Sunday, September 8, 2024

Charmaine Musonda files in for Chilanga seat





UPND Elections Chairman Gary Nkombo says the UPND is ready to teach both the PF and the Electoral Commission of Zambia how to behave in an election and will use force if need be.

AND Chilanga parliamentary candidate Charmaine Musonda has demanded for a free,fair and violent free election and allow the people of chilanga freely decide.

Addressing hundreds of UPND members who witnessed the filling in at Chilanga Primary School,Mr Nkombo said there is need for the ECZ to conduct a professional job unlike in the last 16 bye elections.

“We want to ask the ECZ to do a perfect job in this election.We don’t want what. happened in the last round of elections where the police was working with the PF and the ECZ was quiet.This time we want everyone to follow the electoral code”,he said.

He further added that the UPND was ready to mount a peaceful election free of violence provided the PF also follows the code.

“As the UPND we are ready this time to show the PF how to behave in an election.if they think we are joking let them dare us.This message goes to the ECZ and police as well.We are ready unlike the last bye elections”,Mr Nkombo said.

” If it means using a little bit of force to teach them how things are done,we are ready,”he added.

And the jubilant Charmaine Musonda accompanied by her family thanked the UPND leadership at all levels for the confidence shown in her and promised to return the favor.

She assured the membership that the chilanga seat will be delivered to the UPND as she calls for free and fair elections without any form of violence.

“I would love to thank my party President that even with the negative publicity in the social media,the UPND has retained it’s confidence in me and for that am ready to deliver,” She said.

“Am a competent Zambian who loves this country and will pray for the violence free nation,” Charmaine said before the speech was rudely interrupted by the police who asked the jubilant team to vacate the place as they were beyond their time.

The UPND have since moved to Musamba grounds where they are to hold the nomination rally.

Party President Hakainde Hichilema,his deputy Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba,Provincial Chairman Obvious Mwaliteta,Kapiri MP Stanley Kakubo,Chavuma MP Victor Lumayi,Moono Lubezyi Namwala,Brian Kambita,Zambezi East,Solwezi Central Stafford Mulusa,Chisamba MP,Chushi Kasanda and Patricia Mwashingwele of Katuba have joined the jubilant chilanga residents.

All the nine contestants have been given an opportunity to address the crowd at which they pledged their total support to the candidate and called for unity to ensure that the UPND retains the seat.


  1. Charmaine the supperstar!!!
    Charmaine with rosary in hand, Mumbi Phiri with rosary on chest.
    Selako ntambe……

    • Deep sayings by Nostradamus, Governor and Nubian Princess. I am trying to figure out a common thread connecting the three!

    • These guys have no morals, it would just a little but sense if it was Keith’s wife standing on this ticket.

      Even, she would have be saying something like, I have forgiven my husband blah blah to the electorate.

      But standing next to a woman who has caused a death to one’s marriage, death to a security guard and put another man on the death roll smiling like nothing happened is not only unconscionable but blatant disrespect for morality.

      And the rosary in the hand??? Who’s she mocking, God??!! He that soweth corruption shall of the flesh reap corruption, scripture says.

      Heaven help us all …

    • @BR MUMBA Sr,
      Bro. do not judge the lady Charmaine. We do not know amasambi mwakwata! Leave judgment to God and the people of Chilanga who will pass their own judgment on the suitability of the candidate. It is good the UPND can field a non-Tonga, Soli, Ila, Lenje in such a constituency. It is good for them when you look at it from the other side. The Courts did not find Charmaine guilty and convict her, contrary to what you are claiming that she committed murder. Morally, you may say she is to blame for the situation Keith found himself in that ended in the shooting of the guard. But legally, she is not to blame. She did not cause the death of the guard.

    • Abena zedoc fimo fimo … we all have sinned and run short. We are talking absolute obvious moral bankruptcy here.

