Friday, February 14, 2025

HPCZ suspends license of a clinical officer who posted pictures of HIV patients on facebook


The Health Professions Council of Zambia has suspended the practicing license for Mwansa Chalwe, a Clinical Officer General, holder of license number HPCZ 10/2/14/06491 working at Nansenga Clinic in Itezhi-tezi, Central Province for violating the privacy and confidentiality of his clients.

It is alleged that Mr. Chalwe, posted pictures of clients (Patients) during an ART session on his Facebook page who were attending Anti-Retro Viral Treatment session he conducted which violated their privacy and confidentiality.

HPCZ Senior Public Relations Officer Terry Musonda said the alleged action by the Clinical Officer General was unethical and a professional misconduct and investigations will continue in the matter.

Mr. Musonda said to this effect, Mr. Chalwe will not be allowed to attend to patients and is not permitted to perform any duty at any health facility until the matter is determined.

He said in a statement that the Health Professions Council of Zambia has also written to both the Provincial and District Health Offices in Central Province informing them of this decision.

Mr. Musonda said Health Practitioners must desist from capturing and sharing pictures of patients during work sessions and are reminded to uphold the professional code of conduct.


  1. This is horrendous for the patients and would stop people from attending these ART sessions for fear of being exposed.This technology is becoming a big problem in Zambia…being used for both good and evil. Phones/Camera’s should be completely banned in hospitals/clinics for this reason. Next gynecologists and midwives will be posting things on facebook! Mu chenjele.

    God help us!

  2. HIV patients should be exposed so that we know them. If we know them us whose blood is clean from HIV curse will shall be protected. These positive people are transmitting the virus knowingly .dont hide your illneses be proud. Last mounth I had severe malaria and I informed everyone I know. Why? Because I accepted that i had severe malaria.

  3. Wait more problems to come from HPCZ, The examinations that they have introduced leaves much to be desired. Properly qualified personnel are being failed deliberately and pick those whom they know. Head of HPCZ is working on frustration because he was denied to head ECHOS. He is against the professors who taught him.
    This examinations are a frustration that will bring corruption at its highest level. For example 50 environmental officers wrote his exam 04 passed. All from Rusangu and Apex failed. similarly, 365 Doctors from Ridgeway wrote 10% passed after 7 years of had Labour, and so on. Being a party cadre you cannot touchable. Some district have been introduced, hospitals have open but no personnel to work in this hospitals and districts because of one man making the all nation…

  4. This is your proper lane HPCZ not suspending medical studies at CBU or any institution for that matter. Good call.

  5. Meanwhile a nurse in Malawi has been suspended for taking a selfie in the maternity room with a woman in labor showing in the background.

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