Sunday, March 23, 2025

Freedom fighters complain of neglect


File:Freedom Fighters llay wreaths at the cenotaphs during the commemoration of the African Freedom Day held at Kasama Civic Centre

Freedom Fighters in Ndola have complained to journalists of being neglected by successive governments.

The Ndola Press Club made a visit to the aged in Twapia Township to appreciate the role freedom fighters played to gain independence.

Freedom fighter Selita Kikesenge said after fighting for independence, they have been neglected now. She said the aged need to be taken care of because of their contribution to the liberation struggle.

“No one is taking care of us. When you elect them, they go and forget us. It is painful that we stay like this without any help.The President should come here, look at us and listen to our concerns. So it is so sad for us. We fought for our independence yet we are neglected. We elect leaders but they go and forget us.”She said freedom fighters have continued to suffer.

Another freedom fighter Adamson Mumba complained of poor sanitation.

“We need better toilets that will help us. The sanitation is bad at this house where we are kept,” he complained.

Twapia ward Councilor Gilbert Musonda said he was humbled by the gesture of Ndola journalists to visit and help the aged.

And Ndola Press Club Acting president Mike Mubanga said freedom fighters should be appreciated.

“We have seen that our fathers lack the support that they need. Independence should not just be about talking but showing appreciation in a special way. From what we have gathered here, we will go and share the message to the public.”

“As the Ndola Press Club, we are delighted to be here especially that in a few days time, Zambia will be celebrating its 54th birthday and this day could not have come at a better time.As journalists, we are excited to continue using this day to reiterate our role to serve the citizens in a democratic society like Zambia,Mr Mubanga said.

Later, the club donated assorted items to the aged as part of Independence celebrations.


  1. I hate to say this, but everyone is being neglected in Zambia.

    What is so annoying is that these are the same people that voted for PF, now they are busy complaining.

    You are on your own. You should have educated your children so that they could look after you in your old age.

    Lungu does NOT care about you.

    If you are lucky, the government might buy you a coffin when you die. I would not count on it though.

    • Sad state of affairs, this country is failing to looking after the old who only constitute a small portion of our population.

    • – If someone can steal from a widow, you think he can take care of old pipo.
      – A den of thieves that steals welfare money for blind, disabled & destitute in order to buy luxury 4×4 cars & renovate offices.
      – A reckless band of playb0ys who can waste $400 million on custom private jets fitted with anti-missile lasers.

    • Let’s do something for them before the Brain dead little boy starts to claim he is a freedom fighter too. I mean the inside trading thief.

    • It is UNELECTABLE. Buying a jet is important. Let us replace all old planes we don’t want Gabon disaster HAGAIN except if it will be flying to the FARM, then no problem, we can keep the old one.

  2. The whole country is neglected because of a convicted thief debarred lawyer who stole a widows money and actually confessed that he had no vision for the country. what a fcuken mess

  3. These freedom fighters, they are still alive? When are they proceeding? We are tired of stories of neglect every year near independence day. KK please get your friends and proceed before you start accusing us of making you old.

  4. Freedom fighters is this the freedom you fought for? We were better of being a colony of Britain. You deserve what you got as that is what you wanted.

  5. People learn from mistakes, better the government listen to the plight of our freedom fighters who did a great job without their sacrifices we would still be under the york , with the crop of politicians
    and zambian people at large it wouldn’t have happened.
    The president needs to move in quickly to solve the problem with the veterans.

  6. Where are those Freedom fighter who where recently paraded and said nothing but praises for the government. They sell-outs gave an impression that all was well for freedom fighters which was really surprising to me. Let us also start considering the freedom fighters of this time, the likes of my Iron lady Miti and others.

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