Sunday, September 8, 2024

Zambia Police allows Budget Day Demonstrations at Parliament by NGOs


FILE: Police attempt to grab placards from Laura Miti and Pilato as they protested at Parliament last year

The Zambia Police has given a go ahead to civil society groups to hold their planned peaceful demonstrations at Parliament as Finance Minister Margaret Mwanakatwe delivers the 2019 national budget.

This was after the NGO leaders appealed to Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo following the refusal by the police in Lusaka to have the protest go ahead.

A note from Officer Commanding Lusaka Urban District Headquarters said, “Following your appeal, you are allowed to go ahead but observe law and order.”

Laura Miti, one of the organizers conformed that the protest is on today at Parliament.

“Citizens have been allowed to demonstrate at Parliament Minister Kampyongo overturns police denial on appeal. Now we must mobilise quickly. See you at Parliament with your placard. Peacefully we will be heard,” Ms. Miti said.

Meanwhile, the National Democratic Congress NDC says it fully backs plans by the NGOCC to protest outside parliament over Governments continued borrowing.

“As a party, we urge all our party functionaries in Lusaka to join the protests,” says NDC National Secretary Mwenya Musenge.

Mr. Musenge said the intention by well meaning civil society groupings such as NGOCC to speak out on the reckless borrowing by the PF regime is an act of patriotism.
“Ordinary citizens have already started feeling the consequences of the reckless and aimless borrowing by this regime,” he said.

“As NDC, we are worried that the PF has continued contracting new loans without the full approval of parliament. In this regard, we urge the Attorney General who is the Chief Legal Advisor to Government to explain why Cabinet is abrogating the law with impunity over the contraction of loans. As NDC, we also urge our legislators to demand for a detailed report from the Minister of Finance over Zambia’s exact debt,” Mr Musenge said.

He said figures from Government over the staggering debt are highly contradictory.

“In the midst of all this, we further demand that Government immediately stops contracting new loans. The NDC is also disappointed that President Edgar Lungu has allowed his salary and allowances to be increased. If Presided Lungu truly cares for his people, we urge him to reverse the hike this of his personal emoluments,” he said.

He added, “Its unfair that the Presidents emoluments can be increased amidst fiscal measures announced by Government to reduce public spending.”

Parliament Protest


    • The police will always say security situation is not conducive when a group gives notice for protests …this is wrong we need levels of security to be advised. What’s the point of paying tax when you can not crowd manage?
      Zambians wake up from your docility!!

    • In England you do send notice to the police they advise against when they have commitments elsewhere like football and will not guarantee security but advise another date or venue …you can not just say security is not conducive when is it going to be ever be??

    • @1.4 The Observer.Cut the crap. We are all wonderfully and fearfully made in the image of God. Laura Miti is a very proactive lady not you arm chair critics full of degrees but nothing to show for.

  1. I pray the demos won’t turn violent so the police can take advantage.
    Demonstrate peacefully with proper placards denouncing corruption and an warranted borrowing of money with no proper accountability.
    Please stick to the guide lines of the permit so that our democracy is enhanced.
    Also hope no cancellation at the last minute for lame excuses

  2. Kudos given where kudos due. Kudos to Kampyongo and/or whoever gave the greenlight, we are a democracy not a military state. Turn blind eye to some things.

  3. Laura Miti boi don’t forget even to protest over this Chinese who are coming in our country Zambia in the pretends of been as interpreters at the end they took our positions Human Resource officer in our local companies!!!

    • Can @Pamela Zodwa kindly substantiate that allegation with names and dates? This will help patriotic Zambians who want to develop the country, basing their research on facts and not rumours. I am very interested to know the truth.

  4. What is there to give kudos for? What has Kampyongo done to deserve kudos?. This is their right as enshrined in the constitution. It is not like Kampyongo is giving out anything from what he owns. Those who have in the past Kampyongo inclusive denied these permits have done so illegally. Giving kudos to Kampyongo is like thanking someone for giving you back what belongs to you.

    • Where did they allow this …its your dull midget minister Kampyongo who allowed this to save face for his lazy master in NY so he can say we even allowed protests we are not autocratic regime.

  5. Please permission has been granted to Civil Society Groups, NOT political parties. Therefore when Mwenye and his mates appear in their party regalia to benefit from the fight being led by the more organized Laura. I wish you well as NDC as you go through these motions but you will fuel trouble. Your turn will come when you can campaign for now I urge LM to go ahead and voice her concerns but please don’t insult anyone.

  6. They have authorised stone age. There is no peaceful viva other wise no impact. Stone age ask unza products even ECL knows that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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