Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Court should Have Cited Hichilema for Contempt, says Deputy Chief Justice


HH interacts with Lusaka residents
HH interacts with Lusaka residents

Acting Chief Justice Marvin Mwanamwambwa has said accusation on three Constitutional Court Judges of being corrupt by UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema does not need an inquiry because evidence is already there.

Mr. Hichilema at a media briefing at his residence in New Kasama last year accused Constitutional Court Justices Mungeni Mulenga, Palan Mulonda and Annie Sitali of being corrupt and later accused them whilst in South Africa of being under the control of the President for throwing out his petition.

Responding to a Letter written to the Office of the Chief Justice by Lufwanyama resident Henry Chilombo to have Mr. Hichilema investigated as his sentiments may constitute contempt of Court, Chief Justice Mwanamwambwa said the evidence is documented in form of a report of utterances by the named culprit.

In a letter addressed to Mr. Chilombo and copied to the Director of Public Prosecutions, Chief Justice Mwanamwambwa however explained that it is for the court or adjudicator attacked or insulted, who should have the culprit summoned and charged for contempt of court.

Justice Mwanamwambwa emphasised that the Supreme Court does not tolerate attacks and insults on it and a number of persons are facing charges for contempt of court before it, for attacking and insulting it.

Wondering on why the Constitutional Court did not cite Mr. Hichilema, Acting Chief Justice stated that the judges and the court that was attacked and insulted are aware of the attacks and insults.

“For in explained reasons, they did not charge the culprit (Hakainde Hichilema) with contempt of court,” stated Zambia’s Acting Chief Justice.


    • This government is full of distractions. They lack focus.

      Why are they pursuing HH again? Is Zambia a christian nation?

      HH is no longer a factor in Zambian politics. He is finished, spoiled goods.

      This government should focus on:
      – improving the lives of its citizens
      – stop stealing and abusing public resources
      – stop violence and intimidation of critics
      – stop giving land to the Chinese and other foreigners
      – stop corruption
      – stop Lungu globe trotting to rogue states
      – stop Lungu building mansions abroad

      etc. etc.

    • LAST YEAR?
      I will not comment because I risk being summoned NEXT YEAR.
      Can someone sue the judge for contept, of not acting upon the case of last year?

      Prima facie case.
      Charge and prosecute.

    • Advice to electoral commissions that manipulate election results –
      Watch “Zimbabwe Electoral Commission stole the people’s vote” on YouTube

  1. ….WANYEKA MUNZI……..Kainde is in hot soup now!!! Bembas say “ichinwa pofu chaletelele pwele”.Silence is golden even when you are frustrated in life.HH’s mouth will land him in jail one day as he talks a lot of nonsense!!
    CAGE THE TRIBAL CREATURE AND A TERRORIST PLEASE!!!Citizens should respect the judiciary.Insulting judges could result into chaos in Zambia!!!Am sure Gregory Chifire and Bishop Mambo(Kainde’s cadres) will surely be jailed soon for contempt!!!LETS WAIT AND SEE!!!

    • This Njimbu, a word gotten from one of the Zambia languages, is a core tribalist, and bigoted fellow. Tribalists are the one who always accuse others of of that sin. Shame on you. Why can’t coexist with people from other ethnic groups?

    • Ecumenical church groups and the civil society of Zimbabwe have jointly released a statement in which they demand judiciary independence in the pending Constitutional Court Case where the MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa is challenging the July 30 presidential election which gave incumbent President E.D. Mnangagwa a 50, 8 per cent of the overall votes.
      Addressing members of the media on Thursday afternoon at Media Centre in Harare, delegates from the Zimbabwe Divine Destiny (ZDD), United Citizens Alliance, War Veterans Peace Initiative Forum (WVPIF) and Zimbabwe Prayer Network (ZPN) blamed ZEC chairperson Justice Chigumba for the current unnecessary political mess that has led to the killing of innocent civilians by trigger-happy soldiers, saying she was arrogant and unaccommodating to…

  2. Let alone, the speed it has taken for the honorable to respond to this letter. I hear there are people being held for months waiting for judgments coz not enough manpower within judiciary


  4. Alternative Facts Fake News S**thole Countries Social Mobility Chinese Zambia Police Reservists Corruption scandals: Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Alternative Facts Fake News S**thole Countries Social Mobility Chinese Zambia Police Reservists Corruption scandals: Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Malarkey, Malabishi!

