Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Zambia Police launch manhunt for PF Councilor who defiled a minor


Police in Eastern province have launched a manhunt for Chadiza’s Bwanunka Ward PF Councilor, Paul Zulu who is on the run after allegedly defiling a 14-year-old minor of Jungu-Jani village.

And Police in Nyimba have instituted criminal investigation into the case of exhuming a body of a 54-year-old albino, Judith Mwanza who died in June.

Addressing Journalists this morning, Eastern Province Commissioner of Police, Lackson Sakala says the alleged defilement case involving the PF councilor was reported to Musupazi Police Post on 10th October and the incident is believed to have happened on 9th October, 2018 around 23:00 hours.

Mr. Sakala says a manhunt has been launched to bring the culprit to book, who is said to be at large.

And in Nyimba, Mr. Sakala says Police have instituted criminal investigation into the exhuming of the body of a deceased 54-year-old albino who died on June 21st 2018.

Mr. Sakala says the matter was reported by Maxwell Kapata of Nyimba district council that unknown people had trespassed on Chapambe graveyard.

He said upon visiting the site, police discovered two chitenge materials, used grave and a blouse in the coffin, while the body of the deceased was taken to an unknown place.

Mr. Sakala says the incident is believed to have occurred between 23rd June and 30th October, 2018.


  1. Kansampato kamwana kamuletelela .let him just give himself up, when he is prison let him sing a song of praise the Babylon he might just be made ambassador for GBV.

    • PF councilor? Just a spoiled kid like CHILDISH. It has nothing to do with “PF.” When a PF councilor killed in Southern Province, that was related to UPND. Please do not relate things which are UNRELATED. CHILDISH.

  2. Its not a PF councilor its MMD councilor. I know this Paul Zulu he was my classmate at Zemba primary school in Chadiza!!!!!!!

  3. Poor reporting. Why can’t combining two different issues in the same headline? In Zambia issues are reported when they happen, but how they end is not reported.

  4. Despite the mandatory minimum 15 years prison sentence for defilers, it seems it’s not acting as a deterrent. We may be giving a wrong dosage for the problem. It’s not insatiable sexual appetite that’s perpetuating this scourge but strong belief in charms. Perpetrators are usually told by the witch-doctors to do it as a remedy for business, political power, cure for AIDS, etc. This calls for a change in the approach than what’s currently obtaining. The culprit will be arrested and sent to 15yrs imprisonment but that won’t deter would-be offenders. May be THAPAZ should prevail on their members to change their tactics or Govt must consider arresting the witch-doctor as well

  5. He knows he will be pardoned together with Kanene soon, if they pay all that money to buy counsellors from the opposition you think they will let this one rot in jail, the country has become law less, for them it about having a counsellor regardless of the crime committed

  6. All in All, is Zambia still believed to be a Christian Nation?. Different things will be encouraged to be happening through its poverty levels and results in the Love of Money then ending up committing such dirt things.

  7. Jungujani village is there. Withhold your ignorance .it’s near Jimu, Mkwekwe, Tabale,faisako .zemba tobacco my first appointment.
    Now reporter kindly tell us if the body of late Mwanza was recovered or still missing

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