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Saturday, March 29, 2025

Africa Confidential : UK suspends funding to Ministry of Education, Zambia using Aid to service debts


The Zambian government has allegedly started diverting donor funds meant for social sector spending to make debt repayments, the latest report in the UK based Africa Confidential has shown.

The report says this has forced the UK’s DFID to suspend funding to the Ministry of Education.

Social Cash Transfers to the country’s most poor and vulnerable families have not been paid for over seven months after DFID has also suspended its funding of cash transfers because US$4.7 million is believed to have been diverted at the Zambian post office, which administers the payments.

The report says DFID has even demanded restitution.

Donors agencies provide a third of the total funding.

Africa Confidential also claims that a number of projects have been lined up which could add $1 billion to Zambia’s debt pile if the projects go ahead.

It lists some of the projects as the sophisticated and expensive two modern twin-engined C27-J ‘Spartan’ military transports from Italy’s Leonardo at $95 mn.

The report also says that earlier this year, Zambia arranged deals worth close to $500 mn for Israeli defence electronics, although they have not been finalised.

Another massive commercial loan is in the pipeline to support the supply by Russia of civilian aircraft to revive Zambia Airways, a deal which may include a presidential jet.

Below is the full report contained in the latest Africa Confidential

Africa Confidential Vol 59 No 18 Published 14th September 2018

ZAMBIA – Graft worsens cash squeeze


Fears that embezzlement has hit government departments have caused donors to suspend payments

Western donor governments have placed key assistance programmes under heavy scrutiny as evidence emerges of wide-scale corruption in three important government departments, Africa Confidential has learned.

Payments by the health, education and local communities departments may have been diverted.

At the same time, the government is plundering social spending so it can meet debt service payments, government sources in Lusaka say.

Current account expenditure, including ministerial trips, is being partly funded by the government pension scheme, we hear, causing delays to pensions contributions and payments to pensioners (AC Vol 59 No 17, Bonds, bills and ever bigger debts).

Civil service salaries were not paid on time in August, in part because a debt repayment had to be made on 3 September, the sources say.

Former finance minister Felix Mutati, now Minister for Works and Supply, is among those who have blamed the government publicly for the liquidity crisis. He said the government was not collecting enough revenue and was guilty of an ‘imprudent use of resources’, according to Zambian media.

The Education Department is undergoing a forensic audit after pressure from Britain’s Department for International Development, AC can reveal. There may have been chronic fraud back to 2012 due to misuse of the Integrated Financial Management Information System, which was adopted by many developing countries to control government payments and procurement, at least in part to prevent fraud.

A report by the Auditor General raised the alarm with DFID last year, but it was not made public.

Payments are understood to have been made to shell companies and the auditors wish to speak to more than 400 individuals, we understand. Until it has some satisfactory answers, DFID has suspended all payments.

DFID has also suspended its funding of cash transfers to poor families because US$4.7 million is believed to have been diverted at the Zambian post office, which administers the payments. DFID has even demanded restitution. Donors provide a third of the total.

The scheme was believed to be a great success and President Edgar Lungu requested the number of recipients be increased from 257,000 households, the figure for 2017, to 700,000 this year. However, the increase was put on hold because enquiries revealed that many of the intended recipients were not paid and that the scheme has been subject to fraud.

Finland, Sweden, Ireland and Unicef have frozen funding and DFID has privately asked for £3 mn. (US$4 mn.) to be returned. DFID officials believe ministers were made aware of the fraud, which Zampost officials used to buy expensive vehicles, but refused to terminate Zampost’s contract.

The Ministry of Health is another area of strong concern to Unicef and others, donor sources told AC. Enormous quantities of drugs have been stolen from government warehouses with suspicion of high-level involvement, and there is concern that fake drugs have been purchased from corrupt suppliers, leaving many parts of the country short of vital drugs and medical cover.

Ambulances were also required at inflated prices (AC Vol 59 No 8, As the debts balloon, Lungu avoids the spotlight).


The defence sector is another source of concern, especially as Lusaka concludes deals to buy sophisticated and expensive equipment, such as two modern twin-engined C27-J ‘Spartan’ military transports from Italy’s Leonardo.

The Dubai branch of the Italian bank Intesa San Paolo is lending just over $95 mn. for the deal, we understand.

