Tuesday, September 17, 2024

I have never accused President Edgar Lungu of being a foreigner-Mulongoti


Mr Fresher Siwale and Mr Mike Mulongoti when they went to file a complaint to the Office of the Public Protector about President Lungu's identify recently.
Mr Fresher Siwale and Mr Mike Mulongoti when they went to file a complaint to the Office of the Public Protector about President Lungu’s identify recently.
I have never accused President Edgar Lungu of being a foreigner. All I wanted was approval of his nationality through the Public Protector says, Peoples Party president Mike Mulongoti.

Mr Mulongoti said there was nothing strange for him to ask the Office of the Public Protector to verify President Lungu’s nationality as previous Presidents had been asked to do so.

He said he only wrote to the Public Protector to ascertain if President Lungu was indeed Zambian and it was New Labour Party president Fresher Siwale who accused President Lungu of being a foreigner.

He said he had formally written to the Public Protector and nowhere in the letter did he accuse President Lungu of being a foreigner.

Mr Mulongoti told the Daily Nation in an interview that President Lungu and his supporters were the ones who had dragged the matter and blowing it out of proportion by not responding to the letter he wrote to the Public Protector.

“What I did is just to write to the Public Protector, so that President Lungu Should provide his NRC to the institution for verification and it should have ended there but he has not yet done so, there is no need for us to know Mr Lungu’s relatives,” he said.

Mr Mulongoti said it was immaterial that the President visited his relatives recently as that was not the issue at hand.

“All we are asking from Mr Lungu as a public officer is “tizibane” formally by going to the public protector, he himself asked the same questions to Dr Chiluba when he was practicing as a lawyer,” he said.


  1. You wanted to prove his nationality because you doubted he was Zambian.

    Do not play at people’s intelligence sir.

    You have probably realied it was a fruitless exercises and you are now trying to save face.



    • Yes, that is true. Mulongoti only said there are these allegations being made about ECL and wondered if they were true or false. That is all.

    • @Mushota, I can’t believe this response is coming from Mushota. Is this really Mushota? No !! The Mushota we all know is full of rubbish.

    • For me, Lungu could be from Mars, I do not care.

      What I care about is his corruption and incompetence.

      I care about the debt he has incurred on our behalf, with nothing to show for it, apart from his blotted bank accounts.

    • This is what hunger can do….Zambian Politicians are real jokers.Its like the country is cursed. Just making noise and seeking attention. Kambwili is now quite after claiming he had a ton of evidence that Lungu is corrupt. So what happened to the evidence.
      Mulongoti and his fellow riff ruff Siwale also said they had enough evidence to support that Lungu is a foreiger and today they’re saying exact the opposite

      Like I’ve said on several occasions Sinkamba just needs to up his game i think he can be a good leader though you never know with these Politicians once they get into office

    • For some reason Sinkamba of the green party reminds me of the late Anderson Mazoka…but you never know maybe he has started getting a ka brown envelope because once they start getting a ka brown envelope their story changes…Antonio Mwanza is a perfect example. And I suspect Kambwili is also plotting his return to PF…njala yababa..no more corrupt tenders. Mulongoti and Siwale both are dead broke and starving. Miles Sampa…his bank balance was almost zero…now he wants to top up with tax payers money..GBM doesn’t know what to do..as for GBM it looks like Kumulu kwalepa panshi pakosa…nowhere to go. Nevers Mumba is in the same situation as GBM. HH now trying kubendelela with a hand shake but Kakoma is saying NO. HH himself knows the his political career is about to end and he looks…

    • Mulongoti what if Sharon wrote to Office of Public Protector to prove that you get an erection?? Are you going to prove it on TV?Are your children not proof enough?

    • Indigo do you even understand state matters apart from your own in-house hunger ai

      You are so dull and black *****

  2. “I have never accused President Edgar Lungu of being a foreigner. ” In other words you (Mulongoti) are saying ECL is a Zambian! If I say I never accused Sylvia Masebo of being a prostitute all I wanted to know is her husband that means that “Jezebel” is not a prostitute.Manje iwe ufuna mizibane chane na ba president ndiwe mfwiti?

  3. If all presidents have been asked about their nationality, what is so special about lungu for him not to be asked ?

    It is mulongoties democratic and constitutional right to acertain the identity of anyone ruling over him….

  4. But Mulongoti, you were with Fresher Siwale who accused the President of being “unZambian”. And you went to the Public Protector you were with Fresher Siwale as shown in the picture where you posed together. And why didn’t you clarify this at the time? And didn’t you know that it is a requirement during Presidential election nominations for candidates to submit their NRCs to the returning Officer for verification? So are you now accusing President Lungu of presenting a false NRC? Lastly do you think that tue opposition leader who is dying for and willing to burn Zambia to get into State House would have let this opportunity to slip through his fingers? Did you hear this same politician who is alsi your colleague mention President Lungu’s NRC in his dead petition?

