Tuesday, July 2, 2024

President Lungu, HH and other politicians shake hands at Munkombwe’s burial


HH and President Lungu meet at late Munkombwe’s burial in Choma
HH and President Lungu meet at late Munkombwe’s burial in Choma

President Edgar Lungu and opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema on Wednesday met and shook hands during the burial ceremony for late veteran politician Daniel Munkombwe at his Kabebya farm in Choma.

President Lungu also met and shook hands with other opposition leaders such as Chishimba Kambwili, Wynter Kabimba and Dr Nevers Mumba.

The scene attracted jubilation from fellow mourners who jubilated at seeing the political rivals embrace.

Speaking at the event, family member Vernon Mwaanga said it was late Mr. Munkombwe’s final wish that political leaders should put their differences aside and unite.

Dr Mwaanga said what was witnessed at the burial is testimony that late Mr. Munkombwe’s wishes are coming to pass.

And Mr Hichilema observed that it is befitting that people from across the political divide came out in numbers and paid their last respects to one of the few remaining freedom fighters in Zambia.

“It is sad that he has left at a time we needed more of his ebullience and encouragement which was key in uniting the country. The late Munkombwe is one of the few politicians who diligently served under all political parties in Zambia since independence,” Mr Hichilema said.

“We strengthened the family and prayed that they look up to God the Creator as they mourn the passing of this illustrious son of Zambia,” Mr Hichilema said.

HH greets First Lady Esther Lungu at late Munkombwe’s burial in Choma
HH greets First Lady Esther Lungu at late Munkombwe’s burial in Choma
HH and Chishimba Kambwili meet at late Munkombwe’s burial in Choma
HH and Chishimba Kambwili meet at late Munkombwe’s burial in Choma
HH lays his wreaths at late Munkombwe’s grave in Choma
HH lays his wreaths at late Munkombwe’s grave in Choma
HH and Wynter Kabimba meet at late Munkombwe’s burial in Choma
HH and Wynter Kabimba meet at late Munkombwe’s burial in Choma
HH lays his wreaths at late Munkombwe’s grave in Choma
HH lays his wreaths at late Munkombwe’s grave in Choma


  1. Hichilema appears to be saying “Edgar, l never thought you were capable of that cruelty”; ECL looks vulnerable and uneasy, as if to say “maweee, what will you do to me now after l stole your election victory and locked you up on a trumped up charge of treason?”

    A picture tells a story, a time, a place and in more effective ways than words can express.

    • HH is growing up now. experience is the best teacher! he was thinking misbehaving will make him popular but he experienced reality after some by-elections. congratulation HH for successfully growing up.

    • All because of the maturity of President Lungu.

      Every Zambian, including Kaunda HH and the rest should kneel to the president


    • I don’t trust CK. He didn’t want to shake hands with ECL. As for HH the face tels a story. He is just putting up a showing. He is campaigning!

    • @pat kada well said, a picture really says more than a thousand words!

      Still this is good, above anything else we want peace to be maintained in Zambia!

      We make peace with our enemies not our friends! If Kim and Trump after exchanging really terrible words at each other can shake hands and try to give peace a chance why can’t we do the same here inn Zambia as well? Peace my brothers and sisters is the most important thing after air, water and food maybe more important because without peace you can’t have air to breath, water to drink and food to eat just look at Syria, Sierra Leone, Liberia etc

    • The humble one has always been Edgar Lungu

      Actually it’s more like HH saying:

      Hey Edgar!
      I really ” Underestimated You ” Now I understand why Sata passed the powers to you. People like you man. Please just lose the next elections my man.

      Common Man!
      I have lost 6 Times. It hurts and my money has gone in the water.

      Overall, it’s good to see the togetherness from everyone at the funeral.

    • It takes a funeral for these two useless self-absorbed dingbats to finally shake hands AND at a burial of Munkombwe who didn’t mind which side his bread who buttered. From the picture it seems one has not been watching attentively the views of body language experts from the just ended Kim V Trump Summit in Singapore.
      Meanwhile foooolish cadres are trading punches in the streets and forever debating about petty issues partisan issues..

    • ECL never suffers fooooooools very well … wa minsula! The smart people of the Zambian Enterprise chose well.

      Whining Is Not A Winning Strategy ~ B R Mumba, Sr.

      Original Content, No Copyrights Reserved.

  2. HH can’t believe to be shaking hands with the president.At least you now recognize that he moves with the big whip.The hippopotamus himself is even bowing to the president.In short all the opposition donekys (Ck, Winter and HH) in the pic look like prodigal son in the “bible” who are now eating to fill their bellys from the pods that the pigs are eating from. Boma ni boma bane.He might consider you , just chill.

