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Monday, March 10, 2025

Pictures of the week



Manager Business Development Dominic Kabanje explains a point to Cabinet Office Permanent Secretary Administration Owen Mugemezulu during the Public Service Day exhibition at East park mall


Manager Business Development Dominic Kabanje explains a point to Cabinet Office Permanent Secretary Administration Owen Mugemezulu during the Public Service Day exhibition at East park mall


Levy Mwanawasa Hospital Head of Surgery Dr. Stephen Besa stress a point to Cabinet Office Permanent Secretary Administration Owen Mugemezulu during the Public Service Day exhibition at East park mall


Cabinet Office Permanent Secretary Administration Owen Mugemezulu listens to Chief Nursing Officer Beatrice Sianga during the tour of the stands on Public Service Day exhibition at East park mall


Litunga Lubosi Imwiko arrives at the Kuta (court) in Limulunga Royal Village for the installation of Mukiti Sekeli as Chief Lukama of Kaungamashi in Shangombo and Sioma Districts following the demise of his predecessor Mebelo Sekeli in 2016


Litunga Lubosi Imwiko (c) confers with his Ngambela (Prime Minister) Nyambe Mwenda (l)


Mukiti Sekeli (c) being installed as Chief Lukama of Kaungamashi of Shangombo and Sioma Districts today in Limulunga District.


Mukiti Sekeli (c) as Chief Lukama performing traditional rituals to the Litunga during his installation in Limulunga District today.


President Edgar Lungu with ZNS commandant Lt Gen Nathan Mulenga at the Kafue Military Traing School Officers Cadets Commissioning Parade


President Edgar Lungu with ZNS commandant Lt Gen Nathan Mulenga at the Kafue Military Traing School Officers Cadets Commissioning Parade


President Edgar Lungu with ZNS commandant Lt Gen Nathan Mulenga at the Kafue Military Traing School Officers Cadets Commissioning Parade


President Edgar Lungu with ZNS commandant Lt Gen Nathan Mulenga at the Kafue Military Traing School Officers Cadets Commissioning Parade


President Edgar Lungu welcomes the Chairperson of the African Union Moussa Faki when he pay a courtesy call at State House


President Edgar Lungu confers with Chairperson of the African Union Moussa Faki when he pay a courtesy call at State House


President Edgar Lungu walk abreast with Chairperson of the African Union Moussa Faki shortly after the talks at State House


First Lady Esther Lungu during a Photo session shortly after a meeting with Zambian Women entrepreneurs, invited by the International Trade Centre (ITC) to attend the SheTrades Global 2018 International Business Festival in Liverpool


The Minister of National Development Planning Hon. Alexander Chiteme featuring on ZNBC TV 1 flagship programme Sunday Interview with host Grevazio Zulu


The Minister of National Development Planning Hon. Alexander Chiteme featuring on ZNBC TV 1 flagship programme Sunday Interview with host Grevazio Zulu


President Edgar Lungu flanked by Eastern Province Minister Makebi Zulu (left) and infrastructure development Minister Ronald Chitotela cutting the ribbon to officially commission Vubwi district administration in the area


Topstar Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Leo Lio shows President Edgar Lungu the architectural map of how Satellites and other digital infrastructure will be constructed in Vubwi district to enhance information flow in the area


First Lady Esther Lungu, Zambia’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Muyemba Chikonde, The spouse of the High Commissioner Musonda Chikonde with Dean of Liverpool Cathedral Sue Jones (Second from right) after the ordination of Anglican Deacon’s at Liverpool Cathedral




  1. “First Lady Esther Lungu during a Photo session shortly after a meeting with Zambian Women entrepreneurs, invited by (ITC) to attend the SheTrades Global 2018 International Business Festival in Liverpool”.This is good for our Zambian women.Female entrepreneurs often face different challenges than the male counterparts due to Zambia’s culturally ingrained sexism. Women led businesses are generally more successful, and yet have more difficulty getting funded. Keep it up and please don’t emulate those females who do nursing in the UK. If you do a BSc in Nursing Degree, you will be wiping old people’s as$ses and putting napkins on them. What’s the difference with boys who (wipe) wash cars or nurses who wipe “Queen Elizabeth’s” as$ in the UK? Exposure to pee and poo is dangerous as the hot…

    • CONT’D…
      Exposure to pee and poo is dangerous as the hot swampy poop gas cutting off oxygen to the body leads to a potentially lethal condition known as hypoxia. Old people’s poop turns into jenkem (heh) which result in gastrointestinal infection and brain damage.Inhaling massive quantities of poo poo as it turns out into jenkem vaporizer,and all you’re inhaling is fart.And to think we’re all feeling bad for the nurses (human centipede) when they were really having the high of their lives by inhaling poo gas also known as fart.Yum yum I can’t huff!

    • Ignorance is bad baba learn to respect other professions if you ever ever visit the nhs in UK you will see how well organised nurses are here.
      Osati ma tuvi yaku south olo pa zed with fake doctors and medicines!

    • Am more exposed than you baba. As an engineer based in Qatar I got to visit my sisters in the UK every year.I did my masters in the USA so unless you say matuvi ya Queen yamveka monga ni mayonnaise apo ninshi mwawina baba.

    • Do you even know what ignorance is ? Am more exposed than you baba. As an engineer based in Qatar I got to visit my sisters in the UK every year.I did my masters in the USA so unless you say ma tuvi ya Queen yamveka monga ni mayonnaise apo ninshi mwawina baba.

    • You mean an illegal based in SA. It is unlikely you are that educated and to quote your broken english……..”Am more exposed” end quote.
      Sorry, but you are one ignoramus.

    • Is this the best contribution you can make in connection with an honourable profession you seem to know so very little about?

  2. Forget the uniform… what’s with this obsession of ‘commissioning’ every ‘happening’? Commissioning a ‘training’, Vubwi ‘administration’, Chipata district hospital …. new houses somewhere, a machine here, a plant there. Surely, is this the job description of a President in Zambia? Other numerous ‘officials’ he appoints can do that in the background. The President should be addressing more pressing issues with his cabinet and presenting himself to the press and people from time to time to answer REAL questions about his regimes actions/behaviour, future plans, economic blueprint, how they are addressing the ills of the most vulnerable people etc.

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