Wednesday, February 5, 2025

PF calls for disbandment FIC board and dismissal of its Director General Mary Tshuma


Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) director-general Mary Tshuma
Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) director-general Mary Tshuma

Patriotic Front Deputy Media Director Antonio Mwanza has called for the disbandment of the board of the Financial Intelligence Center (FIC) and the dismissal of its Director General Mary Tshuma.

Mr. Mwanza argued that by publishing intelligence information in breach of the FIC Act Ms. Tshuma and her board, have abused the Authority of Office and misconduct themselves professionally, adding that Ms. Tshuma must in fact be reported to law enforcement agencies for Abuse of Authority of Office and professional misconduct, which included calling for a conference to divulge intelligence information to the public.

Mr. Mwanza said that FIC was the creation of government which has the duty to receive information from financial institution and make recommendation to Government for action and not to release to the public.

Mr. Mwanza said that the information released by the FIC is not actionable in the courts because they are based on rumors and suspicion.

“The information received by the FIC should not have been taken to the public but the government with specifications on the finding.”

Mr. Mwanza claimed that the action by the FIC is an act of abuse and profession misconduct.

“For this reason, we call the board to be disbanded for failing to honor it’s job and it’s director must be taken to court to answer charges for professional misconduct.”

Mr. Mwanza added that FIC Director General not only alarmed the public offenders but also made the fight against Corruption difficult, adding that it was wrong to suggest that the $4.5 million stolen when there is no proof the money was stolen.

Mr. Mwanza said the PF has put practical measure to fight corruption and has signed a law that will make the Auditor General to report directly officials that are linked to crime


  1. Y pf is not happy I dont know. But then why issue press statements? Pf is the boma, if they are not happy with these directors kubafumiapo quickly quickly. Chapwa. Let them go & focus on their marriages so

    • PF wants to continue stealing our money, and abusing authority, uninterrupted.

      They want the wheels of corruption to continue spinning.

      Fortunately, the people are waking up to the fact that thieves have infested state house.

    • Then fire the attorney general as well how come he never stopped this or advised FIC not to go ahead with it when he and other government officials were invited to this presentation? Somehow Antonio Mwanza and rest of the PF seem to be more knowledgeable at law than the attorney General. PF are not a party to appeal to any sane mind they are not at all concerned about the abuse of public resources issued by FIC…..Antonio is so oblivious to the cancer that he was fighting that it is now well entrenched in him

    • Where is that name from? Tshuma? I will not be surprised if these b a f o o n s will not be baying for her deportation soon.

    • When I tell you PF is a Den of thieves, you refuse & call me names.

      Their mission is to enrich themselves before 2022 when EURO-Bond repayment Armageddon befalls our poor country. But what they don’t know is that even if you steal billions, as long as the citizens are poor, that money won’t last long.

      Show me a single politician thief from the 1990’s who still has money. Where’s Mandandi, Where’s Liato, where are RB’s sons, Where’s Machungwa, Where’s Katele Kalumba, Where’s Xavier Chungu, Where’s Stella Chibanda, Where’s Remmy Mushota who stole billions in trunks? They are all finished or even dead.

      This week chi mudala chi RB bought trucks using his stolen loot.

      FTJ’s druggie son was jailed last week for stealing a cell-phone.

    • I read part of this report, not all of it because I didn’t have the time, but I liked the fact that FIC exists. I personally think disbanding it would be a terrible mistake for the following four reasons:

      1. Revealing cases of tax evasion is of paramount importance and of great value to GRZ’s revenue. Such revelations are a boost as a deterrent to current and would be evaders’ impetus to do the right thing ~ this has enormous benefits for the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise and I see nothing wrong with it.

      2. Potentially being able to pinpoint possible cases of corruption, by which parties using what mechanisms for whose detriment is like shining light in the darkness. This has great potential as a deterrent to current and would be corrupt practices ~ this has enormous…

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      2. Potentially being able to pinpoint possible cases of corruption, by which parties using what mechanisms for whose detriment is like shining light in the darkness. This has great potential as a deterrent to current and would be corrupt practices ~ this has enormous benefits to the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise and I see nothing wrong with it.

      3. Such revelations should help facilitate the work of appropriate agencies in prosecuting offenders as well as making such agencies more credible in their work ~ this has enormous benefits to the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise and I see nothing wrong with it.

