State owned Enterprise Zamtel on Tuesday officially commissioned the first ever communication tower in Dundumwezi Constituency in Kalomo, Southern Province.
The move means over 20,000 people in Dundumwezi will finally be connected to the world though communication.
Last week, another communication tower was commissioned in Katete, Eastern Province as part of the 1,009 new towers under the phase two of the GRZ communication tower project valued at US$280 million.
So far, more than 87 towers across the country have been switched on, reaffirming Zamtel’s position as the fastest growing network in Zambia with geographical presence in more places than any other.
In Dundumwezi, Southern Province Minister Edify Hamukale was joined in by area Member of Parliament Edgar Sing’ombe and Chief Chikanta and Senior Chief Siachitema at the ceremonial commissioning of the tower held at Mubanga Secondary School which attracted hundreds of local villagers.
Dr Hamukale commended Zamtel for taking communication services to the remotest parts of the country, a move he says will go a long way in bridging the digital divide.
“This is a milestone project in the sense that all the communication services enjoyed by our people along the line of rail, will now be available to the populations off the line of rail. As Government, we are confident that bringing such cutting edge communication services to places like Kalomo, will further boost the investment profile of rural areas,” said Dr Hamukale.
At the same event, Zamtel Chief Executive Officer Sydney Mupeta said the roll out of communication towers is testament of his company’s commitment to delivering communication services to all Zambians.
“Things can only get better as the joy of this development continue to spread to different parts of the country. The project keeps delivering smiles on the faces of many Zambians as we rollout the network to cover some of the remotest places in the country,” Mr Mupeta said.
He added, “This is an inclusive project that is connecting more and more places that never dreamt of having any network coverage at all. As a matter of fact, looking at where we are coming from and where we are going, I can confidently say that celebrations have just started. Today, only a total of 87 sites are live on air, including the one we are launching here at Mubanga Secondary School.”
Mr Mupeta revealed that Southern Province is receiving a total of 98 sites out of which eight are already on air at Mubanga Secondary School, Kasukwe Primary School, Omba Primary School, Mundanje Village, Mulamfwu Primary School, Mooka Primary School, Maambo Primary School and Nguba Primary School.
On Friday, May 4th 2018, Zamtel again commissioned another communication tower at Kafumbwe Boarding School in Katete in the Eastern Province.
Mr Mupeta said the launch of the new communication tower in Katete which is an important agricultural and transit town for traffic heading to Malawi in the east and to Mozambique in the south will foster national development.
He said it was imperative that the high volume of commerce that takes place in Katete and also transits through this town, should be given the right amount of ICT support.
At the same event attended by Chieftainess Kawaza of Katete, Eastern Province Minister Makebi Zulu commended Zamtel for launching the site which is one of the 113 communication towers the company is putting up across the Eastern Province.
“As you may be aware, Katete is a big agriculture centre and the need for a reliable phone network cannot be over emphasized,” Mr. Zulu said.

Congratulations zamtel but please try also to improve your services at the same time.
Stick that up HH’s Ntwenu, Waumfwa!
This is what we who are business executives do. Take business where money can be made. Nothing else!
The people of Dundumwezi are a classic example of how a vote can bring positive results for a forgotten community. Well done Dundumwezi people we all learnt from you. You educated the world.
As double h thanked Dundumwezi for massive 2016 (30, 810) votes, His Excellence the Republican President, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces maturely and wisely noted that the wonderful people of Dudumwezi should forget about the way they voted, as we together looked to the future and that the 252 Dundumwezi Votes Contributed to his reaching the 50% + 1 mark.
What more do you want, the president will deliver.
Now they will know that there are other parts of Zambia and that there are other tribes with other political parties. Welcome to the 21st century!
ZamTel ,Zam Rail are still sluggish and backward companies that are still not competitive or visionary.MTN is gonna have Zamtel for dinner one day.
Well done ZAMTEL! You are superb! Soon Childish will be “buried” and become history! Underestimate the president at your own peril! He will joint Scott who had underestimated Lungu because the President is a quiet person and Scott thought he could destroy the president! He is history now and Childish will soon join him!
You can now call your ideal man from Dundumwezi who wont let you down and frustrated!!
Run! Tribal bully and hooligan coming!
Watch space…The cost of these towers is too much while children are starving and there are no medicines!
I pray that one day all Southern Province people will be as positive as Dr Hamukale. Kalomo seeing the fruits of a hardworking government!
He is such a visionary leader who wants nothing but progress for the province. He is alive to the fact that the only way the province can develop is by inclusiveness. I have nothing but great respect for Dr Hamukale
Hamukale should be the next president after ECL. He is demonstrating attributes of keeping the country together. Or He should be ECL’s running mate in 2021.
When is this ZAMTEL going to start paying back taxpayers …there is no need to brag about coverage obtained through Chinese loan when you are providing shambolic service and recording losses. You think your competitors’ shareholders would tolerate such mediocrity…anyway this company has an engineer as a CEO with no experience and is a cashcow for Ruling Party cadres with a bloated payroll.
When you are turning on sites, it means you are investing.
Profits later kaili.
But the Lapgreens don’t like such news.
I kind’a feel your concerns, though. With your and everyone else’s support your ICT company will surely come around.
So when you get votes there its because you have done something in the area and that its nothing tribal..Now this is what government should be doing taking development to undeveloped areas.
Dundumwezi, Dundumwezi, Dundumwezi. How times did I call you? Those with ears will hear and those with eyes will see. Chapwa. I won’t say much.
Bauze mbuya, Dundumwezi mwanvela?
There is more money in the rural areas than you can imagine. Meanwhile junior president is on… wonder why HH hasn’t joined them.
Still 0 votes for PF
30000 votes with a population of 20000
Mwebantu – how is it possible to have 30000 votes when the population is 20000 (including under age). I am sure here even chickens voted. ECZ should switch on next time! Their management of elections throughout the country is a shum.
I thought this was a government project and program, why was the provincial minister dressed up in political outfit?There is way too much bootlicking in the civil service.
Anyway, its good that this part of the country can finally have mobile phone services.
It will now be easier to know how elections are rigged out there. …just a joke
Southern Province Minister in a PF shirt and at an allegedly govt function???
It’s a PF Government project.
@Cholera, you are right! Rural populations had even to beat the most developed and urbanised towns on the Copperbelt which have large populations! It makes me wonder if the dead as well as children and some animos in the South are given “voting rights!” Government must make sure that those who chase away inspectors must themselves be chased with Under Five.
Oh great technological advancement. Now we’ll be able track the Dundumwezi citizenry and their communications during elections! There is a sting in there….