Monday, January 27, 2025

Teaching Council of Zambia closes 10 Colleges on the Copperbelt


The Teaching Council of Zambia (TCZ), has closed down 10 Colleges on the Copperbelt which have been operating without licenses.

TCZ Assistant Director Joel Kamoko Said the institutions were shut down following the teaching Progression Act No. 5 of 2013 which states that no institution shall hold out as a college or Provide training activities without the approval and inspection of the teaching Council.

Mr. Kamoko advised students at the college to always ensure that they consult the District Education Board Secretary (Debs) on which colleges are registered before enrolling into any institution.

He said it is sad that some people enroll into institutions without knowing that they will have a hard time in finding employment because the College they attended is unregistered.

The teaching Council who were accompanied by Copperbelt Provincial Education Officer (PESO), Dominic Nyambe Closed down a Satellite College in Kalulushi which offers primary and secondary teaching programs.

And Dr. Nyambe has urged all Zambians running colleges across the country to abide by the law and follow the right procedure when establishing them.

Meanwhile, District Education Board Secretary (DEBS), Godfridah Phiri said the district is following the Code of Ethics and over 90 percent of teachers in Chililabombwe have registered with the teaching Council.


  1. Barbershop College for Food and Mopping, Kiwte.Black Mountain School of Jerabos, Kitwe.Tokota Boys Masturbation College,Kitwe. Kasompe School Of Flying & Witchcraft, Chingola.Luanshya Poverty Research Centre, Luanshya. Mokambo College For Congolese, Mufulira.

  2. Good job. Extend this to other provinces. I know of two substandard teachers college in sesheke western province.

  3. Meanwhile, District Education Board Secretary (DEBS), Godfridah Phiri said the district is following the Code of Ethics and over 90 percent of teachers in Chililabombwe have registered with the teaching Council. Does TCZ has ethics at all? Sometimes do not insult people. Who many private colleges in this country have underqualified lecturers and you are there blowing trumpet that you closed schools for not registering with you. What about those who have unqualified lecturers, how many have you close? Start with Kabwe; don’t ask for there files from management ask to meet them with their credentials. BE serious for once.

  4. IT was not registered yesterday …and you register is today ..what is the difference…THE ISSUE SHOULD BE , DO THEY HAVE THE CAPACITY TO PRODUCE QUALITY TEACHERS…

  5. There are so many other places that would require closing for failing to meet standards. A GOOD example would be the Chinese run companies which evade tax. I bought steel from one of them and they refused to give a Tax invoice and instead gave a quotation as proof of payment. The ZRA are busy closing down Companies run by fellow Zambians and yet these Chinese are stealing right under their noses and in a big way. ZRA PLEASE WAKE UP!

  6. They need to release the whole list for transparency, why only mention a few? There’s now so much corruption in the education sector, especially with govt being the best employer. Some colleges even assure their students with job placements if they enrol with them, this resulted in students that hadn’t yet graduated and their final results not known to be posted during the last recruitment. We want to know who’s been favoured. They want to put out of business those that don’t do nchekela

  7. #6 Ayatollah Khamenei, yes what is wrong to release the names of the colleges to us the public and the stakehodlers? Surely it shouldn’t be illegal, or even morally wrong, as they say in our current political lingo?

  8. Still lacking in reporting effectively? You should have stated the 10 closed institutions to complete your reporting to concur with your headline. You need to inform the public well so that they make informed decisions

  9. I work at DEBS’s office. I have been yerning for such information. When we asked about genuine colleges, we give them GRZ run institutions because there is inadequate information shared in that line. Publish the registered institutions in December and June during time of mass advertisements. Some institutions are even advertising in public but you can not issue a statement to block right there. People have become vulnerable for response to the need of education due to poor management of information. Also give lists of approved institutions to DEBS and do not refer to them if you have not sent any data.

  10. Job well done, qualified lecturers in good environment produce teachers with quality
    What are u going to do with teachers you haven’t given reg certificates by 31/05 ? What about most community schools run by unpaid or poorly paid teachers who have even failed to get registered? Are u shutting down these community schools and caging poor teachers? Most of them grade 9 and 12 failures are managing these schools.
    One day go round poor communities, you will agree with me
    I appreciate your role in education but be flexible and considerate

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