Tuesday, March 18, 2025

24th October is the official date on which Zambian Airways will be launched-Mushimba


Zambia Airways
Zambia Airways
Government has maintained that 24th October this year still remains the official date on which the Zambian Airways will be launched.

Minister of Transport and Communication Brian Mushimba says the large part of the homework to establish the national airline have now been done.

Mr. Mushimba says this includes stakeholder engagements, technical studies, economic modeling and the putting together of business cases.

He states that this is in fact what has lead to the partnership which the Zambian government has entered into with the Ethiopian Airways to establish the national airline.

Mr. Mushimba has disclosed to QTV News agreements have to this case been tabled with the Ethiopian Airways and that all these engagements are now coming to an end.

He states that from what he has seen, the shareholders agreements, Airplane leasing Agreement, Maintenance agreement and management contracts will be signed this month.

Mr. Mushimba is confident that if these agreements and contracts can be signed this month, September can used for recruiting and that planes can be brought on the ground in October.

He says government is therefore holding steadily that there will be an inaugural flight on 24th of October this year of the Zambian Airways planes.

Meanwhile Mr. Mushimba has directed the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to ensure that before the Zambian Airways is launched, all aerodromes and airstrips in the Country are well sanitized.

Mr. Mushimba has urged the CAA to ensure that all structures that have built on the aerodromes and airstrips illegally demolished and all aerodromes and airstrips put on title as a matter of urgency.

He was speaking when he toured the CAA stand at the Zambia Agricultural and Commercial Show in Lusaka.

And CAA Director General Gabriel Lesa has informed Mr. Mushimba that the process of putting on title all aerodromes and airstrips in the Country has already begun.

Mr. Lesa says the CAA has also developed new guidelines and standards for all aerodromes in the Country.

Meanwhile Mr. Lesa says this year’s Zambia Agricultural and Commercial Show theme of Sustainable Economic Empowerment tallies well with the CAA’s mandate.

Mr. Lesa has told QTV News that this is because all sectors of the Zambian economy rely on affordable effective and reliable transport which the air transport provides.

He says the CAA believes that air transport is the most affordable effective and reliable transport in Zambia.


    • “September can used for recruiting and that planes can be brought on the ground in October”. Really??? This immediately reminded of this much cited quote from Virgin boss Richard Branson: “If you want to be a Millionaire, start with a billion dollars and launch a new airline.”Airlines are a VERY complex business. With all the regulation and complexities of the operation, plus the costs involved and the lives at stake, you will usually find that a lot of very bright people tend to get hired by airlines. You need a lot of expertise on several fields:IT, Logistics,Legal, Operations, Planning,Flight Crews and Training Sales, Compliance, Finance, Ground ops, Revenue Management just to name a few…And you think you can do the recruitment within a month as if you are recruiting maids or cadres!

    • CONT’D…
      Cadres.Unless you say it will be Ethiopian Airways Reloaded otherwise Zambia Airways will be just on paper whilst the real airline will be Ethiopian Airways hiding under Zambia Airways.You can’t start an national airline with all the planes purely on lease (without owing even a single aircraft).No proper blueprint on the whole thing which might make GRZ to ask for the “3rd” Euro bond for the capex or bailing out in the anticipated flop business. Tiye nayo pwetete-pwetete mu Bemba anapolonya tute ne mambala.

    • 1.Ethiopian Airlines Group makes its profits from subsidiaries that service its airline & other airlines. E.g. the catering, aircraft maintenance subsidiaries bill EAL & other regional airlines & so will Zambia airways. Govt’s $30m will be siphoned by management & consultancy fees.
      2. EAL is a dobba-dobba. A ticket to Europe is cheap but it’ll collect passengers from malawi, angola, kenya, TZ etc before stopping over in Addis Ababa for 2 days. Then you are all flown to europe.
      Is that how Zambia airways will operate?

    • Contd..
      3. Those russian aeroplanes are a wrong choice. Ask mexican airlines, its almost bankrupt due to them being grounded
      4. Ask or google on what Malawi is benefitting from the Malawi airlines partnership with Ethiopian Airlines

      Its so painful that people who rejected these PF00Ls are being forced to wipe their b00b-ups.

    • What a huge mistake! Much needed money being thrown away. Poor leadership no vision, in a few years time it’ll be abandoned trust me.