      And I am not judging lest, I be judged as scripture notes, however I am a logician and we guys like me, we have to think in abstracts to reach logically operational paradigms.

      That said, we have to look at the cause and effect to reach a logical conclusion. Who caused Keith to start committing adultery is the cause here.

      Ms. Musonda the fornicator opened her legs and that’s the effect. How did Keith end up killing the Lozi guard? He, the adulter was with the fornicator got pissed off and wanted to act with bravado, that’s the effect.

      How did the MP, turned adulterer end up being killer; that’s the cause??? The fornicator was with him and that’s the effect…

    • Continued…

      How did the MP, turned adulterer end up being killer; that’s the cause??? The fornicator was with him and that’s the effect.

      What happened to the killer, that’s the cause? He was convicted and sentenced to death and that’s the effect.

      What’s does the Zambian Constitution As Amended 2016 require? That’s the cause, and the effect is that we have a by-election to replace the convict.

      How did the fornicator escape the wrath of the law? That’s the cause, by pleading the 5th and that’s the effect.

      Had she gotten convicted would she be standing right now? Hell, No!!! Now, am I God??? Heck, No!!!

      But if those terms like adulter, fornicator, killer, convict, etc. sound immoral, it’s because they describe something we don’t all grow up aspiring to neither do we raise…

    • Continued…

      But if those terms like adulter, fornicator, killer, convict, etc. sound immoral, it’s because they describe something we don’t all grow up aspiring to neither do we raise children telling them to be likewise.

      Hey, Son … when you grow up, make sure you’re an adulter and before you get married, a real good fornicator so married women will leave their husbands for you and while at it, don’t find your own suiter. By the way, be a murderer also or better yet a convict.

      We don’t say that!!! Why??? Because those things are an anathema to society, they are things we despise and we all aspire to great moral character.

      Much more we want people of moral character as the best among us to represent us in parliament because that’s the place where we make our laws.


    • Continued…

      Bad people make bad laws … immoral people make immoral laws.

      I rest my case …

    • And please stop that tribal nonsense … in my own family, out of the 8 of us, only one sibling is married to a spouse from the same village as ours.

      In a hundred years from now, my own great grand children will only be identified in percentiles of DNA and national origin.

      I don’t know if I will die Zambian, an An American or European myself. So, that tribal nonsense needs to be eliminated out of our vocabulary.

    • She is not tonga, her name is musonda, the only sin she committed was to kiss mukata, she is much better than mumbi phiri

    • Violent party. Whenever they lose it’s PF that stole our elections, it’s PF and the police that caused violence. Who told this UPND that they’re Zambia’s favourite? You’re full of nothing but crying babies everyday. Ba Nkombo mulibafyashi teach young one how to behave well. Violent is not good. Let it start in your own house so that you understand what it means. When your house will be put on fire, you will understand violent very well. Sell good policies to the people and they will vote for you but you’re busy selling violence. Even a mad person can never vote for you.

  2. “Am a competent Zambian who loves this country and will pray for the violence free nation”.
    There is nothing like competent Zambian. This is what we are saying. The murder tag brings confusion in someone’s heard.

    No amount of violence will make UPND win. Charmaine is wearing a cross in her fingers, meaning she is determined to kill further.

    • @B R Mumba Sr

      You have gone to town calling Charmaine a fornicator, but she claims she met Keith when he was divorced. So, what really do you know about her to be so quick to judge her? I have known Keith for a long time from when he was at UNZA in first year and know he has been in two marriages before he met Charmaine. So, why are you quick to blame Charmaine and not Keith? Is it because Keith is a man?

  3. Mark my words UPND are winning this Chilanga By-Election!

    Chilanga is a hard core UPND stronghold!

    Nearby farmers from the rural areas are not happy with the maize price and the way govt have messed them up! Chilanga is not entirely an urban area so PF’s poor handling of farmers welfare will be their down fall in Chilanga!