  3. @Mushota; Just enjoy your PF corrupt money in diaspora as a cadre; leave comrade KK alone; no Zambian president; except Mwanawasa whose life was cut short comes close to KK; Zambian spirit which Lungu has destroyed has always been for love; especially at funerals;

  4. Just from the way HH and Lungu are looking at each it is clear that it was not a genuine handshake. It was fake. Hypocrisy at work! A genuine handshake is where one of them invites the other for a cup of tea at their home and shake hands afterwards

  5. Thats why he went to kenya to handle and FIC and opposition

    Not ati evacuation figment of imagination

  6. Thats why he went to kenya to handle and FIC and opposition

    Not ati evacuation figment of imagination

    These are fruit s of private visit to kenya

  7. Had he behaved like this in Limulunga he wouldn’t have spent 126days behind bars. And at least there was no Ackson Sejani to perpetrate the hegemony we witnessed at Mazoka’s funeral where VJ was brutally attacked, to date his ear is still impaired. Tongas behave when Hichilema behaves. Fred Mmembe is missing, and Mulongoti & his cohorts

  8. Even kambwil! Well even boxers shake hands before fight. So thats not news

    Nevers is supposed to be Inside NOT roaming at funerals

  9. Lungu moves with a big whip. Not Mr punch for punch who came up with all sorts of sicknesses and fainted just one night in jail.

  10. My colleagues and I from across the political spectrum were having a chill at the club. When the pictures came on ZNBC TV News, we all cheered.
    I do not envy those upnd cadres who claim that they don’t watch ZNBC TV, they missed a spectacle to remember, which is never found on upnd TV if at all such exists.
    I have not seen a comment from jj, but expect one soon after this. Even if he didnt see the body language live on ZNBC TV, he will not fail to comment in his traditional “I know it better than anybody” style. But your god h.h that you copy has upgraded his software while you remain at Windows 4.5 baba!!!…. kikikikikiki

  11. hope cadres have seen what it takes to be in politics, when he said is a humble president now you can understand him.

  12. Well well Adolf now that wasn’t soooo hard was it? That’s what you should have done at Kuomboka your house would be intact bo Mutinta would not have stressed nor would your supporters….Now lets plot convention let us go and elect leaders who can drive us forward there are less than 2 years away but ofcourse you shall not listen and we shall not vote for you….smell the coffee…All in all we mourn the passing of the oldman who knew when to fight and when to make peace

  13. That is what we call maturity in politics.Only one Zambian can be a president at a time.For now it is ECL whom all Zambians must respect.At Mr.Daniel Munkombwe’s funeral,the top boss was ECL,hence political parties chairmen such as HH,Kambwili,Wynter Kabimba,Nevers Mumba,etc had no choice but to go and greet the VVIP(ECL) at the funeral!!Moreover,the cheering from tongas who were present simply confirmed that people want to see a united Zambia where leaders respected each other!!THE WINNER HERE IS ECL AS USUAL BECAUSE HE HAS BEEN PREACHING PEACE SINCE 2015!!!Congrats to Kainde,Kambwili and others for recognizing and respecting our Republican president Edgar Lungu at that future!!!IF YOU CONTINUE BEING MATURE LIKE THIS,YOU MAY WIN A LOT VOTERS’ HEARTS BY 2021 BECAUSE NOBODY WANTS…

    • Total toilet stuff…why are you already looking for a winner?
      Its just tradition and it was at a funeral, both behaved maturely, no need to start analyzing s.h.it like who the winner was.
      Just good gesture and expected at the funeral.period.

  14. God is alive, Thank you Jesus for hearing our prayers. At last an act that is not “SORE” to the EYES and the SOUL. I pray that this handshake is sincere and gives birth to a lot of great stuff. And tell your supporters to use humane language and treat each other with respect regardless of the differences in MANIFESTOS. We dont need a CIVIL WAR IN 2021. ZAMBIA IS BIGGER THAN YOUR POLITICAL DIFFERENCES AND ALL OF US. So lets learn to disagree and agree with love and respect for one another. May Mr. Munkombwe’s soul rest in peace.

  15. let’s not blow trumpets unnecessarily. This is definitely expected of politicians at a given funeral of a late politician. It is un-African to show hostility against each other at a funeral gathering. Truce must be seen to prevail at least. It is even more obvious that you can’t say anything bad against the deceased, it’s un-African.
    What should just comfort us is that the funeral proceeding went well and politicians stole the limelight with their “moment of handshakes”. After all, it’s all good for the nation.

    • I really feel for the next generation of leaders if our young ones rarely see this….in Mwanawasa and FTJ’s era this was normal but today we have been furnished with appalling leadership both in Ruling and main opposition this is rare.

  16. Look at Chishimba before Lungu, had he been a dog the tail will be touching his chin! And with HH, you can see its Lungu himself whose facial expression is like one of someone who has just seen KAINGO’ tokomela sanganu tuwe tau yakuca onafa.

  17. HH is a chameleon. If I were Edgar I wouldn’t have been shaking hands of these hounds because you never know what they smeared in those cruel hands.

  18. It was inevitable for all to show respect to the PRESIDENT of presidents and the republic at such gathering or else one might just show his dislike for the head of State. How I wished the signs shown were a radiation from the hearts of the subjects. Like they say in icibemba “meno mafupa”. To suddenly change from the sad to the amusing is an art associated with toddlers. Having said that, I do not think the smile on the face of the tiger did demean the danger of its teeth and craws. These are bitter men who I can call selfish noting from the number of parties formed each time there is a shift in their expectations. In life there were gambits which you worn, others that you lost. Sometimes the loss is illogical but is a loss.

  19. Under Five made sure that the president was there and then he popped up! Thank God it is not Mongu Hagain! He knew this time it is Mukobeko forever. Try it boy!

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