Thursday, January 23, 2025

Government revises penalties regarding usage of GRZ motor vehicles


The Impounded Government Vehicle

The Ministry of Works and Supply recently undertook a country-wide operation to monitor the utilisation of Government motor vehicles by Public Officers. The operations have since revealed instances of misuse of Government motor vehicles by public officers.

In this regard, it has become necessary to remind all Ministries, Provinces and Spending Agencies on the need to strictly adhere to the regulations on the management of Government motor vehicles.

The following measures, as contained in a Cabinet Circular No. 8 of 2018, signed by Secretary to Cabinet Dr. Roland Msiska, have been put in place to ensure that Government motor vehicles are utilised for the intended purpose;

a. Only officers in possession of a valid Government Certificate of Competence issued by the Ministry of Works and Supply and have the express authorisation by the respective Controlling Officer or Head of Administration can drive a government motor vehicle.

b. Authorised officers driving a Government motor vehicle are required at all times when driving a government motor vehicle to be in possession a valid Driver’s License; a valid Certificate of Competence; duly completed Log Book and authority for journeys outside district boundaries. Pool Drivers shall be required to obtain passes for authorised trips within the district boundaries outside normal working hours.

c. Pool vehicles shall be required to have all the documents stated in (b)

d. Authorised officers that drive a Government vehicle and receives fuel allowance shall be required to be in possession of a valid Government Certificate of Competence to drive government vehicle for trips within the district boundaries. Officers under this category will also require obtaining authorisation from their respective Controlling Officers when undertaking trips outside the district boundaries.
On management of pool or project vehicles, in line with Cabinet Office Circular No. 7 of 2012, the following shall apply;
(i) Where pool or project vehicles are required for official business during weekends and
public holidays, a pass will be issued by a Senior Officer designated by the Controlling Officer.

(ii) It is the responsibility of each Controlling Officer to ensure efficient and cost-effective use of the pool fleet for official Government business, locally and outside the station.

(iii) The Government Transport Control Unit under the Ministry of Works and Supply shall be charged with the responsibility of monitoring and controlling the usage of Government Transport.
Furthermore, officers eligible to drive GRZ vehicles shall be required to adhere to the following regulations:

(i) Pool vehicle Drivers shall park vehicles after normal working hours in line with Cabinet Office Circular No. 7 2012 unless with express permission from the Controlling Officer or Head of Administration.

(ii) Officers entitled to receive fuel allowance shall not be allowed to draw fuel from the government pool. Officers in this category shall only be provided with fuel for authorised official trips outside their district boundaries using the prescribed formula in the Cabinet Circular No. 7 of 2012.

(iii) Officers authorised to drive GRZ vehicles shall not allow any unauthorised person including a spouse or any other relative to drive a government motor vehicle under any circumstances.

(iv) Officers authorised to drive GRZ vehicles shall not use the vehicles for private commercial purpose including transportation of persons and cargo

(v) Officers authorised to drive GRZ vehicles shall not park unauthorised places such as bars and night clubs.

(vi) Officers authorised to drive GRZ vehicles shall not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs and

(vii) Officers authorised to drive GRZ vehicles should observe prescribed speed limits.
Failure to comply to the provision outlined in this circular, shall result in; Impounding of the motor vehicle, Recommending for disciplinary action, Surcharging the officer through the payment of a fine according to the offences committed.

And for repeated offences, this may result to the withdrawal of the Government Certificate of Competence by the Ministry of Works and Supply.

Below are the revised Penalty Fees for the various offences as shown in the schedule.

1. Driving a GRZ Vehicle when one is not a GRZ Employee. K1,000.00 K5,000.00
2. Failure to comply with instructions from an Officer on duty (Inspector of Government Transport). K1,000.00 K1,000.00
3. Driving a GRZ Vehicle without a valid Certificate of Competence. K500.00 K1,000.00
4. Parking at unauthorised Place. (e.g. Bars and Night Clubs). K250.00 K1,000.00
5. Driving a government Vehicle under the influence of drugs and Alcohol. K250.00 K1,000.00
6. Carrying unauthorised passengers, goods or cargo. K150.00 K800.00
7. Driving a GRZ Vehicle without a duly completed Log Book. K100.00 K500.00
8. Driving on unauthorised Route. K100.00 K500.00
9. Driving a GRZ Vehicle beyond normal working hours without a pass. K150.00 K500.00
10. Over speeding or careless driving. K150.00 K500.00
11. Failure to secure a GRZ Vehicle. K100.00 K300.00
12. Found misusing Government Transport three (3) times in Six (6) months K800.00 Revocation of Certificate of Competence for a period of Six (6) months

The circular further requests all Controlling Officers to ensure that all Government motor vehicles (both pool and project) are used in line with the provision of the circular to ensure efficient utilization of the Public Service Fleet.



