Sunday, March 9, 2025

ZIALE vows never to compromise on the quality of students it is producing despite complaints


The Zambia Institute of Advanced Legal Education (ZIALE) has vowed never to compromise on the quality of students it is producing following complaints over the high failure rate at the Institution.

And ZIALE Director Ann Malata said there is no cartel that is deliberately failing students in order to limit the number of practicing lawyers in the country describing such allegations as demoralizing and unfair.

Mrs. Malata said Law is a noble profession that it highly regulated and demands excellence and hard work among its practitioners.

“We want the lawyers that we produce here to work anywhere in the world and if we start to relax that as gatekeepers then we are in trouble, Zambians must instead start appreciating what the ZIALE examinations are trying to achieve”, she said.

Mrs. Malata however admitted that the ZIALE Exams are tough due to the transition from the theory taught at Universities to the practical taught which requires seriousness for students to pass.

And Law Association of Zambia President Eddie Mwitwa said ZIALE examinations are not meant to be easier but to prepare a student for a bigger challenge.

Mr. Mwitwa has also urged Zambians to be factual in criticising the judiciary to avoid denting the image of judges.

Only four out of 384 students who sat for the Zambia Institute of Advanced Legal Education 2017 final intake examinations will be admitted to the bar.


  1. Very Good…

    Stay the course… if you give in the whole country will be in trouble. It starts from the law.

    Thank you! Zambia doesn’t need half baked citizens!!!

    • Only four out of 384 students who sat for the Zambia Institute of Advanced Legal Education 2017 final intake examinations will be admitted to the bar……

      That is 5tupidity and shows there are a complete farce especially with Zambia having a life expanse of no more than late 40’s



    • Mosho is also counted as a “quality” Zambian lawyer? Ati pay K5million or you be fired as MP.
      KBF he can be better.

    • The pass rate at ZIALE raises some very serious questions about the institution itself.
      I have never heard of any institution in the whole world with such a poor pass rate.
      Can anyone think of one?
      If the institution has high standards let them tell us all the lecturers and qualifications as well as the curriculum and bench mark these against similar international institutions after all you claim you want to produce lawyers that can work anywhere in the world.
      Now are you suprised that OXBRIDGE has down graded all universities in zambia to colleges? Perhaps its high time we down graded ZIALE to night school!

    • Who does the selection for students to be admitted to ZIALE? Is it the same people who examine the students later? If so, then there is a serious problem with admission criteria, because normally you would only admit students who you think have the caliber to pull thru but wen only 4 of 400 pass, then there is something wrong with those who admitted the students in the first place

    • Mrs. Malata seems not to understand the purpose of institutions of learning. Madam, nobody is asking you to produce half-baked lawyers. Zambia expects you to produce qualified lawyers. The irony is that you are producing NONE! In other words YOU are a failure.

  2. I have a lot of respect for someone who stands his ground and is fully committed to his calling than one who is swayed by public opinnion.

  3. Get out..we all know only pf affiliated students pass. Kids of ministers etc.wasnt mutati kid on list? Ati standards kwisa

  4. Some of the courses offered at Ziale actually have little to do with the law such as bookkeeping and communications skills. People keep talking about maintaining standards and yet Zambia’s judicial system is internationally regarded as undeveloped.

  5. Look at all those ZIALE grads in white man’s wigs and they’re proud? You’ve already compromised on your Africaness.

  6. Director much as we appreciate high standards I think the issue here is that you as Zaile should have met to go over the results and then give a comprehensive report on the outcomes don’t take results lightly. If it requires a complete review of the legal education from the LLB stage so be it but don’t make statements that sadden the people.

  7. Yamene ayo ma high standards where are they practiced kansi? Lawyers must challenge all wrongs and injustices against society, particularly those that rape the constitution… It is very rare to see the “high standard” graduates from ZIALE defending the constitution and fighting injustice. Nkani ni ma fee note yeka yeka.

