Friday, September 6, 2024

FRA increases maize purchasing price from K65 to K70


FRA Board Chairperson, Joe Simachela
FRA Board Chairperson, Joe Simachela
The Food Reserve Agency (FRA) has increased its maize purchasing price from K65 per 50 kg bag to K70.

This follows President Edgar Lungu’s directive for the agency to revise the price.

In a statement, FRA Board Chairman, Joe Simachela has reiterated the agency’s commitment to its mandate to purchase and administer the National Strategic Food Reserve through the efficient provision of market access to the rural based Small Scale Farmers who are the primary stakeholders of the programme.

Mr. Simachela says it is for this reason that the FRA in setting the designated crop prices has always adhered to the principle of holistic consultation of the key stakeholders in the agricultural sector in the crop marketing chain from production to consumption.

He says the Agency will purchase Maize within the confines of the 2018 National Budgetary allocation to FRA and will strive to mitigate all possible negative risks that could fuel consumer dissatisfaction on the price of the final product, mealie meal.

Mr Simachela says the FRA has maintained the price for soya beans at K130 and will also buy a 40 kg bag of paddy rice at K70.

He has further clarified that the prices are FRA prices and not Government floor prices, hence farmers are encouraged to negotiate for better prices with other market players who may buy the larger quantity of the what has been produced.

Mr. Simachela has reminded the farmers in the FRA targeted areas to continue to prepare as guided in the 2018 Crop Marketing Modalities.

He adds that the FRA will enter the market on 1st August 2018.


  1. Does this mean you guys work on instructions from the president. You don’t have your own brains. You’re a shame to the nation. Everything the president has to get involved from cleaning the streets to changing the work culture. Why are you still holding your positions?

    • Well articulated! Why have a board that does not make any decisions. The culture of directives froM HE must stop. Do your jobs you fools. You should have consulted before hand….

  2. Another political move so that the rat of all rats can look like is a good leader…you can kiss my white arse…
    You are all weak…this is embarrassing.

  3. This is one of ECL lawyers whom he has rewarded with a Directors job at FRA.Another yes man with zero background in Agriculture or management strategic grain reserves/food stocks

  4. Very good well done Mr President. Let Zambian farmers for a change start tovearn something for their hard work. However this price is still little we had expected at least K1.5 per kg that is 75 per 50 kg bag. To the consumers don’t buy expensive mealie meal from millers be smart go and buy your own maize then take to your local hammer meal.

  5. You can keep on increasing as and when you receive instructions but where are you going to get the money to pay these farmers? You still have credits from last year.

  6. The farmer is subsidised. In fact some families have more than one card. It’s just logical that the farmer sells at a reasonable price to FRA. Also if you sell at a high price, then the miller will sell the end product at an unaffordable price. It’s a vicious cycle that needs no political solution.

  7. If FRA is buying the crop from FISP farmers then the price in question is very good .For the farmers who bought the inputs at market values the price is very low.My advise is this FISP sell to FRA and farmers whose inputs come from markets should sell to e.g. NWK and AFGRI who are buying at 85 .The whole business of complaining will not help us let us see what we can do within the confines of our reach

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