Thursday, March 13, 2025

Turn up for HH, NDC urges members


The National Democratic Congress is urging all its members on the Copperbelt to turn out in large numbers at Ndola Central Police station on Tuesday and offer solidarity to UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema.

The party says it abhors the continued persecution and intimidation of Mr. Hichilema on extremely flimsy and preposterous allegations.

“We believe comrade HH has not committed anything wrong by commenting on the Zaffico saga. The summoning of comrade HH by overly excited pf carders masquerading as police officers is barbaric,” says NDC National Youth Chairperson Charles Kabwita.

“As NDC, we want to restate that copper belt police commissioner Charity Katanga is a pf Carder hired to cripple and silence the opposition. Katanga is being used by a bunch of desperate criminals to revert Zambia to a one party state,” Mr Kabwita said.

He has since demanded that Ms. Katanga vacates public office in National interest.

“To our youths, let us join hands with our comrades from the Upnd by standing with comrade Hichilema. We are together in the struggle for a better Zambia and we are ready to die for our great Nation,” he said.

He charged that fear and intimidation will not deter the members from thronging to Ndola in great numbers.

“Zambia is our heritage and we resolve to stand united with our colleagues from the Upnd to fight this oligarchic regime. Posterity will judge Charity Katanga and her minions harshly for tormenting innocent citizens,” he said.


  1. Corruption scandals: Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Way to go NDC… tell these shameless sycophants who have sacrificed their principles, integrity and reputation for trying to protect their jobs. Their allegiance was supposed to be with the country and the Zambian people, instead they have chosen to serve the interests of one tyrant dictator in the name of Lungu. How sad and shameful!

    • Ikalenifye and do something meaningful for your life, why asking the youth to go and stand with upnd? They need to go to school or work. why not go alone if you really want to go? The country can never develop with fake politicians like you. If your hh is innocent let him go alone and answer for himself. You lazy people just waiting to enter government to steal and nothing else. Probably you don’t even have a job and no education and you to run the government. Kutumpa go and find work and stop asking the youth to waste time on politicians who want to burn the country because of selfishness and bitterness.

    • NDC has no followers so because police says no party attire they want to claim popularity. But any how we are more interested in some action pa Ndola today. Bring Ndola to life lelo

    • 1.1  Musonda Kateule

      ” go to school and work …..”

      Work where ? With More than 40 % unemployed ati go work ??

      Don’t you see how PF use the their unemployed youth to sing about kambwili ?? There are no jobs for the youth badala…

      Spaka ®
      Most influential blogger
      All rights reserved

    • I think he thought that since most of our youths have dropped out of school due to lack of financial resources and sustainable jobs for them to do, for today they can go and watch free drama organised by the police police at Ndola central to keep them busy instead of them going to steel from innocent people.

    • @ Spaka whatever you call yourself, please take your relatives there and support ifyabupuba. Stop wasting time for the youth, if you’re national leaders with Zambia at heart encourage the youth who are drop out of school to back to school. Your hh will never create any jobs for you wake from sleep. Stop using other people for selfishness agenda. Your hh should count himself luck if he was an American but this time he was going to be a thing of the past politically. Wake up you lazy crooks with no plan of standing on your own and suport yourselves, expect trying to enter government to steal. Shame on you.

  2. Bravo to NDC! Let’s join together and support those who will fight for us the people NOT these A$$-KISSERS who are so quick to defend these foreigners who KILL and steal from us!

  3. He is sending your children while having tea in London. Am he will be streaming cardres recieving good treatment from kamfisa boys

  4. Useless!!I cannot even go there.I will not support issues which do not have value in my life.Just like I don’t attend rallies,I do not support any political parties let alone ruling party.They are all the same(crooks).These politicians will put you in their firing range for their own political expedience.
    No politician will make Zambia a better nation.They are all cut from the same cloth of deception.They deceive people to gain political mirage.

    • You sound objective. But note that the biggest contributor to underdevelopment are the Zambians themselves They are a lazy people. Always expecting goodies on a silver plate. It is sad that even foreigners have seen this in Zambians. Politicians use them only for their own selfish gain. So do not expect anything better from the likes of Kambwili and HH. As you say, they are cut from the same Congolese chitenge.

  5. Is NDC lobbying for running mate to Hacks in 2021? GBM/GBV ooen your eyes. You can be discarded like Canissius Banda. Not that it matters to us Zambia, just some extra comedy nothing more.

    • It is more like solidarity against freedom of speech and PF intimidation , is it HH causing the 40% unemployment ??

      Spaka ®
      Most influential blogger
      All rights reserved

  6. This ka toddler Charles Kabwita, wait until you are locked up then you will know what it is to insult police.
    My dear Charity, please impart manners to these toddlers, clearly their parents did not do a good job.

    • Manners are never imparted by locking some one in police cells, but by the people who themselves claim to have the same good manners to behave morally upright, so that those without good manners could see and emulate from them. therefore if some one who is morally bankrupted were to lock some one who is also morally bankrupted in police cells in order to impart good morals it will not have any effect because the other person will only think that the other one is just abusing his/her authority since both are one and the same.