Earlier this year Zambia arranged deals worth close to $500 mn. for Israeli defence electronics, although they have not been finalised (AC Vol 59 No 7, Into the valley of debt).

Another massive commercial loan is in the pipeline to support the supply by Russia of civilian aircraft to revive Zambia Airways, a deal which may include a presidential jet.

If all these projects go ahead nearly another $1 bn. could be added to the pile of debt in which Chinese-backed projects have played a large part up to now.

The economic picture and the ballooning debt should, pundits say, be a gift to Hakainde Hichilema, leader of the opposition United Party for National Development, but few of his attacks appear to be hitting home. Although senior Patriotic Front figures have been leaving, they have chosen to go their own way and the opposition remains fractured.



    • VIPUBA vi PF00Ls have failed to rule the country.

      They want to steal so that they, their children, their grand & great-grand children will never have to work for the rest of their lives even, if it means the country collapsing under debt.

      I wish HH had the charisma of Kambwili. I also think the treason jail-time has tamed him.

    • The poor people who were dancing DUNUNA REVERSE are the ones affected by PF theft. Them they’ve built blocks of flats, bought houses in Joburg, Dubai etc. and are driving Range Rovers.

    • Africa Confidential, The Economist, etc all have headliners about Zambia all of a sudden. There is obviously cause for concern but when you see reference to Russian planes been acquired by Zambia Airways or somebody claiming that life is worse in Zambia now than ever before then you question the motive of the articles because these are definitely lies. There appears to be agenda to cause civil strife in Zambia by western countries & one wonders why. I’m comforted by the Scripture I read today which says Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people He chooses for His inheritance (Psalm 33). We have already been chosen by God to be His Christian Nation. The Truth, no matter what, shall prevail & the lying lips shall be silenced. God Bless Zambia

    • You can’t be calling our hard-working president all sorts of names just because the alarmists, useless African Confindential, tells you rubbish.

      Read between the lines. AC is a business entity. A copy of their mag is K350 and subscription is K12,000. So alarming articles attracts them customers. RUBBISH!

    • Alarmist or not. Facts are facts. Can Lungu and his team provide evidence to prove that Africa confidential is wrong. If not, we will have to believe them. The key issue here is the most vulnerable are affected while Lungu and his team cripple the country and its future generations. Zambia deverse a better

    • 1.6 THE CHOSEN ONE. Jesus told the Galatians -Who has bewitched you. Christianity does not mean you become moribund and inept. Being a Christian nation does not mean you accept any nonsense being done against you. That is not Christianity but stupidity. Zambia is sliding into a Chinese debt trap. We are not saying Zambia should not borrow but borrow in order to invest into production and not consumption.That is where PF has lost it.

    • The noose tightens on Lungu and Zambia.

      We are the laughing stock of the world.

      Different reports, in different countries are all saying the same thing.

      Even our neighbours in RSA are alarmed at what is happening in Zambia.

      Those with ears will listen.

    • @Mwakale, I can only debate with you from facts & mutual respect. I know you think you are smart & know everything. That’s your opinion. From where I stand I can see lies being peddled & I’ve pointed them out in my earlier post. Whereas the debt situation is problematic its not crisis & this country hasnt ground to halt as claimed. Its problem thats being managed. GRZ may have been reckless 6-7 years ago but certainly not now. Dont you see the roads, hospitals, schools, airports etc. Is that what you call borrowing for consumption? Credible publications will get positions from both sides & form a view on that. I live in one of most beautiful countries in the world called Zambia where God is on the throne. All these politicians whether inside or outside govt can’t destroy what God…

    • Cont…. All these politicians whether inside or outside govt can’t destroy what God protects. The Zambian economy is running better than most & the doomsday preachers will never succeed. God Bless Zambia

    • What kind of financial scheme is this, you go to the western countries with a begging bowl asking for donor aid funds to repay Chinese loans.

      If you thought Cambridge Analytica (CA) is gone, think again. I smell rotten rats inside of this story. Like Haabazoka has put it in the recent past, London based Africa Confidential (AC) is not a credible source of news. (AC = CA).
      I am meant to to believe that Government is in control of the country’s affairs. 1 + 1 without a condition is not always 2.
      Fake news I say. Aba bena niba PUTI.


    • UPND is a propaganda Tribal H-organization. Every Zambian must be aware of HH as THIEF who wants to Harm this nation through use of Harm Nests and other related groups. They never say anything about Congo DR, Rwanda, Uganda, Nigeria, etc. It is time Zambians began to grow up.

