Sunday, March 9, 2025

HH maintains his call on UPND members to defend themselves when attacked


HH and GBM waves to the people upon arrival at the Gonde Lwiindi ceremony
HH and GBM waves to the people upon arrival at the Gonde Lwiindi ceremony

UPND President Hakainde Hichilema has maintained that party members should be able to defend themselves when attacked by PF cadres.

Mr Hichilema’s was widely condemned when he first made the call last week by some PF officials including President Edgar Lungu who accused him of fermenting violence.

But he has stressed that only those that those in the habit of attacking the innocent are worried by the notion that citizens should defend themselves.

Mr Hichilema was speaking on Sunday when he along with his Vice President Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba and several other senior party officials attended the the Gonde Lwiindi ceremony.

He told the gathering that when attacked by those who are at variance with divergent views and democracy, citizens must stand up and defend both themselves and their rights.

“As stated by many, self defence is a constitutional and fundamental human right and only those in the habit of attacking the innocent are worried by the notion that citizens should defend themselves,” he explained.

Mr Hichilema also called for unity and peace in order to drive development for all Zambians.

He also called for viable agriculture and economic activities but that all these are only possible when there is no one attacking those who have contrary opinions or indeed better views.

Tradition on display at the Gonde Lwiindi ceremony
Tradition on display at the Gonde Lwiindi ceremony
GBM speaking during the Gonde Lwiindi ceremony
GBM speaking during the Gonde Lwiindi ceremony
HH smiles at the Gonde Lwiindi ceremony
HH smiles at the Gonde Lwiindi ceremony


  1. Ok we understand. Let them fight. However, Mr HH are you also trying to defend yourself from being kicked out as the UPND president ? Do u feel attacked?

    Ever since u lost Chilanga seat and consequently call to UPND general assembly, u have been acting abnormal Mr.

    This fight is not about UPND cadres but it’s about u trying to survive because your people are tired of losing president like u. Your people want to form government and u are the only reason they remain in opposition. Get out please. Go away. U just good to be a village head man not president of Zambia. U not capable.

    • In the grand scheme of things and reality our police are useless and I would agree with HH.



    • Self-defence is a constitutional right. Anyone condemning HH’s call for self defence needs to have his/her head examined.

      PF has violence in its DNA.
      After commandeered the infamous violent Chawama bye-elections in 2001, M.Sata formed & named Patritic Front (PF) after ZANU-PF & copied their style of leadership i.e.
      – Youth violence
      – Election rigging & election violence
      – Tribal divisions – Shona vs Ndebele
      – Police brutality
      – Arresting & torture of opposition leaders wwwDOTtelegraphDOTcoDOTuk/news/worldnews/1545548/Beaten-blinded-but-defiant-in-face-of-Mugabe.html
      – Intimidation of media
      – Curtailing freedom of speech, association, assembly
      – Destruction of economy
      – Stealing from treasury to live luxurious lifestyles when the people are suffering (Gucci Grace Mugabe)

    • And Zambians will maintain their call never to vote for him to become President of Zambia. And Zambians will maintain their call to vote for PF mayor in Lusaka and PF MP in Kasenengwa.

    • What a stupid comment from a pf cadre.You know the truth you moron.You stole HH `s votes.Keep on dreaming and mind what is happening in your own party.Why are you so scared of one HH?We are not fools you people.You think we can easily fall for your cheap tricks?We know you so just mind what is happening in your party.Jelouse for HH will give you heart attack.
      Some of us we stand for the truth.We dont just follow blindly cause ni bayama when the country is in Shambles economically.

    • Who in their normal sense would accept their space to be invaded and not protect it? Self defense also means “Stand your ground” and its only common sense that those who come in peace are welcomed peacefully! Only the ones harboring ulterior motives want to misrepresent the urges self defense statement by UPND! Let’s grow up people!

  2. The king of FLIP FLOP has spoken! What else do we expect from this TIN POT of a leader?

    “Defend yourself” is a freaking EUPHEMISM for “panga for panga.” No matter how Clean and Noble you want to make it sound. At least his deputy (chidumbo) was courageous enough to directly spell it out. Unfortunately, you are also assuming (very wrongly for that matter) that your cadres (UPND) will always come up on top (win) the if they fight back. Quite frankly, you just going to escalate this NONSENSE and get you supporters hurt or worse, killed!

    He meets the American ambassador and all of sudden he is a concerned citizen/leader who hates violence and its offshoots. Now, he is in his element and he just can’t help but show his true colors. Now you know why some of us call him a HYPOCRITE…

    • Mushota: for the first time in my life on lusaka times I actually agree with you the Police are worthless.
      HH is right

  3. No Zambian Political Party or leader is worth dying for. These dudes encourage their members to do that which they and their family members won’t do. I didn’t see HH fight back when he was arrested. People open your eyes and stop being used by our selfish politicians!

