Sunday, September 8, 2024

President Edgar Lungu praises the team that successfully conducted the first ever kidney transplant at UTH


President Lungu at the University Teaching Hospital this afternoon where he visited Dr. Job Kaweshi, the Kidney transplant patient and Mr Tinashe Kaweshi, the Donor.  Dr. Tinashe Kasweshi and Mr Job Kasweshi are biological brothers and their mother Mrs Catherine Kabaye Kasweshi expressed  gratitude at the succesful transplant which has seen both her sons return to her alive and well.
President Lungu at the University Teaching Hospital this afternoon where he visited Dr. Job Kaweshi, the Kidney transplant patient and Mr Tinashe Kaweshi, the Donor. Dr. Tinashe Kasweshi and Mr Job Kasweshi are biological brothers and their mother Mrs Catherine Kabaye Kasweshi expressed gratitude at the succesful transplant which has seen both her sons return to her alive and well.

President Edgar Lungu has praised the team that successfully conducted the first ever kidney transplant at the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) in Lusaka.

President Lungu said that such an initiative will help to cut down on expenses of sending patients abroad for treatment.

The President explained that if Zambian surgeons are able to carry out such operations, it will help bring in foreign exchange in the country as it will attract others to come for treatment.

The Head of State was speaking this afternoon when he visited the kidney donor and receiver at the main intensive care unit at UTH.

And President Lungu said that government will be able to support the Ministry of Health and medical staff so that such initiatives are sustained.

He was responding to questions on incentives to motivate specialized medical staff at the hospital.

And Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya said that government spends over 10 million dollars to send patients out of the country.

Dr. Chilufya briefed President Lungu that a team of doctors from Italy will be in the country next week to conduct open and closed heart surgery working together with Zambian surgeons.

Meanwhile, UTH Medical Superintendent- Adult Hospital Clarence Chiluba said the hospital has been training medical personnel coming from various countries in the region.

And the mother of the patients, Mrs Catherine Kabaye Kasweshi, expressed gratitude at the succesful transplant which has seen both her sons return to her alive and well.

Mrs Kasweshi stated that President Lungu had demonstrated wonderful leadership by taking time to see her children and also thanked the Minister of Health Dr. Chitalu Chilufya for the wonderful treatment her family had been accorded the duration of the surgery.

She also thanked most profoundly, the team of doctors that had performed the successful surgery that has saved the life of her son. Both the Donor and Recipient confirmed that they where recuperating well.

President Lungu at the University Teaching Hospital this afternoon where he visited Dr. Job Kaweshi, the Kidney transplant patient and Mr Tinashe Kaweshi, the Donor.  Dr. Tinashe Kasweshi and Mr Job Kasweshi are biological brothers and their mother Mrs Catherine Kabaye Kasweshi expressed  gratitude at the succesful transplant which has seen both her sons return to her alive and well.
President Lungu at the University Teaching Hospital this afternoon where he visited Dr. Job Kaweshi, the Kidney transplant patient and Mr Tinashe Kaweshi, the Donor. Dr. Tinashe Kasweshi and Mr Job Kasweshi are biological brothers and their mother Mrs Catherine Kabaye Kasweshi expressed gratitude at the succesful transplant which has seen both her sons return to her alive and well.


    • This is some blue sky stuff for the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise!!

      The doctors made us all proud, keep it up. This breed of Africans called Zambians are simply the best.

      Great strides are being made at UTH and the world is noticing; pretty soon UTH will become the John Hopkins of Africa.

      Zambia Is Greater Than Any Single One Of Us ~ B R Mumba, Sr

      Original Content, No Copyrights Reserved


      THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!!!

    • We need to rename UTH to Kenneth Kaunda University Teaching Hospital with immediate effect.

      KK’s idea of building a smart health learning institution second to none in Africa was at the epicenter of the creation of UTH.

      Not many people live to see their dreams come true let alone their legacy unfold in front of them. The living legend, KK has experienced both.

      Imagine how chaotic Zambia and indeed the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa would have been if God didn’t give the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise a first President Of such vintage as KK.

      The Legend Lives On … Long Live KK; Long Live Zambia.

    • Mr. Mumba we missed you! Missed your wisdom! A lot of INCOMPOS with no brain in the house! Sorry, I meant with dung brains in the house! Sorry I meant haters in the house! Sorry I meant TRIBALISM little boys in the house. Sorry, I meant HANEGATIVES in the house.

  1. We are in 2018 and this is breaking news? So poor people who had kidney problems or diseases died because none of the so called doctors could perform transplant, we have a long way to go and very shame your president is visiting a recipient and the donor in hospital

  2. Namwala hasn’t done it yet due to dung, so don’t be bitter and praise where praise is due. Only Children of Wizards do not give praise where it is due.

    • HH is the biggest liability Zambia continues to have. First, he is a TRIBALISM god. Second, he has Three Mansions. Third, He is a Money launderer Queen. Fourth, he is an inside trading thief. Fifth, He is a Privatisation thief. Fifth, he is CHILDISH. Sixth, He is an UNDER FIVE. Seven, HE WILL NEVER win an election. Eighth, he is a leader of INCOMPOS.

  3. I’m trying to forget everything around this report and just focus on the brotherly love that compelled a man to take all the pain and suffering upon himself so that his brother may also have a kidney and live.

  4. Now we await to see an all Zambian team accomplish the same Bwana Lungu. Set a benchmark and a clear roadmap to see it happen in 5yrs.

  5. All Zambian teams have done Siamese twin separations. Zambian doctors have always been amazing, it our politicians in UNIP, UPND, MMD, PF and others that have always been a problem.

  6. Are we this out of touch? Transplants have been going on for a while illegally. Should we not be addressing the increase of kidney patients due to the introduction of GM corn in Zambia’s food chain as documented through out several medical journals? How will the poor and vulnerable be protected from organ merchants who would exploit them especially given the level of poverty here? Before a transplant, dialysis is needed. There’s a huge shortage of machines. Waiting lists are years and even if you’re lucky to get a place those who can afford thousands a week to stay alive are given priority, those who don’t die. Dialysis can stop the need for transplant in some cases. Surely it would have made more sense to deal with the dialysis crisis first.

  7. I understand this drunk !doit came to steal the lime light, can only be a scum of the earth convicted debarred their of a lawyer who can’t do his job that can do that.what a fcuken loser piss of sh!t

  8. The key to prevent all this disease care is to avoid all foods that are manufactured in processing plants, avoid Sugar, exercise regularly, prevent HIV infection, avoid Carbonated drinks like Coke, Fanta, eat organic foods, avoid foods grown through the extensive use of chemicals like Fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides; eat more fruits! Drink water like a Fish, minimize salt intake, alcohol and quit smoking and passive smoking! Healthcare is not disease care but prevention of disease by watching what we take into our bodies, regular health checks, managing weight through regular exercise! That is why our ministry is called Ministry of Health, not Ministry of disease! Prevention is always better than cure!

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