  1. And when certain people caution about the status of state coffers, you call them names. If this is not slowly becoming a financial crisis, then I do not know how else to comment on it.
    People are suffering and you are diverting money intended to help them? I wish this was not correct, if not then Zambia is in trouble.

    • Alarmist or not. Facts are facts. Can Lungu and his team provide evidence to prove that Africa confidential is wrong. If not, we will have to believe them. The key issue here is the most vulnerable are affected while Lungu and his team cripple the country and its future generations. Zambia derseves better

    • Amazing how one piece of fake news is gobbled up by all UPND doomsday wishers with joy, dreaming that now HH will rise to power because Zed has crushed. Please guys do not be gullible, Africa confidential is just like ZWD, they create their own news based on falsehoods. All in the name of free press. DFID monitors all their funds, in fact they never allow Government to spend any funds, all is done through their appointed agencies like Oxfam, Action Aid, Red Cross, NGOs etc. GRZ never sees the money unless it was agreed that they will give it to GRZ to use as they wish(which one in a blue moon)

  2. I wonder if people who support Lungu (PF) are normal. All these reports coming out cannot be all lies. Think about the future of your children, don’t get blinded by today’s temporary selfish benefits.

  3. Elections have consequences. This is just one of those. With what I’m reading from other sources, the worst is yet to come.

  4. Let the Westerns conduct forensic audit to prove this allegation, its not only them interested to the truth about the matter even us Citizens of Zambia being the affected one need to know.

  5. Who is “Africa Confidential”?
    Why is this publication behaving like a Zambian Opposition Party?
    Who is behind the stories from this publication?
    Its obvious that the current narrative is “debt crisis”.
    I know the opposition do not have any other topic given the achievements of the PF Government.
    I know for a fact that it will be very difficult for the opposition to campaign and now this narrative is their strategy from now leading to 2021.

    • HH is a tool for enemies of Zambia who want to spoil the agenda of development of Zambia so that we can be hopeless and dependent on them! HH is the tool they use to sell! Fortunately is is UNELECTABLE in Zambia! It is also a tribal element. Zambia watch out!

    • It is the bantustan party behind this because its to ascend power through lies not the ballot! Shame! The development we are witnessing will bear fruit when this generation is out!This type of development was supposed to take place after independence, KK and his colleagues chose to liberate Angola, Mozambique, Namibia , and South Africa. What are getting from these countries, especially South Africa, killings of Zambians!? Checks and balances need patriotism!

    • Let them enjoy their “we told u so” moment Just as u enjoy your “unprecedented development” you want to deny them their moment?? It cant always be nice for PF caders sometimes just concede you are Zambians and we should all be concerned noti kwati balimilisha political kolyokolyo by the PF hehehehe!

    • Why would anyone be happy, if this news is true, then every Zambian is in big trouble. Thank God my grandmother is self sufficient in Malole with her cassava and goats!

  6. What has the British High Commissioner said? The British just like the Americans are never too shy to make such announcements publicly. Please don’t get excited.

  7. I like the lines:
    The scheme was believed to be a great success and President Edgar Lungu requested the number of recipients be increased from 257,000 households, the figure for 2017, to 700,000 this year. However, the increase was put on hold because enquiries revealed that many of the intended recipients were not paid and that the scheme has been subject to fraud.
    Ba President sure at the heart of stealing. Even increasing the number of fake The scheme was believed to be a great success and President Edgar Lungu requested the number of recipients be increased from 257,000 households, the figure for 2017, to 700,000 this year. However, the increase was put on hold because enquiries revealed that many of the intended recipients were not paid and that the scheme has been subject to fraud…

  8. “The economic picture and the ballooning debt should, pundits say, be a gift to Hakainde Hichilema, leader of the opposition United Party for National Development, but few of his attacks appear to be hitting home.”

    (HH) is happy when Zambians are suffering.

    • Man made suffering which they have been a party to …. by the way HH was even asking people to keep produce and ensure they have enough stocks in their household due to anticipated drought ….is this a person that sounds like he enjoys peoples suffering??? Lungu and his PF minions are clearly the ones that enjoy the suffering of Zambians because if they didn’t they wouldn’t have prioritized their aggrandizement to that of the poor Zambian

    • This is not about HH vs Lungu. This is about Zambia. Don’t be blinded by your support for politicians. look at things objectively.

