Friday, March 14, 2025

We stand by our stories – Africa Confidential


London based Africa Confidential has defended the stories it has been running on Zambia which has exposed grand corruption in key government departments.

The publication which has existed since 1960 has in the recent past published a series of articles on the state of Zambia’s public finances and President Lungu’s perceived failure to address corruption.

Some sections of the Zambian society have since labeled Africa Confidential as unprofessional and an agent of western propaganda.

Chief Government Spokesperson Dora Siliya charged that Africa Confidential was involving itself in a malicious campaign against President Lungu’s administration.

But the Deputy Editor of Africa Confidential, Andrew Weir, told the Guardian that the publication practices Journalism of the highest standards.

“We stand by our sources of information and our level of reporting,” Mr Weir said.

Mr Weir has charged that the Zambian government has “been borrowing like crazy.

And Mr Weir said on Focus on Africa programme on the BBC on Tuesday evening that the Zambian government initially “misrepresented things that we were saying.”

“But we’ve been covering this growing debt crisis and problems about public expenditure – what they are spending the money on – for some time now,” Mr. Weir noted.

Asked why Africa Confidential started an investigation bordering on Zambia’s debt, Weir responded that: “This isn’t like a great investigation like spotlight movie, something like that.”

“Our correspondents started finding out stuff about what was going on in terms of the loans that have been made by China and Chinese corporations and by private ones as well that seem to be well beyond Zambia’s means to repay and we’ve been doing that for a few months now,” he said.

He then gave an example of an unnecessary commercial loan that Zambia had contracted.

“Yes, for example, the recently contracted debt, they contracted…for a twin-engine military transport aircraft for a 100 million Euros and that apparently, to our best information, is a commercial loan. So, why are they spending money on things like that? The [Kenneth Kaunda] international airport which has been in need of a bit of a facelift has been undergoing…and we find nothing wrong with that. But the information that we are getting is that it is being massively overpriced,” Mr. Weir explained.
On the cutting of aid to Zambia by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID,) Weir said: “The DFID thing is slightly different.”

And Mr Weir has charged that the Zambian government has “been borrowing like crazy.”

“On one hand they (the Zambian government) have been borrowing like crazy for things that some people say are a waste of money. But on the other hand, there’s money that come from aid budget, that come from taxpayers from Britain and Europe and United Nations agencies towards social security payments, towards education and towards health. Now, that’s the money that there have been reports which said the money is being diverted [and] which have been investigated by the Zambian government itself,” said Mr. Weir.


    • Can you please report on Fire Trucks. Our government bought 1 fire tender (fire engine) at US $1 million. we suspect something was not right on those figures. kindly report so that our president can take action to fire someone and institute urgent investigations into this scam.

    • it cost us a total of US $42 million for 42 Fire trucks. However, we thinks their was some kickbacks involved. realistically, these vehicles should have cost US$ 250, 000 each. please report and let presido act on it.

    • When I tell people that KKIA design is not worth that amount and is an outdated design …people think I am bitter I am talking from a professional point of view…its a rip off

    • No wonder EL wanted Member and the Post out of the way first, He knew what he was doing because the Post would have exposed all these wrong doings but its a global village now some one has picked up where the post left and now there is no hiding place for EL, Only a F.ool or PF thugs will not take all these finding seriously.

    • Respect us at LT we are the best advisory team to our Zambia.
      What puzzles me is that the language of African Confidential is similar to Zambian News Diggers and ZambiaWatchdog.
      But we are respecting African Confidential-London.
      Yes up their ssholes!!

    • Meanwhile they have increased minimum wage for maids then increased their salaries of senior civil servants but wage freeze for everyone approved by Maggie.

    • @jay Jay, I don’t just ‘London based”. If they are good or not @Jay Jay,
      boy you know what I drink not fi whiskey!
      And it’s Friday, why not drink anyway.

    • Please AC investigate Tasila Lungu’s Trust and the source of her funds …how can someone move from handing out slippers to kids to sinking a 100 boreholes in Eastern Provinces!!

    • When you’re a beggar and someone decides to help you better you are seen to put the assistance with prudence in your most important aspects as food, hygiene and modest clothing. You don’t get excited and start partying! Zambian budgets have itemized what is expected donor’s contribution a scandal to national pride then you squander it! Africa Confidential is doing a good service to African governments that want to be serious about development and management of available resources.

