Tuesday, January 14, 2025

7 CSOs claim to have evidence of vote buying the ruling Patriotic Front


Laura Miti
Laura Miti
Seven Civil Society Organizations claim to have evidence of vote buying the ruling Patriotic ahead of this Thursday’s mayoral and council Chairpersons by-elections.

These include Action Aid Zambia, Governance, Elections, Advocacy and Research Services (GEARS) Initiative, Alliance for Community Action Zambia (AAZ), Caritas Zambia, NGOCC, Transparency International Zambia (TIZ), and the Zambia Council for Social Development.

Reading a statement on behalf of the CSOs during a media briefing in Lusaka, AAZ Executive Director, Laura Miti said the distribution of chickens, sugar, shirts, money and other goods have reached unprecedented levels.

Ms Miti has also called on the Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kanganja to reflect on whether he has the ability to oversee a professional police service that serves the people of Zambia without fear or favor.

She says the CSOs feel the Police Chief will do well to resign saying he has lamentably failed to deal with perpetrators of political violence.

Ms Miti further states that the civil society is concern that the public are increasingly losing confidence and trust in the Electoral Commission of Zambia’s capacity to oversee and deliver a credible election.

Ms Miti says the CSOs therefore called on the ECZ to investigate cases of vote buying and use the law to show that voter manipulation is unacceptable.

Speaking at the same briefing, NGOCC Executive Director, Engwase Mwale observed the need to intensify sensitization efforts against voter apathy.


  1. UPND has just lost credibility hence using compromised useless NGO’s to speak for them but majority Zambians cannot just support a party led by a sadist leader using outdated 2006 strategies always accusing others for UPND failures

    • Sure, Harry? It sounds more to me like you’re one of those enjoying chickens, sugar, shirts, and money a little too much.

    • Losers…they lose elections even before the actual election day…and these are the same people that like bringing in confusion useless NGOs..beggers and very unproductive

    • But this Miti lady is a problem. These are the people tainting Civil Society negatively. Continue with your ranting and biasness, for as long as i see development i will contunue to vote for my preferred choice. Self appointed biased CSO leaders. Most of you we need to check your accountability levels of donor money.

  2. Just bcoz HH has refused to slaughter his cows for the supporters and abandoned Kangwa Chileshe who got no money for the campaigns does not mean that the PF is vote buying slaughtering chicken.I qoute, “Laura Miti said the distribution of chickens, sugar, shirts, money and other goods have reached unprecedented levels”.So imwe wa Laura at which level is it allowed to distribute chicken, money and shirts??? The UPND should know that before hiding under the Civil Society Organizations won’t accumulate ballot papers.Really ridiculous tactics by the would be losers…

    • ECZ have already delivered this election to PF. Not when they refuse to talk about Chavula who was caught with fingers in the till with Esau Chulu and UN observers in attendance at the general elections results center in 2016.

  3. Laura Miti is a well known UPND cadre,so am sure she has just sensed danger of another huge embarrassment for Kainde’s UPND coming this week!!lets see if you will beat Mighty PF on Thursday as UPND always claim to be popular and you claimed of having won the 2016 general elections in 2016 and in 2015!!US ZAMBIANS CANNOT WAIT TO SEE WHETHER IT IS TRUE UPND IS POPULAR IN URBAN ZAMBIA OR IT JUST POPULAR IN YOUR TRIBAL MINDS!!It is high time UPND realised that many Zambians can never vote for HH’s UPND!Blaming others wont take UPND into power anytime soon.
    For your own free data;I,my wife,and other family members will be voting for PF’s Hon.Miles Sampa at UNZA in munali as early as 06hrs on Thursday!!
    GO PF GO!!!COME 2021 NI PF CHABE!!

    • Njimbu. A bitter one for that matter. Any way we speak through the ballot. And for as long us we have such bitter people who re who fall in the category of lunacy – then i will continue to show them that my individual vote is powerful than their thousand rants.

    • This woman has traits of a prostitute. HH is married with a Beautiful and responsible wife. We know your tricks. Lay your hands off.

  4. Can Laura Miti provide irrefutable evidence that it is only PF and not UPND who are involved in vote buying? If she has such evidence, I would advise her and CSOs she represents to take this evidence to ECZ. Singling out the PF as the only culprit smacks of bias as most of us know that UPND is just likely to engage in the same type of activity.

    • @ FAKE FACTS

      “…I would advise her and CSOs she represents to take this evidence to ECZ…”
      Are you official Plunderers Federation clown or just brainwashed paid-up vuvuzela of the Endemically Corrupt Leader?
      Surely, no honest person in full control of his/hers mental capabilities can trust ECZ?