  9. iwee c1kala! why do you always try to divert attention! is HH the one ruling this country iwee kolwe. who has created this mess.

    • P.F = Human trash.
      They are collapsing the Nation right before our eyes.
      This is just the begging. By 2020, Goats that were supporting this plunder, & dancing Dununa Reverse, will be turned into Michopo, while Jona relaxes @ his Mansion in Mbabane.

  10. Africa Confidential? What’s that? A credible news source? You gotta be kidding! Unless you are a member of the cabal.
    Have you heard the DFID and other donors mention the allegations? No.
    Instead I have read them giving more aid but no mention of the allegations.
    Are they afraid of Zambia and President Lungu? No. They are all transparent and powerful organisations and not tu ma small party?
    If they are investigating anything, we cannot make conclusions, can we? No, unless you are a member of the directionless cabal known as upnd, good only for noise making.

  11. This is what we call a sustained attack. Either these reports are a “sour grapes” reckoning, or there is a vigorous effort to uncover something. If these reports are untrue you will need all the fortitude you can muster to shepherd the population – especially the gullible who believe everything without analysis.

  12. Selfishness is a caner. If no one in leadership will stand up to fight for the poor God will certainly do. Zambia is not at war to buy such weapons. Why not invest that money in agriculture, solar energy, human capital?

    • God will not fight for Zambia but Zambians need to stand up and fight for their country. In the UK nothing like this can happen where leaders steal with impunity because people will stand up and call on that person to resign or be fired and that is why their economy is doing fine and yet they are not even a Christian kingdom. Not everything is God, God requires you and me to speak out for the voiceless and stand up for those who are oppressed but we are not doing that, we are too scared so we just rant on facebook and internet. I have decided to take a step to fight for my country from the UK and I will start lobbying people here just wish me well.

    • Chichi
      Imagine,just imagine.Buying military equipoment when there is no war and they themselves are claiming they have introduced austeruty measures,or undertaking road works on Mwapona Road and Lake Road when the roads where in fairly good condition and the country is broke…

  13. This africa confidential is fake and its clear now that HH is behind all these nonsense from this useless news source.HH has been sponsoring “zambiawatchdog” to spread lies for years but after noticing that Zambians do not trust “Watchdog”,Kainde has found a new useless medium from UK.Dr.Lubinda Habaazoka told us lask week that “Africa Confidential” is a useless medium which only spreads fake news and lies about Africa.This medium only writes negative issues about Africa and he told us to ignore it.SOON HH WILL BE EXPOSED WITH HIS DAILY LIES ABOUT ZAMBIA!!!
    Look Kainde,no weapon formed against Zambia shall prosper!!!Your smear campaign against PF Govnt will be defeated soon.You started with a song of “corruption” but got defeated.Now it is fake news about “Debts”,soon you…

  14. Anglo – America AT work. MUCH as WE KNOW, NOW they are USING , AFRICA Confidential blog to CAMPAIGN for 2021 .WE ALL KNOW , how africa Confidential blog FUNCTION. Publication that INTELLIGENCE REPORTS LEAKAGES are SEND to be published rather than using any media platforms FOR SAKE OF SECURITY of RECIPIENTS send (SENDER).
    This is PURELY a SCHEME of HH and HIS EMPERIALISTS who still want ZAMBIANS NATURAL RESOURCES (minerals)to be in their HANDS not exploiting by the CHINESE nationalists.In short the BATTLE IS BETWEEN western power vs COMMUNISTS powers as usual.
    CHINA has done very well in African continent ( BRITISH EMPIRE) than the Anglo America who don’t ASSIST in INFRASTRUCTURE Development.INFRASTRACTURE policy is the KEY point of direct relationship between COMMUNIST China and AFRICAN…

  15. Continue….
    Now its fake news about “debts”,again soon HH will be defeated because “lies have no legs”.Nobody in Zambia shall vote for Kainde by painting Zambia black as in the end he chasses away foreign investors and other benefits to our country.Kainde must know that he is never an option,so even in 2021 he will lose terribly!!!CURSED IS THE DAY THIS TRIBAL CREATURE WAS BORN TO UNKOWN FATHER BECAUSE HE HAS DONE MORE HARM THAN GOOD TO OUR COUNTRY BECAUSE HE THINKS WE OWE HIM THE PRESIDENCY AT ALL COSTS!!