    The entire Supreme court deputy Chief Justice cheapening themselves and behaving like a PF cadre. I wonder if he would have responded in the same zeal and efficiency had the letter complained about his puppet master Lungu or one of his minions. Lungu himself is on record threatening judges and accusing them of wanting to rule against his 3rd term while the case was still in front of them. They put their tails under their bums and said nothing. And Lungu’s minions and vuvuzela constantly criticize the judges but they don’t do shyt.

    Many years have passed and all of a sudden there is oxygen to this non-starter. First who said judges dodgy decisions can’t criticized? And the way they botched that petition case, who wouldn’t accuse them of being corrupt. They…

    • Alternative Facts Fake News S**thole Countries Social Mobility Chinese Zambia Police Reservists Corruption scandals: Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Alternative Facts Fake News S**thole Countries Social Mobility Chinese Zambia Police Reservists Corruption scandals: Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

      Malarkey, Malabishi!

      continue reading…

      And the way they botched that petition case, who wouldn’t accuse them of being corrupt. They criticized themselves and overturned their own decisions. And contempt is while a case is still on not after a judgment has been passed on.

      Perhaps this is an opportunity for HH to actually prove how corrupt these judges are by digging and presenting a compelling evidence, ala FTJ is a thief MKII. Be careful what you ask for! Follow their bank accounts; their wealth; check their credentials; connections; find nepotism; examine their judgments; etc.

  5. “HH WILL DIE A BITTER MAN” says Tayali. HH in the aftermath of 2016 elections behaved like a mad man, he had no regard for anybody; judiciary, the speaker of the national assembly, ECZ chairperson, the president. There is appointed time for everything and time to subject this tribalist to the wrath of the law is now. HH if not tamed has the potential to cause havoc in this country because he is sponsored by foreign agents, the Anglo-Americans who want to pounce on our minerals if HH becomes the republican president. The earlier this semi human being HH is convicted the better and safer for all the peace loving Zambians. The man is bitter, tribal, a white color thief, a puppet of the west, a prophet of doom, anti Zambia to name the least.

    • You are dirty tribal zealot, and bigoted fellow. If you have no evidence about someone being a thief, stop talking about it. Form your writing, one can deduce that you are a low life. Sham eon you. Zambia is in that economic state because of people like you who devote their time dehumanizing others..

  6. The judge is being overly sensitive .As long as you’re a public figure rest assured you will always face scorn,criticism , insults and contempt .This is a petty case especially given it was last yr yet you have murderers,rapists and fraudsters that should be the priority cases.

  7. An afterthought for sure!
    Why now and not in 2017?
    Who doesn’t know about the PF plot to eliminate poor HH, politically and even physically? The Commander in Chief did mention during many political rallies that he was determined to get rid of HH! The question is Why? The simple answer is PF wants to take us back to a One party state! It is dangerous to tolerate a head of state who abuses his immunity and position to threaten individual citizens using state institutions like the Judiciary! Our Judiciary is not manned by Angels but human beings subject to various temptations! It is in the best interest of justice that the Judiciary should investigate any of its officers who is suspected to corrupt the ways of Justice rather than issuing contempt threats and being defensive! We must…

    • We must change this archaic judicial stance! Our country is a country full of Sadists and so we cannot afford to allow this level of abuse of powers! Due process is what we want to see! Zambia is not very far from fulfilling the definition of a Failed State!

    • Don’t wait! After him, they will come after you and your children! Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere!

  8. If you want to stay safe, restrict your comments to the judgment. Don’t make accusations you can’t substantiate. Hichilema and Kambwili are fond of making wild claims

  9. If the Chief Justice can respond to a letter attacking an opposition leader within 24 hrs, why do court cases take so long to be disposed of?

  10. Zambia is economically on life serving machines.Any time,the machines are removed,Zambia will be taken to the morgue as a dead body.The people who are managing the machines are asleep and luck focus on how they can impart life in a bedridden country.They are even stripping linen on a bedridden country before it is declared dead.It is high time the citizenry came to their senses and realised that the country is in a state of coma.It will not do dancing and rejoicing at the bogus elections when the economy is being mismanaged.There is no seriousness in the running of the affairs of the nation.It is only a few who are benefiting and the rest are wallowing in abject poverty.The little that they have is taken from them in form slavery taxes.What a shame!!!!!!

  11. HH has called this calamity on himself. He shouldn’t blame others for his calling judges corrupt. Let him go provide evidence or call it quit with 2021

  12. This is sad day. HH won’t survive the slaughtering unless British Ambassador intervenes. I think HH will be found guilty of contempt.

  13. Foolishness is tied in the heart of HH, a rod of discipline is what will remove it. You can’t insult judges like you insult your kids and go Scotfree. Let him go prove his allegations in court

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