Wednesday, February 5, 2025

OYV condemns behaviour of PF cadres during Chilanga nominations


File picture:PF cadres at the Civics centre Protesting

Executive Director of Operation Young Vote Guess Nyirenda has condemned the alleged behaviour of PF cadres during the Chilanga nominations.He described the cadres behaviour of blocking roads and intimidating others as barbaric, provocative and uncalled for.He bemoaned the aloofness of the police when it comes to dealing with PF cadres. Mr.Nyirenda said the OYV appeals and demands better and fairer application of the law on any citizen regardless of their political divide. He called on the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ), the Zambia Police Service and any other institution with mandate to administer the Electoral Code of Conduct and any other law in an impartial and fairer but firm manner.

Full Press statement

As the Chilanga Constituency Parliamentary by election campaigns begin it in every upright Zambian’s interest to hope and indeed expect peaceful 33 days between the nomination and the poll day and beyond.

However the normal scenario of peace, harmony, tolerance and co-existence is next to being imaginary going by what was exhibited by the cadres especially those from the ruling Patriotic Front during the nomination. The alleged behavior by the PF cadres to block the roads, intimidate others in all sorts of ways during nomination is not only barbaric, provocative and inciting but also uncalled for, unwarranted and most of all a recipe for anarchy and total impunity. It is clear from this particular incident that the observance and respect for the rule of law exists no more in Zambia.

What makes the scene even uglier is the whereabouts of the security personnel particularly the police. The behavior of the cadres showed as though they were in their own world where no kind of rule exists. It is now very clear that under this regime the cadres belonging to the ruling PF would do anything and get away with it.

This is similar to what happened at Levy Mall a few months ago where panga/machete wielding cadres intended to disrupt Hon. Chishimba Kambwili when he had been summoned by the police, but ended up hacking innocent citizens at the Mall. All this is shameful to say the least.

The police who are mandated to maintain law and order must do so and must also be seen to be doing so. It seems the police have two (2) different statutes they apply on citizens of Zambia. It has and can be observed from the two (2) situations given above as examples that for the PF and its praise singers statute of lawlessness and impunity is prescribed whereas for the opposition and any other person(s) with divergent view a law that even when you have no case you will have to be punish through prolonged detentions, harassment intimidation coupled with other dehumanizing treatment. Zambia and Zambians deserve better.

It is OYV’s appeal and demand better and fairer application of the law on any citizen regardless of their political divide.
The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ), the Zambia Police Service and any other institution with mandate to administer the Electoral Code of Conduct and any other law in an impartial and fairer but firm manner. It is our considered fear that the Chilanga Constituency Parliamentary by election may be bloody, as exhibited at the mere nomination.
OYV would like to request the great people of Chilanga to reject any candidate whose supporters and/or sympathizers would cause anarchy of whatever reason especially with the view to intimidate the electorate and cause apathy.

We would like to call Zambians to reject the form of governance anchored on intimidation, violence and instilling fear in the members of the public from whichever quarter it is coming.

For and on Behalf of Operation Young Vote (OYV)

Guess Nyirenda (Mr.)
Executive Director


    • Saw it and was victim myself as I traveled from Kafue into Lusaka yesterday about 2pm. Was blocked nearly 45 mins around Munda Wanga, my car banged on and insults hurled. Yes, police were no where in sight at the scene but I was surprised to find a police speed check point or trap soon after the Mount Makulu centre turn off!

      Militia politics fully entrenched in our system …

    • What morals are people talking about when someone who stole money from widow is now president. Edgar was debarred by LAZ for stealing.

    • Thuggery is practiced by every political party in Zambia. We had Vigilantes during UNIP. Cadres were introduced when MMD was at helm of Zambian politics. Even the smaller parties the moment they are going to grow thuggery will be conscripted on their foreheads. It is a recipe for civil unrest in our country. The situation was the same when UPND candidate was filing nomination. Cars were blocked for over 30 min. We need to grow out of this as a nation and start exhibiting maturity in the way we handle national issues.

    • @Chibwantu: I like your angle of not pointing at one political party but the whole system. I saw the PF group pass through Kafue road and it was pathetic and I totally don’t support such lawlessness and s.t.u.p1.ity. But you have a strong point, society should not just and condemn PF, we must all condemn the whole political set up.

