalisto Shawa(left) during an inspection of the Katembula Earth Dam in Lufwanayama District earlier .picture By Noah Kangali(ZANIS)
State house chief analyst for project implementation and monitoring Joseph Mukupa (Right) with site engineer Dalisto Shawa(left) during an inspection of the Katembula Earth Dam in Lufwanayama District earlier .picture By Noah Kangali(ZANIS)
State house chief analyst for project implementation and monitoring Joseph Mukupa (Right) with site engineer Dalisto Shawa(left) during an inspection of the Katembula Earth Dam in Lufwanayama District earlier .picture By Noah Kangali(ZANIS)
State house chief analyst for project implementation and monitoring Joseph Mukupa (Right) with site engineer Dalisto Shawa(left) during an inspection of the Katembula Earth Dam in Lufwanayama District earlier .picture By Noah Kangali(ZANIS)
State house chief analyst for project implementation and monitoring Joseph Mukupa (Right) with site engineer Dalisto Shawa(left) during an inspection of the Katembula Earth Dam in Lufwanayama District earlier .picture By Noah Kangali(ZANIS)
State house chief analyst for project implementation and monitoring Joseph Mukupa (Right) with site engineer Dalisto Shawa(left) during an inspection of the Katembula Earth Dam in Lufwanayama District earlier .picture By Noah Kangali(ZANIS)
State house chief analyst for project implementation and monitoring Joseph Mukupa (Right) with site engineer Dalisto Shawa(left) during an inspection of the Katembula Earth Dam in Lufwanayama District earlier .picture By Noah Kangali(ZANIS)
State house chief analyst for project implementation and monitoring Joseph Mukupa (Right) with site engineer Dalisto Shawa(left) during an inspection of the Katembula Earth Dam in Lufwanayama District earlier .picture By Noah Kangali(ZANIS)


  1. Building of dams around the country is so important & I’m overjoyed to see this finally being done. Development & uplifting peoples livelihood is what politics is about. Among many things God has Blessed us with is WATER. Without fail He opens the heavens for us each year at the appointed time & some of us take this for granted. But we must continue praying for His unceasing FAVOUR while carefully managing this resource & ensuring His people have it in abundance. God Bless Zambia!

  2. Well done, but ms mutesa spoiled it by saying it is a gift… it is a right…it is a government doing its job but it certsinly IS NOT a gift.

  3. Looking at those pictures 2 things strike out…..k9.7 million for what for sure looks like a pond and 2nd fat over eating officials……i wounder if they have time for work seeing how fat they are getting….

  4. Yes Dams, Dams, Dams. We have always let the water go to the ocean. Now we can keep some of it to grow food year-round. Other countries have done this for centuries. It is a good start. Keep it up.

  5. The price of the dam is a bit over the top according to the size of the dam. And labour in rural areas is very cheap. Ubomba mwibala.

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