We wish to assure members of the public countrywide, in particular, landlords and tenants in low density areas that they should not panic on the 30th June 2018 deadline by the Commissioner General Mr. Kingsley Chanda for registration for withholding tax on rental income. It has come to our attention that the exercise is merely an administrative undertaking which is meant to allow ZRA to prepare and register tenants and landlords. This assurance has been given to us by the Finance Minister Margret Mwanakatwe in her letter to us dated 16th May, 2018.
According to the Minister, taxable rental income has not yet been agreed upon by Ministry of Finance and concerned stakeholders. In this regard, it is our understanding that ZRA will not pounce on any tenant or landlord who defaults on the deadline.
Furthermore, in view of this disclosure by the Minister, we urge ZRA to make registration of tenants and landlords as an on-going exercise. The exercise should not make be time-bound because being a tenant or landlord is a dynamic event. A landlord today may be a tenant the following day and vice versa. For this reason, time-bound registration for tenants is rendered an exercise in futility.
In addition, in view of the Minister’s clarification, we do not expect ZRA to embark on an exercise to start collecting this tax from tenants and landlords, particularly those who pay or receive rent that is less than K3, 000.00 per month. Collection of rent from the said persons should only be triggered upon mutual agreement, by the Ministry and concerned stakeholders, of taxable threshold. As the Minister has stated, Section 45 applies to persons who receive taxable income. In this particular case, taxable income for rent is not yet agreed upon and set by the Minister. Technically therefore, tenants and landlords are not yet obliged to report the said income to the ZRA Commissioner General.We sincerely thank the Minister for this clarification. Meantime, we urge tenants and landlords to continue with the registration while the issues surrounding this tax are amicably resolved by the Ministry and stakeholders.
Find attached the letter from the Minister for your kind reference.
Peter Sinkamba
Green Party
I don’t think civil servants should be part of this, grz has a duty to accommodate them, just build them houses and stop paying housing allowance. It’s just too much tax on our already poor people’s of Zambia. Where is our saviour…
He speaks sense
Sinkamba is only issue-based politician of the current crop of politicians. He focuses on real issues that affect the masses not petty politics of name-calling and insults. How I wish other politicians from the so-called major parties could emulate the guy’s civilized and factual approach to issues.
Well done my man on this issue. Lets hope the Finance Minister will keep her word. Vulnerable landlords and tenants need to be protected.
Thank you Mr. Peter Sinkamba.
You and your party are truly relevant to our politics.
Very good man. Now – government – you encourage low salaries but encourage high taxes on the low taxes. Isn’t this the reason you are DEPENDENT on donor funding and are now sinking deeper into debt!? Encourage YOUR investors to pay a LIVING wage so that you can collect honest tax. Taxing everything will not work in the medium to long term. Re-examine money-collection sources more critically. This includes closing loopholes for thieving individuals.
Ba Peter you are the real opposition leader and torch bearer for future Zambia, the only hope we have to turn things around. Your approach to issues resonates very well with the electorates in general. You always speak with a firm voice backed with facts. I admire your style of politics.
Peter Sinkamba…what more can you say about this man…just give him five seats in National Assembly ..he serves to be there!!
You are our ears and eyes so far in the Zambian governance, though not in the driving seat yourself , they drive with your eyes on- yes! you hold firm to the rules of good governance and you never lose sight of details. Calm and full of insight, you stand tall above politics of bitterness and shameful agenda. Thanks Mr Sinkamba.
Baba Sinkamba keep it up! Keep articulating the issues affecting Zambians. Maybe the childish, greedy and selfish politicians will change their ways and also start to address issues.
Baba Sinkamba we still need you to attack the issue of low maize prices affecting the poor rural majority who are being swindled by brief case maize buyers.
Baba Sinkamba your points ring true but sadly the majority of Zambians still don’t know about the Green Party! There is need to strategise on how we can reach out to all Zambians so they know Green Party’s message of hope, progress and development for all Zambians for a better tomorrow.
Vote Green in 2021
i fully agree wigh the comments above. Mr Sinkamba’s style is what we need of opposition politics. legalising ganja is being considered by boma, something this man has been singi g about for years. what forsight! now landlord withholding tax! we need 10 of your kind and zambia will not be the same