    It will be a good learning lesson for PF for them to lose to these guys with no strategy!

    • Chilanga was a UPND stronghold. If they lose this seat with their foolishness, more is to come. PF have nothing to lose here. UPND is putting up a hule as candidate.

  4. There is more than meets the eye. could it be a way of getting at Keith Mukata by UPND or can it be a way of getting at the speaker by keeping Mukata s seat even in absentia. or can it be UPND is plainly lossing the plot.

  5. So far Charmaine looks different in all the three pictures we have seen. A clear symbol of evil traits and unwavering zeal to murder.

  6. They are all wearing red. Nothing will stand between them and blood. The slain guards body is turning in the grave and even calling Charmaine by name.

  7. This woman has no consciousness. Hardly two months ago a man she in an affair with was sentenced to death because of circumstances she was involved. And now she in the limelight without caring for the two wasted lives. Awe even if it’s politics.

    • Well observed. To Charmaine Keith’s life is nothing, let alone that of the poor guard.

      But I think the biggest disappointment is not Charmaine. The biggest shame goes to the party for failing to see what everyone else including their own people can see. I don’t know what Keith’s wife is thinking about to see Charmaine smile like that in public. I think the PF candidate should bring Keith’s wife and let her say something at the nomination. And that will be the end of the campaign.

  8. Why is Gary Nkombo threatening violence even before the campaign has started? My take is that the Upnd is ready to kill just as they have been ready to field a tainted candidate.

  9. This whole story there is more to it. That black cross in her hands…… Katwishi mwe. Elo akawinefye pantu ba HH bakaba muchibe.

  10. fill in the blanks. we shall use force and ………….. as we did to that security……….

  11. Garry is threatening violence and sounds ready to kill, as though the guard and Keith’s lives are not enough.

    As for Charmaine, she must remember that her cheating is the root cause for this by election and any additional deaths that will result from this election will be directly attributed to her and will be synonymous with her identity.
    Charmaine wants to pray for the nation. Which nation? I thought it’s her who needs prayers?.

  12. Kikikikikiki……but imwe ba h.h, has it occurred to you that adultery is immorality, same as corruption? What message are you sending to the country?
    Now you see what I keep saying about upndeez and their cadres not having any sense of morality, that is why they are not ashamed of their tribalism. Of they will never admit that they are tribalists but you see the actions.

    • “….adultery is immorality, same as corruption? What message are you sending to the country?…”

      But your lungu does not deny that he is a corrupt thief , say what you ?

  13. Garry is taking on the ECZ POLICE & PF. That is too much for you Nkombo. Just concentrate of selling the rotten fish you have adopted

    • If it were in the Bantustan yes, but Lusaka is different. Nkombo may just give company to some inmates.

  14. The police should brace themselves for impending riots by Upnd cadres should Chantelle oh Charmaine lose the election. It’s there written in bloody red.

  15. “As the UPND we are ready this time to show the PF how to behave in an election.if they think we are joking let them dare us.This message goes to the ECZ and police as well.We are ready unlike the last bye elections”,Mr Nkombo said.

    ” If it means using a little bit of force to teach them how things are done,we are ready,”he added.

    And the jubilant Charmaine Musonda accompanied by her family thanked the UPND leadership at all levels for the confidence shown in her and promised to return the favor.

  16. Let’s move on from the negative comments, let us get behind charmaine and ensure a win for UPND. For those saying she is a home recker, please look at the male politcians who have many girlfriends and still lead mother Zambia.

  17. This will be interesting for this Party either way as they will pay when she loses and when she wins its another issue as this will come to bite them…Parliament Motel will be a hive of activity…she should go and talk to the likes of Masebo for advice!!

  18. I don’t believe in black magic but that Charm Musonda and Keith story makes me think twice now. She was the preferred grassroots candidate in 2016 but instead UPND adopted Keith. Then where is Keith now? She is back for her own is it. There is more to it than what meets the eye.