    • Will the commander-in-chief of the armed and security forces please step forward and ensure that order prevails in the country?

    • The reason is simple we have a weak IG Kanganganja who acts on commands from PF cadres. We miss Stella Libongani she was a great IG never experienced tbis kind of lawlessness. Kanganja is a shame he fears PF cadres than God. We wait and see what compromised ECZ will do especially for NDC who were delayed to file nominations by Edgar Lungus desciples.+

  1. Misguided Zambia ,we do politicking & electioneering from Jan to Dec -no wonder we’re still a poor 3rd world sh1thole nation.

  2. When we say the corrupt theif lungu is destroying Zambia , this is what we mean.
    Lungu can end all this violence with one call to kapoyongo but is in fact abetting and directing this violence and corruption of all system of governance in Zambia.

    Lungu can not win any free and fair election and needs to stay in power at all costs. That is what is driving this violence by PF…..

    • He will not in 2021 even he tries to rig as much as he can do.
      He is losing 2021 and majority of PF Ministers and appointees will languish behind the bars.

  3. Even UPND did the same yesterday. They blocked roads. What is so special about PF? Both should be condemned.

    • Where are the police if caders are ruling with impunity ? We all know the police are controlled by lungu and kapoyongo…..

      If UPND are also involved in violence then the failure is with the head of state for being a spectator to this lawlessness…

    • Spaka, you do have a point here.
      We can all call for condemning both PF or UPND, but its the Police who are supposed to bring order. The responsibility lies with Kanganja, Kapyongo, and ECL.
      De-politicise the police, and they will be able to handle cadres from both sides. From my perspective, it’s the inactivity of these 3 persons that is bringing chaos to Zambia.
      So the point is not whether PF or UPND cadres acting uncontrollably, but the person who is supposed to ensure cadres from both sides are controlled or handled with the strongest force that they deserve.

    • Either way the buck stops at lungus expensive shoes…..the violence either suits him as he can instruct his thugs into violence when he needs results to go his way or he is drunk and incapable of leading .

      My view is lungu and OP know and are the papett masters of this violence…


  5. Extremely uncivilised population this one, it will require a generational change, it also requires leaders who can change this scenario by being firm with their carders. How can you have leaders instructing cadres to stone and bring down helicopters during campaigns and you expect to have disciplined caders. when our leaders wake up everyday, the priority is to out do each other with uncouth language, and you expect cadres under you to be disciplined. My foot. Zambia, the lost cause

  6. This behavior is uncalled for! It belongs to Namwala not to modern Zambia! Every leader is responsible in stopping the rot.

  7. The problem with politics in most african countries including zambia is poverty, if every zambian had some form of either employment or help from government financially such thuggery would be a joke .
    Now that our people are so poor that they cannot even afford food and any other essential needs politics become the only way to survive, be cause of the financial gain they get by intimidating to gain some financial gains from their political leaders .

    • Indeed, it was very clear from the looks of the chaps who were being ferried in mini buses from Lusaka to Chilanga. They looked so haggard like they were exhumed from some shallow grave. They forced me off the road and I felt very angry. I felt like I was being raped. One day these acts will receive very serious reaction. Enough is enough.

  8. Ba OYV tilile because you have made a statement which means completely nothing. Just get paid your statements means nothing.

  9. While this P.F Barbaric conduct goes on, Padure Jona Mutawali is ndwii.
    His disciple the “Injustice Minister” Cadre with a Swollen Yellow Belly -Mr Zayelo goes into overdrive telling us porkies ati “we shall ensure an impartial free media thrives in Zambia”
    MUZINAMAKO MA BRAINLESS P.F CADRES chabe, as some of us can see right through your Patriotic Hogwash!!

  10. Police Command, your orders are with the Commander in Chief of the armed forces. Many a times has challenged you to maintain peace and order and arrest law breakers! Confirm Charlie Charlie

  11. What kind of an NGO is this that always attacks the ruling party and its government? Ever since I knew Nyirenda and his organisation, I have never heard him condemn UPND for anything. We can assume therefore that his organisation is an extension of UPND. Nevertheless, his condemnation of violence in Chilanga by suspected PF cadres is completely justified.

  12. Involve the army the cops are useless and 100%corrupt one shake shake and they will sell the country

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