Kabwe Town Clerk, Ronald Daka, says the Kabwe Municipal Council is determined to rid Kabwe town of Street Vendors.
Mr Daka said the local authority has put in place stringent measures to ensure that the town is clean and healthy.
He said this during an interview with ZANIS in Kabwe that the Council is in serious consultations with various stakeholders in seeing to it that street vending is mitigated.
He said his office is, however, aware that some street vendors have erected makeshift shops in form of booths along the streets of Kabwe, especially where the mobile network booths are found.
The Town Clerk warned that such unruly behaviour will not be tolerated as the Council will soon swing into action to demolish the makeshift booths.
He said it is high time the street vendors accepted that the trend has been barned and that the decision is irreversible.
He added that his office is also aware that some vendors have returned to various places and corridors but, further, warned that the council is not sitting idle as they are addressing the situation accordingly.
Mr Daka finally warned consumers that are buying from the vendors to be cautious and avoid buying from the streets because they too will be prosecuted once they are found wanting.
He appealed to the general public to, instead, be the whistle blowers and help the council to absolutely eradicate street vending in Kabwe.
He said his office will partly depend on the general public in ensuring a clean and healthy environment.
The vendors are back on the streets of kabwe. Now they move with bags so that they can quickly load all their merchandise from the pavement into the bag and scamper at the sight of council police. At the same time some council police officers just accept a token from certain vendors whom they know to look the other way. What is required here is council police in civilian attire so that vendors cannot see them coming. Also surveillance over the same to avoid them from accepting bribes.
not a good year for street vendors….but towns need to have order.
No story on Kitwe Riots over selling of CHISOKONE.
Ba LT, self censoring 1 day after World Press Day ka!
We now know which side of your slice of bread is buttered.
Good job. Get rid of them. Enforce the law. But be mindful that this is the only way they know–how to make a living. So tell them where they need to go and do their business. Just getting rid of them is not enough. THEY ARE TRYING TO MAKE A LIVING. And if you get rid of them with no alternative, do not be surprised if the crime rate begin to go up in Kabwe. Tell them to go to a market place, where they can trade in a well controlled clean environment. If there is no market, invest in one. Build a market for them. All in all we commend you for your efforts in striving to make Kabwe clean. MAKE KABWE CLEAN. MAKE ZAMBIA CLEAN.
Get the Head of street vending the Malawian masquerading as Zambian, who has selling everything to the Chinese and Indians.
Get him out of vending first before going after poor street vendors.
City council has to arrest the first person to try to set up shop on the street. That way others learn and avoid repeating. If you don’t arrest the first one they will multiply and become a voting movement. Politicians are always afraid of making riles against a voting movement or block of people. That was how they got into the original mess in the first place. We have all learned that being poor should not go hand in hand with being DIRTY.
Lazy Lungu will be angry and state that this Town Clerk is discouraging employment creation!!
The town clerk is dreaming. He can’t and he won’t , fullstop! I actually feel sorry for him. The problem is too big for him. In
Lazy polygamist father who begat a bully of the tribal party thinks this can be done but the son says it is laughable possibly due to his laughter disease and HaNegatives tribal traits.
@ sharon, you are a moron, this has got nothing to do with a party or an individual. you sound like a hungover prosie that had no business the night before and woke up with a terrible hangover quit the inslts and contribute constructive blogs. despite being in a civilized country you have not changed your shanty compound manners. waste of space being send there. cow.
As long as Zambia has a slow growing and poor economy of pure subsistence there will always be street vendors.Our 3.5% growth will not rid us of street vendors even in 60yrs.
I am not sure treating symptoms is a great idea. How about finding out from vendors what the issue really is? Trading space? Too many levies to pay in markets? Targeting clients? It is possible to reach a win-win situation where cleanliness is maintained, council collets levy and vendors make their money. It just needs a bit of thinking, not too much just a bit. Life is not always a zero-sum game.
Bootlicking, parasites living on handouts from the ruling party always find themselves in the winning political party.
PF is a party of thugs, corrupt to the core, arrogant and violent.
23% of national budget is spent on One Man, the President of the Republic of Zambia. That is a mockery of democracy. The moment an ***** goes to statehouse, he becomes the most wise, most intelligent and efficient person on earth.
Zambia needs a fair allocation of the cake. All who work hard and honestly shall have the first right over national cake. President shall pay for his nshima, beer, wine, whisky and gallivanting tours around the globe from his pocket.
23% of national budget spent on one person’s lifestyle and litany of Yesmen is a criminal offence when 76% of Zambians to to bed empty…
What kind of Christian is a politician who lives in a luxury while his voters squal in extreme poverty?
Bootlicking, parasites living on handouts from the ruling party always find themselves in the winning political party.
PF is a party of thugs, corrupt to the core, arrogant and violent.
23% of national budget is spent on One Man, the President of the Republic of Zambia. That is a mockery of democracy. The moment an ***** goes to statehouse, he becomes the most wise, most intelligent and efficient person on earth.