Monday, February 3, 2025

HH warns ECZ Chairperson over Chilanga


HH, Charmaine & GBM
HH, Charmaine & GBM

UPND President Hakainde Hichilema has warned ECZ Chairperson Esau Chulu to withdraw the 275 Presiding officers he allegedly wants to engage in Tuesday’s Chilanga by-election.

Waving the list of officers from the ECZ, Mr Hichilema told the crowds gathered at Game and Fisheries grounds on Sunday afternoon that he has unearthed a scam through which the ECZ wants to help the PF win the by- election in Chilanga.

He sent a message to Justice Chulu and warned him against making ECZ the source of conflict in the country.

President Hichilema sent a message to Judge Chulu that UPND is aware of all plans to help the failed government win elections.

He said UPND will send its officials on Monday to ECZ and tell Judge Chulu to halt the scam and let elections be free and fair.

According to Mr. Hichilema, the decision by the Commission to allow elections agents to vote in the coming by elections was not communicated to stakeholders because it is a plan to assist PF win elections.

President Hichilema has immediately directed his Secretary General Stephen Katuka to seek clarification from the Commission on why stakeholders were not communicated to about the 275 elections Presiding officers allowed to vote.

Mr. Hichilema suspect that the PF is confident of winning the Chilanga seat because it is banking on the 275 extra votes from the election agents which has been organised by the Commission without the knowledge of the stakeholders including and  other violent strategies.

“I am reliably informed that the agents have been given the right to vote. Perhaps, this is one of the reasons why the PF is confident of winning the Chilanga seat.” said Mr. Hichilema.
President Hichilema assured the people of Chilanga that victory for UPND is certain despite manoeuvers by the PF to steal the election.

He said all the people need to do is wake up early in the morning and cast their vote and leave the rest to him  and the party.

He said Charmaine has an upper hand over the PF candidate because she has an extra vote from the NDC and other stakeholders.

He also advised Charmaine not to be a boss for the people of Chilanga and the people of Lusaka when she wins an election but be a servant of them all.

Chilanga UPND rally
Chilanga UPND rally

And Mr. Hichilema has thanked the people of Chilanga that braved the PF threats to attend the rally organised to drum up support for its candidate Charmaine Mehl Musonda.

He said the action by the people of Chilanga shows that they are determined to vote for UPND candidate in the coming bye election. 

“To the people of Chilanga, your vote for Charmaine is a vote against poverty, corruption, hunger and other many problems you are facing. This time around we are determined to defend, protect the voters and votes from voting to the last count and anyone found playing manipulative tactics will have to appreciate the effects of denying citizens their right,” Mr. Hichilema said.

Mr. Hichilema said he was particularly happy that National Democratic Congress Consultant Chishimba Kambwili found time to join him and campaign for UPND in Chilanga.

He said with the help of NDC and others in place, the task of removing the PF from power will now be easy.

He said for a long time, the people of Zambia have been looking forward for the day when political leaders will unite to remove the clique of individuals that have caused great pain to the country.

Kambwili flashes an NDC and UPND symbol
Kambwili flashes an NDC and UPND symbol

Meanwhile, Mr. Hichilema has condemned President Edgar Lungu for signing a $500 million loan when the ZESCO only needed $350.

“If ZESCO only wanted a loan of $350 million who took the extra $150 million and why did it take the President to sign the loan which should have been signed by the Minister of Finance?’”

He urged the people of Chilanga not to vote for PF otherwise they will be endorsing suffering and the looting of public resources as already witnessed in the manner the PF was allegedly looting public funds.

Meanwhile President Hichilema disclosed that there are four other impeachment motions are waiting for President Lungu.

He said each time they reject one, another will be introduced until he is kicked out of office.

And speaking earlier UPND Vice President Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba advised the people of Chilanga to learn from their past mistakes. 

He said President Lungu told the people of Zambia that he had no vision  but the people went ahead  to vote  for him.

