Sunday, February 23, 2025

I did not ask for Favours in my Letter to the Chinese Government-HH


HH addressing a media briefing at his residence
HH addressing a media briefing at his residence

UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema says it is incorrect for anyone to claim that he asked for favors from the Chinese government in a letter he wrote to them on 21st August 2018.

Mr. Hichilema who assured the Chinese government of strengthened friendship if Zambians give his party the mandate to preside over the Affairs of the nation said he asked the Chinese government to stop lending money to the PF government as it was causing a debt and economic crisis in the country.

“I reiterate that Zambia does not need to sell its assets to China to raise money which the Corrupt PF government is stealing at the expense of developing the nation”. Mr. Hichilema clarified.

Below is the letter


  1. That’s why they should a limitation to a number of attempts one is allowed to contest for these elections. Te bushilu nomba batampa Badala.

    • I don’t see anything wrong, one doesn’t need to be UPND to come to that conclusion.
      He is re-assuring the Chinese Government of continued relationship, which is positive news to the Chinese as an investor. Actually, he is lobbying on behalf of the government and ensuring that any future credits are not given to the sharks, but need to be tracked and used where the need be in supporting the Zambian people, to reduce suffering endured by high taxes. The fact that the LSK-Ndola highway, is overpriced, is general information available to the public, and I am sure the Chinese Embassy, just like any other accredited country, they have that information, so nothing new that should hurt the government. Again, only those looking for negativity will find issues with this.

    • You don’t have to be a UPND member to agree with what HH is saying here. It makes a whole lot of sense. These are facts we already knew about—that Lungu’s administration does not know how to create wealth on their own. They don’t borrow to invest. They borrow to SPEND recklessly. They’ve been digging the hole deeper and deeper with debt for quiet sometime now—and now they’re trying to get out by taxing the poor Zambians to death. Clueless Lungu’s government is the most incompetent and most corrupt administration in the history of our country. What a shame.

    • You are very right. This man’s relevance is over. He is fearing to loose the sixth time hence he wants to cause confusion and see the country in flames. Why can’t he just articulate his manifesto and convince those on the fence and are not from southern province he doesn’t campaign?
      Only an insane person can see sense in this man. Grow up and wait for September 2021.

    • i like the heading on his letter head…” Office of the President”….hahahaha HH is such a dreamer….i thought he operates from the …office of the party president”,,,keep on dreaming mambala iwe HH

    • It’s funny that many people here disagreeing with HH have chosen to attack him as a person, ad hominem,—but not what he said. I’m not a UPND member myself, nor do I think that HH would be a better president than Lungu. But that doesn’t stop me from looking at what he said objectively. And if anybody does that, they’ll see that what he said makes sense. Who doesn’t agree that spending $42 million on those cheap firetrucks was reckless spending? Who doesn’t agree that the economic situation in Zambia is getting worse, with civil servants not getting paid on time, hospitals lacking medicine, the Kwacha getting devalued, an increase in unbridled corruption in the country,etc, since Lungu took over? If you don’t argue with facts and choose to attack ad hominem, it just exposes you…

    • … as either an ignoramus who doesn’t really know what’s going on, or you’re riding on Lungu ‘s gravy train and have thus vowed to support him no matter what. So which is which? Try to be objective and prove that what HH said is untrue, and not making cheap shots at his person.

    • That letter is edited.
      Double h loves money. He wants to be the one to come and finish off selling our national assets. He is on record according to Lusambo. ECL must be upset. This double h has written letters to the whole world. He stated with the ICC. No answer. He has at least gotten answers from the Swedish, UK and recently Norway.

  2. There is nothing here to read. HH does not owe any explanation to the trigger happy PF thugs. No one had said we are against having any relationship with the chinese. The issue is the dynamics and terms of that relationship. Am sure no one here would stay in a relationship which was one way. If you are the only one giving felatio or oral then u will soon get bored and am sure you would move on. What we should be concentrating on is why the government is killing their own people through excessive force. if you can kill an innocent student what would stop the chinese from doing the same?

  3. This man seems doesn’t know he is in opposition and not government. At one time he writes to the UN and now China. Next it will be to Trump. We have a functional government and not a Bantustan. GBM you have been in government before please advise this fool.