    • I also don’t believe in ubuloshi, but I can bet my last kwacha this is the very reason Upnd are fielding her. They believe she helped Keith win that election. Heard of women who use charms to help their husbands get promotion at work? For how else can you go for such a person no matter how popular they may be.

    • Spaka Lungu was Upnd until he saw that he would never win under your imbecilical party. Now you have gained some courage?

    • Lungu is PF president and a fraud convict…..if he was UPND as a convict he did not hold any notable position…

  19. The UPND is always on a war path, whoever they perceive as standing in their must perish. They overrate themselves and always blame others whenever they lose elections. The Police shouldn’t take lightly what Garry has said, they are ready to shed blood. What a Party! Why go into a contest when you’re not willing to respect the arbiter and other contenders?

  20. Garry has forgotten how Mwaliteta beat him in Livingstone and broke his arm. He later accused him of murder, the person who was sitting on that docket is no longer in government. The family of the victim are still waiting for justice

  21. Its a shame especially on Keith’s wife and family, their home breaker has even been promoted to take over her husband’s job!
    Unfortunate as it maybe, this evil of a woman may even win this seat. I mean Lusaka rural vote for nothing but the UPND and Chilanga is rural+urban. People vote for parties and not necessarily the person standing on it unfortunately.

  22. Two families have been destroyed. The guards and Keith’s. This harlot is free and life goes on. On top of that she rewarded

  23. Wait a minute? Ins’t this the same lady who has gotten Mr. Mukata’s Honorable self behind bars for life? Never saw this coming!! Something is not right here, she helps put Mr. Mukata behind bars for life, helps him break his home and totally guides him to destroy his own life and now she is taking away his Political seat and career! Mr. Mukata (Hon) i dont know how you feel on this one? As for me!!!!!!!! It totally feels like a thorn in the flesh….

  24. Garry is threatening violence. He does not want the PF to refer to Charmaine’s chigololo, being a marriage breaker, being a witness to murder and her jailed ex-lover. I hope someone is keeping Keith updated. The wives of the men in upnd should keep an eye on this home wrecker, otherwise your homes will be the next ones she will wretch.

  25. If she has broken some marriages, then many Zambian men are morally decayed, especially politicians ,majority of whom have remarried.

    • Moral compass ? PF is lead by a convicted fraudster and their ministers are refusing to pay back monies paid to them illigally after dissolution of parliament …..

  26. Initially when I heard the news I was suprised that the UPND could pick her on the backdrop of the murder trial. However lets be rational, Charmaine didnt betray Keith, but left matters in the hands of Keith and the Court by electing to be silent, a right enshrined in our Constitution. Imagine if she had testified as to what happened on that fateful night! I think Keith would not have received any sympathy which he is currently getting.

    On the issue of morality on the murder issue, the Court of Law acquitted her and the law knows no morals. As to her being Keith’s girlfriend, I feel Keith’s “wife” whom none of us have heard from is the best person to tell us her pain. Could it be that she had consent (polygamy is lawful) to the relationship or Keith was not married?


    • That keith committed adultery is not the major argument. The major argument is murder. Loss of like which Musonda witnessed but elected to hide evidence by remaining silent.

      They were not at a home. They were in an office. Will you still call that polygamy?

  27. “Only those who can show that they have surpassed the imagined moral bar can be said to be righteous.” – Tro

  28. This is very rotten rich comming from the resident PF rats on LT ……they selected and back a fraud convict lungu to lead them and they try to preach morals ???

  29. Keith has appealed so it’s not over yet. Suppose the courts decide to bring this woman back to court. I bet Upnd would blame PF.

