Thursday, January 2, 2025

Moringa tree has the potential to reduce deforestation and Malnutrition


Moringa Tree
Moringa Tree

CELIM Zambia says planting Moringa tree has the potential to reduce deforestation and Malnutrition for Western province and the entire country.

CELIM project manager Federigo Gazzoli said the project they are implementing is aimed at increasing Afforestation in order to mitigate climate change that has been caused by deforestation in the province because Moringa tree grows within six months.

Mr Gazzoli further noted that the members of the community have given a positive response to the project and the Namushekendi farming institute demo plot has already been established.

“ Moringa is a good tool to fight climate for the province as well as the country and it is for this reason that we will will continue to sensitize the community about climate change, “ he said.

Meanwhile Senanga District food and Nutrition officer Inonge Kaongolo said Moringa tree contains all vitamins needed for the body hence the need for rural areas to concentrate in growing it.

Ms. Kaongolo said planting Moringa trees should be included among the farming activities for all farmers.

CELIM Zambia is running a two year project funded by Civil Society Environmental Fund implemented in western province covering Mongu and Nalolo districts which is aimed at improving food security and nutrition of villagers and also mitigate climate change effects in western province.

The project is expected to also improve the fertility of the soil in the farms of beneficiaries through Moringa juice and transplant about 7500 Moringa tree in the targeted areas.

It has so far benefited about 153 people from Namushakende, Nanjucha and Kalundwana villages who use products of the Moringa tree.

The project will also help in linking the beneficiaries of the project to the market in order to increase income generation for the communities.


  1. Not exactly what is good for us. Other species of trees are also needed because diversity is the way of nature.

    • These trees that grow in six days!!!! Are they even real ?

      The Chinese are laughing all the way to the bank at our expense.

    • IndigoTyrol – The trees are used a Asian cuisine (Chinese)….this is where these empty tins are getting their silly ideas

    • THe PF have allowed the chinese to cut down all our teak forests and in return they want to plant a tree which comess from India – absolutely disgusting

  2. Hell bent to introduce foreign breeds with Chinese connections so they can steal Mukula through the backdoor!!

  3. Better than doing nothing but different tree varieties are needed like mango trees…..surley how can PF watch mangos being imported when our people can grow them a make a living ?

    However We know such incentives are hard work , and pf don’t do hard work except in campains…

  4. Planting trees should be everyone’s responsibility. just bury the seed after eating instead of throwing it.You don’t need government to do that, a pre school student can do it.

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