      4. The FIC Report and its findings can be cited by the Executive as one credible was GRZ is committed to fighting corruption. Such potency is so lethal…

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      4. The FIC Report and its findings can be cited by the Executive as one credible was GRZ is committed to fighting corruption. Such potency is so lethal it would make detractors to stop issuing unfounded statements while helping the citizenry to build confidence in the fact that government officials are committed to the fight against corruption with zero tolerance to this scourge ~ that’s a good thing for the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise and I see nothing wrong with it.

      Now, did the current Director General err in the dissemination of such information? Hell yes, and she should be fired for that because it’s more like the FBI giving all the findings about a foreign adversary meddling in US elections to the public before appropriate authorities are notified using…

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      Now, did the current Director General err in the dissemination of such information? Hell yes, and she should be fired for that because it’s more like the FBI giving all the findings about a foreign adversary meddling in US elections to the public before appropriate authorities are notified using proper levers of justice.

      Also quantitatively, the FIC report seemed to not completely reveal proper/correct data to qualitatively qualify some of the claims which in itself is a serious flaw. Such issues can be improved upon and the collection of data can be more precise so as to lend proper credence to matters but that should not be a calling card to having it dissolved.

      So, unless the intention for the PF is to encourage tax evasion, be oblivious to corrupt practices as…

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      So, unless the intention for the PF is to encourage tax evasion, be oblivious to corrupt practices as accomplices, great a perception that they are all talk and no show to combat such vices, not create proper enforcement mechanisms for evaders and corrupt individuals/corporations, etc. then abolishing the FIC is what the intended goal should.

      And by doing so, they would be sending wrong signals to perpetrators of these injustices however powerful. Otherwise, keep it in place, strength it because this FIC has more net benefits for the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise than it has demerits hands down.

      Zambia Is Greater Than Any Single One Of Us; PF notwithstanding ~ B R Mumba, Sr

    • Meant to say … “create” a perception that they are all talk and no show to combat such vices” not “great a perception”

      Sorry about that …

    • Meant to say … 4. The FIC Report and its findings can be cited by the Executive as one credible “way” GRZ is committed to fighting corruption.

      Sorry about that too …

    • Abena Analyser … I am blessed to have the ability to speed read. I can read a 300 page book in one day or less. This is only a 37 page report. I read as much as I could but I am intellectually honest here to let you know I didn’t have time to finish it.

      From what I read, I can tell and write as much as I have objectively here on this forum.

      Have a blessed day … and sancho mukwai.

    • This is ludicrous. Why the outrage over the fact that the information was made public instead of the substance of the information? This is a typical corrupt response right here. The public deserves to know what’s going on with their money, since they’re the ones who pay taxes. How can you say the public wasn’t supposed to know? At what stage was the public supposed to be informed? How many corrupt cases have you tried to sweep under the rug? What’s the guarantee that the public was ever going to be told about this? And why call for the firing of people who are trying to hold crooks, and corrupt people accountable? Why? There’s only one possible reason. It’s because you don’t want to be held accountable for your corruption. That’s why. You’re the ones who need to get fired. So…

    • (Continued)… far, Lungu and his PF gang only show shocking incompetence, gross mismanagement of the country’s meager resources, and unbridled corruption. They all need to be investigated thoroughly and held accountable.

    • BR mumba

      I think the people who leaked that report care more for Zambia than any of us……they know if that report is passed on to state house it will never see the light of day, it will be burried. Simple.

      People who move and sell mukula logs in the dead of night when every one else is asleep , people who sign secretly $500 million zesco loans without the nation knowing ? You think those people want you to see anything else ?

      Com-on , we are not children.

    • Really laughable …reading JUNIOR’s post above its like watching a circus clown attempting a balance act with tubs of strawberry jelly on both hands on a Unicycle.

    • This is the selfsame Antonio Mwanza who published the MP’s allowances and salaries two years ago even stating that we had they right to know as stakeholders; this is no different as FIC merely published trends of 2017 …I really detest people who have no principles ….I told you PF will destroy this young lady through smear, crook or worse and will not sleep till this organisation is COMPLETELY destroyed as they are evil thieves all after STATE CAPTURE…we need people like Mary Tshuma in these organisations.

    • This is the selfsame Antonio Mwanza who published the MP’s allowances and salaries two years ago even stating that we had they right to know as stakeholders; this is no different as FIC merely published trends of 2017 …I really detest people who have no principles ….