Dr Mwamba reminded  the crowds that together with President Hichilema they told  Zambians that Edgar Lungu has no vision and no interest in the people of Zambia.

“In fact, it was Lungu himself who confessed that he had no vision but you went ahead to vote for him. What were you trying to prove, now we are all suffering and much of our land is gone to foreigners” he said

HH with Kambwili campaigning in Chilanga
HH with Kambwili campaigning in Chilanga

And Mr. Kambwili asked not only the people of Chilanga but every Zambian to forgive him because he helped Mr. Lungu become President and this has caused so much pain to the people of Zambia. 

He said he was motivated to make Mr. Lungu President after GBM had invaded PF’s stronghold.

“To counter the influence of GBM, I had to go out of my way to counter what he had done in the PF stronghold thinking that what I was doing was good. I apologize” said Mr Kambwili.

Mr. Kambwili later explained that it was unfortunate that the people he fought for have turned out to be thieves. 

“There is a great difference between Sata and Lungu because late Sata was working for the people while Lungu is working for his pockets.”

He accused Edgar Lungu that 64 workers were dismissed from State house because they were either Tonga or Lozi. 

And Ms Charmaine Musonda Mehl speaking at the same occasion said she is humbled by the overwhelming support she has received from the party leadership and the people of Chilanga.

She said the people of Chilanga will not regret voting for her because her party has a vision for the Constituency

Ms Mehl also thanked the NDC Consultant Dr Kambwili and his party officials for the support rendered to him.


  1. Look at all those many idle people at a rally because there are no jobs and those that have one its only a roadside kantemba. Mscheew ,this backsliding PF rule is rotten.

    • Baba you have a wrong candidate for the ticket in this bye-election. A woman straight from heinously murdering a poor mother and family bread winner, without remorse you nominate her for the August house seat despite the victim’s blood still oozing and calling for justice. Only a sadist without conscience can do what you have done-Honor a murder. You want Zambians to starting calling a murder “Honorable”. You’re not serious and respective of human life.

    • When Kambanje Kaunda was acquitted of having killed Elizabeth Mwanza, moralists found it not right to keep Kambalanje anywhere closer to the public eyes as they considered it gravely wrong. To help the healing process, Kambalanje relocated to Angola where he has settled following acquittal. Its over 27 years now Kambalanje is separated from the family because of the moral burden the case brought on him.
      But to Hichilema, being a murderer is inconsequential. It is something he fights for to honor with a seat in the August House. Leadership manifests in decision made. This one of nominating a murderer is sufficient testimony at HH is a disaster.

    • The poor and terrible decisions Hichilema makes are consequences of a personality cult leadership that has zero room for objective advise but depends only on its own ego. Smart advisers could have invoked moral lesson to the case of one “Kambarage Kaunda”. The murderer Musonda whom Hichilema has shoved on his party ticket could have been avoided. Its a tall order to expect Zambian to honor a murderer with their sacred vote.

    • Senior Citizen

      Your PF are lead by a convicted fraudster , lungu who was debarred by LAZ for defrauding a widow….you celebrate a fraudster holding the keys to Zambias coffers , for PF to be preaching morality is nauseating …….that woman was cleared by the courts…..she did not hold no gun, she did not pull no trigger. Could be said she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    • This is the case of a choice between a WRONG party with a right candidate (PF), and a RIGHT party with a wrong candidate to win (UPND)

      This should be an easy choice for the elite such as my self to vote for the Right Party.

      Deranged people will look at the candidate before looking at the party- shame on you Senior Citizen and the rest.

      I hold a PhD



    • The rants on this rally sounds like it’s ecl standing fir chilanga seat and not ms langa. All the buffoons are busy taking turns insulting the wrong person leaving the contender. Most boys who approach a beautiful gurl like me such irrelevant issues of condemning the father of his rival instead of just talking about how much he loves me. This upnd is simply a party of time wasters just like boys who cant sell their manifesto to a beautiful princess. Just a reminder to them it’s ms langa and not ecl contesting chilanga seat. Ecl time will come up again in 2021.