  1. Government should install GPS in all government vehicles through the The Ministry of Works and Supply and then they can determine vehicle location, and its carrier.Other vehicle information can include fuel amount, engine temperature, altitude, reverse geocoding, door open/close, tire pressure, cut off fuel, turn off ignition, turn on headlight, turn on taillight, battery status, GSM area code/cell code decoded, number of GPS satellites in view, glass open/close, fuel amount, emergency button status, cumulative idling, computed odometer, engine RPM, throttle position, GPRS status and a lot more.Construct a surveillance center where the monitoring of all the vehicle throughout the country can be done.As simple as that.

    • That is not possible as lungu will not be able to campain during elections using GRZ transport….

    • Imwe a Pathoko ****, I thought you were an intelligent aeronautical engineer?? Mind boggles.
      Who in their right mind is NOT AWARE Chief Gundwane’ Jona Mutaware is currently in full throttle campaign mode, using Taxpayers cash as we speak?
      Imwe a *******!! Kaya??

    • @ Keleni you are jerk bcoz PF has the capacity to do all the logistics without your GRZ transport hallucination.Yes, you may have climbed the “Himalayas”, ,you may have swam the entire length of the “Amazon” – or you may have previously won the entire Dundumwezi constituency by 100% good for you, but you are still a jerk party like putting lipstick on a pig..

    • ******* ****

      Ati PF have their own capacity……tell the minister theives to pay back taxpayers monies they were getting paid to campain for lungu using GRZ transport after parliament dissolved…..

    • ******* **** in tumbuka means “Your Anas”. Why chose an insult to be your blog name? change bro.

    • This list is incomplete. What about the charge for driving a GRZ vehicle under the influence of alcohol? There is no mention of the charge for this one?? Why??? Previously that offence was on the list, if anything it is the most dangerous offence any driver can commit.

  2. Considering the levels of abuse of government vehicles at this moment in time, I do not think these penalties will produce the desired deterrent effect. At times the abuse of government vehicles is done by very senior government officials who should know better. I am, therefore, of the view that dismissal or demotion should also be considered.

    • True that my man!

      I also think things that like driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (simply put, DUI) should be an automatic dismissal. It is an offense under our Criminal/Civil code anyway. So a Govt employee who doesn’t know or respect that is not worth operating let alone working for the Govt. Punitive measures like that is the only thing that will eventually bring sanity to many of these abuses of Public property or lack of displine in the civil service.

  3. Seriously which is the revised fee on that list?
    How do you charge someone who is driving a GRZ Vehicle under the influence of drugs and Alcohol? Really are committing a serious crime and you are being charged. You think if an honest Police Officer stops you and you are driving under the influence he will charge you …you get out of the vehicle and get locked up as you are a danger to pedestrians and motorists..then you will be in-front of the Judge.
    You can not make your own laws…be serious!!

  4. So The Minister of Works and Supply, what ever happened to that case where a State House Official who slapped a Ministry of Works and Supply Inspector on the road….that case has disappeared like a fart in the wind as State House is full of drunk Kaponyas and empty tins!!

  5. This is what is supposed to be happening in most of these ministries. Mutatai is best suited in this ministry than ministry of finance.Its high time people started respecting and stopped abusing government property. A lot of money will be saved from this undertaking. It may not be popular in the short term but in the long run it will serve its purpose. Most of these government workers have personal vehicles which they will put to good use going forward. Kundos Mutati.

  6. So I wonder how these charges are even paid…if the vehicle is impounded and its useful to the relevant ministry…when does one get sacked??

  7. Failure to comply to the provision outlined in this circular, shall result in; Impounding of the motor vehicle, Recommending for disciplinary action, Surcharging the officer through the payment of a fine according to the offences committed.
    And for repeated offences, this may result to the withdrawal of the Government Certificate of Competence by the Ministry of Works and Supply and instant dismissal without compensation.

  8. Failure to comply to the provision outlined in this circular, shall result in; Impounding of the motor vehicle, Recommending for disciplinary action, Surcharging the officer through the payment of a fine according to the offences committed.
    And for repeated offences, this may result to the withdrawal of the Government Certificate of Competence by the Ministry of Works and Supply and instant dismissal without compensation (Malema, 2017)

  9. We were promised action against the offender’s who Mutati impounded @ that roadblock “WITHIN 5 DAYS’!!
    Unless I missed something, Mpaka lelo, like P.F which is still investigating Chi Kaizer assaulting a female office, no action as these are Jona Chakolwa’s Storm Troopers! WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THE THUGS WHO WERE ESCORTING T@S1LA’S, & (CHIMP)YONGO’S MUKULA, USING STATE HOUSE VEHICLES??
    Only in Jona’s Zed!!

  10. All in all what is being said here is that rules and regulations are already in place and we just NEED to apply them. Abuse is not limited to GRZ vehicle use but also common in our own homes. Keeping water boiling un necessarily longer, living lights ON when there’s NO need to, Water running out of your tap as you brush those teeth are but a few examples I can sight. The consequences of not complying have been upped because of kudelela.

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