    • Page 36 Suggestions from FIC:

      i. Legislation should be reviewed to criminalise the holding of cash above specified limits by individuals.
      ii. Zambia should consider a limit beyond which you cannot transact in cash. This is already practiced in some countries.
      iii. The country should consider adopting technology that enables and integrates identity documentation with e-payment systems.
      iv. Government should consider a differentiated tax regime, where cash based payments attract higher taxes. This would be the “Cash tax”.
      v. All Zambian residents, as defined by the Income Tax Act, should complete an annual income tax return.

      I like all of the above with an exception of i) because certain business are cash intensive and there should be exceptions for those.

    • On Tax Evasion the FIC Report recommends the following:

      i. The Development of a General Anti-Avoidance Rule (GAAR) to deter abusive tax avoidance by international corporations and foreign work permit holders
      ii. Compliance with the arms-length principle which is core in the analysis of intercompany transactions and must be defined precisely in the Zambian legislation. It will entail transparency on the part of multinationals’ internal rules and policies.
      iii. The review of current and prospective tax treaties and bringing current treaties in line with OECD guidelines

      I like all of the above and why would you want to dissolve something with such constructive minds behind it … you have to enhance it, make it stronger and even more efficient.

      That’s what I would do if I was CEO…

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      That’s what I would do if I was CEO & President of this corporation called the Zambian Enterprise … tax evasion restricts my inflows, thereby limiting my cash flow inevitably affecting my gross income (GDP) by under-reporting my production capacity while affecting my total goods and services reported annually thereby affecting the true value of my shares.

      Why would I let go of such a superior tool whose ability is to identify bottlenecks in my operations is a net benefit to the enterprise?

    • PF is a political party. This institution should have been under parliament and protected by a sound governanace law that seeks to protect Zambia’s resources irrespective of the government. This Mwanza chap has lost his morals. Who ever told him Zambia money belongs to PF or those misusing it. Please allow the iron lady to inform the public not our useless chief justice who can’t tell the truth or ensure the constitution is not breached.

    • Only guilty thieves would suggest disbanding the Financial Intelligence because the public is getting to know how corrupt PF is. Why should a normal person get offended for having people stealing with imputy? Its a shame to to have cadres carrying Zambian flag on our government vehiecles who are thieves masquarading as ministers. It is an insult to refer to some of those thieves as honourables, what makes them honourable anyway, is corruption, is it incompetence or is it because they are good at throwing stones and fights?

  2. I saw this one coming. Took a little bit longer than i expected but here it comes. The act of trying to do the good in a wrong way. Now it’s her to be face the courts.

    • I think we are missing the point here. The problem or concern Govt has is that RAW INTELLIGENCE DATA should not be released to the public in form and manner the FIC did on this occasion. Immagine you are one of the subjects of this UNVERIFIED and UNCOROBORATED data/report. It can ruine you or your business.

      And that’s the danger of releasing FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE (or any intelligence info for that matter) before appropriate follow-ups or investigations are undertaken or done. Because, like what Mr. Mwanza has stated, raw intelligence can be based on so many factors, including RUMORS, SPECULATIONS and mere SUSPICIONS. Which, by themselves, does not necessarily mean a crime occurred or was committed. And my understanding is that FIC is only suppose to collect or receive this kind of…

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      data/info and pass it on to rightful enforcement wings to follow-up, verify, tie up any lose ends, recommend arrests if necessary, and prosecute where possible. I suppose that’s how FIC was invisioned to work. Not to simply gather raw data and release it to the public. Mind you, releasing such data is likely to tip off potential suspects hence making it very difficult to prosecute them in Court….which is the ultimate goal of all of this.

      In our quest to combat corruption, it is equally important that we don’t loose sight of the fact that INOCENT LIVES and BUSINESSES can be ruined if we are careless with RAW FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE DATA. So, let us not just simply dismiss the concerns of the Govt on this issue.

      Nonetheless, like @B.R. Mumba Sr. and others have…

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      stated, disbanding FIC will be a terrible mistake. Strengthening it’s weaknesses and displining/firing erring officers is the right way to go.

    • On Tax Evasion the FIC Report recommends the following:

      i. The Development of a General Anti-Avoidance Rule (GAAR) to deter abusive tax avoidance by international corporations and foreign work permit holders
      ii. Compliance with the arms-length principle which is core in the analysis of intercompany transactions and must be defined precisely in the Zambian legislation. It will entail transparency on the part of multinationals’ internal rules and policies.
      iii. The review of current and prospective tax treaties and bringing current treaties in line with OECD guidelines

      I like all of the above and why would you want to dissolve something with such constructive minds behind it … you have to enhance it, make it stronger and even more efficient.

