Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Bus operators in Kitwe increase bus fares in response to fuel price hike


Bus operators in Kitwe have increased bus fares with between K2 and K2.50 for local routes. According to the Bus and Tax Owners Association of Zambia, the increment is effective today October 8, 2018.

The association has justified the increment in bus fares following the upward increase in fuel prices.

But commuters have complained, describing the increment as exorbitant.

“This increase in bus fares is just to much. But again we can’t blame the bus drivers. It is the fuel which the government has increased. It is painful but there is nothing that we can do,” Mary Tembo a commuter said.

And a check found that the bus drivers have since effected the new fares.

Last week, the Energy Regulation Board (ERB) adjusted upwards the pump price of fuel citing changes in two main variables that influence the price of the commodity.

In a statement issued by ERB Board Chairman, Raymond Mpundu to the media, oil prices have increased on the international market whilst the Kwacha had depreciated.

Petrol was increased by K2.31 to K16.06 from K13.75, diesel adjusted by K2.64 to cost K14.65 per litre.

Mr. Mpundu said kerosene went up by K2.49 from K8.85 to K11.34 per litre respectively.

“Of the two fundamentals, the international oil price has been the most volatile and is the key driver for this price adjustment. Specifically, from the last price adjustment on 12th February, 2018, the volatility of the Kwacha has depreciated against the United States Dollar by about 26.39% in the last two weeks of September, 2018,” read the statement.

Mr. Mpundu stated that the price adjustment was based on the current cargo. The ERB Chief further stated that the review in based on the cost plus model used to determine fuel prices.


  1. Everything will now go up! This is bad timing for PF to increase the fuel price. They could have done it over months say 50ngwee per month. Not K2 at a go!

    • Who UAE’s buses. I have new Micra Nissan car.

      People born or who have lived in Copperbelt are backwards anyway.

      I live in Scotland and lived in Lusaka.

      This if life


      BB2014, 2016

    • Mushota the art of writing is the art of applying the seat of the pants to the seat of the chair.
      Take time to to read through before you post, its quiet embarrassing, more especially that you claim you hold a PHD in takin care of old people.
      The average Ph.D. thesis is nothing but a transference of bones from one graveyard to another.

    • Domino effect at play.

      This is just the beginning.

      Next hikes in prices will be food and services.

      Just to remind you voters, Lungu and his groupies are NOT feeling the pinch.

      They are the ones applying this pinch on its citizens.

      They are laughing at us.

    • @GhostDog,

      Did you proof read your own post?

      “its quiet embarrassing”…

      Maybe you thought that your glass house is triple glazed?

    • Lazy Lungu and his ministers have increased their salaries instead of cutting …you expect Bus operators to not increase, now the chickens are coming to roost and the lazy man you call President is burning Jet fuel everytime he hears there is a funeral he runs away as he only likes the dancing party of the presidency.

    • GhostDog – why dont you read us a verse from your King James Bible? Really laughable annoyed by a troll…do you know who King James was.

    • jay jay
      king James I reigned as king of England from 1603 to 1625. He was the son of Mary Queen of Scots, and he had been king of Scotland before succeeding to the English throne at the death of Queen Elizabeth I. He was prompted to produce an English Bible because of the poor and tendentious copies being circulated in England. He feared these could be used by seditious religious and political factions.

      The white image, of Christ, is really Cesare Borgia , the second son of Pope Alexander the Sixth of Rome, and that’s how the devils tricked my dome.

    • Mushota my dear pride is a sin! I seriously suggest you repent and pray for forgiveness from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Life is too short, that life you have could come to an abrupt end anytime and unfortunately for you as it stands!! You are headed to Hell. Please change your ways it’s not too late. God bless you in the mighty name of Jesus

    • Country men and women the reaction by transporters and public is equally appropriate and justified and so is the governments’ for failing to manage the economy. However it demands respective interventions and other actions that would mitigate the harm. People should not demonize the transporters for we can choose to boycott and walk the short distances or try pooling where possible to reduce costs save for long distances. It’s not a must that one has to get on a bus every time to get to a destination. Once buses and taxis have less customers they will be forced to reduce fares. This is public action to help itself. Never always complain about something and not do something through concerted effort. Convince yourself then talk to a neighbor who in turn will talk to their neighbors! It…

    • contd….takes concerned and concerted serious action to make a great difference for a good cause! Next let’s scrutinize the ones we elect to represent and look after the interests of the country and people.

  2. @Mushota, how many elderly dimwits have you killed so far in Scotland by over rubbing their backsides? I hear you have hallucinations and schizophrenic tendencies marred with dreaded dreams of them coming back at you in your sleep. Those elderly homes must be a blessing in disguise, you are always on Lusaka times while running from your domestic chores. We will tell your boss to fire you so that you can come and set up one in Zambia after having finished your PHD is dealing with fecal matter for a longtime.

  3. When fuel price goes up the effect will be passed to the ordinary people. Fuel cost affects the operation of transportation. The transportation industry is vast and contributes to the growth of the economy or GDP. It is affected politically, economically, socially and technologically. Understand that the minibus business has no barrier to entry, so it is a monopolistic type. When operating ratio increases or goes to 100%, it is an indictive way to increase rates/fares and this will increase revenue.

  4. Only rich China man will enjoy Zambia….even salaries for civil servants will not be paid on time….lets dance dunna dunna reverse in Kampala!!

  5. When lungu first accented the presidency and I found out he was a fraud convict I have him the benefit of doubt but then there was an incident with one of the ministries and lungu was asked about that and he point blank said that was not his job !!!

    From that day on I knew Zambia is in trouble…

  6. This is sad, local routes are less than 10KM and the price increase in fuel is 2.3 per Ltr..a Litre drives a car upto 10KM.. Minimum 10 Passengers seat in a minibus.. so 10 passengers x K2 = K20 hiked fare in total for the whole trip which is less than 10KM.. the fare hike is way too much and unfair.. very unfair..

  7. It’s not only in kitwe but all over the country that buses have increased prices. This was to be expected after the fuel hike. Even transporters of goods are expected to increase which in turn will lead to an increase in the price of goods and services.

  8. “The Bus operators in Kitwe have increased bus fares with between K2 and K2.50 for local routes. According to the Bus and Tax Owners Association of Zambia, the increment is effective today October 8, 2018.”
    There is no justification in the increment of bus fares. The upward increase in fuel prices of Petrol was by K2.31, K16.06 from K13.75 and diesel adjusted by K2.64 to cost K14.65 per litre. So the increment on petrol is 18% and on diesel is about 22% on average fuel price increase is 20%. The bus fares increase is 50% on average why?“This increase in bus fares is just to much an you cannot say it has been necessitated by the fuel which the government has increased because of the margin. This is nothing but taking advantage on the situation. There is need to reverse these fare hikes.

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