  4. The wrong thing is calling them names during the day and writing them a letter at night. One has to be consistent with what they do and say.

    • Sata promised to kick them out once in state house. The first visitors Sata had at state house where Chinese, withing the first week of PF in Power.

  5. HH you are alternative voice

    Why do you keep falling in political traps. Day ago you fell in a trap laid by Tayali

    Lungu has failed. Its time for you to shine.

    No one will remove PF from power. PF will die out of suicide.

    Money made man mad thats what had happened to top pf leadership and they are all blinded thinking things are ok.

    Grow up HH and show leadership. You never know.

  6. The guy bought a JET using borrowed money.

    Thats sounds really bad

    Guy Scot told you hes a wrong guy

    The USA is watching

  7. What is the difference between the West and the Chinese? Zero difference. ..they’re both foreigners, both trying hard to outdo each other on the impoverished continent called Africa which by any measure should be the riches continent. When MMD under Mwanawasa started bringing in the Chinese one Michael Sata used this as a campaign advantage by pointing out that the Chinese were taking over small businesses ought to be done by local people. But what has happened is the opposite. Never trust one applying for a political office. …they use you and dump you.

    • it is called humour bo ndanje kiki. learn to loosen up a bit. we know you are feeling the economic heat of the PF government. No need to take it out on us. You are the ones who voted them in and faciliated an election theft. but again they say the truth hurts so limbi your madam used u and left you because wakalipa sana mune

    • Ask HH to loosen up….he’s always wearing a bitter face. Too much money lost in the last 12 years of trying to rule Zambia.

  8. Musonda kateule muli chipuba.the whole country has changed apart from dunderhead who dont see problems even when one selfish man start spending money on buying private jets when your sisters can not even afford basic sanitary pads and and your opharned nephews and nieces whose parents died becoz of lack of ARVs in hospitals can support the crap going on in zambia today because you have been brain have lost your sense of humanity you are even worse off than robots.retain your sense of independent thinking before you become junks whilst making your friends mega rich

    • @ mutoba or whatever you call yourself we’re seeing what’s happening in Zambia and trust me we’re not happy but the truth is your southern province party can never form government unless Zambia become southern province. The truth hates.

  9. how funny is this….country is crazy debts and the president has order a private jet!!1 that too from borrowed money?? this guy has gone mad!!! some one stop him …revolution !!!!!

  10. The argument Kambwili made while Government Spokesman was that Cabinet was allowed to contract loans up to a certain percent of the GDP.

    This formula works in countries where institutions are efficient and effective in calculating and collecting revenue. The assumption is that the tax mechanism is functional and the tax law is strict.

    It does not work in our country, Zambia!
    There’s no correlation between GDP growth and Taxes. The two are mutually exclusive.

  11. Typical Hakaindenomics. It’s a bit like saying don’t work with the PF Zambia but join him in the UPND Zambia. We only have one Zambia! Your passage to state house is not even guaranteed but you are busy giving the impression that there is another Zambia waiting on the sideline to take over. Peddling on the margins of treason will one day catch up with you. This man is so desperate of power that he really would do anything. I have never been a supporter of PF either but UPND needs to ditch this man if they stand any chance of running the country.

    • You are a pf cadre future Zed and you are all scared of hh; you would prefer a non entity so you can continue to plunder national resources…hh all the way to state house!

    • @ mwabupo, I’m a Zambian cadre in case you wanted to know. I stand and sing of Zambia, proud and free. I support Zambia not politics of nepotism like you and your fellow vuvuzelas. You can sing and dance anyhow you like with your HH but I remain unapologetic to my opinion on your supreme leader. You are quick to shout plunderer but useless at providing any checks and balances or even a spec of evidence of such plunder. You think you can fool everyone by manufacturing your fake news just to satisfy your selfish intentions? Besides your so-called HH is a plunderer in his own right but I guess you still chose to plaster your eyes on that.

    • @Mwabupo i’m actually a Zambian cadre. I stand and sing of Zambia proud and free. You have every right to follow your supreme leader and practice politics of nepotism but remember that your leader had been rejected many times by the true Zambian people.