      That’s what I would do if I was CEO…

    • What raw intelligence data are you alluding to? Really laughable ..writing paragraph after paragraph yet beating about the bush and contradicting themselves!!

    • @Jay Jay, this is the problem with dimwits like you….you lack sober analysis and instead resort to unnecessary spouting off without really saying anything useful. If you read what others, other than Mwanza, have said about what FIC has done is without concern and probably outside their mandate. By the way, here is what the Finish ambassador said about this:

      “Mr. Olkkonen Stated that law enforcement agencies have an obligation and responsibility to follow up the revelations contained in the FIC report.”

      And here is what Minister Dora Siliya said:

      “Government says the Financial Intelligence Centre has broken internal communication channels by availing to the public information that was first supposed to be reported to government and law enforcement agencies…Dora Siliya…

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      explained that the information gathered by the FIC is intelligence information which can be regarded as rumors which is why it is first supposed to be reported to law enforcement agencies such as the ACC,DEC and the Police for further investigations, verifications and prosecution.”

      Now, why would folow-up by law enforcement agencies be necessary if a FIC report is considered definitive and final? Why not just give it to the Police for arrests and consequently prosecutions?

      You see, with you this is how things should work (unless of course it is you caught up in it) without safeguards whatsoever for the people who might not, in the final analysis, even be guilty of any financial crimes. Does BANANA REPUBLIC form of Justice mean anything too you? You may not like the…

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      PF and it’s Govt, but for the LOVE OF GOD, we can at least agree that publishing unverified financial “crimes” with the potential to destroy people’s lives and reputations is in nobody’s interest

    • @ Yambayamba

      Blabbing by the certified thieving h00ker has more weight than Act of Parliament? Read the Act and try to understand ORIGINS of “RAW DATA” before commenting you arse licking and D!ck sucking PF parasite

    • What sober analysis …this is a straight forward issue no need for sugarcoating with long paragraphs of need for tea breaks with biscuits …the only reason you are in bed with PF is the MMD element of RB (and his ministers)same with Senior Citizen can hoodwink new bloggers but not me.

    • Antonio Mwanza is not being honest with himself, in trying to show his relevance to his benefactors he is now saying things that are only in the best interest of criminals. We used to respect this man but from the time he stated eating from the Pf, he now talks on behalf of his belly. We are so disappointed with Antonio, so this is what is called politics of the belly, sebena wikute.

  3. The guilty are afraid. Year after year even reports from the Auditor General’s office show massive theft and misappropriation of funds. When are the culprits going to be punished with this government attitude of shutting everyone up who reveals the on-goings? The fact of the matter is also that we have a population that buries its heads in the sand, an opposition that does not address the real issues, an impotent Parliament and a toothless selfish civil society.

  4. This is the selfsame Antonio Mwanza who published the MP’s allowances and salaries two years ago even stating that they had they right to know …I detest people who have no principles ….I told you PF will destroy this young lady through smear, crook or worse and will not sleep till this organisation is COMPLETELY destroyed as they are evil thieves all after STATE CAPTURE…we need people like Mary Tshuma in these organisations.
    Zambians WAKE UP from your DOCILITY!!!!

  5. Majority of ZAMBIAN’S believe P.F is doing a great Job, & taking Zambia in the right direction.
    Majority of Zambians endorse the corruption, mismanagement of resources, so let’s roll.
    Zambia is currently a free for all to r@p3 as long as one is in the ruling party, & a country where the righteous like Tsuma are persecuted, & harassed, & the sinister like Kaizer, & Chimpyongo are celebrated as heroes.
    Only in Zambia.

  6. One Day these wrongs will be corrected.Which rumours, kanshi.This country is in trouble…no mercy.If these are unverified reports why are the same people worried?

  7. To clam the public Instead of saying GRZ will investigate the reports PF are now seeking vengeance for being exposed.

    Lungu is a corrupt theif and would do anything to make corruption and stealing look normal part of life.

    Lungu is a corrupt theif. The only problem lungu faces is there is not enough money to corrupt and bribe every Zambian and those that are missing out on the looting will always spill the beans……

    • Abena Spaka … you are mostly objective and even if you and I differ ideologically I sometimes agree with you. But calling the President a corrupt thief is getting to be a tiring tactic of yours. Sometimes, I just think that you end up fighting wrong wars which is really disappointing because you have a higher IQ than Jay Jay.

      I think your focus here should giving reasons why you think the dissolution of FIC is wrong. For instance, the report’s findings of “Suspected Offence” and “Estimated loss” of Tax Evasion @K3.9 Billion is the lion’s share compared to Corruption @K500 Million, Money Laundering @K90.5 Million, Fraud @K3 Million.

