Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Technical team from China Railway to visit Lusaka over the planned commuter train system


Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo confers with the Governor of Sichuan Province of China Mr. Yin Li at the 3rd Western China Public Procurement Conference during the 17th Western China International Fair being held in Chengdu, Sichuan Province China.
Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo confers with the Governor of Sichuan Province of China Mr. Yin Li at the 3rd Western China Public Procurement Conference during the 17th Western China International Fair being held in Chengdu, Sichuan Province China.
A technical team from China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Company (CREEC) will in October visit Zambia over the planned commuter train system for Lusaka Province and other projects of interest.

The team will engage with technocrats, relevant Ministries and institutions.

Company Deputy General Manager Min Weijing says the firm is willing to increase its support to infrastructure development projects in Zambia.

Mr. Min was speaking when he met Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo who toured China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Company Head Offices in Chengdu city of China.

And, Mr. Lusambo who is in China attending the 17th Western China International Fair said the Zambian Government is concerned about the current congestion of roads in Lusaka Province and that plans are underway to address the issue in a comprehensive manner

Mr. Lusambo said in addition to the on-going improvement of the road network, the Lusaka Provincial administration with the support of President Edgar Lungu have targeted the implementation of a commuter railway system that will decongest traffic in the province.

He observed that Lusaka is growing at a fast rate and that there is need for timely intervention in terms of modern transport infrastructure that will facilitate efficient movement of people and goods.


  1. As you know, I have neither time nor respect for this youth coordinator. Of course granted he is good at parroting the good ideas of others and sound clever.
    And amass wealth such that the Lusambo family can now donate money and materials to the “vulnerable”. Some sort of “Lusambo Foundation” which will disappear as soon as he is no longer minister and the source of corrupt funds dries up.

    • – The cost of the project will be over-inflated to cater for PF bribes/kickbacks
      – The rail company will be a loss-making white elephant (like Njanji Commuter), requiring broke LCC to subsidize operations yet it hasn’t paid workers for 3 months. It’ll be an expensive, nice to look at venture, but won’t be economically viable just like the PF roads
      – It’ll then be grabbed by Chinese after broke PF00Lish Govt defaults on loan repayments

    • – The project will naturally be awarded to a Chinese contractor. The money won’t touch Zambian banks. They’ll be no skills transfer to local engineer & technicians
      – The Chinese contractor will bring hundreds of thousands of Chinese labourers who won’t go back to china after completion of the project
      – All raw materials will be imported from China, yet we have Kafue Steel a stones throw away
      – All the equipment will be imported from China even though we have Caterpillar & Hitachi in Zambia

      The businessman in the transportation sector is the culprit, not only an ordinary businessman, but a politician who has become a busy guy in business. Also, a businessman capable of influencing politicians. ZRL found itself COMPETING with the truck owners. It is a nightmare for the busy guy with fleets of trucks learning that ZRL will start transporting bulk cargo on the RAIL. Surely that busy guy will be thrown out’a business, so it’s best to frustrate any revitalization of a sector seen to be a threat to the business. So since MCS died, ZRL has…

  2. There is no mordern city without commuter train. But you dont need mmd die hard cadre in this when you have accomplished engineers in the country.

    Have you ever a minister from china visit Zambia. They just send simply characters on the street no wonder they even shoot Zambian s

  3. Every time you talk about China as all weather, please also check what this friend is capable of doing to us****** Chinese murder Zambian for dating Chinese women. See how ruthlessly this friend can beat to death a fellow man with iron bars

  4. This moron has to mention Lungu in everything he says to make it relevant? It will take us another 20 years to do our selves justice for putting such characters in power. When they travel to China, they think they done something tangible, forgetting that they are selling the country to these Choncholis.

    • He should have been mentioning HH, like Gay Jay Mweetwa VJ Prof Hansoni BosPakata and it would have satisfied your tribal HAPETAITI.

  5. Lets no bite more than we can chew. On the face of it we need a commuter train in Lusaka but the socio economic conditions on the ground do not support such a project. Millions don’t work, agriculture is dead, tourism is in disarray, educational standards on a freefall etc. Lets have our priorities in good order. Bowman is a clueless thug and shouldn’t be anywhere near such discussions. The best he could do at these meetings is guard cars outside. How do we have such dumb *****s , clueless people like Bowman decide our future.

  6. Does anybody recall that we had this commuter train in Lusaka before? Instead of expanding it for reasons @Musonda Ndhlovu has so rightly pointed out, houses have been built over the rails. By the way, the rails were never removed. If we did not look after the first one, how is the second one expected to survive? Chinese longevity, maybe….?

  7. …Surely that busy guy will be thrown out’a business, so it’s best to frustrate any revitalization of a sector seen to be a threat to the business. So since MCS died, ZRL has nothing to write home about. Who can blame the busy man? HE is only tryinna survive.
    If the politician in government is a busy man, guess what? He will frustrate govt effort in the sector. The same can be said about local bus businessmen in LSK. This commuter thing thing has a potential of dislodging them out’a businesses. The bus drivers, conductors, mechanics and auto spare dealers will have their jobs threatened. Lesser buses on roads in areas serviced by the commuter train will manifest. I hope they don’t turn to be frustraters of Govt effort.
    Having exposed the eminent threat, let’s review the…

    • … opportunities. Lusaka is a mess. Moving from point A to B is a real hassle at times. No country can do without commuter trains in times like this. The Government of the people, by the people and for the people has no option but work to alleviate their suffering. That said, Govt will do a commendable thing in that line. No wonder the PF is a loved party by almost all Zambian. The real project ORIENTED party from inception. And you wonder why they win elections.

  8. We send a clueless thug to China to talk about a Lusaka commuter train ?? They are just looking for bribes…

    Look , to reduce traffic in Lusaka , build a extra rail line next to the present one from Kafue to as far north as the masses of populations live who commute to Lusaka for work . Use this extra line for commuter transport to and from Lusaka….

    • You will find a good proportion car traffic congetion in Lusaka is by people who live out side a Lusaka radius of some 8 miles….and a good proportion of those can be served by an extra rail line running from Kafue to up north to be used mainly for commuter trains. This will breath life into ZR…and will be a very cheaper option than what the Chinese what to sell us….

    • If I was in Lusaka I would present this blue print to lusambo and the powers that be……build a extra rail line next to the present one running from Kafue through Lusaka to as far up north as population commutes to Lusaka for work….with stations all along. This can be Zambian built for commuter train traffic.

  9. Why not bring them in to revive and modernise Zambia railways. After all zambians themselves have failed to revive it.Why is it that politicians are the planners of all developmental projects and programmes. Before town planners go to these fairs, the minister/politician is the one that goes. What does he know about town planning. Zambia will never get out of this backwardness.

  10. haha how funny you ppl are, its all happening in front of your eyes , the guy is eating your hard money left right but no one to point fingres…shame on you lungu you ppl are starving and you have having international trips for no reason!!

  11. Ok let me get this straight. You have a country willing to give you a soft loan and techicians to build rail infrastructure and the best you can do is asking why a Chinese company is given preference? Why don’t you ask the Europeans or Americans? And see what they’ll say? Europe does not share technical knowledge with Africa fullstop. Just manage these guys properly and we’ll build our country with their help.

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