  12. This is pure madness from HH!!!today Kainde and all his tribal followers blame PF of having sold Zambia to China.Then in the night,HH is busy seeking money from the same Chinese-SHOCKING?Tayali exposed this letter.SO WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PF AND UPND?Nothing.Under HH,Chinese may even double their numbers than today.i 100% agree with FUTUREDZED above!!!According to UPND,Chinese would only become angels once HH is in state house.What kind of reasoning is this by upnd?LOOK,PF IS FAR MUCH BETTER THAN UPND.While in opposition Mr Sata used to tell us how he will do things better than MMD if voted into office.DO YOU HEAR THAT FROM KAINDE?NEVER!!

  13. My understanding as a layman is that Chinese banks provide funding for projects in Africa (Zambia included). Because it is their money, they will select Chinese contractors to carry out actual construction. Payments for the works done will be made by the Chinese bank direct to the chinese contractor. It is therefore not fair to the people of Zambia for anyone to appeal to the Chinese government to suspended funding of projects util they win elections because we don’t know how Zambians will vote in 2015.

  14. Njimbu you correctly understood , there a say which says what ever you say The interpretation belongs to hearers so your understanding it’s under pure illiterate

  15. What exactly is this bantustan trying to say….Already there is a hype amongst his followers against the Chinese and here he goes expressing his fake desire to work with them…..Are you normal. Already an advert by unpd is running on prime TV against the chinese and here comes thus I’d..iot. Chinese ain’t stupid badala. In every case they are not interested in internal squabbles.

  16. Edgar Lungu no vision. Citizens are complaining and wished 2021 was today.I and my family wasted our votes on this Kakoswe.Please ba opposition don’t work in isolation so that we kick out this Chakolwa

    • ok. Amid the rigging, petition, dictatorship, debt, corruption accustions and media drive, PF even goes into upnd strongholds and beats them in recent by-elections in Chilanga, Lusaka mayoral and ward. How the hell do you expect to beat them then??? The media cr@p on ZWD gives you twits fake confidence but reality at the ballots is so different. That’s why you go into fits of rage when you lose!!

  17. So there’s a letter penned by His Royal Highness (HH) to the Chinese Government asking for favours? If in doubt read the second paragraph. You don’t need a degree in English(which some of us have, by the way), to understand what that paragraph implies. HH cannot play the saint any longer. The guy is desperate for power but sadly he’s going about it the wrong way. What he should do is begin preparing for 2021. The Chinese are not going to vote for him, no matter how smart he may appear to some of you guys. in English we say ‘barking up the wrong tree’ and that’s exactly what he’s doing. The dual carriageway between Lusaka & Ndola is long overdue. Would he be whining about the project if it ran from Lusaka to Livingstone? In the final analysis I wish to conclude that HH is just a…

  18. Even if he asked for favours, how is that a crime? Apart from charging against the ruling government, which is normal for an opposition, he actually did address a number of valid points especially in #7 – 11.

  19. Mr. Hichilema who assured the Chinese government of strengthened friendship if Zambians give his party the mandate to preside over the Affairs of the nation
    that speaks a lot

  20. “I did not ask for Favours in my Letter to the Chinese Government- HH.
    Of course you didn’t. What you were accused of is that during the daylight you condemn Chinese, but at night you write such friendly letters. The answer to those accusations is not to produce a letter which you wrote at night, but to address the accusation of the nasty things you say during the day. Batuumbu ba Hechi hechi, we have been on a similar path before. Sata did the same in order to gain popularity, but invited the Chinese for lunch immediately he was sworn in. I just get disgusted that Hacks does not have original ideas, Sata is his hero it seems. But it will not work for him, the owners of Sata have more rights to him than you. Why don’t you copy Mazoka instead? But he was not a leader…

  21. Undoubtedly there is a criminality what HH did.imagine if all the citizens of this country writing to different countries lobbying for favours.police,oop you have become irrelevant,someone is committing a crime yet you wait somehow a lawyer to guide you when in fact you are.

  22. But he has not answered the question! Why are you people so blinded by tri.bal allegiance, you look so f.oolish all the time.

  23. Every politcal party has its own president as leader of that party. It’s very obvious that UPND has HH as its president. When he writes and signs off as president, he is simply signing the letter as UPND president. Therefore, for someone to think otherwise is a case of sour grapes. Funny part is, HH as UPND president is regarded not a factor, but when he signs as UPND president, he becomes a factor! Wonders shall never end!

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