  1. “September can used for recruiting and that planes can be brought on the ground in October”. Really??? This immediately reminded of this much cited quote from Virgin boss Richard Branson: “If you want to be a Millionaire, start with a billion dollars and launch a new airline.”Airlines are a VERY complex business. With all the regulation and complexities of the operation, plus the costs involved and the lives at stake, you will usually find that a lot of very bright people tend to get hired by airlines. You need a lot of expertise on several fields:IT, Logistics,Legal, Operations, Planning,Flight Crews and Training Sales, Compliance, Finance, Ground ops, Revenue Management just to name a few…And you think you can do the recruitment within a month as if you are recruiting maids or party…

    • CONT’D…
      Cadres.Unless you say it will be Ethiopian Airways Reloaded otherwise Zambia Airways will be just on paper whilst the real airline will be Ethiopian Airways hiding under Zambia Airways.You can’t start an national airline with all the planes purely on lease (without owing even a single aircraft).No proper blueprint on the whole thing which might make GRZ to ask for the “3rd” Euro bond for the capex or bailing out in the anticipated flop business. Tiye nayo pwetete-pwetete mu Bemba anapolonya tute ne mambala.

  2. Who told recruitment will be done or selected from your farm. Do you know where our resource is coming from and who has been oriented already.? Your pathetic reasoning is what has been taking Africa back. *****…

    • Tell them … they not privy to any details and yet they want to sound like they are in the know.

      F00000lish ignoramus they are … Ba Brian faka speedie

    • Official jack of all trades and expert of unlimited rolling in intellectual crap, BRM has made his daily 5hity contribution!!!

    • There you go again, Mr. Low IQ, low libido!!!! This is being done differently not the same old ways. As per usual you misquoted a genius all because you’re not one yourself.

      Very limited knowledge and information you always prove yourself as the loudest cretin Zambia ever produced.

      You’re an extrapolated outlier among the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise.

      Tell me one thing you the prophet of doom ever predicted that ever came true or better yet, tell me one thing you ever ran in your life that was a success.

    • If a shallow young lad like Sharon is applauding you for doing a good job on LT then there is something seriously wrong with you….

    • Really laughable..they cant run a railway company that transports millions of dollars worth of copper on just one wagon to DAR yet they think they can manage an airline in a dog eat dog sector…reckless clowns.

    • The only thing that explains this mediocre decision is PF’s insatiable appetite for looting.No sane person can believe that this incompetent lot can even run a bus company maybe even those wheelbarrows in Soweto “..walubilo” may be too difficult for PH to run,now they have decided to run an airline.This will be another annoying experience.Look at Zambia Railways,they have failed to show us how the money invested in it was used.Whichever party takes over from PF will have serious problems to handle

  3. 24th October is the start date of proving reckless gamblers Brian Mushimba and B .R Mumba wrong on Zambia Airways .New ZA will fly into dark clouds of insolvency and eventual liquadation.

    • @ BRS !mbecile

      We are already watching you RUING this Nation for past SEVEN years!!!
      Uneducated !mbecile, do you know difference between State and country?

    • Very swift to cheer even when he knows that they are not going anywhere…these are the people who were clapping when PF was borrowing just like he is doing here but when sh*t hits the fan he’s is nowhere to be seen…busy propping up his relation Maggie when she was appointed even when we advised she was not suitable…he is just a lost delusional egotistic dingbat!!

    • There goes Captain BA01 … unverifiable claims with no shame. Just shut up useless useful clowns.

      If we have messed up this country, how come you are still here and not refugees in DRC???

      Useless empty tins making the most noise, day in day out. Try and use some of this time you blog on self improvement … you might be useful some day.

      Right now you are just a bunch of dimwits

  4. You are very dull chaps. Even when your leader is rejected you see otherwise you prophets of doom shame on whoever gave birth to you

    • Kelvin
      Please respect opposing views,failure by PF to listen is part of the reason why we are where we are,and dont forget this failure to accommodate opposing views is symptomatic of illiteracy.From Grade 1 we are taught to seek advice,that is why we were taught to ask in class.This failure to accommodate others is what largely explains the failure of Satan’s useless experiment.Old fool took more than 2 weeks to form a cabinet,and when he finally did we could see that the man never even consulted,had he consulted some unnecessary mistakes like nominating 10 instead of 8 members of parliament actually shows that he sat in some corner alone or as he preferred with an equally inept person like Kambwili or Mumbi Phiri, somehere,believing he was some kind of alpha and omega.

