Sunday, September 8, 2024

Government reaffirms commitment to fight corruption


Copperbelt Province Minister Japhen Mwakalombe
Copperbelt Province Minister Japhen Mwakalombe

Government has reaffirmed its commitment in the fight against corruption through its implementation of support programmes aimed at preventing and combating corruption at various levels in the Public Service.

Copperbelt Province Minister Japhen Mwakalombe said this in a speech read on his behalf by Ndola District Commissioner Canon George Chisulo during the commemoration of the Public Service Day in the district.

Mr Mwakalombe revealed that government is further promoting the participation of all stakeholders to combat corruption in the public service.

He also revealed that some erring public service officers have since been punished for engaging in corrupt practices.

Mr Mwakalombe added that government has continued to implement the national anti-corruption policy which among other things, was encouraging the participation and networking of public and private institutions in the fight against corruption.

And speaking earlier Ndola Mayor Amon Chisenga said all civil servants should ensure that they participate in the commemoration of the day, in order for them to appreciate their duty to service.

Mr Chisenga noted that it was unfortunate for notable institutions such as the Zambia Police (ZP), the Zambia Correctional Service (ZCS) and the Zambian National Service (ZNS) among others missed from this years’ commemoration, in the district.

This year’s Public Service Day was commemorated under the theme “Combating corruption in the Public Service through stakeholder participation and promotion of ethical leadership to realize the objectives of the African agenda 2063 and the united nations sustainable development goals”.


  1. Ati “….. the government has continued to implement the national anti-corruption policy “, what a joke !!!!
    Don’t proclaim, easier said than done, show us the result = Zero.

    • The biggest joke of the day …probably it will qualify for nominations for the biggest joke of Lungus plunderic 5 year term

    • Chokolwa Lungu and his bunch of PF thugs are living in fear and do not know how to repair the damage done to their reputation without resorting to brutal force.

      Zambians lets remove these thieves and restore Zambia to its past glory.

      Watch the youtube video”lungu and kaiser are thieves”.

      Lungu must go.

  2. Traffic police are the face of corruption. That which meets the eye. They clearly show the general public that this talk of “fight against corrultion” is just talk. Nothing else.

  3. Mwakalombe Japhen looks corruption himself how honestly could he talk about corruption which his PF as party does not believe in? Mwakalombe and PF promote corruption and will never fight it unless these thieves leave power.

  4. Hollow empty sounding pronouncements …….only meant to hudwink the donar aid countries ..

    You can fight corruption when your leader does not bother denying that he is a corrupt theif….

  5. This government is very corrupt as seen in the acquisition of fire tenders, Lusaka Ndola roads, Mukula tree only one family is “permitted” to trade, acquisitions of Casinos dotted around the country, lodges one example is Nd..zo just to mention but a few and that has earned him a new name called Mr Eswatini from one similar to Kantobo.

  6. Pilato and your fellow musicians sing corruption to death! Music is our only hope. Journalists, lawyers, politicians have failed us.

  7. Even the resident LT koswe PF rats scatter and take cover if the word corruption is mentioned on LT ….

  8. Give us an example to prove yourselves right. The whistle was blown against corrupt ministers etc, what have you done about it? Let us see some action not your noisy echo of empty words.

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