    • Look at Senior Citizen when its articles like this where fooools are mudslinging each other …really laughable..he will come out and post excitedly but when its issues of abuse of resources he will make himself scarce.

    • Princess of Sussex

      It’s lungu preaching morality when he himself has no morals…….like if your father was a polygamist and start preaching to your boyfriend about having one wife…..

    • JayJay you are not fit to lace Senior Citizen’s laces. You talk sh1t daily compared to him. He is is someone who when he comments you pay attention and listen even if you dont agree with me. The fooool you mentioned is more you than him

    • Oscar Miyanda – that’s because I am not as gullible and clueless as you are ….you go and look in LT archives and see where these bloggers come from…

    • Oscar Miyanda – I will excuse you if you started logging on to LT website five years ago….you go and see what insults your God was pouring on the PF founder Old man Sata in the LT archives… I am not fit to lace anyone’s boots as I have principle and ethos I adhere to.

      Wake up from your stupor!!

      Just how many Mbuli CK’s party will add to your ka overzealous party. No match.

      Bola panshi.

  2. Signs of a loss?Since when are political parties consulted over ECZ elections officers? As for Kambwili, his apologies are worthless because if he had not been fired he would have kept quiet.

    • Useful id!ots like Senior Citi…. will support & recite nonsensical rhymes to ensure self-preservation by remaining relevant to their masters without any intentions or actions that uplift lives of the masses they’re supposed to be working for. They’ll go to any length to stay tinkering in fools’ paradise club.

    • I can’t put it any better than that.
      We have heard such double h lamentations prior to an election. We can safely conclude that he wants to dispute the election results.

  3. Ba Zambia do we in general vote issues ,the party or the candidate ? Find the answer and therein lies the reason for our stagnation since 1964.

  4. One of the characteristics of dogs is that they eat their vomits and never mind a female dog can have sex with the dog it gave birth to. Dogs have no conscious. So is UPND have no conscious to adopt that Jezebel the harlot. Only in UPND where such people are called honourable. The people of Chilanga think twice. The blood of that innocent man is still crying and will never cease to cry from the grave at the hands of that woman you want to call honourable. God help Zambia

    • Hehehe ati such people called honourable….your leader is a fraud convict …..where is the morality there ?

  5. The loser Hakalusa Humwine is already crying even before the vote is cast. People of Chilanga, show the people of Zambia what your opinion about about prostituting is.

  6. GBM was on point president Lungu has no vision as he put it himself in front of cameras. He has been trying to capture late president Sata’s vision but no signal. Michael Chilufya sir show your humble brother a signal, your brother is doing pretty well developing the country backwards and he is determined to make more progress in corruption, please show him a signal for a clear vision.

  7. PF can not preach morality to any one seeing the corruption scandals following lungu around…….lungu has not bothered or attempted to deny accusations that he is a corrupt theif… ba PF leave morality off the table…..

    • Ayamba kuliba even before ballot is cast.

      He is threatening police. Ecz. Churches. Op.

      This u5 doesnt understand these are institutions that make one a president yet he would rather listen to spaka

    • And lungu would rather believe the PF like ” it’s politiical” who tell him to ignore the accusations of corruption against him. That will cost lungu dearly.

    • Double h is a privatization plunderer. Morality eludes him too. So what are we left with? You’re gonna die with jealousy and envy.

  8. I will not comment on the IMMORALITY surrounding UPND and its Chilanga candidate. However, I’m concerned with HH’s persistent and pathetic strategy of blaming others for his failures. Giving unfounded assurance to his base that ‘victory for UPND is certain’ he is actually wickedly setting up ECZ to be the target to blame for his loss! This is recipe for violence and he seems to be ready to do anything for his selfish ends!!

  9. Kikikiki. Ati NDC consultant. Kuti waseka issues to do with Kambwili. When is he going to finish the of being a consultant for NDC? He is now a consultant for UPND.

