Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Black Mountain-An Example of the price Zambia is paying for President Lungu’s 2021 bid


By Laura Miti

After it had been sold to the Chinese or something (not quite sure who had assumed ownership) the Jerabos used voice notes to threaten President Lungu into handing them back the Black Mountain, or else.

That “or else” was of course, the loss of support for the President’s 2021 bid. Because 2021 is front, back and centre for this presidency, the President, in his typical style, that prioritises political expedience over any other consideration, capitulated.

The Black Mountain was handed back to the Jerabos. They celebrated all over Kitwe. No the PF organised a celebration, a typically anarchical one. The return done, multiple voices begun to warn the government that the Black Mountain was a disaster waiting to happen. That safety rules were being completely ignored. Would government listen – No.

The Minister of Mines even gave an interview declaring the slug dumb very safe. Why would government ignore clear safety warnings? The answer is 2021. Well 2021 has killed over 10 young people today.

I write this to say that Zambians across board – within the PF, the opposition parties, CSOs, ordinary citizens – have to do something to arrest this obsession to stay in office beyond 2021, that is consuming President Lungu and those in his inner circle.

The point I am making is that the people close to the centre of power are failing to exercise good judgment, because they are blinded with the desire to stay where they are. If we don’t address this fixation, it will lead to more disasters against which warnings are being ignored, even today. I thought I would give some examples of trouble ahead. The list of pending disasters is long, but I will give only two:

1. First is the lawlessness and absence of consequences allowed PF cadres which ranges from anarchy on the roads to brandishing guns and pangas. The use of these cadres by senior people in the PF to carry out violence during elections. The way these cadres now use the weapons given them, but especially the sure knowledge that there will be no consequences for whatever they choose to do, to subdue ordinary citizens into a frightened mass at markets, bus stops and in the townships. They frighten even the Police, who become ineffectual wimps when cadres show up. No matter how many times citizens have complained, the PF, turns a deaf ear to the danger to law and order, and even to the national psyche, posed by party thugs. Yes, I am suggesting that President Lungu and those close to him ignore the cadre crisis they can surely see because they believe they cannot win 2021 without the threat of violence. A decision seems to have been made that cadre lawlessness will be our reality so that one Edgar Lungu can stay in office.

2. Second is the recklessness with which land and assets are being sold off. Gazzetted forests reserves are being built over with the no apparent concern for the dire environmental consequences that will have to be paid. Then there is the selling-off of priceless assets like the NRDC. There is just an unbridled desire for land and wealth among PF cadres and their leaders, a greed we cannot possibly feed. It is a greed that is not being stopped because support for 2021 can only come via patronage.

I better stop. I feel so, so sad. So angry at the young people who have died in Kitwe.

Young people allowed to be lawless in their pursuit for survival. Young people who were just tools in the pursuit for power.

They were allowed to go to their deaths with warning sirens of the danger-ahead blaring in all our ears.

Laura Miti is the Executive Director of the Alliance for Community Action.


  1. Laura you are a useless, wasted slut.

    Not long ago you were advocating giving black mountain to youth, today you skip over to the other side

    • Total lie, infact fabrication – Laura has never advocated giving black mountain to the youth. There is no slut here, You are a pathological liar – boza

    • Those insulting Laura should ask themselves:
      1. Who decided that the jerabos should be given this dangerous black mountain?
      2. Didn’t they know how dangerous it is?
      3. If it takes 5yrs to be trained at university level to work in a mine, does it make sense for a president to give illiterate people to do mining?
      4. Mines safety department had warned of how dangerous this place was, why didn’t anyone listen before giving jerabos.

      people let’s call a spade a spade. let’s not insult people and support wrong simply because the wrong doers butter our bread.

  2. The problem of being un-objective in an article results in one exposing her self. Laura remains a highly politically charged person hence her failure to give reasoned reasoning.

    • The money that PF has given you to post this statement to discredit Laura, can not give us the lives we lost yesterday. Why do you do this please?

    • Muteto, you can write in your language. What is reasoned reasoning? BTW, what is your point on this posting?