    • Continue Reporting and feed your bellies. For as long as i have a voters card i will never vote for your preference. And may God deal with you for you *****ic reporting. Mr Weir we re watching you and will expose your bankruptness.

  1. I watched this on BBC ….. AC you don’t even need to say more most of us already knew that these people running our country are thieves …You did a good job of bringing this out to the Zambia public as ECL called us bitter people hell bent on tarnishing the reputation of “hard” working Zambians. Ba Edgar umunthu uwashalamo alakwatako nensoni

  2. Borrowing like crazy indeed. They borrow K500m and pocket K400m and the country remains to start paying even what they have shamelessly chewed. Its a disaster indeed. Dont even listen to them they are shameless thieves. I have never seen a thief who defends himself for stealing. Ati provide evidence – kwisa. These guys are jokers and they will one day face the wrath of the people they are stealing from.

    • Even KKIA they had to alter the bill of quantities from original brief…to cream off the change and steal..the minister confessed stating it was not him..nothing happened because we Zambians are docile and weak.

  3. Its a shame PF can not send ZP to London to go and search the offices for “classified” material…you only have yourselves to blame as you have literally closed down all independent media houses …in a democracy these institutions are paramount: no one will believe your bogus denials just like you refused ZAF General was not fired for corruption but leave yet you have suddenly replaced him without any reason.

    • It has become a breading ground for criminals. In October 2014 Former Zambia Air Force Commander Lieutenant General Andrew Sakala has been sentenced to 5 years imprisonment with hard labour by a Lusaka Magistrate Court for theft by public servant involving K1.5 million.
      Deputy Director of Local Courts sitting as Magistrate Wilfred Muma on Monday, October 6 found General Sakala guilty of theft by public servant involving funds meant for operations prior to and after the 2011 general elections. Magistrate Muma however acquitted General Tembo’s co-accused for Army Commander Lieutenant General Wisdom Lopa and former Zambia National Service Commandant Lieutenant General Anthony Yeta.
      In sentencing General Sakala this morning, Magistrate Muma hoped the sentence will serve as a deterrent to…

    • Even these Israeli aircraft they are talking about that is an inflated contract…its no wonder Lazy Lungu rushed to Israel last year for 5 day working visit everything is connected and comes out!!

    • How it works in the real world of UNPATRIOTIC TRIBAL ZEALOTS. Using Mapatizya Formula of destruction and desire to have Zambians rise up against the government so that CHILDISH the TRIBAL god of UPND would have a chance and to be “Vindicated,” CHILDISH pays AC for their “Good Democratic Ideals and Contribution to Democracy!” He also pays Galu Watchers in Zambia some token to continue to write NEGATIVES about Zambia. Those who are not from Zambia, just see a barrage of critics from a site on Zambia and do not know that it is all an ORGANISED CRIME by A TRIBAL UNION OF TONGAS & their SUPPORTERS! They deduce, Zambia is in a CRISIS! UNDER FIVE (HH) who will NEVER be president and his TRIBAL BOYS are happy!

  4. Breaking news;

    At least 86 people have known to have died after a ferry carrying hundreds of people capsized on Lake Victoria, Tanzania, officials say.
    It is feared that more than 200 people may have drowned. Recovery efforts have resumed after being halted overnight. The MV Nyerere ferry overturned near the shore of Ukara island on its way from Bugorora. It is thought the overloaded vessel tipped over when crowds on board moved to one side as it docked. Local media say the ferry’s official capacity was 100 people but officials say the vessel was carrying more than 400 passengers when it capsized.
    Africa Live: Updates on this and other stories
    The BBC’s Aboubakar Famau in Tanzania says fear has gripped residents of Mwanza region as they await to hear the fate of relatives who…

  5. Remove all the chandas surrounding EL. Remove EL himself. Bring back father vocal father Frank bwalya.

    In opposition remove hh. Gbm. Kambwili and Musenge.

