Saturday, February 8, 2025

Employees complain about racism and apartheid at Kalumbila minerals


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu inspects the processing plant at First Quantum Minerals’ Sentinel Mine in Kalumbila.

Kalumbila minerals has hit the climax when it comes to racial and discrimination. This is so simply because the General manager who is believed to be a Boer has from the time he came in,employed his fellow Boers from South Africa who have turned this country to old South Africa.

The worst part of it all, is that the general manager boasts of having good connections with the president(Edgar Chagwa Lungu).This has neutralised the powers of all relevant authorities who can handle and control irregularities in the Mine.

We have recorded so many accidents due to poor PPE policies that he has put in place.People have died in this mine and no action has been taken from the government. An AFRICAN life is not considered as important,we are treated like animals.

When the president visited the mine he only had time to hang out with the general manager and not his Zambian people.There are people he has employed who are untouchables like Riaan Feira,this man is always treating Zambians like animals but even when he is reported at labour office there is no action.

ALL WHITES are allowed to use phones on site but no black person is allowed.All whites go in the mine with personal cars and no black man is allowed. All managerial positions are held by whites.It is so painful to see that a country which claims to be a peaceful nation is slowly getting back to the colonial era.

The biggest worry is if the president can be bought and tolerate the neglect of Zambians by these Boers over some cash what more if also the Chinese come in and do the same. We have more whites who are not even qualified at Kalumbila than Lumwana. The reason we are recording these fatalities in the mine is the fact that people are not happy with the conditions and the slavery conditions coming from Morris Rowe,Riaan Feira,Johan Roodt,Stephnus Robkyd.These guys are pure racists.If they will not be checked we shall lose our peace because people will rise against this government.

The above mentioned racists have managed to bribe the office of the president in the district to an extent where anything taken to them can’t be addressed.The PF government has a chance of suffering humiliation in 2021 if they can continue to neglect the Zambian people at an expense of these foreigners.

By Kalumbila Minerals Employee


    • Pretty much every foreigner living in Zambia has a gun.

      Who gives them these weapons? For what reason?

      So I urge you fellow citizens to be careful when dealing with foreigners as you will lose your life, and no one will ever get jailed for it.

      What has happened to those Chinese that killed/injured natives?


      Zambia bleeds, while Lungu dances around eating mangoes with dirty hands.

      What a dirty man!

      Tell us your union leaders have also been bought. Tell us that your Human Resource Management has also been racist and bought. Tell us your Minister of Labour and labour officers are also bought. Maybe you should not be working there. So you want to compare yourself to the owners of those mines LPM sold to those boers. May be you are Xenophobic. You want to smoke, drive, drink and talk on the phone like the owners of the mines. That’s inferior complex at play. You will die cursing, you ungrateful soul.

  1. This is the sorry state of affairs in modern day Africa.

    Things will only ever change if people take the law into their own hands.

    Foreigners working in Zambia can do whatever they want, as long as they keep giving PF leadership those thick brown envelopes on time.

    You are on your own folks, vote wisely next time.

  2. look at this freedom sikazwe! his posture does not befit one from state house, his hands are owez in pockets but look at the president, well behaved!! it is not the first time i have observed this from him, any way Kambwilis claim abt him may be true!!!! before corruption was legalized or given a blind eye in Zambia, safety was cardinal in the mines but all that is in the past now!!!! Happy 54th birth day to mother Zambia

  3. That is very unfortunate if that is what is happening at Kalumbila. But, as someone who has worked in the mines for close to 30 years, we Zambians also contribute to mistreating fellow Zambians. We have an inferiority complex complex towards the Boers and we don,t support fellow Zambian supervisors but we will do anything for a Boer supervisor. I have seen Zambian writing for a Boer supervisor who couldn’t write but they will fight their fellow Zambian. We need to change and support our own otherwise things won’t change. And where is the union at Kalumbila?? I am sure they have been bought.

    • Very true. We have Janco du pliz at kalumila titan who can not write. Poor zambians used to write reports for him and all were happy smiling at him.

  4. The govt has allowed this abuse due to corruption and having this convicted debarred moron doesn’t help coz he also fears white people, Why must Zambians suffer for the incompetence of leadership or non leadership in this case, we told you Dunana reverse these are useless people who cant run a katemba but you still danced.

  5. It is the weak leadership encouraged by a submissive docile population that has made a Zambian to become subservient and most exploited. Lungu’s administration has been the worst in the development of our people since independence. He is more concerned with corruption and monies that he receives from the “oppressors”. His departure from office is long overdue.


  7. We had the untouchable UNIP, it went. We had the political engineers MMD, it went. Now we have the intolerable PF. Will it also go? Only time will tell but since others went ,there is a very high possibility that it can also go. Watch the space

  8. i worked with the GM in Mauritania.
    Agreed, when he was there, whites from RSA were at the top of the pecking order

  9. Agree. I am a Zambian resident in SA and working for one of the biggest gold mines in the world. FQM advertised for the Zambian jobs here which I applied for and was never even given an opportunity to be interviewed despite having 18 yrs experience in the mining industry and the qualifications (B.Sc and M.Sc in Engineering). Some of the chaps that were recruited by FQM can never get the jobs here in Mzansi. The same applies at Mopani, the top leadership is all the semi illiterate South African Afrikaners led by Chris Vermeulen. The nonsense happening in Zambia could never have happened with the real PF of Ba Sata. Come 2021 my mind is made up. I will make sure that all my relatives from Kasama to Kitwe who benefits from my monthly handouts mark the X on UPND.

