Monday, March 24, 2025

PF grabs a Parliamentary seat from UPND in Mangango By Election


President Edgar Lungu at Chilomo School ground rally in Mangango
President Edgar Lungu at Chilomo School ground rally in Mangango

The Ruling Patriotic Front (PF) has successfully managed to grab a parliamentary seat in the United Party for National Development(UPND)’s stronghold in a by Election held yesterday.

According to the final results for the By Election in Mangango Constituency, Western Province, PF’s candidate Godwin Putu polled 5,618, while his closest rival, UPND’s Akakendelwa Mwendoi polled 3,987. the United Prosperous and Peaceful Zambia (UPPZ)’s candidate beat Chingumba Kabindama polled 607 votes to beat Chishimba Kambwili’s National Democratic Congress candidate Yuvwenu Kashandola who got 122 votes.

This the second time that PF has beat UPND in a By-Election in this same constituency. In 2014, PF scoped the Mangango seat after its then candidate Rodgers Lingweshi polled 3,109 votes to beat Godwin Putu who stood on UPND ticket and got 2,375 votes. The UPND went on to take back the seat in the 2016 general elections.

The Mangango Parliamentary Constituency seat fell vacant following the death of the UPND Member of Parliament Naluwa Mwene.


    • Rig??? Lies have a time limit. People have realised your accusations of corruption, dictatorship etc are just lies. Why haven’t you proven them up to now?? Now you rush to say rigging?? upnd needs a shake up, the current leadership is a failure as they have proved that 5 times. Get a fresh team that can win you things.

    • The field is currently level but UPND keeps losing. UPND cadres are cry babies claiming that refugees were forced to vote for PF

    • We in Zambia have seen how political parties finish, this upnd is showing all the signs of a dying party. This chilema is not popular, never has been

    • UPND will continue like this unless they start to address real issues. As Zambians we need a good opposition but when you have an opposition made up of recycled political tufi what do you expect? The same wamuyaya culture from former mbere of UNIP, MMD and even PF is alive and present in the United Party for National Dunderheads. Talk about the poor roads works, high expenditure on senior govt officers including your own UPND MPs at the expense of poor Zambians, poor justice system, poor state of prisons, poor education system, poor health delivery etc etc but this is too difficult for our so called opposition.

    • Meanwhile HH says “We Will Continue Talking”. Yep!!! You got that right, boy … continue yapping; continue running your mouth as you continue losing election after election.

      Talk is cheap … Congratulations to ECL and team. You put your money where your mouth is and won by a landslide getting 54.66% of the vote.

      HH is nothing than a political clown with too much time on his hands that he has not used productively … everything he touches regresses.

      From owning $350MM from his loot in privatization to a bare $75MM today; from inheriting a strong most powerful national contender to the MMD to a regional party.

      From Chilanga to Mangango the list is endless … he keeps regressing but he has the balls to say he will form the next GRZ!! How basa??? What a clown!!

      Heaven help…

    • NDC 122 now I know why Kambwili has no confidence in his own party NDC… wonder he is siding with the losing UPND. Instead of drinking tea in England he was acting like a hooligan in Ndola yesterday

    • Long overdue! I am glad finally my brothers and sisters in Western Province have voted on merit. Only one person there won in the last election if my memory serves me right. It is good to appreciate those who care for your welfare. The PF government has worked very hard in Western Province and Mongu looks great today. It is very expensive to build in Mongu where the landscape is unforgiving but massive infrastructure development has been the case since President Sata’s time. President Lungu continued where the late president left. Well done Western Province! United we stand, divided we fall.

  1. ECL is a strategist with UPND showcasing the Avengers blockbuster in Zima Ndola PF was busy with the voters.The neckless man imbwili and GBM are are just wasted jerks with no direction just specialized in fainting and banting respectively.

  2. At least ama guys baku western province are appreciating what the government is doing for them. Thanks westerners, keep it up. It’s one zambia one nation. It’s good to appreciate in one way or the other when the government is working for you. Thanks guys. ECL take more development please!!!!!

    • And then you bark saying Easterners are wako-ni-wako when UPND can get something.If that was Southern do you think PF would have grabbed anything ? The answer is hell no bcoz Kambwili said they are beyond tribalism even if you bring Jesus , He would still lose to their tribal-man. Tonganyokos for you.