    • And did they give them a go ahead to mine. We should not rule out the unrulyness of these people. My condolences

    • And she’s very emotional without offering solutions forgetting that ECL was only responding to a problem:
      How to deal with unemployment

  3. The b!tchis trying by all means to remain relevant and get attention from her sponsors.Who told you that ECL is standing in 2021?. Ok suppose he is standing, wasn’t there a black mountain before ECL became a president.These Jerabos held the government to a ransom to be handed back the black mountain or else they would make it hard for the government including forming gangs such as Tokota Boys.I will ask you one question, “what did your HH promised the Jerabos when he went to Kitwe last time after that attack at Moba Hotel.Is government responsible for fishermen who get capsized by using unsafe acts? Is the government responsible for Laura Miti being born ugly? The chaps are simply responsible for their deaths by using unorthodox methods to mine the slug dumb.You are saying the PF are…

    • CONT’D…
      .You are saying the PF are lawlessness aby equipping the cadres to use pangas. How about those pangas and petrol bombs which were found at GBM mansion?How about HH who said that his cadres should hit back ? Just go to the funeral houses and mourn the now “loved” jerabos and cry hard as who knows you may find a potential jerabo boyfriend kayili you look like them.

    • Even if you insult Laura, it does not change anything. We know you are simple minds and will not intellectually debate on what she has posted. You are paid to insult and your boss still insists we are a Christian nation my foot. It might not just be your boss, maybe your parents were pathetic and did not impart any values in you, what is there to insult here. Shaa, mbuzi iwe

    • Puss!e iwe ka caleb just like your gravatar image …Typical villager where are the insults here? Bon of a Sitch!

  4. I agree with Laura; somewhere on LT I wrote; what has happened to the so called smart people of the Zambian enterprise spoken by Br Mumba Sr? PF created this disaster without putting in safety members just like they created cholera for legalising street vending; the mines minister should resign; condolences to the affected families;

  5. Why are you mad at this person’s article? Who is to blame for the death of these so called Jerabos, its the government that gave them this black mountain in order to secure the political agender.
    Bafikala, who can they mine without safety measures in place. Minister of mines is responsible these manguams deaths.

  6. This woman’s heart has been bitter from day one. I wonder what it is she hoped but was never given. While i do agree on governments failure to objectively looking into issues surrounding jerabos,her direction to issues concerning the President has always been bitter and she always awaits for disaster so that she can use it to decampaign anyone at state house.

  7. Silence is golden sometimes Ba Laura. Please try and keep your relevance using other things and not always politicking. It is unfortunate lives have been lost but this is the best gift that government could give the people of Wusakile who needed something to help them put food on their tables. It is not good for you Laura to try and paint the President black for giving the BM to Kitwe youths. Ask your husband PILATO to find you a BROTHEL where you can also be selling SEX in order to earn a living and survive.

    • And this fo0l thinks if he insults Laura, he is winning, Upuba, Be a man and debate with your brains, Its not Lauras fault that you were not given brains, but if you don’t have brains, atleast look for them. There was no leadership on that black mountain issue, what happened is not even an accident. so start thinking or atleast pretend you are. Government and the President has a role there, but I can start schooling as if you have paid tutions. People cant die like that like animals. If government has do no role, why did the permanent secretary and senior government officials rush there after the disaster – too late, even some PS blaming police of being involved in illegal mining

  8. So Lungu was supposed to provide the miners, mining equipment and safety for them. He might as well start providing free food and shelter for everyone. Safety is common sense. If you want Lungu to provide safety for you I can assure you you will be dead before the end of the year.

    • This type of thinking surely. Why do we then pay the safety departments if safety is common sense. And ten people perish and the live ones will be amputated and in your d_ll mind they don’t have common sense. Why do we have regulators. how can a country develop with such postings.