    • In Africa, it is common practice to discredit Electoral Bodies by opposition. Even when the same opposition assume power, they don’t commit to electoral reforms. Infact, these elecoral bodies are in better shape than they were 20 years ago. We just have useless opposition parties in Africa-greedy individuals with undemocratic tendencies who crave power.

  5. I did not know distributing chickens is vote buying. I thought they were going to say something like PF are buying NRCs and voters cards. The last time I checked voting is a secret. Whether I received a chicken or T-Shirt PF will not know who I have voted for. Laura should get a life. The UPND is party that does not spend money. JBM is losing weight day in day out because of being milked by a greedy man.

  6. These CSOs opportunists are being influenced by known UPND cadres hiding in CSOs. Stay away from those UPND partisan clowns.

  7. Harry when your children come tell you that you are a fool don’t complain. No one has succeeded on corruption. I still believe God will perform a miracle before 2021. UPND don’t engange yourself in violence If PF wants to get a seat through corruption let them take, but continue praying to God. I’m seeing bright future for you.God is seeing everything.

  8. Laura Miti is a UPND hired gun. She has been sent to discredit the elections even before the first vote is cast. UPND is preparing to use Laura miti as a point of disputing the results. UPND is losing the elections so they need an excuse

  9. Who doesn’t buy votes naiwe ka Laura. Upnd offers money and beer during presidential elections just like PF FDD etc. I can get the money but it doesn’t guarantee you my vote. That’s why it’s called secret ballot.

  10. Looking for a time when Zambians will one day wake from dumbness and lazyness. Sure who could’nt see what’s happening and dumb and lazy people are always in blindly defence. Lazy things

  11. Political parties with selfless leaders like those in PF buy food for their campaigning officials. That’s not vote buying. H H is a greedy leader. Laura is a bitter UPND like HH harbouring hatred anger against PF. Mwanami.

  12. Mwaliba amakula muZambia!
    This country will wallow in chronic poverty for another century, despite being declared Xian nation. Ubukula bwana kwati bwa kulowekwa. No amount of seems to helping.

  13. Let all parties guarantee peace and the secret ballot prevail, then the people’s free will will prevail

  14. This is the down side of Zambia’s democracy. CSOs have become partisan. Laura is a well known upnd cadre, gears is headed by Mcdonald Chimpanzee-former FODEP head who stood on a upnd ticket, TIZ is now headed by a bantustani and upnd sympathizer, etc. This is not a CSO concern but a political attack by upnd cadres masquerading as CSOs.

  15. It’s in public domain that the late tyrant Mobutu Seseko bewitched the entire Zaire population as revealed by a minister who was in government and had close secret contact with Mobutu as President. Mobutu,like Idi Amin,were known to practice black magic with renown sangomas all over Africa.Seseko would even promote somebody whom he might send on government assignment far from Zaire in order to have sex with their wives to have those appointed under his spell whilst pretending to be a true Catholic but God proved to be too strong.We will wait and see as we know our Kaiser and etc…use jujus to manipulate.We may be on a history repeats itself course. God bless Zambia.

    • Sometimes it’s better to keep quiet to avoid exposing how backwards we are. You will get people like Kaiser all over the world. Right a senior aid to the French President is on suspension for beating up a protester. Even Hichilema has got William Banda who’s more ruthless than this boy called Kaiser.

  16. Do they only see vote buying from one side? Will this be the only tale from them? Address issues of vote apathy please!

  17. Ecz,police,Upnd,Pf,FDD,the Media,Parliament, etc…Forget about those.Pray,there is a spiritual war the world over.The blame game won’t work.Pointing at PF as the culprit won’t solve anything.Look around the world.What do you see?Observe what is happening in the US,the UK,the EU,China have a President for life now.Look at oourAfrican Presidents.What do you see?Hell has broken loose.Only “those that know the Only True God will understand the pangs of these last days.Satan is ruling our leaders.Pray for them so God can open their eyes and stop them from being usedby Satan as pawns on his chessboard of destroying our planet.Pray for them,they are our kin.

  18. PF Karma will get you soon, I remember Sata petitioned a lot of MMD seats because of vote buying and now his predecessor ECL and croons are doing so in full view of ECZ, who seem weak and useless to act. PF cadres are behaving like they haven’t seen videos of ministers and Miles Sampa distributing goods to the poor people. Anonymous, Ndanje, Zambian citizen and Njimbu go to you Masters’ (PF) Facebook and you will see them buying poor folks off with cheap material goods that’s not going to last long which is very sad because the poor citizens are selling their souls like Judas Iscariot for gifts they won’t even be able to pass down to their children’s children. Meanwhile Miles and his buddies are going to gain mansions, get fat and large bank accounts while those poor people get…

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