  16. Zambia’s debt at about 32% of GDP is much lower. Japan’s debt is at 220% of GDP , United States at more than 100% of GDP, Greece at 180%, South Africa, Ghana and Cameroon’s is at more than 50% of their GDPs

    • Many factors should be considered here including the ability to pay back, fiscal and monetary discipline, solvency, debt conditions, etc. Its not just a matter of comparing with other countries.

  17. CHILUFYA TAYALI ‘said ‘ HH will DIE a BITTER man. Even during BIBLE TIMES there NO figurehead like HIM not even stubborn PHARAOH. Psychology is very clear , HH and his T.O.N.G.A. Minions particularly servicing of O.P are at the top of the mountains manipulating FACTS and TRUTH.
    NOW they HAVE FINDS NEW mouthpiece known as ‘AFRICAN CONTINENTAL bloggers ‘to express their BITTERNESS and HATRED about BEMBA and NGONIS .(PF).

    Look at the UPND I.T team they have turned motion graphics to their ridiculousness.( fake posts).
    ONE part HH why can’t WIN Presidential ELECTION ,HE IS TOO much in to EMPERIALISM .
    ANGLO-AMERICA has always Punished Zambians since Dr KK era.but are the people HE wants to come and GRAB Zambians MINERALS.
    HH is now a propaganda like ironic Csar of RUSSIA.

  18. These stories are just propagandas as usual life continues until people learns to tell the truth to gain the trust of the majority.

  19. Instead of suspending ,end it all together this thing of receiving donor aid will not take us anywhere when will Africa confidential report anything positive about Zambia .Mr president and the government am behind you by working hard on my farm I want to participate in growing our economy. Am supporting you now just as I will support the next president Hope the next president is one who sees positive things about Zambia.

  20. Its certainly getting worse by the day. Just accept that you have failed and give room to others to try as well.AFRICA CONFIDENTIAL seem s to have credible information than what we are getting from Siliya and Mwanakatwe. Soon and very soon we will just hear strategic government entities have been take over by the Chinese and these morons will try to justify the takeover without shame.

  21. So @ Spaka
    Your are a kind of UPND I.T technologist..? Am SURE,you understand what am writing here.
    If that is the case, you’re a curse. Honestly,why your SUPPORT of UPND, 24/7 when WHOLEHEARTEDLY you know EVIL of your Leader.?
    I know YOU now.for your own information, it’s WICKED people like and HH who decampaign UPND.
    More ruturns in 2021. Shame.

    • No njimbu , I don’t support UPND or HH but again I am against lungu and his 100% tolerance of corruption and his zero morals and integrity…

  22. @Spaka like lilo,AM NOT MR P.AM NJIMBU AS USUAL!!!
    Your HH has been exposed here.after a “corruption” song was ignored by Zambians since 2016,Kainde has taken his stupidity to useless “africa confidential” talking about “chinese debt” and he came up with a video where a white man read news about Zambia yesterday.Simple reaserch by our media confirmed that TV station does not exist BUT ALL IS HH’S EVIL SCHEMES TO TURNISH THE IMAGE OF ZAMBIA!!!
    2021 IS HH LAST CHANCE AND WITH HIS DAILY NONSENSE-I CAN SEE KAINDE LOSING TERRIBLY IN 2021-MARK MY WORDS!!!HH has nothing to offer now because he has told Zambians all he could since 2006!!!NO COUNTRY IN THE WOTLD CAN DO MINUS CHINESE MONEY TODAY.Let HH tell us how he will develop Zambia if he wins(God forbid) without help from China!!!

  23. That’s how far HH desperation can get to damaging the reputation of our great country.As much as the PF government has made mistakes let’s not turnish the image our country just for the interest of one individual who is so desperate to rule .China has invaded many other countries because at the moment they are the biggest economy.stop spreading falsehood.Zesco has not been sold .Provide evidence for you claim other than using the newspapers and selling false news to the western world at the expense of the same people you want votes from,who suffers from all these malicious stories that damage the economy,it’s the poor.HH has his money stuck in foreign accounts.Lets demand an explanation from the government than speculating.