    • Kilingindo
      Might as well ask why do we have policemen?If policemen cant control cadres what makes you think Department of Mine Safety can control them?That is why people are talking about leadership failure,thanks to PF cadres are now above the law, if there was leadership minesafety department would have been involved

  9. yesterdays disaster is just one of the evidence why this project has to be stalled and to continue NOT until the proprietors put all safety measures at the mine and the surrounding community. What am I saying, the blasting that was done did not consider the surrounding community and hence Building were left with cracks and no one has been held responsible. secondly, these trucks carrying material from the mountain to the respecting crusher plants are being Heavily overloaded full to the brim such that the are littering all the way living objects on the tire which will end up on someones window screen. I personally have reported this to RTSA and they were asking me to give them a number plate instead of patrolling the route ..imagine. This is clear Lawlessness and soon these influential…

  10. Thanks Laura, don’t feel discouraged by clear empty tins trying to punch holes in your article, that is what they are paid for. How can you allow people to mine in such unsafe conditions surely, they die then you express shock and surprise, where is leadership here and for the avoidance of doubt, I am PF but learned, well travelled and civilised

  11. When the president DOES IT, it is for the people. Imagine how many were benefiting from the BLACK mountain including you when they pay their Taxes. They say “when the monkey is destined to die, all trees become slippery”. A misfortune is always ahead of us. If by any chance you happen to notice it, you may be able to avoid it but at times it appears suddenly and hammers you. For example those who were going to late MUNKOMBWE’S FUNERAL died not because they were to vote for EDGAR but fate as it is strikes when you least expect. So do not attribute Gods plan to Edgar.

  12. Before you put your thoughts go on the ground and do back ground check in the history of the Black Mountain before you mislead people,it ‘s not about pointing fingers at ECL or a Party,it’s about the history of the Black Mountain,it’s about who is really in charge of the so called 10%.get your facts right before pointing accusing fingers .

  13. The jerabos were told or warned to keep away from the black mountain until the mine safety inspectors had completed their assessment after the dangerous blasting a few weeks ago. Even before that they were warned to apply safety as they were mining. Did the jerabos listen, NO!! I pity tye government, jerabos are like upnd and h.h, very stubborn and arrogant. The jerabos reaped death from their arrogance, h.h was more lucky, he reaped Mukobeko from his arrogance.

    With such arrogance, no one can tell what next.

  14. Me I get confused with some of our fellow Zambian! assume black mountain was not given to the community or jerobos the same people will still condemn the President. You know there is this Story (A MAN and his son were once going with their Donkey to market. As they were walking along by its side a countryman passed them and said: “You fools, what is a Donkey for but to ride upon?” 1
    So the Man put the Boy on the Donkey and they went on their way. But soon they passed a group of men, one of whom said: “See that lazy youngster, he lets his father walk while he rides.” 2
    So the Man ordered his Boy to get off, and got on himself. But they hadn’t gone far when they passed two women, one of whom said to the other: “Shame on that lazy lout to let his poor little son trudge along.” …

  15. As for Laura maybe she wants to bring across valid points or genuine concerns, which I doubt. But my point is that because of her upnd tainted manners, I am unable to read her articles. When I try it’s like trying to eat my lunch in an environment of smelly farting, ifisushi ifya nunka if you see what I mean. In short, Laura is only farting, but she has no food on her table after a failed stint in South Africa unsuccessfully trying to make it in life for many many years. So very soon she will not be able to fart on a hungry stomach!

  16. And by the way where is her fugitive husband who run away “into exile” to South Africa when no one actually was after him or his life? For those who don’t know it was like the Pilato saga, “self imposed exile”, no wonder their association as pawns of some opposition politicians to cause trouble for a not so envious living.

  17. Dear sister,
    Your criticism is unreasonable.
    One cannot lay blame on the government. The people and their leaders are responsible for all the losses of life and the injuries.

    They forced the hands of the government just as the prodigal son did his father in the parable of the lost son given by our Saviour Jesus Christ.

    These people should have engaged mine safely experts to help them with safety measures, but they didn’t.

    Fupa lopatikiza silicedwa kutswa m’phika.

    Be measured and reasonable. Remember sis that for every idle and careless word you utter as a child of God, God will require you to give account.

    • And for every time you twist the word of God to fit the idea you’re propagating, God will require you to give an account. In the story of the prodigal son the father did not gain anything by giving his son the inheritance he asked for but here something was gained; namely: party allegiance and votes.