    • You are right; but surely there will be better options in 2021 that what currently seems obvious and available or I will keep my vote.

  10. The only way you will get attention (from PF) is to strike. But the problem is that there will be ba “muzungu anikonde” among you who will report the ring leaders to the whites and they will be fired. Zambians we don’t know how to work together. That is why 10 Afrikaans on this mine are ill-treating 1000 Zambian employees and we are scared of them. The same as 200 British where in Zambia to colonize millions during the colonial time—and they employed African policemen to beat on other Africans????????????

  11. Boers will never be Africans period, the worst racist cowards the continent will ever know. They are so bad even the English still don’t like them. All Boers should have been shipped to holland after apartheid ended. Thank God South Africans have finally awoken from their slumber and are getting back their land from these thieves.

  12. YOU MOAN & GROAN TODAY, but as soon as its election time, & P.F comes to a town /village near you with vitenge, gallons of chibuku, bicycles, & a Drunken Dancing President in tow, you quickly forget you’ve been mistreated, join in the dancing, get drunk on free taxpayer funded chibuku, & you are even prepared to maim & hack with Panga’s anyone advising you on the dangers of voting P.F back to office.

  13. The main problem is the corruption of lungu and his gang at statehouse.

    These foreigners do as they pleas because they bankroll PF to stay in power.

  14. I have visited kalumbila mine before…..some of these allegations are not true….like this one is not true ????????????????????????
    “ALL WHITES are allowed to use phones on site but no black person is allowed.All whites go in the mine with personal cars and no black man is allowed. All managerial positions are held by whites.”

    I have I have visited the mine before and I have seen blacks using phones and driving cars….I totally disagree with that….

  15. 400 years of slavery , it was a choice because even now the pf have chosen to be colonised by China over mere change

  16. Our forefathers, though generally not as educated as today’s average Zambian, were more courageous, much brainier, wiser, more action oriented and probably even more intelligent than we are today. That is why they worked together under an extremely difficult and unfair atmosphere and gained independence, not only for themselves, but especially for the future generations who happen to be us and those who will come after us. If they had our laissez-faire attitude in the manner we react to situations, our selfishness and greed, they could still be under the rule of their colonial masters. We are busy negating their efforts by allowing every aspect of our lives to degenerate to the status it was in during colonial rule.

  17. Our brothers and sisters have been complaining about the conditions under which they work, but the powers that be are concerned with arguments and insulting each other in the media. The people in leadership, opposition inclusive, should take interest in the matter and get it investigated and come up with a solution. It is boring to be just reading about how bad the ruling party or a particular opposition party is without responding to serious issues affecting the people. Everyone is just concerned about 2021!
    There is a problem that requires immediate attention for goodness’ sake!!

  18. On the other hand, we could be listening to a kazy bum who wants to earn money without working for it. Such ilk will say ill things about their bosses witjout seeing through themselves first. On the third hand, it is likely a upnd cadre propagandist similar to the ones who wrote to the Chinese ambassador. First they touched the kwacha by their “leaders” externalising dollars all in a bid to discredit government in the foo.lish and vain hope of state house. Sorry william, no state house for you until 2051…..kikikikiki

  19. The bird that grew up in a cage thinks that flying is impossible…..probably today’s slavery we apply for it…..I call for Zambians to stand up and fly like an eagle, let’s vent into entrepreneurship skills and invest instead of relying on a monthly salary alone,,,, there is a lot that we can do as a people and let’s see to that we work together…..and always be good to people on your way up cause you will meet them on your down… is not permanent

  20. I cannot condone racism because it is dehumanising and has long effects on ones diginity, but Don’t blame Lungu, you cowards. When you are fighting for something you know what to do and not to expect Lungu to come from state house and speak for you. This is the result of being dull. Standard up for your right. The Boers are appointed for a certain skill, if anyone has that skill he or she should complain through your normal channel. As for racism I know the boers (most South African Afrikaaners) have not changed even in South Africa the racial issue is still very rife. Please Please think through this and tackle this scurge of racism before it engulfes our great nation.

  21. True, one on one the maintenance superintendent qualifications ( assistant craft certificate) can not be compared to my young brothers. Honestly if a superintendent can have that what more a his bust…..ds down the line

  22. The complainant has misrepresented facts. There are Zambian Managers at Kalumbila Mine and some of them have been there more years than the expatriates the complainant is referring to.

    For example, the Human Resources Department and Environmental Department are 100% managed by Zambians and their Managers are part of the senior management team and empowered to make strategic decisions.

    FQML (mother company for Kalumbila Mine) is one of the large scale mining companies with a Zambian General Manager at one of their mines who is an expatriate in that country and there are a lot of Zambians working as expatriates at several FQML mines across the world including Zambian graduates being developed under the graduate development program at mines in other countries.

    Depending on the…

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