  10. Ba HH you were warned about that candidate of yours Musonda. Next time please learn to listen to people’s advise ebu leader. Otherwise you have let down your supporters.

  11. Kkkkkkkkkk HH has conceded defeat already but as usual he wants to blame ECZ for his mistakes!!!UPND lost Chilanga the day they adopted a murderer Musonda!!!Kainde must just blame his arrogance.As for Kambwili,he will be embarrassed tomorrow together with HH in Chilanga.Had ECL not fired Kambwili,the frog could have been enjoying life in PF cabinet and continued calling UPND a tonga party.Kambwili can only f0ol desperate bantustans camped in UPND and not us wise majority Zambians!!

    • Ati “….Kambwili can only f0ol desperate bantustans camped in UPND and not us wise majority Zambians!!…”

      You had kambwili as your senior minister for years and years he was fooling you theives ….

    • Ba Zambia you talk too much, no wonder you don’t achieve anything, talking, bragging and insulting is the name of the game, you always busy pulling each others down! Shameful and shame on you.

  12. HH has really gotten drunk with politics. He has excuses for every single drop of rain falling on the ground. Really who is banging this candidate by UPND.

  13. UPND is dead and buried! HH knows this fact very well and as you can see at this rally, you more hands (two from one person) than people. Facts:
    1. People (UPND) form supporters are tired of one mane being the beginning and the end
    2. He has been losing 5 times consecutively and has not bothered to hold a convention for people to express themselves
    3. He has no direction, no message but illusions
    4. He blames everyone for his misjudgment in every decision he makes
    6. the are credible people who genuinely deserved to be…

  14. Why all government machineries on chilanga by election leaving issues like jobless youth and loss of employment

  15. contd
    6. the are credible people who genuinely deserved to be adopted in UPND on that ticked but Akainde Ichilema overruled them just to show and prove that UPND is his personal kantemba.
    Chilanga is only a few kilometres and a satellite of Lusaka and it therefore needs a representative that will speak and ask Government for resources to develop it. Voting for UPND will come to nothing and its only the same people of Chilanga who will continue envying others areas where development is taking place day in day out. HH is a loser and wants everyone else, especially the poor people, to continue losing out like him, so reject him, flush him out and let those children in Chilanga, Kafue, Monze, Mazabuka, Choma, Dundumezi start enjoying the benefits of Government. HH doesnt and will never care…

  16. contd
    HH is a loser and wants everyone else, especially the poor people, to continue losing out like him, so reject him, flush him out and let those children in Chilanga, Kafue, Monze, Mazabuka, Choma, Dundumezi start enjoying the benefits of Government. HH doesnt and will never care later on on bring development to those areas, its just the truth. PF and and Lungu are working and they mean business, so get on board now!!!

    • What this PF rat means is if you are not bemba or an easterner GRZ is not for you even if you pay tax….

      So people gather your numbers to reject these corrupt tribal theives in pf looting your taxes….

  17. Chilanga Voters, please don’t give PF another MP! If you do that, you will be adding to their arrogance of numbers and be ready to live by whatever harsh laws they will pass in Parliament! Just give a protest vote!

  18. Among the many reasons I don’t like HH is lack of political integrity. He called Kambwili a thief and called for his firing from government. But look at the pictures it’s like he never knew Kambwili before. Kambwili is corrupt and to use him for political advantage is a sign of not having any principles let alone morality.

    • Ndanji

      Look at your own PF , siliti siliya insulted sata like a small boy and lusambo nearly manhandled sata yet today they lead PF from the front……strange world we live in

  19. Those thousands of people since the first Post-independence rally is wasted human resource. How many years of development and profitable work have we lost since Zambia became independent?

    We need to rethink electioneering and we need to innovate job creation, even if it was people working for themselves so as to feed themselves and their families. Yes? No?