  8. they cant even tell us if Lungu will stand or not, cant even count 12 days and all they tell us is that every one has failed

  9. Education is arguably ‘nobler’ than law per se because education leads to wisdom and the skills to survive in modern society. There is crisis at ZIALE because the public is not satisfied with performance. A crisis in itself is normal to occur in society. When that occurs, then leadership must come up in the solution. It is not consistent to argue that the learners failed because the test was world class test. Testing must meet the conditions recognized by education psychologists, sociologists of education and philosophers of education. In a normal test involving 300+ participants, the normal curve is not negotiable. It is crazy to argue that law is more noble than say, medicine or mathematics. The solution starts by accepting responsibility for the crisis and then engaging a qualified…

  10. It is not consistent to argue that the learners failed because the test was world class test. Testing must meet the conditions recognized by education psychologists, sociologists of education and philosophers of education. In a normal test involving 300+ participants, the normal curve is not negotiable. It is crazy to argue that law is more noble than say, medicine or mathematics. The solution starts by accepting responsibility for the crisis and then engaging a qualified consultant to provide workable options.

    • ZIALE is in crisis because public outcry points to it. It is anti-pedagogy to ignore complaints from learners, clients and other stakeholders. As a training institution, ZIALE is expected to achieve a win-win scenario. Total Quality Control and Quality Assurance are basic to education. The consultant process must examine the problem and propose solutions. Issues ought to include caliber of players (competent management with qualified learners and teachers), curriculum (input-output), pedagogy (delivery of lessons), didactic (study techniques), learning environment (space, library, sanitation, hygiene, comfort, meals, textbooks, internet, ICT, academic journals, collegiality, transport, xerographic, etc). The input from ZIALE alumni is not enough. There is need to consult a mix of…

    • Issues ought to include caliber of players (competent management with qualified learners and teachers), curriculum (input-output), pedagogy (delivery of lessons), didactic (study techniques), learning environment (space, library, sanitation, hygiene, comfort, meals, textbooks, internet, ICT, academic journals, collegiality, transport, xerographic, etc). The input from ZIALE alumni is not enough. There is need to consult a mix of stakeholders, including sitting and former law school deans, current and former students and staff, judiciary, LAZ, religious bodies, etc.

  11. I want to believe that the lecturers are ZIALE are incompetent. There is no lecturer who feels proud of his student failing. If the institution has a syllabus and exam questions come from there, I don’t see that kind of pass/fail rate honestly. If the lecturers just teach from no were and exams are prepared from no were may be you can have such a failure rate. So 380 students are going to repeat and pay the money they paid in the last sitting?

  12. I was among the 378 who wrote the exams………….I can attest that the ZIALE exams are tricky…….The midyear exam is 25% and final 75%……. in my LLB i never leant on how to draft an affidavit, statement of claims,interlocutory summons, bail , case stated, divorce petition, conveyance documents like motgage, contract of sale,assignment and many others…… Most cases the pass rate in mid year is low and by the time the mid year results are released you are nearing the final exams…. the effect is that some that passed the exams become complacent while others focus on the subjects they have done well…………
    the good news is that the repeater exams are highly passable because the students have learn the trick of the trade and the confident levels are high…….. The last…

  13. ……. The last repeater exams more than 300 students passed and the same lawyers complained bitterly……….. MUNTU is strange……….. Watch the repeater exams a large number will pass… The director of ZIALE will not need to expalin herself on radio………… Lawyers will complain again……………I will be one of those who will pass………..AMEN

    • ZIALE stand your ground.I hope this will force Universities to improve on their candidate selection and teaching methodologies if they have to enhance their reputations and credibility

  14. When we pass, please do not say that ZIALE has relaxed the rules or flooding the market or compromising quality of lawyers…….we are studying…………………Failure ca be a motivator to work hard or demotivator to stay put and blame the whole world as evil…………….. I have accepted failure as a motivator…….. Ihave other qualification to lean on………….. one fact even a brother of conveyance lecturer never made it despite him having a masters degree in other field……….. There is no conspiracy at all………

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