    • @ Dumbas You don’t know what you are talking about.I frequently use proflight and its damn expensive with 95% of customers being white and 5% percent are either company sponsored trips or elite blacks like myself.Ask yourself why has not penetrated the international market other than weekly Lilongwe, Durban and Harare routes? They have just taken addvatge bcoz there are no serious domestic competitors.Wait for Mahogany and other potential domestic airline then you will see.Why should be 3 trips from Lusaka to Solwezi cost equivalent one trip from Zambia to USA or 6 trips from New York to LA ?

    • ProFlight Lusaka-Ndola is $265 ordinary ticket, and they serve you Amigo’s Crisps for snacks. Only Mutati’s brother is a regular, they even know where he prefers to sit. How many of you lumberjacks here can afford that? I also only use it when it’s urgent and it just about 30 minutes flight

  5. We gave them their chance and the have failed…fellow country men I think gone ar the times wen we cud vote on tribal grounds. Let’s try a new pipo

    November 15, 2015 at 3:13 pm

    Why shouldn’t we trust him, Zambians have regretted voting for PF coz things are pathetic they have destroyed everything.If PF continues I wonder what Zambian will turn into in the next 5yers lets just try HH coz he is the only hope we have. viva upnd

    hezron lumanto
    December 1, 2015 at 4:01 pm

    hh why is that you dont laugh is there.a condition in upnd which restricks a president not tol laugh help me know this 4 me 2 vote 4 hh ifintu nilungu a friend of everyone

    francics banda
    December 18, 2015 at 8:23 pm

    lungu 5 goals. hh zero on the constitution.


  6. PF are a failing enterprise…..they have failed to even run Tazara , they are giving it to the Chinese…they can not run anything , they expect foringners to run everything for them…..even this air line is an Ethiopian entity ……we only own part of the air ports and hope for the Ethiopians to be paying us for using the name Zambia airways….pf are useless…..evem simple organising of garbage collections they have failed….

    • The opposition are a failing enterprise … they keep losing every time.

      They are now deranged!!!! Sorry sons of a gun they have become.

      ECL is running this country leave him alone, try again in 2021 but if the recent history is something to go by, imwe kwasila basa

  7. We support government on this. Please proceed and let’s fly away into the skies beginning 24th October!

  8. Air transport has to be part of the modes of transport available to its people. Hon Mushimba thank you. President Lungu… Thank you. Pf we thank you fof your bold move to bring back our national airline with a competent strategic partner.

  9. Zambia Airwaves.. sending waves of shocking losses amidst impossible odds .Ethiopian Air won’t allow you to eat into its African market no way.

  10. Hope it won’t collapse and leave us in terrible debt/kaloba and we hope fares will be cheaper.

  11. Educated fools are suffering because they doubt even their very brains houses inside their heads. Cursed you are you African Zambians for casting spell of doom on everything that we try just because it’s not your tribesmans pulling the country. Your tribesman worked for rothchilds and helped them undervalue our national assets then today you think he is our only hope? Only? Are you sure he is the only Zambian God created to help Zambia come out of it’s economic slavery? Non of your people can do anything about it single handedly. We must work together as a team. When. Zambia airways is launched stop using foreign airlines and make your own profitable. It will fail if you don’t support your local products and industry. Did you know that Everytime you use foreign goods and services you…

    • “……because they doubt even their very brains houses inside their heads. Cursed you are you African Zambians for casting spell of doom on everything that we try just because it’s not your tribesmans …”

      Fix what you have first , you are failing to run a single rail road , you are failing to even organise garbage collection , what makes you think you will sucssed in an airline ?

      This is like some one claiming to be a doctor while his whole household are chronically ill with treatable diseases , would you trust such a doctor….?

  12. Bwana Minister the reason we’re skeptical is that we don’t trust that you can get us a good deal, especially that it’s a joint venture. You have failed us before, look at the cost of building roads, it’s the highest in the region. The President signed the Constitution with his eyes closed, despite firm reminders from General Miyanda for him to keep them open and now within months he’s requested amendments. So take your time and listen to us, you don’t have the monopoly of wisdom

  13. If you want to die young then jump on this plane. Who would trust zambian planes after gabon disaster. As for me i only fly with british airways around the world. It pays to have first class as a man who works while flying.

  14. Even when i took my white swiss partner to see lake kariba few years ago and Victoria falls i deliberately drove because anything pf touches crashes. Good luck to all those who plan to fly with that coffin.

  15. Desk top critics, it is like impele “kanofye wa fwena” If you do not try you cannot succeed. Hopeless chaps dont try anything, but critisize everything.

  16. All those opposed to the launch are known UPND dogs what can one expect from the UPND Sadists and sycophants…nothing because most of them are educated danderheads confused of cow dung.

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