      If these findings are true, K3.9 Billion is a lot of pocket change that all well meaning people, the President included should be up in arms…

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      If these findings are true, K3.9 Billion is a lot of pocket change that all well meaning people, the President included should be up in arms about!!! That’ money owed to you and me by these companies operating locally that would be prosecuted immediately if allegations are true.

      Now if such be real and true, why on God’s earth would Antonio be shouting for a dissolution of such an important enterprise that just brought that to light?? We should all instead be saying, wow!!!! Let’s get the culprits and get our money!!!

      As a UNIPist, I have my own blind spots, PF have their blind spots but together we see where others can’t and as a civilized society, we respectfully let the other colleagues know what they are missing that we can correct together in a bi-partisan…

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      That’ money owed to you and me by these companies operating locally that would be prosecuted immediately if allegations are true.

      Now if such be real and true, why on God’s earth would Antonio be shouting for a dissolution of such an important enterprise that just brought that to light?? We should all instead be saying, wow!!!! Let’s get the culprits and get our money!!!

      As a UNIPist, I have my own blind spots, PF have their blind spots but together we see where others can’t and as a civilized society, we respectfully let the other colleagues know what they are missing that we can correct together in a bi-partisan way to move Zambia to the next level.

      As a UNIPist, I am totally against disbanding FIC … if anything, I now want it strengthened so that we can…

    • BR mumba

      Lungu does not refuse that he is a corrupt theif …..every one calls him a corrupt theif every day and I would expect the holder of the highest office of integrity in Zambia to rebutt those accusations…..not you to say he is not a corrupt theif when he himself does not deny this…

      As for the FIC leakes, again I and the nation would have expected lungu to address the nation and say something but all we get is silence….

    • Abena Spaka … axiomatic and rightly so!!! I am sure you have read my blogs where I have asked ECL to both exonerate himself and/or fire the purported advisors linked to this scourge. If there’s one thing that will always be a blind spot of his, it is his inability to do so.

      But I have also discovered Lungu’s strength lies in ignoring something he considers baseless (iminsula mu chi Bemba). There has never been a President in our history who has been insulted like ECL before. But he keeps going. How by iminsula a kwata.

      Don’t you think you need to change your strategy if you want him to do what you want. If you have employees who does not seem to get your grip, don’t you always change methodologies to drive the point across? Same thing here, ECL is your employee.

      You hired…

    • Continued…

      You hired him to run this country on your behalf, you must be a very bad employer if you can’t get your point across and all you can do now is wait for that employment to expire (next elections) while all the more just call your employee “corrupt thief”.

      Think about that for a second!!! Who is running this company??? Is it you or your employees??? Do you know how many policies have been put in place through such advocacy?? That’s how we run this country … I am tired of running it alone, come run Zambia with me.

      Let your blogging change this country for the better … you owe it to yourself, it is your birthright and all the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise deserve better from a smart guy like yourself.

      I rest my case …

    • BR mumba

      I will write one word…..” integrity”

      The highest office of the land should use “integrity ” as it’s guiding principle in ruling our country. Without which everything starts to fall apart.

    • Abena Spaka … I have said it before and I will say it one more time. Throw your hat in the ring and I will support you or better yet before you do that, teach them how to use “integrity” as a governing principle but you can only do so in an amicable way.

      Integrity should go both ways, you should show integrity in the way you want to communicate to ECL and I guarantee you, he will respond with integrity back at you. Know that State House reads your comments here and they have an opinion of you.

      Their reactions and responses depend on what your input is … remember 8th Grade Physics? To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction? Same thing applies here, mate.


    • BR….

      We patriotic Zambians have asked mr lungu to show some brutality in improving the economy , one such cry has been to pass an SI for all GRZ uniforms to be made in Zambia using Zambian cotton.

      Some transgressions can be left to be delt with another day as long as we see single minded clever approach to restarting Zambian industries like the textile industry.
      Paul kigame is an example of how certain transgressions can be left to be delt with later as long as we the patriots see our people getting jobs to produce for the Zambian market like how Rwanda is providing employment.
      But with lungu we are not seeing this….we are seeing foreigners getting a foothold.

  8. Hey ba Senior Citizen and B R Mumba, can you please be intelligent just for once, protest and protect FIC and its leader Tshuma for transparency. You are smarter than Mwanza, he is being a cadre as he has always been.
    PF wants to hide its pilferage and criminal activities bankrupting the nation. It’s time you showed that you are for real.