    We are under siege from these gangs. Let us be PATRIOTIC

    • HH using Zambian money is remotely controlling and dictating what these small little sponsored gods are doing! These guys are using what has been used in other countries. TRIBALISM is a cancer and do not treat tribalists with kid gloves. When you lock up animal farm and you let it loose, it is at your own peril. UPND IS A COALITION OF THE WICKED. They are behind this. TO some extent LT is priding itself in it because of money involved when you have so many visitors to the ANIMO FARM SITE.

  6. African watchdog, why are you concern about Zambia that is not your country??? What is the reason tell me. What are your real names and where do you come from?? Which part of Africa. You wanna be honest start with yourself. Why you hide?? You tell the truth basing your image on an identit that you have hidden, who care about that?I dont cause you are useless. Come out in the open and we will appreciate your efforts

  7. Ever since the humble one became president Zambia keeps hogging all the wrong headlines internationally…
    Ala ba mudala Ba Mr Humble, inosni ebuntu

  8. We told these rats lungu is a theif….when lungu would think of the billions of dollars zambia could borrow he’d start dancing in public even without mudic ……the rats thought what a humble leader,

    I blame that illiterate old man sata for making a fraud convict , lungu , justice minister. From that day , disaster was written for Zambia.

  9. PF and lungu need that 100 million euros military transport aircraft for elections.


    Don’t fool your selves that Zambia needs that plane, right now we dont. But PF and lungu need a military transport for their campains , the ZAF choppers they use are too small….

  10. PF and lungu need that 100 million euros military transport aircraft for elections.


    Don’t foo.l your selves that Zambia needs that plane, right now we dont. But PF and lungu need a military transport for their campains , the ZAF choppers they use are too small….

  11. Please president this is the modern world.Dont do things like in 1991.mwalakakwa ba president after seems u’re behind on information.Nowdays u should be very careful.pipo can compare the prices everyone on internet.Nowonder we keep on telling that e-governance is the will reduce corruption.its not too late mudala to change pantu things are not ok.Information now can reach everyone due to internet .

  12. Lungu is selling Zambia to Chine and HH wants to sell Zambia to the west. Its time we stand up; each Zambian to sell his/her portion of Zambia to your own buyer. Coz we donot know who is right or wrong now!!!!!!!

  13. Every project in Zambia is a scandal with this govt,the caders with no knowledge run the country, a convicted disbarred lawyer is the president. Nothing can work, what we need is young blood not these old people and failures running govt, foreign affairs minister was a kaponya never seen a well drafted contract in his life , really people, is that what Zambia has come too. No wonder the young and educated leave for opportunities outside the country

  14. Thanks Africa Confidential for exposing our government to the world audience. Africa has the natural resources as well as Human resources including those in the diaspora to develop the continent but selfish leaders who have thrived on manipulating the poor and greed intellectual to stay in power. China is a threat to Africa in the long term as it is creating fertile soils for once forgotten Dictatorship era.

    • Senior citizen, pardon me for asking, but I seem to remember you being an ardent supporter of ECL not too long ago…what has changed?

    • Senior,
      Yes was an ardent supporter of lungu.
      Hopefully welfare of Zambia should over ride all partisan politics.

      You are right, China is giving money to theives without questions and is undoing years of ethics and integrity as the underlying factor in our rule of law.

    • Senior Citizen, what opened your eyes? You fought me tooth and nail to protect PF and Lungu. Anyway, tapabula nalikwebele. I told you and I am steal telling you, Zambia is under attack from within. By its own officials stealing wantonly and literally killing people through negligence by stealing every dollar that enters that country. This is totally unprecedented and needs consented efforts to stop them. You cheered when they put Mmembe in chock hold and killed The Post for a reason. Lungu is a criminal. I told you.

    • That’s not him..its another imposter? I have asked thos guy why he uses that alias when he knows there is someone else with it. It just shows lack of creativeness!!

  15. Debt crisis or no debt crisis? AC is exaggerating. It is sensation news in order to survive the media The World Bank is more credible than AC. The World Bank is more reliable than AC. The World Bank is partner but AC is not. Picking on Zambia proves a political agenda of targeting to sow confusion. Foreign journalists are also welcome to Zambia but they must report objectively. Misinformation will not be tolerated. Even UN also stated that corruption concerns all countries, big and small. Even TI stated that misuse of resources concerns every country, big or small.