  30. Ehe if chilanga will vote for this musonda,then the a Zambians should know what this cult is like.PF hammer kainde and his morons hard.Thats a must win game

  31. I think there was a conspiracy by UPND with this lady to bring down Keith especially after his association with PF. How can one explain this kind of support by UPND senior leaders even to an extent of promising violence and blood shed. No one in their right senses will support some one (Prostitute) who has attributed to the loss of two lives and suffering of two homes. Mukata’s relatives must dig deeper and investigate this. This is fishy. I know for sure there is more to it, UPND is upto no good.


    …_They sold the soul to the devil: it’s now deliver the country or your soul_

    By Mweemba Habazoka

    The United Party for National Development (UPND) was formed in December 1998. The Party turns 20 years old in December 2018. Today its desperation has reached an all-time high because time is running out for them to either deliver the country or their soul. The patience of their 20-year-old-financiers have continued to wear thin and thin by the failure of the party to deliver as per their promise despite the financiers’ unwavering financial commitments that resulted in its leaders’ immense wealth which they stand to lose as per deal they signed almost 22 years ago in the run up to infamous privatisation exercise in Zambia. The…

    • Enemies of progress and wrapped up thinkers all you that think is that you are the chosen ones yet misfortune and backwardness are all you have to show for calling people with money Satanist or those of the devil.Iwe chi chale ,work hard and don’t demonize those that you so differ with ideologically keep and are a couple of stations above you.

  33. Song: “Ngati muzako agwira ncito, ya Bu President, osati kumupasa Bu FOUR-Nteen, Mupase bulemu!”

  34. Animo Farm Party with a tribal agenda at heart, spearheaded by hooligans and bullies! “We will use force the Farm!” said. Party of arsonists!

  35. UPND are really dogs and they will cry in their mother tongues for adopting a known harlot and PF should amplify this since majority of women who vote should not vote for this devil’s party. Chilanga people teach these dogs a lesson

  36. High hopes! With a chronic loser in the photo! Chilanga cannot change the equation of HH being a loser!

  37. This is tragic news to the people of Southern Africa, and Zambia in particular. However, I strongly REFUSE TO BELIEVE THAT THE TONGAS ARE MENTALLY DEFICIENT IN INTELLECTUAL CAPACITY. Our Late Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula was sharp and had a great vision for Zambia. May this explains why HH is behaving like Donald Trump who is on a war path to unlock the good deeds that President Obama built for the people of USA. HH started insulting the Late Mr. Nkumbula by grabbing land from Ilas in Namwala. This UPND candidate for Chilanga is a big insult to the wife of former MP for Chilanga and ALL the married women in Zambia.

  38. People of Chilanga stand up for Zambia. You cannot allow Zodwa Shalamwana Mulenga to win this seat.

  39. If you remember well the events leafing to the unfortunate shooting you can’t vote for upnd any more. Mukata is the only upnd mp who remained in parliament when all mps walked out on president lungu. Those who watched the presidential address to parliament saw ECL walking direct to were Mukata was sitting to greet him. When ecl visited chilanga Mukata attended the official engagement by the president. This two insiders was a direct assault on HH ego and and his statement after parliament address made him # I HH and upnd enermy and was labeled by almost all upnd faithful as a traitor. A Mechanism was put in place to destroy Mukata and guess who was the bait? …….
    where is Mukata today? HH has the last laugh. Mukata was trading on dangerous ground. Upnd is dangerous. with the way…

    • Yes yes… and and aroso HH set lungu up to be convicted of fraud , the defrauded widow was bait……..

  40. the entire upnd machinery was in chilanga to ful payment to the bait. Good job upnd But remember a bemba saying, ” ifilala fyamunda you may win chilanga by crook and violence has promised by upnd heir apparent Garry Nkombo by posterity will judge harshly in 2021 when just as Bembas say ifyakulya ubushiku fitulukila kumalushi. Remember upnd lost the Las by-eby-election because of lungu nationality campaign launched and bsnk-rbsnk-rolled by upnd and Mukuni. What goes round will for sure comeback. Today Mukata is a victim for his carelessness tomorow the real culprits will pay for their sins palitically àns socially

  41. Keith Mukata is powerful. he is controlling upnd from the prison cell, he can even afford to nominate his concubine as MP candidate.
    For HH its a win-win situation… he get a quality time with musonda since keith is prison and musonda stands at upnd candidate..