    • I have checked both at the ECZ and High Court. Lungu’s nomination papers have no copies of NRCs among them. I don’t know what that says, but l thought l should address a part of your post that speaks to this issue.

  5. Mulongoti, blind follower of directionless upnd, I suggest that we seek clarification and comments from jj and Spaka lilo.

  6. Ok, Spaka lilo has responded with his usual “fair” comments flavoured with his tribal “reasoning”. Let’a wait for jj, he is still having his breakfast…

  7. The trouble with being an old ***** is that your children and grandchildren can’t walk with raised heads due to embarrasment, and this the case of Mike Mulongoti. He’s lived his political life betraying others. Mike has never won an election, all positions he ever held were nominated

  8. Lies have no legs bo Mike Mulongoti!!You have been caught pants down and all Zambians are laughing at you and Siwale after president Edgar Lungu exposed your lies about his nationality last week!!!All wise Zambians keep on advising you to practice politics about real issues which affect the poor,but you never listen!!!YOU ARE TRYING TO SAVE YOUR FACE HERE BUT IT IS TOO LATE!!!HH WHO SPONSORED YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED TOO!!!!ECL is always miles ahead of you liars in opposition!!!You are all a batch of directionless creatures who have nothing to offer!!!!THE SO CALLED OPPOSITION LEADERS ARE SO WEAK AND DO NOT MAKE SENSE IN THE EYES OF MAJORITY ZAMBIANS!!!!
    Mike Mulongoti and Fresser Siwale must be taken to court and if found wanting-jail the fo0ls too!!!

    • Mr.Mulongoti has merely stated is legal position.From where I stand,the ball is in the Public Protector’s court.

    • Really laughable Mulongoti is no foooool or a dull lawyer like Lazy …or careless like poor Fresher Siwale

  9. He says he wanted Lungu to produce his NRC? Come on Mulongoti for Edgar to enter Unza he produced the NRC, to get the job at ZCCM Mulungushi Investments he produced his NRC, to stand for Chawama MP two times under Upnd and PF he produced the NRC and for the big one twice he produced his NRC before the returning officer who happens to be the Chief Justice. Don’t forget that you previously said you knew the real Lungu and how Edgar stole this person’s identity. Maybe HH as usual has made a turnaround and now you’re on your own just like Pilato who decided to end exile sponsored by GBM?

    • Come on Ndanje, even Katumbi current opposition leader in Congo DRC had/has an NRC and many other foreigners do carry Zambian NRCs. Those who occupy or seek public office need to prove themselves as Zambian. Sure Ndanje has an NRC and when asked to prove him/herself as Zambia should do so without raising any hoo-la-baloo. All what is expected is office of the Public Protector to respond with irrefutable evidence. All Zambians are deemed equal before the law, all subjected to the same law.

    • There is a story of a good singer who sung nice melodies in Bemba. He had a Zambian NRC.He was deported to Congo DR.

    • Katumbi has never held a Zambian green NRC. If you’re so sure of your allegations, just give us your real address and I’ll inform Moises about it so that you can prove it. I can contact Moises at short notice so that we put an end to this desperate nonsense.

  10. So damned and busted Mulongoti and Siwale are. I thought the Jonathani Mutaware was gonna be the big Story. I let you roll with your story but look were you got me with it. Blunt and blank edge. Like a little baby’s scratch. Damn it, can someone sue these losers azses?

  11. Question has always been this.. ” Was the current President eligible to Hold office”..??? Guy Scot, Given Lucinda & we understand Mulenga Sata are bared by the parentage close but they are pure Zambians who can hold any office apart from plot ONE.. This is what we had expected the debate to dwell on..Former President KK can not qualify to stand under the current constitution aswel, remember this came about because ba late Fredrick Chiluba made sure he bared people ba Kaunda but in so doing others are affected.. THIS CURRENTLY BORDERS ON THE CONSTITUTION OF ZAMBIA…. Does he qualify..??? Maybe the 2 gentlemen simply want to comfirm on behalf of those who have doubts but for the ones who know maybe keep quite.. or advise the first office to clear the air quickly enough so that we start…

  12. Yaba Wait when I become the President I will help whoever to trace me down .where my forefathers came from. Maybe is the information their looking for.

  13. This should serve as a lesson not only to Siwale but to all thinking persons that umuntu tewa kukonkelesha.

    Mike Mulongoti is a snake in the grass….

  14. The levels of checks and balances in our current opposition is alarmingly naive. No second choice or convincing political party so far for change, ECL will wash them again in the next election if they’ll won’t grow.

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