      Cadres like B.R Mumba, & Senior Citizen have ceased thinking rationally, & only see wrong if the wrongdoers are NOT Bemba’s or Nyanja’s
      Before you P.F goons begin to froth @ the mouth, alleging i’m one disgruntled Bantu botatwe, Bembas are actually my tribal cousins, BUT I still see wrong in this whole so called dishonest thieving P.F, Zambian Enterprise.

  9. Why is PF as a party so concerned about FIC internal communications matter? Why is this party so bent on controlling everything and everyone? What does PF have to do with matters of the ministry of finance? How does Mwanza get concerned with FIC establishment and its core values? How and why does PF want it gone? Are we another despotic nation where protecting criminality is the all essence of party politics?

  10. No one in his or her right senses can call for the disbandment of the FIC, there are international protocols that led to the creation of FIUs in all Nations around the world. We should resist this criminal mentality of destroying anyone and anything that stands in the way. Only criminals have that mentality.

  11. Ba Antonio Mwanza nabo???? Insala ibi mweee! Stop embarrassing yourself in this manner. Which law bars her from disseminating FIC reports to the public? Which specific provision of Section 5 of the FIC Act was breached? Which law enforcement agency would arrest her for committing a fictitious breach? Which one? ACC using which provision of ACC Act? ZP using which provision of the Penal Code? So disgusting mweeeeee! I am reminded of unwarranted and clueless attacks Linda Kasonde went through from PF cadres like Antonio when she was LAZ President. Madam Tshuma and the Board, please don’t be shaken an inch. Remain resolute.The whole nation is behind you. You will be vindicated one day! It is a matter of time.

  12. Lungu just took the presidency to steal and enrich himself…..that is why he does not offer and leadership in the fight against corruption and stealing.

    Not one press comference to publicly address the myriad and dizzying array of corruption allegations against him.

    As a matter of fact being labeled a corrupt theif does not bother him , the only thing that bothered him was being called Zambias richest man.

  13. Antonio mwanza is a perfect example of potential without purpose,he was on top of his class in high school and varsity but he fails dismally on practical and moral issues.How does he expect the pf to be addressed in a whispering tone on issues of theft/corruption yet positive criticism by civil society and the opposition is shot down with the loudest of tones and whistle blowers are vilified and vuvuzelas like Antonio are trigger happy without biased thought.

  14. Iwe Antonio talk to the attorney general not that innocent mumba,senior citizen ,sharon & mushota wakeup

    • Ba ireenbanda no comment from madam mushota! She is rewriting her PhD. Sharon na lepula! Smart Zambia Enterprise trading as BR Mumba still walking(nika Johnny Walker!

    • Abena Keleni fimo fimo … to the contrary. Read my comments to Spaka above and I continued here what I wanted to say to Spaka @7.2. Continued…

      That’s money owed to you and me by these companies operating locally that would be prosecuted immediately if allegations are true.

      Now if such be real and true, why on God’s earth would Antonio be shouting for a dissolution of such an important enterprise that just brought that to light?? We should all instead be saying, wow!!!! Let’s get the culprits and get our money!!!

      As a UNIP, I have my own blind spots, PF have their blind spots but together we see where others can’t and as a civilized society, we respectfully let the other colleagues know what they are missing that we can correct together in a bi-partisan way to move Zambia…

    • Mama Ireen … Read my comments to Spaka above and I continued here what I wanted to say to Spaka @7.2. Continued…

      That’s money owed to you and me by these companies operating locally that would be prosecuted immediately if allegations are true.

      Now if such be real and true, why on God’s earth would Antonio be shouting for a dissolution of such an important enterprise that just brought that to light?? We should all instead be saying, wow!!!! Let’s get the culprits and get our money!!!

      As a UNIP, I have my own blind spots, PF have their blind spots but together we see where others can’t and as a civilized society, we respectfully let the other colleagues know what they are missing that we can correct together in a bi-partisan way to move Zambia to the next level.

      As a…

    • Mama Ireen … Read my comments above and I continued here what I wanted to say @7.2. Continued…

      That’s money owed to you and me by these companies operating locally that would be prosecuted immediately if allegations are true.

      Now if such be real and true, why on earth would Antonio be shouting for a dissolution of such an important enterprise that just brought that to light?? We should all instead be saying, wow!!!! Let’s get the culprits and get our money!!!

    • Mama Ireen … As a UNIP, I have my own blind spots, PF have their blind spots but together we see where others can’t and as a civilized society, we respectfully let the other colleagues know what they are missing that we can correct together in a bi-partisan way to move Zambia to the next level.