  4. “HH maintains his call on UPND members to defend themselves when attacked”.Well this like telling a rabbit to defend itself against a Guerrilla. PF is “King Kong” whilst UPND is just a “Praying mantis” with its two grasping, spiked forelegs folded in a prayer-like position pretending to pray.

    • Even an ant will bite and inject its venom to cause the aggressor irritation or lasting damage even though it ends crushed! Why should anyone cow to intimidation to invasion of their space? Let’s grow up and be real! Those ridiculing HH on defending self never had the privilege of life teaching experiences “ba kachema” do to build self confidence and responsibility! Keep your pivoting to yourselves!

  5. HH cisushi. This is Amagedon agenda. UPND cadres attacked journalists and innocent people in Chilanga. UPND and in particular Tongas attacked people in various parts of Southern Province during the just ended general election. What he is saying is that if bembas or any tribe is attacked in Southern Province please attack them too wherever they are in the name of self defense. HH is a devil sent person just like what happened in Rwanda. Even those supporting him should be insane and members of the devil family.

  6. HH has never really met the Zambian defense forces. They are silent, but will defend Zambia with God given courage and poise. Ask Ian Smith about Green green Buffalo. One Zambia one nation.

  7. The general conference and the recent loses all over Zambia have HH scared of losing his position as president of UPND.

  8. And how did he manage to utter a political speech at the traditional ceremony. Well defend yourself. ..kiki. let’s wait and see how a rabbit will now defend it self from a lion and hyenas. The only battles upnd won was when they brutally beat that fdd woman and chilufya tayali.

  9. The creditors must be applying a lot of pressure. HH and Mutinta must really be praying every night for the so called volcano to erupt so that they can at least have a chance of tasting power as HH can not win elections.

  10. when we say all Tonga s are upnd members this is what we mean. how can he be allowed to utter political sentiments at a traditional ceremony? and to make matters worse their chiefs were in attendance. I wonder why some Bemba’s follow this guy like zombies when they know that they will never be appreciated and will forever be outcasts. stop encouraging politics at your ceremonies and i’ll stop calling you trabalists.

  11. “HH maintains his call on UPND members to defend themselves when attacked as GBM secretly beheads 11 PF cadres in Kawambwa”, should have made more interesting reading

  12. He is right; i will defend myself too if attacked; Lungu, Kanganja et al; have failed us; they even have their cadres go and burn the building of the Lusaka mayor aspirant in Kabwata; why should not defend themselves;

  13. PF have, from their existence, been trying to win every argument or force people into submission, through violence. Even here they cannot understand that HH is saying enough is enough, any creature has the right of self defense. The state machinery has predicatively failed to protect innocent people at the hands of PF thugs. You want people to continue giving ‘their other cheek’ when they are slapped? Now you want to behave holier than thou when you have been the purveyors of violence. PF thugs have ridden rough shod over the opposition for too long. There are many a people in the world today who would not have tested freedom if they had merely chosen to lie down.

  14. yes people should defend themselves those who are condemning have no morals PF attacks you and you are expect to do what? to let them injure? to run away? its just logical

  15. HH is a very poor strategist.
    How do you fight a competitor(with resources that give them competitive edge) who is clearly stronger than you?
    Is that what he learnt in business school?
    It’s madness and every CEO (military general) knows that.
    Who does the thinking for UPND?
    HH sounds like a kid rolling out national political strategy.His strategy is surely mismatched against the emerging political conditions.

  16. To complete the equation when UPND also attacks PF they should also defend themselves. So let the games begin we see who has the majority. HH is a sadist and the best is nature should take it’s course on him before the country degenerates into chaos

  17. When Childish retires in 2021 after he loses Hagain for a record sixth time, the other guy he is with will be voted in by UPND as president, right?

  18. Only foolish people can listen to what HH is saying. Who is ready to die for a stingy man like HH who can’t even buy you a coffin if you died in his battle for statehouse? Why didn’t HH himself fight ECL when they met at Munkombwe’s funeral? Instead he was busy shaking hands and cracking smiles in pretence of reconciliation. My advise to you all Zambians is that, please ignore all these fighting things. We all know whom we want to vote for and that should be our secret. Don’t fight your brother for nothing. Just know who you want either ECL or HH that’s so.

  19. I can see GBM positioning himself in the right position for President. Go on GBM, we all like UPND but the problem is that HH who is blocking you to be a president.

  20. Instead of celebrating that sex and beer traditional ceremony , HH as usual saw an opportunity to campaign.

  21. It’s ironic that the party that is known for violence is the one asking it’s members to defend themselves. I’m not defending PF, but on the scale of violence, UPND is many times more violent than PF.

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