    • To be fair sir, AC reported that aid had been frozen by the British. Your government denied it. The British confirmed it. I dont see how that is exaggerating anything.
      The problem, I suspect, is that people in PF don’t want the truth to come out. They called it a smear campaign and other funny things like that. when the truth came out, they were silent. Now they want to say AC is exagerating. The truth will set you free

    • Yama ba Dr. fimofimo, you are embarrassing the institution that conferred you the doctorate. Give evidence of exaggeration and the exact figures contrary to AC. Who told you that the World Bank is partner? Partner in what? Someone lending you money is not a partner. Moreover, the world bank does not even lend Zambia money any more. You are too risky. So get your facts together bambo.

    • Dr fimo fimo is worried a light has been shown into his dark arts by AC the only thing he can do is try and discredit the credible institution.
      Mwalabwelela palibondwe bamukukulu continue eating the t-bone whilst you can but just know that days are numbered

    • Dr. don’t waste your time to try and convince some of these bloggers about the real threat to our nation.How can a person who has colonised and enslaved you for over 400 years be your friend overnight? They are very efficient at dividing and it looks like it will take more than 400 years to make some people realise that they are accomplices to the destruction of their own peace. The British have been involved in almost every country on this planet that has conflicts on ethnic lines. They are masters of divide and conquer which they execute by exploiting even the smallest of divisions in a country. I came to realise why they hated KK so much because he understood them well. One Zambia One Nation is a powerful thing.

  16. You know you are lost when you trust and rely on white pipo thousands of kilometers away to tell you the truth about a country you live in.
    Since 1960 writing bull$hit about Africans all over the world and we have the sick pipo of UPND cheering them on.
    The fact that they don’t have any office in Africa should tell all of us a lot.
    Where were they when white pipo were murdering Africans in South Africa and Rhodesia?

    • Their donations meant for the poor are being stolen , don’t you see anything wrong with that ?

      The report just highlights the fact PF and lungu despite spending $17 billion still needs handout from the same whites to survive , have you no shame…?

    • Their donations meant for the poor are being stolen , don’t you see anything wrong with that ?

      The report just highlights the fact PF and lungu despite spending $17 billion still needs handout from the same whites to survive , have you no shame…?

    • Iwe what about the billions they steal from you through tax evasion? why don’t they report on that? after all if we can pay our way then we won’t need to spend our money which is sent back to us as donations? Lungu is not Zambia. Lungu did not introduce donor funding in Zambia so this problem will be there even when Lungu is long gone.

  17. lukanga Kafusha Justice – Sometimes learn to remain silent. Has the money that has been stolen Zambian money ?. The world is now one. These same people you are saying it is non of their business are the same people who were concerned about your poor mother, uncle, father, brother, sister etc and sent that money to support them which money you have stolen. You expect them to remain quiet?

  18. Timidity and docility are attributes that characterize us as Zambians.We vote for people who do not have a heart for the nation.These people are supposed to taken to task.Zambians are the ones who put these people in office and it is them that should show them the door.We have a lot of leaders who can run this nation with prudence.
    It is no wonder,they have failed to pass a Bill for Information so that they can continue stealing with impunity.There are a lot dirty which is being swept under the carpet which citizens are not preview to.No wonder professionals,like doctors,lawyers and accountants stop their jobs and join politics.There is free money in politics.It is no longer a service selfishness.

  19. They are concerned about Zambia because they are making money by denting the country. Moreover, doing a job for someone. Anyway, politicians beware someone is watching. Let the money be used for the intended purpose. Captain remove all the bad eggs, it does not matter if you will remain with none. If you fail to remove bad eggs, you will be called a failure and be remembered to have the most indisciplined players who could not score goals nor respect the captain.We don’t need foreigners to tell us how to score or how to follow the rules of the game. Some players defending the poor performance or the team maybe be the worst team players.

  20. Ma Rubbish! Why is there no America or Europe Confidential? You sweep your dirt under the carpet only to talk about others!

  21. Corruption scandals: Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Thus Africa Confidential is god sent… they are the only one who have managed to bring the Humble One Emperor Lungu to his knees and forced him to expose his stinking corruption to the whole world. The corrupt guy and his minions never listen to anyone in Zambia, looting the country’s resources with impunity. They successfully got rid of Mmembe his Post newspapers: shut down any voice of dissent and completely silenced the civil society and the opposition. The ACC, the police and the army are all in their pocket. The people are s!lly and docile.

