Sunday, September 8, 2024

CSOs stage Protest at Parliament


Civil society organizations have protested outside parliament demanding answers from government over what they have termed as perpetual mismanagement of public resources.

The protesters whose protest was given the go ahead by the minister of home affairs on appeal after being initially denied permission by the police have demanded for transparency from government in the manner it addresses public affairs.

The placard carrying protesters marched from the Mulungushi International Conference Centre to parliament where they were denied access to parliament grounds.

Meanwhile a quick action by police officers saved the protesters from being attacked by some suspected Patriotic Front supporters.

The angry supporters emerged from a grey Toyota Spacio motor vehicle and started throwing stones at the protesters.

The stone throwers were later apprehended by alert police officers as they tried to flee the scene.

And when asked to comment on the protestors that have been apprehended by police outside parliament, Home Affairs Minister Mr Kampyongo said he will get a full report to ascertain what transpired between the police and protestors believed to be from Civil Society Organizations.

And speaking to Journalists, Alliance for Community Action (ACA) Executive director Laura Miti says now is the time that people got up and demanded for equality in the manner public resources are allocated.

Ms. Miti alleges that currently, politicians especially government leaders are enriching themselves at the expense of poor Zambians.

And water aid country director Pamela Chisanga has charged that the continued paying of a deaf ear to the demands of the general public will not save government from being scrutinized.

And governance, elections, advocacy and research services executive director McDonald Chipenzi says corruption needs to be addressed first for Zambians to be able to benefit from their own resource.


  1. Home affairs minister please show these thugs that PF has no room for thugs. And for the Zambia police ,well done and since you failed to give permint to a peaceful protest, please reward the nation by firmly dealing with these thugs who have no place in society but prison. Let’s make our nation peaceful beyond partisan thinking.

  2. Whilst the issues highlighted are of significance majority will not support these civil societies leaders because most of them are affiliated to some political parties hence they have little following the public is fed both these people and the politicians.

  3. Zambia Police well done for teaching those unruly PF cadres a good lesson: Also Prime TV you are a station to recon with.

  4. Did say in yesterday’s posting, “CHENJELANI NE CHIMPYIONGO” as he will send his Helicopter Stone throwing thugs to harm the protesters.
    Didn’t it come to pass????.
    You can predict Violent Stone age P.F Cadres, & how the will react to any given situation.

  5. the earlier u deal with these rebels u call cadres the better coz when they become to powerful they will kill every one including police officers, there masters too!! one wud ague that in Rwanda it was tribal even here it is political!

  6. Useless low key protest which failed to attract crowds as predicted by Journeyman or Shameless. Good work by ZP apprehending the unruly cadres. Watched the budget with some friends over some cold ones and life was normal yesterday. Laura, Chimpanzee and co. should find other things to do….

    • I support president Lungu on a lot of things, and also condemn him. Laura Miti and company are needed, because they are more patriotic than UPND that always walks out, and PF MPs that are clueless. Viva Zambia, Viva ZP for once.

  7. Laura , Chipenzi and Pamela keep it up , it was only Nawakwi and Patel that pushed Chiluba is a thief , its time for PF are thieves and criminal . You thieves be warned that your days are totally numbered .Time to fully account shall come with your cadres

  8. This should be dubbed LUNGU-MUST-GO campaign.

    Magufuli uses commercial airlines.

    Lungu doesn’t inspire public confidence

  9. Such a tiny group of NGOS, I thought more than three NGOs are mentioned esp the ones owned by rotten cow Meat, the Chimpanzee, and the discarded former ActionAid mosquito Pamela Chisanga. Where are their members and followers, or they are one man NGOs? No sympathy or support of Zambians, tells you what citizens think of laura meat and chimpanzee ngos.

    • Majority illiterates dont understand source of poverty. They think a thief someone that comes into your house at night and steal a tv.

      They wouldn’t join something they dont understand.

  10. well said , there is too much ignorance , so we shall be educating our citizens on various Economic issues through the upcoming ” National Economic Emancipation Drive ” a non political open citizenry platform on various Economic issues ie; National Debt and way out or solutions

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