  18. Laura
    You would have my vote as soon as the polling station in which I am registered opened if you chose to stand on any ticket even PF!! ticket (I am holding my nose at that prospect!) You like the late great Lucy Sichone are great Zambians, fearless, frank, sharp-shooting and women with balls to weather any storm. I love your guts and thank you for telling it as it is without sugar coating it. I’m equally pissed off at the obsession with the sinister and dark desires by the current crooks to stay in power at ALL cost. Lord have mercy upon the families of those Njerabos whatever they are called!

  19. It’s so very easy to call for the resignation of the Minister of Mines. But anyone who cares to look at the whole jerabo evolution from the ‘finyamunyamu days will realise that the blame game is the emotionally easy way out but the least of a tangible solution to the tragedy!

  20. Why doesnt she report about the padic shangombo project starting early july 2018 as the contractors alteady mobilised on their own costs will getting paid between 25 jun and 1 july 2018 and the project will start what happen on the mountain is sad but they all know the risk. The chinese escavator operator disturb the foundation by dig where it was unsave i saw it and take a photo 2 days before the mountain fall. Blame the operator not the government

  21. All you bloggers quit your shenanigans,this black mountain is going to spark some unorthodox.Truth be told this is as a result of a planar failure that was created by poor excavation methods. Berming of the mountain during the excavation process was neglected.The Mohr columb laws were violated by these individuals (self made engineers) .No safety measures yet we have the mines safety department in kitwe.
    THIS africa it is expected , expect more drama on that mountain.

  22. The immediate danger to Zambia is lungus and PF desperation to stay in power they will need 10s of millions for campains comming to 2021……

    Zambia will be auctioned off….the clever mafia foringners know this and are waiting for nearer campain time to make PF sign anything for funds….and example of a well timed over exaggerated scam is the $1.2 billion motorway to CB …..well time to help provide funds foe 2021 campains…..a longer motor way in Kenya is costing far less. This is the price Zambia will pay to keep these theives in power.

  23. The relevant question is; Was the mining act followed to the later? was there a licensed Mine manager at the black mountain? Were govt Mining inspectors regularly?

  24. Uyuwine Laura,chinamanshi nkashi?Why are people wasting time responding to this rotten beach with flies all over her *************.Let’s focus on more productive issues than wasting your bundles on this hustler.

  25. Zambians thrive on even attacking what is right, what is correct. they hide in their evil skins and choose to turn a blind eye.

    one day Zambians will wake up and find they have no country they can call their own, because they always hide from the truth.

    they run away from confronting evil in their sight if that evil is the basis of their apparent success.
    this is dangerous for a nation, and for the future of our grandchildren.

    Like Laura, I feel so sad, but nor because of the accident, but mainly because of whom we portray ourselves to be.

    What we are is not how a nation should be.

  26. There was nothing wrong with the giving back the jerabos the mountain, what’s wrong is not providing expert leadership in their mining activities. My appeal to her Honor the VP Madam Inonge Mutukwa Wina is that as a mother if these deaths don’t touch your emotions then nothing will. Musukwa can’t fund the PF mobilization on the Copperbelt using donations from jerabos, that’s what has made him not to see things the way they are. Those boys can’t keep any secret

  27. Laura hits the nail on the head here – government has duty of care and a due Diligence Obligation lies squarely at the feet of the Minister of Mines through the Mines Safety Department! After the unqualified blasting the whole place MUST have been declared OUT OF BOUNDS !! Herein lies the liability by tort with the local PF officials and ultimately ECL, who simply appease the criminal jerabo activities in the Name of political expediency. The laws, the rules of the Mining Game are there for Generations and NO ONE enforces them.
    Ist the responsibilty of the executive to save the masses from their IGNORANCE !!

  28. 75% of Zambians don’t know or don’t like what is good for them. They don’t spend even a minute to think over things. They either day dream, jack off, or cannot entirely think. Some do have headaches when they try to think hence the attacks on Laura Miti who basically has stated facts. They spend millions of minutes hating someone just he/she says what they cannot say. Yes, it’s human nature, but being the victim of nature when you can control your thoughts and destiny is a travesty. That’s the all essence of failure.

  29. Minister of mines has to be suspended, the PF have to admit under-sight for this one. Plus inspectors need more leeway and authority in Zambia.

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