  24. What does this tell you about these guys AC,s propaganda ?
    The economic picture and the ballooning debt should, pundits say, be a gift to Hakainde Hichilema, leader of the opposition United Party for National Development, but few of his attacks appear to be hitting home. Although senior Patriotic Front figures have been leaving, they have chosen to go their own way and the opposition remains fractured.

  25. Zambians obsessed with LUNGU and HH? what is said against LUNGU is attributed to HH and UPND… what is said against HH is attributed to LUNGU. LUNGU hates HH as HH hates LUNGU… The truth is LUNGU has the power to charge HH with treason but HH can…..nS LUNGU is very bitter with HH… So are LUNGU supporters.
    A piece of advice, the two gentlemen LUNGU and HH) are not GOD. Therefore Zambians must not worship them….. If fact all of them will die as everyone. GOD is not corrupt but every one is corrupt with sin….Every must repent even LUNGU and HH…..

  26. You people let Chines take over since we have falled to govern ourselves even ECL is not telling the truth yet we trusted him. We will live together with Chines pa Zed.

    Just change your strategy, no fighting them, we must love them to the extent of marrying them. One Zambia, One Nation.

  27. Zambia needs to restructure current debt with Nomura Holdings. Repayment should start around 2026 when economy starts to somewhat benefit from the infrastructure built.

  28. When the Chinese turn their attention to our game parks is when you will see western fury at what they see as Chinese taking over their traditional back yards…right now there are too many spoils for the Chinese to grab , but soon options will run out and only our game parks will be left, and they will scramble for those to squeeze anything out of those…..Then you will see the whites attack China, you an’t seen nothing yet. And I can safely say the day that happens is the day China’s friend ship with Africa goes bad.

    If the Chinese are smart they will understand this and steer well clear of african wild animals and leave those to the west and their many wild life support groups….

    #Spaka, the most influential blogger…

  29. Where there is smoke there should likely be fire somewhere.. So government might be denying and trying to give us a good picture about the economy and telling us all is well. But why all these things coming out now.If our economy is ok why isnt IMF giving us the money at least from that stand point its telling us something. Then why ask Turkey to pay for us our debt which if its far away from the time we should finish payment? and why ask someone else to pay your debt if you are financially ok and every thing on schedule? all these raise questions. Why do we keep on asking money from IMF if we dont need their money ?

  30. Things are tough in our countries ,we are having barely enough food to eat and everything is almost unaffordable because some workers are in local governments have not been paid for over three months. You people council /local government workers are suffered just to get paid .if yo dont know why it is to suffer go to councils like Mbala, Ndola,kabwe mansa etc where people last got paid for June saries and haven’t been paid up to now. people have no money to pay for children school fees ,to buy food .even salt is running out yet there are few individuals who have so much money and are busy saying things are ok with the economy of Zambia. How can thing be ok when workers can’t get paid for three months sure ? ????

  31. Ba Lungu!!!!!! nizanu izo, imagine what will happen to you when you leave presidency????, nothing stays forever in this life, whatever goes up must come down.

  32. My organization is involved in a large DFID – funded project with one of the government ministries. I referred the Britons from DFID we are working with to this story and they expressed complete ignorance of any withholding of or withdrawal of funding. Just what is going on? There is something very fishy going on!

  33. Upnd propaganda at work. This is why you don’t win elections. Concentrate on things that an average Zambian can assimilate and appreciate you as the government in waiting. Not peddling lies all the time.

  34. Lies backfire terribly. Thought someone had learnt that the lies like Mutaware fiasco, assassination claims & corruption had irked many who appreciate the progress to start voting PF. Now adding more lies. Surely the good people of Southern will turn from supporting a Tonga for the sake of it to supporting progress. This kind of orchestrated lies border on Treason. Publishing right when the President is speaking. Traitors indeed.

    Dfid and the Nordic donors will certainly issue a categorical statement to unmask the lying evil Darth Vader HH to turn away the little support remaining for him and his minions.

  35. Payment for Tazara which the Chinese built in the 70’s has not been paid in full to China yet China has not moved to colonize us! The West (when most of you reading this were not born) had refused to build Tazara! So where do you and the West (esp Africa Confidential) place China?

  36. Tazara Malaysia just refused Chinese project loan because it might bankrupt the country and you think Zambia a poor nation will not be bankrupt. You don’t know the details about tazara. You heard Dora confirm the Chinese have ownership in znbc worrying everyone about possible repossession of other institutions for non payment

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