    Thus the only thing that can save us from these evil elements is the AC and the international community. Thank God the Internet means Zambians can have access to their stories. Now let’s see if Lungu can close the AC as he did to the Post…

  22. JAYD – kikikikikik – I can’t believe what I’m reading. Denting Zambia’s image? When you steal and you are caught you call this denting the image? Why do you think the president has fired the minister and Zam Post Director General? It is because what these guys reported was true. Read on this same website there are already revelations that 41 Million is unaccounted for at Zampost from Zambia’s investigative agencies. you call this stealing imaging denting? Where were these state agencies to start making these revelations only now after the very people you are attacking reported? This is what happens in a country where you kill vibrant media. Now the only reliable source is the outside media which can’t be intimated. Can ZNBC, TIMES of ZAMBIA ,DAILY MAIL, DAILY NATION report crimes…

  23. Corruption scandals: Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Now let’s see if Lungu can close the AC as he did to the Post. But don’t be surprised if he blocks AC in Zambia… such is their desperation.

    Thank you AC! You are doing a great service to our country. May God reward you a tenfold.

  24. We stand by our stories that HH is a Privatisation thief and a self-confessed tribal Chief of the one voting block countryside.

  25. A.C. please continue exposing these wrongdoings as the local news media are either government owned who cannot do such or are under government intimidation. It’s your expose over the social cash transfer theft that got them working. Without that they would have continued stealing up to this day while ECL would have continued saying I’m still waiting for the report.

  26. @Jay Jay thanks for your defense, i know people have the right to change but this time around blame the system. Initially you stepped on my foot where you questioned why i adopted the name and that senior citizens don’t question government but having read a few of your messages, i realized you were a friendly force. Sorry for the impression of mistaken identity, i suppose the previous Senior citizen was fired. I am among the few old timers on this platform who have always stood for the true Zambian values. I now officially change to my previous immediate blogger name, Super Delegate. Hoping this will suffice.

  27. The evident truth is this not first time when the white supremacists and imperialists have tried this media propaganda.
    No matter how much we can try to add sugar to a rotten cake , still the truth stand in all times. This imperialists started with Kk because Dr Kaunda in 1968 his adopted socialist leadership style. Relationship between Zambia,Russia ,Czech Republic and other Balkan states grew stronger and the western countries were not happy. They used men and women decampaign unip government.
    Auther winner knows about all deeds planned to oust Dr Kk out of power. Later they were used by same white supremacy.They even betrayed Zambians because almost companies were liquidated at a give away price. Zambia over night lost jobs. We witnessed abject poverty in C/belt province to date…

  28. There you go, colonials trying to tell us what to do! ask the id10t how much did they budget for the rebuilding of Wembley stadium and how much was the actual cost? What is unnecessary is going to bomb innocent people in Iraq and Libya when your national health service is seriously underfunded. Viba zungu kupusa! why are they hell-bent on publishing negative news? The author has no shame to even mention KK airport. Yes we want to change the face of it at any cost to erase your colonial blueprint on us. Kupusa.

  29. The smear campaign by imperialists bent on regime change in Zambia to further their interests through an installed puppet won’t work. It’s a good opportunity to wean ourselves off the British. Move our embassy from the UK to be managed from a Euro country in light of Brexit, cancel the British Tullow Oil exploration license and put it to open tender. Disqualify the British firm bidding for INDENI, and replace their AID with more respectful countries like Japan. People should learn not to malign their country to the outside world, it’s like spilling your marriage problems in public and thinking it helps your situation in anyway. Wait for elections and let the people decide.

  30. What does not surprise me is the similarity on the terminologies used by this publication and HH. “What they are spending on”. The sources of information for both HH and the African Confidential is from the Ministry of Finance. However, they will not have hard evidence but very strong information based on office gossip and leaked documents. Information flows from very high offices at the Ministry to HH and then to Africa Confidential for the broader campaign aimed at discrediting the President and PF before 2021. This is an individual effort by the UPND leader who has poured in lots of money on his last ditch attempt at the Presidency.

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