Thursday, March 13, 2025

Awards for Zambia made products and brands launched


Christmas Shopping in Lusaka
Shopping in Lusaka

The Zambia Association of Manufacturers and the Consumer Unity and Trust Society have partnered to deliver Zambia’s first ever Annual Consumer Gold Star Awards.

Over the next two weeks, consumers from across the country will have the ability to vote for their favorite brands in several categories using the most dynamic platform there is, social media.

The final awards ceremony will take place on the 16th of November 2018 at the Intercontinental Hotel during the Prestigious Manufacturers Gala and Awards Ceremony where the winners of each product category will be announced and awarded the coveted Consumer Gold Star Award.

The awards are in line with the Proudly Zambian Campaign which encourages consumers to “think local first” in their purchasing decisions, and encourages
Zambian manufacturers to assist them to do so by producing high quality products and services.

For the recipients, the award will reflect the earned trust and loyalty of consumers as well as serve as the crowning achievement of their efforts as manufacturers.

Consumer Unity and Trust Society Ceter Cordinator Chenai Mukumba said for the consumers, these awards provide an opportunity to support the businesses whose products they interact with on a day to day basis.

She said Consumers form the foundation of the success of any business because outside of firm’s abilities to produce a product, the product must be consumed/bought to secure the viability of the business.

Ms. Mukumba said the Consumer Gold Star Awards will celebrate producers of Zambian products that are able to do this well.

And ZAM Chief Executive Officer Chipego Zulu said both Organisations agreed that consumers hold a unique position in a free market economy as they play a critical role in determining the success and failure of a brand or a product.

Mrs. Zulu said this in turn has broad implications on sustainable economic growth, and highlights the need to increasingly ensure that consumers understand the critical choices they
make when purchasing a product based on quality and adherence to existing standards and regulations.

She emphasised that these awards present an opportunity for Zambian manufacturing companies to be recognized for their efforts in winning the hearts and trust of the Zambian consumers.

Mrs. Zulu added that ZAM further believes that the awards will encourage firms to continuously improve on their brands and marketing in order to ensure that consumers become more aware of the growing number of manufacturing organizations in Zambia that are producing a variety of quality products and services.


  1. Maybe this will motivate them to be creative about packaging because it’s the worst I have seen. If your product is packaged shabbily, no matter how good, people will not buy it!

  2. I agree…packaging is their worst failure…Am one of the few people who have gone “buy local” I always look out for local products if am after some product which have some local competitors, but my worry is packaging….just yesterday I enjoyed some sweet mbalala snack …very nice…but the packaging….awe sure…unenticing….

    • @ Shaa, totally agree, we should encourage people to by local so that we can create employment, too much imports, even simple things people rush to RSA to order even if they are supplying govt, I think govt should be first to say please supply a local product only if not available then import. but it starts with the man on ground so well done on the philosophy

  3. This is what I want to read about in the media. I am tired of reading about politics and scandals. The media must celebrate good things as well. I know that bad news sells but good news builds. Thank you LT for this article.

  4. we local suppliers are even sidelined by own companies in zambia. They engage foreign suppliers and the money does not even benefit our local banks here. What i would want happen is that we should be given first priority to supply in whatever catigory we can if we cant source within, then we source outside zambia. The Purchasing Assiciation of Zambia shouldalso join hands in this. Most local suppliers are in trouble. Boma please help us. We are capable

  5. For me proximity of a product from supplier to a store(particularly perishable food)is better than imported.Local in many instances is cheaper.I am trying to move away from certain plastic packaging. The way to go would be attractive,bio degradable packaging.I love many local products!

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