      As a UNIP, I am totally against disbanding FIC … if anything, I now want it strengthened so that we can collectively use it in an objective way to recover potential losses for the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise but I am not calling anybody names while I am at.

  15. Intelligence intel is not for the media the FIC was wrong for doing what it did. They are a danger to this country.the intel they let out to the public was meant for law enforcement agents for them to use for further investigations so has to bring those found wanting to book. Sad thing is everything in our country now is politics ,when are we going to call a spade a spade?

    • What law enforment agents to further investigate ? have those same enforcement agents investigated any abuse as highlighted in the AGs reports ? Nothing. Report after report highlighting abuse. FIC most likely knew nothing will be done anyway.

  16. Twalafilila munsenga – is the behavior being exhibited by PF thieves! They know they are guilty as charged but they know very well the consequences of losing power! They will fight like a park of wolves to their death to defend their loot! The only force that can work against PF is Zambians themselves especially when the economy starts to bite! PF won’t go down without a fight! They have no conscious of right and wrong!

  17. Mwanza should go back to Nawakwi. This guy is hopeless just like his chicken voice. Corruption should and must be reported.

    Mwanza go back to Nawakwi. Even your voice and your English is terrible. Hopeless Mwanza.

  18. Now that the noose is closing in the technicalities are being advanced above the revelation. Now I see why even Snowden is holed up in Russia – whenever a truth comes out legalese starts trending. For a country that is glaringly being robbed day and night (they even switch on the lights to steal at night so they can be “seen” to be stealing still) it is very sad that we are worrying about procedures instead of looking at the gravity of the facts before us.

  19. Another loose cannon, PF can’t you find reasonably mature men and women to run your PR and as advisors to the President? These Amos Chanda, Sunday Chanda, Kaiser Zulu, Antonio Mwanza and even Bowman Lusambo – all loose immature young cockroaches, no grey matter in those heads.

  20. B.R Mumba always giving us toxic economics advise ,its all unworkable and unproven that’s why Zambia will always be poor because of such misguided “experts” like BR Mumba.

  21. Its the first time I have seen Mumba Sr posting sensible things, maybe he took! the right medication this time!

    • Abena Njangwamuloty … no medications necessary, mate!!! No worries there … My neurons are always firing at optimal capacity and I am not a partisan unlike others.

      I am a true patriot, a true and real Zambian/American first, a UNIPist second, a businessman third and the rest you can add in between.

      Talk to Jay Jay or should I say Gay Gay about medications and/or his Malawian Gold, not BRM … Sancho!!!

    • The country has gone to the dogs …KZ can ra*pe your daughter today and he will not see a day in a prison cell..its complete State Capture, no separation of powers!!

    • Ba The 13th Disciple … there two kinds of people in this world. They are those that watch things happen and those that make things happen. Let’s change the world together …

      If judges are getting brides and you are just watching, ain’t you brave enough to be part of crew that would make things happen among the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise?

      Declare a cause to live for and let your blogging be that channel … because Zambia Is Greater Than Any Single One Of Us ~ B R Mumba, Sr.

  22. B R Mumba is becoming the new Mushota. Please sir/madam get some time off and do something constructive. I do agree with you on protecting FIC but Lungu is not presidential material and accidently found himself in the worng position. We need the late Levy type to champion corruption

    • Abena Chama … that kite ain’t built to fly. I am way more constructive than you and I can tell. I blog for fun and I am not becoming anybody else other than myself. I will always be me.

      I can already tell you are another simpleton as those with gravitas know that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happens to us all.

      More than a century ago, Louis Pasteur said, “Chance favors only the prepared mind.” By this he meant that sudden flashes of insight don’t just happen— they are the products of preparation. Preparation, therefore, is the key to a successful and fulfilling career.

      If ECL happened to be President by chance, he was at least prepared and at the right place at the…

    • Continued…

      If ECL happened to be President by chance, he was at least prepared and at the right place at the right time. Let’s talk about you!!! What has time and chance brought for you Ba Chama over there in Canada? Please advise … and if for some reason you are not self-actualized, it is because you have not been prepared at all.

      Levy is no champion of corruption and don’t get me started on that. His own ascendance to the Presidency was a product of corruption. Awaken at night by one FTJ ~ the most corrupt president the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise ever had.

      Had they gone to the convention, Levy would not have been President, MCS would not have left the MMD to start PF because he would have won the election to succeed FTJ in 2001.

