Wednesday, February 5, 2025

North Western Province Chiefs not plotting Regime Change


President Edgar Lungu with Chief Mumuna and Chief Kanongesha at Statehouse on Tuesday 14-07-2015 PICTURES BY EDDIE MWANALEZA/ STATEHOUSE.

The North Western Province Council of Chiefs says NO meeting has been held to discuss regime change.

Chairperson of the Council Senior Chief Kanongesha says there is NO reason to warrant the removal of the PF from power because it has delivered and continues to deliver on its promises.

Senior Chief Kanongesha says it is only under the PF that Northwestern province has been connected to the national electricity grid as well as seen the reconstruction of the Solwezi -Chingola Road.

The traditional leader has noted that the Government has done more than the previous governments have done in a very short period.

Senior Chief Kanongesha was speaking when Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya called on him at his palace.

Dr. Chilufya also told the Chief that government will build a mini hospital in his chiefdom and assured him that ground breaking will be done next week Monday.


    • Heeeesh when these Ex-Adamson Mushala’s followers start issues of “regime change”, it’s awakening. When they start greeting each other as “Tambukeni mwata…”, they get so much together. Hope they will not go in bush again. With Kanganja also facing “regine change”, yakosa bamwisho.

  1. I dont really trust the chiefs, but pf for sure has done some great things in Northern province despite not getting majority electoral votes from the province. At the end of everything, government is for all the people and by the people.

    • What is the problem with people? You want a university built today? The government has been doing developments in all the provinces and has never said they will NEVER build a university? PLEASE don’t behave like HH’s minnows!

    • SHARON if you dont come from north west dont talk to us like that ….tell us what your province is contributing and why they should be given priority …

  2. So we can comfirm that Stevie Harvey is from North West? I was wondering what the president was doing with an American comedian

  3. North Western province can only develop if the people and Government can only work together as one how can you develop if you work side by side , only thing that will come out is hate no matter what so please change for the better I think the chief are very correct to see what Govt is doing to the province and the people

  4. In my view development in north western should be more than what has been delivered thus far, considering the fact that the province contributes more to the fiscus currently than most provinces and secondly most of your mining jobs are now in north-western province, how ever if you look at the medical facilities and schools in the province they are among the worst in the country, this a pure luck of knowledge by these chiefs, roads are govt responsibility and not a party responsibility as far as I know.

  5. Chiefs were exchanging their subjects with salt during colonial times. Northwestern province is shamelessly under developed. Successive governments including the current one have not done much for this province which is contributing more to the GDP.

  6. that is how Kaunda was deceived by people in 1991…. never trust people but GOD…… Ask Rupiah who cried after his defeat……
    A LUNGU mu kwasu, be truly humble and accept that the tide will be against you in future…. Ask Chiluba……..
    Simply advice . be still and ask for an audience with someone you perceive to be your worst enemy….. Just 30 minutes of your time listening your critics….. You have heard from your advisors like Kazier zulu and Amos chanda for alonger time………
    Jesus gave audience to Pharisees who were worst critics…. what is especial with you that you can not hear out your critics? You have state protection 24/7… have a cloud of cadres like antonio,mumbi, mwila , etc speaking for you and these cadres adore you and can do henious act to protect…

  7. Regime change is only in Kainde’s sick head!!Surely how can you change Govnt with voters from 3 provinces which have fewer number of registered voters in the country?Moreover,PF has has even entered N/Western province,so PF will get more votes there in 2021 than before while UPND is as weak as before in 6.5 provinces where PF is strong.Elections are not won by dreaming in Lusaka or online but by proper planning and hard work across 1991 and 2011,it was clear than Zambians wanted change and had proper options(whom to vote for) in FTJ Chiluba and Michael Sata).CAN WE SAY THE SAME ABOUT THE AVAILABLE OPTIONS NOW IN HH& KAMBWILI?BIG NO!!!
    So well said Senior Chief Kanongesha!!!UPND has lost several members and councillors in N/Western to PF!!

  8. What the chief is saying is based on what is being said in certain circles where a certain tribe is coercing our tribes to unite and force a regime change. Most big farmers in Lambaland are from this and they employ a lot of local people. This arrangement has made the locals vulnerable to manipulation by the farmers. …he who pays the piper. I’m sure if anyone reading this has been to Lufwanyama they will agree with me.

  9. Great things are taking place in the NW – including that new project for medical Storage.
    I find NW quite intriguing actually. When I hear the Chiefs speak, they are so positive, but like someone has said, the farm workers have a different tone!
    Is this not the province where Harry Kalaba was recently barred from visiting because Dr. Chilufya was in the area?
    What intrigued me most about that case is that once on a trip in Mansa ( about 2 yrs ago), i heard that kalaba and Dr. Chilufya used to hang out together when visiting their constituencies ( when Kalaba was foreign minister)

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