  20. Charmine has really used her charm on HH. He is always smiling nowadays. Meanwhile Mutinta is dwiii.

  21. HH is just a cry baby all the time, always finding excuses of when he looses. You can not field a b1tch and expect to win an election, this guy is very dull mwee, even the people with him are literally dull. Do you expect the people of Chilanga to vote for a ka B1cth and a muderer? Lets not take people fr fools or for granted iwee. I will be dead shocked if the people of Chilanga votes for that ULEE……even Keith can be shocked. Lets be serious with what we do you kacheemas. When are you ever going to grow up

  22. Why is hh kachema crying olred? I thought engaging a so called consultant from ndc in the name of Mr ebu chishimba kabwili, life was going to be different. Anyway,us Zambians are used to hh kachema crying all the time.

  23. “Wina anamwarira, wina ari mu prison, inde ndiri free. Winangu (chairman mu Chilanga anagona too!)” Musonda. Ladies and Gentlemen in Chilanga vote for a morally upright person. I know UPND works very hard, I mean sacrifices a lot.

  24. Insoni ebuntu teti ba UPND win in chilanga with that killer of a woman who has contributed to Mukatas problem

    • Mukatas problems in sex and libido. Let him rest it in jail….no conjugal rights there.kuchays fye golf. Lwakwe he deserves it

  25. Ba HH you’re not the only leader we have don’t create unnecessary threats, if you are going to rule this Nation the is no quarrel about that. We have seen election since 1991 under ECZ Where were you? “Mushebwa ile na shisha kubuko”. Uwa kwebele ifwa ikwanko muntashi. Change your game plan, put you HQ in Kitwe.

  26. Kkkkkkkkkk …….Kainde …ati “why is PF confident about winning in Chilanga?”only a dull person could ask such a childish question.So you want PF to say “we will lose in Chilanga?”kkkkkkkkk…i wonder how HH managed to get his degree from UNZA because the nigga does not sound like a graduate.His reasoning is pathetic to say the least!!!
    Moreover,HH’s statements about rigging elections put off his voters as they stay home than go to waste time voting in an election which ECZ would rig in favour of PF!!Who advises HH kansi?AM PRETTY SURE THAT PF WILL GRAB CHILANGA SEAT FROM UPND TOMORROW BECAUSE A LOT OF WOMEN(VOTERS) WONT VOTE FOR A MURDERER AND HUSBAND STARCHER MEL MUSONDA!!

    • Tell kainde that its not about tribe, violence, business nor insinuations but good policies.


  28. Smiling like rotten Katuba melons for votes!!

    Can’t wait for the smirks to be wiped out after 24 hours.

  29. Cry baby…..just reminded us how much he hates Nsengas. Remember how h.h insulted Esau Chulu in 2016?

  30. Pf is loosing primarily because of Edgars’ very poor performance at helm of party. If his MPs dont wake up they are going with him. Learn to recognise a liability.

  31. #40 Kim, the trouble remains that there is no viable alternative currently. upnd is directionless as per EIU and h.h remains dead and hugely toxic as a contender long after and because he was annointed in 2006 to lead what was described as a tonga only party.

  32. So essentially h.h is announcing an election petition in court even before the election takes place. Why? Did he promise too much to Keith Mukata’s concubine?

    Just hope that he will petition himself if he wins today! …….Kikikikikiki

  33. Finally the die is cast & all eyes & ears r on Chilanga .Iam sure the pipo of Chilanga hav decided & we jst await 2 c their decision .However 2 start crying foul & raising threats against an institution lyk ecz is not gud. Let us wait & c. Thank God there has not bn maningi violence. We jst hop 4 once losers will congratulate the winner. Thts maturity !

  34. Now my big brother HH has lost it. How can we end violence like when he is busy inciting cadres to rebel against ECZ. I am surprised that he has now realized UPND can’t win in Chilanga and this is due to bad decision making by HH and his team. How can the the chose a prostitute/murderer for MP! How can HH now become a Sangoma suddenly? This man will run mad one day due to his obsession with power.

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