    • Continued…

      Had they gone to the convention, Levy would not have been President, MCS would not have left the MMD to start PF because he would have won the election to succeed FTJ in 2001. In other words, Levy was another corrupt leader whose corrupt ascendance to the presidency delayed MCS’ ascendance to power.

      Get your facts straight before mentioning my name next time around … Sancho!

  23. Continued…

    If ECL happened to be President by chance, he was at least prepared and at the right place at the right time. Let’s talk about you!!! What has time and chance brought for you Ba Chama over there in Canada? Please advise … and if for some reason you are not self-actualized, it is because you have not been prepared at all.

    Levy is no champion of corruption and don’t get me started on that. His own ascendance to the Presidency was a product of corruption. Awaken at night by one FTJ ~ the most corrupt president the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise ever had.

    Had they gone to the convention, Levy would not have been President, MCS would not have left the MMD to start PF because he would have won the election to succeed FTJ in 2001. In other words, Levy was…

  24. Continued…

    Had they gone to the convention, Levy would not have been President, MCS would not have left the MMD to start PF because he would have won the election to succeed FTJ in 2001. In other words, Levy was another corrupt leader whose corrupt ascendance to the presidency delayed MCS’ ascendance to power.

    Get your facts straight before mentioning my name next time around … Sancho!

  25. kwena kapuba aka ka MWANZA i have even failed to comment on his comments , honestly a sane person can say what he said about FIC , he is protecting criminals , i would rather call a criminal as well cause the President and his minions are criminals in Zambia . anyway insala yalishupa

  26. Is this not the same Anthonio Mwanza who released the payslip of an MP on social media and was made to apologize on the floor of the House? I stand to be corrected. What hypocrisy is this?

  27. Zambians and reading…! Yaba..! Sometimes you hear that Zambians have a bad reading culture, and you think it means not reading at all.

    Recently I have noticed that even when they read, the comprehension of what they read leaves much to be desired. Or is it that we want to comment too quickly?

    The headline says “disband the BOARD” not the FIC as an institution, and the story detail clarfies that, but everyone above is talking about disbanding FIC shuwa?

    The BOARD, is the men and women charged with the responsibility of supervising the operations of the institution.

    Coming to the substance, The board chaired by the Attorney General must explain why they sanctioned the release of that report to the public, and dissolved if found culpable, meaning a new Attorney General has…

    • C’td.

      Coming to the substance, The board chaired by the Attorney General must explain why they sanctioned the release of that report to the public, and dissolved if found culpable, meaning a new Attorney General has to be appointed as the act Specifies the composition of the Board.

      Mary should be spared, unless she acted against the board’s instructions

  28. I think the FIC is nothing but a pointer to cases of corruption, tax evasion n money laundering. It points out areas which law enforcement agencies must look out for crimes. So this report narrows the crime search grid in my view. Instead of rushing to disband n prosecute it’s director general, it would be prudent of govt to ask for details that were withheld from the public eyes in the report. Action by govt against the agency must be based on the detailed report which FIC must submit. Rushing to condemn is in itself another pointer to a potential problem.

  29. But what is wrong with releasing the report of the FIC to the public? Isn’t public funds that are misappropriated? Taxpayers deserve to know how their hard-earned cash is utilized

  30. People, help me to understand this, if you are a director in a company, you ask auditors to audit your accounts department and they find unexplainable transaction,Do You Report to Police First or Management.i don’t need any answers

    • FIC released two reports one is the Trend Report which is a merely general report (the one we are talking about)and the Analysis Report which has the names of individuals and firms involved; this is confidential and always released to ACC and ZP who seat on it or blackmail culprit with it

  31. @B R Mumba, Sr is very dull indeed…
    Since he brags that he resides let him see if FinCEN, the US Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)does not publish trends and sanitised cases related to money laundering.
    What the Zambian FIC is doing is the normal practice of FIU’s around the world.Remember that Zambia is a member of the EGMOUNT Group which is body made up of all FIC’s in the world.

  32. what hunger can do,,,,its very hard to reconcile this Mwanza and the one who was summoned by matibini….talk about eating your own vomit

  33. Antonio, this is not from you! how could you even think in these ways? Has God made you mad that you cannot see that you are now thinking in reverse or rather opposite of your real self.

  34. HH wants to continue banking money in Paradise and grabbing land in Namwala and his tribal areas. We need SITET on Childish!

  35. PF is a party not a government,so its not the responsibility of Mwanza to decide on that.thats why we have chanels of communication.

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