    UPND what a party!!!

  42. The UPNDead may win back their seat but their asparant candidate is a morally crippled human being who needs serous counselling and prayers.

    By adopting this orchastrator of death, what message is UPNDead sending to the Zambian people?

    Has UPNDead runout of options?

    And watch this space, should this morality message sink in the hearts of the female voters in chilange, ba UPNDead, kulibe chanu!!!

    UPNDead has a serious task ahead of them to change leadership and rebrand their house. By doing this, they can retain some relevance per adventure.

  43. @Mukan. No one needs to throw any stone. She was acquitted by the courts of law. However, Issues of alleged marriage interference and death (caused by her boyfriend!) do not sit well in our still conservative Zambia. UPND and Musonda will spend their time defending her instead of explaining what she will offer once elected. She may lose. If she wins, PF will keep using her as reference point for UPND lack of respect for poor people’s life and marriage institution. Both ways, it is a political blunder by the UPND. In short, the timing is very poor. Why didn’t UPND just field in a different candidate?Is there something we need to know?

    • Mpundu Mwaume

      Morals in Zambian politics died with PLM… as long as you can insult the loudest like CK , you have a future more especially if your dirty morals come with money , you will rule…

  44. Oh please leave the lady alone all of you here have never and will never get the chance to stand as an MP apart from being cheap cadres .

  45. @Spaka Like lilo. Maybe you are right. But even if you remove the moral variable, it is difficult to see the vantage point or what is politically smart in this move. Since morality died with PLM, here is some cruel advice to PF: Make sure Langa and some mature women visit Mrs. Mukata during campaigns to sympathize with her: talk to her woman to woman, mother to mother. Tell her that you would rather circumstances were different. Make sure cameras are there! It is called inverse strategy in maths. Whatever works for Mrs. Mukata is bad for Charm. That will bury Charm in nomination room. Period.

  46. …..continued. On a separate day, visit the poor late guard’s family as well. Do not mention PF or UPND or any politics directly. Just speak as human beings reaching out to others in time of difficulty. That will finish ba Charm for good. Make sure your ZNBC are there!

  47. Zambians are useless sometimes, why is everyone talking about Keith’s wife when the man has no wife since sometime back…. The Man divorced the first wife for the Coloured Lady called Marico and then after sometime he started going out with Charmaine when she was a campaign manager in last general elections. So the question is which wife are these *****s talking about? Keith has been a problem with women from way back and the Wife left him for cheating. I personally i have shared a woman with him when he was a minister in MMD and i know what am talking about.

  48. It is only a perfect election if the UPND win, it is a pity that they always think that their way is the only way to glory. Political parties should always strive to be fair to all parties involved. It is totally unnecessary to already start making insinuation that the Electoral Commission will not handle the election professionally. I think the commission should not be drugged in such and simply left to do their work. Political parties should learn to accept the outcome of an election and blame themselves for their failure if they do fail to accumulate the majority numbers. May peace rain in Chilanga!

  49. PF stalwarts crying real good. They want to appear clean morally today when they are hiding logs in their eyes. Live with it, UPND has fielded a stronger candidate than your own. Accept that you are losing Chilanga seat again. Talk about your candidate and leave UPND alone. It appears she has unsettled you real good. If she excelled in the primaries then people want her. Own up you hypocrites.

  50. Is this woman the new bodyguard for HH? What has the old bodyguard of HH and this woman have in common?

  51. If you want to make a person important continue about her. The more you about her the more she will feel important, so mulabenikofye. Mwe Bantu nefikolopo fyonse kupenda ati there are part of your wardrobe. Kkkkkk

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