Thursday, October 17, 2024

IBA told to sanction Prime TV for running Anti Chinese adverts


A Lusaka resident has written to the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) to complain over an advertisement that is running on a named television station allegedly inciting people to rise against Chinese nationals.

Chanoda Ngwira says the political advert can be a source of unlawful acts such as xenophobia and can incite people to rise against Government.

Mr. Ngwira has told ZNBC News that the advert is a contravention of the IBA Act and that materials of such nature can easily trigger crime and plunge the country into chaos.

According to the letter dated 15th September 2018 to the IBA Director General and made available to ZNBC News, Mr. Ngwira says the political advert aired repeatedly on all prime television bulletins, between September 11 and 15th is a breach of the licensee

He has since called on the IBA to act and intervene in the matter.


    • Questioning Chinese trade with Zambia has a new ngwira definition, Trump has been questioning US trade with china and just imposed new tarriffs, what does ngwira know about trade wars?

    • Ngwira, I don’t support HH but their is nothing xenophobic about the ad. To say that the Chinese are grabbing our land is simply stating fact. If you haven’t realised by now that our country is being taken over, then we are in more trouble than I imagined. But most likely that isn’t the case. Most likely you are benefiting in some way and so you don’t really care about your compatriots or the fate of our children in generations to come. You are like some of our forefathers who for the love of money, sold their brothers into slavery.

    • So many people here condemning the call for Zambians to take back their land. You people are extremely ignorant and naive. Comparing Zambians wanting their land back to Rwanda is ignorant. Rwanda’s situation was blacks against blacks, and today they’ve reconciled. The Chinese are not only foreigners…they’re foreigners of a different race. No one should be calling for violence against them, but they just need to be put in check and limit their access to land acquisition. They should also be made to obey and respect the law of the land. And remember that the Chinese generally look down on blacks, and will always do so. Just like that Chinese guy who was calling Kenyans monkeys, that’s how most Chinese feel about you. If you think there’s a problem in Zambia now, just wait. Wait a…

    • ..few more years when the Chinese begin to fully fund and influence politics in Zambia, begin to fight to be included in every branch of government institutions. You’ll have Chinese police, Chinese judges, Chinese politicians, Chinese soldiers, etc. And don’t think they’ll treat you as an equal. Already Kenyan workers are getting physically beaten by the Chinese at their place of work. They’ll even control the media, and use it as a tool for propaganda. China is very strict with how it deals with foreigners and they have the most stringent immigration laws in the world. You cannot become a citizen in China, even if you’re married to a Chinese.
      There are hotels in China where black people are not allowed. And you’ll never find a black policeman in China. And yet you allow them to…

    • (continued)… pour into the country with no regard to what it’ll mean for your future and your children’s future. You’re very naive.

    • Mr. Ngwira is just being objective. He doesn’t need to be paid to notice that that Prime TV is going against the law. IBA sought out prime tv

  1. First time when i saw it , I wondered the psychology Of HH .
    He even weaved his CULTIC UPND Symbol like a former NAZIST
    No wonder, HH is grandly HATED by majority non-Tongas CITIZENS.

    • So mr. P is it ok for chinese to grab our land? Look what the black power salute has done to our country. Please be objective and not tribal in remarks and concerns for our country.

  2. This is the type of pipo like ngwira who are making this country to be useless like the way it is now. This ngwira chipuba with no brains.
    How much have you been paid to be defending the wrongs

  3. These TV stations don’t learn from the past. Prime TV please learn from MVI TV. It is now bankrupt because of their realignment to a certain political party. Let the media houses be balanced in the reporting and conducts. Wait and see the station will fall down after some time. Last time HH and the party pumped a lot of money in MVi TV just to campaigning PF and they were behaving like it is a political party they were campaign managers for UPND especially Alexander Musokotwane, Bright ,Sinkosi some other journalists who have already left MVI TV due to none payment of salaries. So Prime TV

  4. @6. What would be your comment on ZNBC’s behavior from 2014 to date? for me the media in general has failed us. They are all taking a political stance, which shouldn’t be the case. ZNBC is no longer a public broadcaster but more of a wing of some political party. ZNBC are supposed to be trend setters

  5. Meanwhile UK and other countries have cut funding to Zambia for being too corrupt when will the people of Zambia wake up.

  6. There are more important things to talk about than a political advert like why the dollar has breached the K11 Mark and still climbing.

  7. It is written that the poor will be poorer and the rich will be richer. I wish the Chinese people the best in the Zambian hidden gardens.

  8. There is nothing wrong with the advert, Ngwira you are the one that is inviting people to rise against Chinese not the advert. Chinese are not bad people it depends on how you interact with them. I have worked and interacted with Chinese and all are friendly. It depends on the angle you consider to be xenophobic incinting.

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  10. l think some Zambian they don’t think l don’t know y they can’t see what is happening in this country some of you you should observe what is happening not just defend do you know what is going to happen after 20years went and see if you will be there and you will not be defend these Chinese do you know that Zambians in another country they’re not like this just went and see many Zambian have shops in Zambia give me a answer

  11. Bwana ngwira… Shame on you, I can’t just understand this man has gone this far..the news is even on your door step that Chinese people are taking over Zambia because of some certain selfish individuals like you who have no remorse for poor Zambians..people have freedom of press no need to complain against prime TV..its one way of giving checks and balances..

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