  7. And to Hacks, please answer properly so that police are not forced to lock you up. Otherwise the process of dialogue will have to start again from scratch, from Mukobeko where it started.

    • To HH , tell them those who were rioting are unemployed , part of the 40% unemployed in our Zambia , yet PF just spent $17 billion and have Chinese in jobs everywhere even driving ZAF cars , ask them if you are the one causing this unemployment

      Spaka ®
      Most influential blogger
      All rights reserved

  8. The plan is that when they get Kambwili next time then UPND should show support knowing his NDC hasn’t got the numbers.

    • They will not get CK, he knows too much about lungus stealing and corruption…

      Spaka ®
      Most influential blogger
      All rights reserved

  9. Kambwili has no message for Zambians other than fanning violence in the country. Whose children is he urging to go to battle front? His are sipping coffee in London! Kambwili might just be the reincarnation of Chama Chakomboka of the nineties.

  10. The people in PF want a strong candidate to stand in 2021 and in this case ECL is the ideal candidate and the UPND want their strongman HH to stand.Voters should be given a chance to chose the best between HH and ECL come 2021.



    • Lungu….

      …..fraud convict and a failed lawyer in his private life.
      …..promised 500,000 jobs, zero delivered
      …..promised to open mulungushi textiles, not done that
      …..does not deny that he is a corrupt theif
      ……puts Zambia in $17 billion debt
      ……oversees the worst political violence and tribalisim period in our history.
      ……over sees the highest taxation of citizens in our history.
      …..oversees the worst most corrupt GRZ
      …..oversees the worst corrupt judiciary

      Not enough space to list lungus short commings , need atleast 4 pages…

      Spaka ®
      Most influential blogger
      All rights reserved

    • Moko MoKo i like your points especially the last set, now my question is why summon him for inciting people to riot when there are more serious issues like the ones you have highlighted? why don’t you people report H H for those cases instead of wasting time on these useless offences we hear about every time. Now what does that imply some one steals money for privatization you fail to report him, but instead you report him over just a comment which did not even have an effect on the said riot in some one’s bedroom.

    • The way people talk about Mulungushi Textiles, it’s like it’s Zambia’s life line. We can still do without Mulungushi for another 20 years. It isn’t a priority. If it is to HH, tell him to open it and shame the Government. As a Zambian and the tycoon he is believed to be, he is entitled to invest in any industry in Zambia. Mulungushi will win him all the Kabwe votes and he can employ all the UPND cadres there and around the country.

    • @moko moko,

      What new roads??!? KK built those roads, ECL is just resurfacing them, same for the Airports it was all KK, and I can assure you (mark my words) if our air-traffic/tourism doesn’t increase, those things will just become very dilapidated because of high maintenance costs. Once again there’s nothing new.

      Get your HH facts correct; He NEVER privatised ANYTHING it was FTJ. Only govt can do that NOT an individual or a consultancy firm.

      Judging from your last points it’s very clear you don’t know ANYTHING and I wont even bother answering.

  11. This Kabwita must be equally arrested, how can you call our police officers as cadres. you are a shameless chap who needs to be at Mukobeko. HH has been summoned for questioning only, if he will be found wanting then inside you fool. Because your kantemba has no supporters then you asking innocent youths to turn up in large numbers. send your own children first so that they can be sorted out properly by our officers. Kabwita you will not even go there but you asking the youths, unless those youths who have nothing to do can go and waste their time.

    • @Eric and Spaka whatever you call yourselves please take your relatives there and support ifyabupuba. Stop wasting time for the youth, if you’re national leaders with Zambia at heart encourage the youth who are drop out of school to back to school. Your hh will never create any jobs for you wake from sleep. Stop using other people for selfishness agenda. Your hh should count himself luck if he was an American but this time he was going to be a thing of the past politically. Wake up you lazy crooks with no plan of standing on your own and suport yourselves, expect trying to enter government to steal. Shame on you.

    • Mudonda kateule

      Now you realise there is 40 % unemployed then now ati ” tell them to go back to school ” ? Those are school leavers who need jobs you Moroon

      Spaka ®
      Most influential blogger
      All rights reserved

  12. Mutulang’oma – So you only care about people’s children going to march in favour of HH but didn’t care when they did it for ECL organised by Kakunkubiti Chanda. To you that was okey for PF to parade people’s children to support the chines in the streets of both Kitwe and Ndola.

  13. Whether you go in hundreds of thousands if there’s actually a genuine case against Mr Hichilema Hakainde, those numbers won’t change anything. If you try violence you will live to regret the rest of your life. The guy urging you won’t even be in the firing line. In any case this should have come from Upnd not from people acting out of malice because they were fired or diselected.

  14. The NDC logo looks like a tin of Sun beam Cobra floor polish. They need to polish up these guys to have serious meaning in Zambian politics. Other wise they are just escorting HH to comfort him when he flops in 2021. They are time wasters.

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