Monday, January 27, 2025

President Lungu commissions Chipata District Hospital


Chipata District Medical Officer, DR Ingase Mvula (middle) explains the scope of the new Chipata district Hospital to President Edgar Lungu and DR Chitalu Chilufya during the tour of the facility over the weekend.

President Edgar Lungu has today commissioned the newly constructed Chipata District Hospital in Eastern Province.

President Lungu noted that the construction of the district hospital is among other infrastructure development that the Patriotic Front government has undertaken in the province.

President Lungu said the health facility will help reduce the distance covered by people to access first level health services.

And the Head of State has indicated that the health institution will also help in addressing maternal health mortality, the burden of non-communicable diseases and the elimination of malaria by the year 2021.

President Lungu also stated that Chipata District Hospital is the first ever paperless hospital, which will also be rolled out to 26 other health institutions in Chipangali, Kasenengwa and Chipata respectively by end of July this year.

Meanwhile, President Lungu has noted that 44 health posts out of the 57, initially allocated to Eastern Province, from the 650 health posts under construction countrywide have been completed and are now operational.

The front view of the newly constructed Chipata District Hospital


    • A hospital is not just a pretty building.

      What facilities are being provided here?

      In any case, I welcome the news as it will be of great benefit to those that live clode by.

  1. Staff deployed to new Chipata District Hospital – 09th August 2017 (Breeze FM,2017)
    He says a request has been sent to the Ministry of Health head office in Lusaka, to supply equipment, in readiness for the commissioning of the health facility.
    Dr. Kabalo says government has released an initial advance payment of seven million kwacha for phase two of the construction works.
    He says a Chinese contractor, Sanshare is already on site.
    He says that the total cost of phase two is about 33 million Kwacha.
    And Dr. Kabalo revealed that the district hospital being constructed in Petauke will be the biggest hospital in the province.
    He says the hospital, will surpass Chipata Central Hospital in terms of size.

    • This hospital was completed a long time ago but Lazy Lungu had to come and commission it with his crooked Dr Chilufya a job that the DC can do ….even a simple hospital block you have to give the GRZ contract Chinese contractor without shame…

    • They want to be seen to be working. So every project has to be commissioned by bamwine.Muzaziba bwanji?

  2. The word corruption has lost its meaning because some people are using it wrongly.Whatever Govt oF ECL do to them is corruption.we need to appreciate good works that the govt is doing.ECL is lazy,only them are hard working when they have never built even toilet at their back yard. What type of selfish are these pipo.

    • What is corruption then? Educate us? You mean you can not jump on a Private Jet to Chipata and commission a District Hospital…more money can be saved if we sort out the procurement and tender system which is leaking billions through corruption!!

  3. Jay Jay,
    you call it corruption whenever the president is traveling to any destination using presidential jet or chopper? Mind you he is the only person together with his vice to travel in any of these flying machines including ZAF aircrafts. He is mandated by law. He is entitled to use these flying machines why then jumping into a private jet when he is inspecting govt projects?? Define the word corruption for us without using resentment?

    • I call that workshy…not corruption as he is looking for an excuse to go and seat on an aircraft instead of attending to his duties which cowers from…i mean last week the lazy thing could have sacked his Mines minister for incompetence and making those insensitive comments but what does he do? He sends the very minister to read his speech at the burial of youths the selfsame minister called scavengers.

    • I totally agree that had it been in other progressive countries Richard Musukwa should have been fired or resigned on his own. That’s why this country will never develop. But sometimes it is very important that the President himself goes on the ground to check for himself what’s going on rather than just receiving reports and pictures

    • Should Richard Musukwa really resign? There are people who have done worse things and they have not been asked to resign. Why should Musukwa be an exception? Hang in there Ricky, until Zambians learn the importance of equity.

  4. Paperless hospital? Even in the so called first world where you have ultra high speed reliable internet connection and reliable almost load shedding free power supply, there is no such thing as a paperless hospital. We have huge medical record rooms staked with patient files but also have an EMR ( Electronis Medical Record) system whose principle function is to facilitate the recording of clinical data onto paper copies for filing at the facility while the electronic form remains in the computer to facilitate access to the electronic medical record by providers at other health facilities
    The question is do we have the necessary requisites vis a vis the network to implement this system?
    To me this is like going out to buy the high speed trains gogo Inonge once dreamt of and expect to run…

  5. On the old delapidated Livingstone Lusaka railway tracts. Simply cannot work!
    My view is that there is too much magical thinking in this PF thing of your. But again, what again one cannot expect too much from an ignorant cadre

  6. A district hospital ? and people say PF is working, Poor Zambians you deserve much more than health post without drugs , x ray and theatres, its not PF but govt thru tax payers money , stop this cadreism and cheap politics, we need serious matters where all Zambians are equal and benefit from the countrY’s resources , its only politicians who are getting richer and the masses poorer.

  7. That thing looks more like a church than a hospital. Do we even have building regulations in Zambia? We need standards.

  8. The President will open such a facility but the workers will go with their old attitudes of feeling that they are doing people a favour when providing services. MOH should follow this excellent development by promoting proper ethical conduct by all health workers and making sure that patients’ rights are respected.

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