  3. It’s a sad day for Zambia. ..opposition seats being reduced in Parliament. Upnd and it’s supporters must not rely on ZWD. People especially in rural areas don’t even know that a thing like the ZWD exists. People see a tarred road passing through their village, a new clinic, a new school. That’s what people see, not what Spaka writes or things while staying in a foreign land. People don’t want riots against the Chinese because these Chinese have given some kind of job albeit with small wages to their sons who had no jobs previously.

    • As Zambian Citizen said, we have no opposition. (HH) was busy acting dumb in Ndola when the PF was claiming his Parliamentary seat in Mangango. Thanks to (HH) PF now has more voting power.

      No opposition in Zambia! Maybe by 2021 Kalaba, Kabimba, Sinkamba or Mutati will give us something to ponder about.

      Otherwise Nevers, Chipimo, Nawakwi, (HH) don’t have what it takes.

    • Opposition have no agenda. Imagine some of their members go out at night vandalizing infrastructure such as street name posts, signs etc just frustrate government efforts. Even inciting innocent youths to attack foreigners as if these foreigners are the cause of our misery .

  4. It is just a ka bye election after all. Celebrating kwati ni Christmas. Wait for 2021 elections and see how this ka PF party will cry. You think abuse of government and our resources is winning an election. Don’t even celebrate shaa

    • Opposition have no agenda. Imagine some of their members go out at night vandalizing infrastructure such as street name posts, signs etc just frustrate government efforts. Even inciting innocent youths to attack foreigners as if these foreigners are the cause of our misery .

    • @ Munkomba
      You are in big denial bwana, UPND under the captain of HH is finished, its the late. If these defeats you are getting cant send a strong message to you, I fear that you may suffer irreparable stroke damage in 2021. Bwana, the leadership of President Lungu and PF means business to govern this country the way we expect it. Of course along the way, there are challenges but whats important and matters is that we are all seeing the efforts and strives to transform the country for the better.
      Remember on this journey of development transformation, a lot of painful decisions and sacrifices ought to be made but in the end its Zambians who will get the benefits of today’s sweat. If only you can be sincere with yourself, HH has no capacity to lead UPND and its ironical that he can…

  5. Lol………ati HH is one step closer to state house just because of the huge crowd watching him make a fool out of himself. No wander he and his supporters are called under fives. Well they say numbers don’t lie…there were have it the ballot paper doesn’t lie.

  6. The signs of things to come in 2021.upnd prepare your hearts,it will be a tsunami.For ba kambwili nsoni shenu talking and seeking attention every time you see a camera wont win you elections mupila ni zigoli.

  7. People still love PF but don’t like the current leadership of PF.If ba Lungu can be more transparent then UPND will useless in 2021.UPND is not liked by Zambians accept few people.We need to move the country forward based on one Zambia one Nation.UPND has shown the true color of the party it would be i case it formed govt.It’s true UPND members sometimes are too bitter and love talking about tribalism.They need to stop talkng much about tribes as a party.Zambia at the moment doesn’t have a good opposition but UPND may end up winining in 2021 due to frustration of Zambian by Edgar lungu.Lungu is losing grounds in PF strongholds(luapula,northern,muchinga,lusaka & Cb).Under UPND zambia will be divided bcoz of bitterness of some UPND members who think about tribe.HH is a good leader but…

  8. Pipo still love PF but don’t like the current leadership of PF.If ba Lungu can be more transparent then UPND will useless in 2021.UPND is not liked by Zambians accept few people.We need to move the country forward based on one Zambia one Nation.UPND has shown the true color of the party it would be i case it formed govt.It’s true UPND members sometimes are too bitter and love talking about tribalism.They need to stop talkng much about tribes as a party.Zambia at the moment doesn’t have a good opposition but UPND may end up winining in 2021 due to frustration of Zambian by Edgar lungu.Lungu is losing grounds in PF strongholds(luapula,northern,muchinga,lusaka & Cb).Under UPND zambia will be divided bcoz of bitterness of some UPND members who think about tribe.HH is a good leader but…

  9. PF has done a lot of developmental projects in western province. Rigging or no rigging a win remains a win. Do you think PF can rig in Choma or Mazabuka and win a bye election?

  10. If UPND keeps getting beaten in its strongholds like this in these dire economic times (Chilanga and now Mangango), then surely it was squarely beaten when the economy was somewhat much stronger in 2016.

    The jury is out: The poor showing of the UPND in recent elections does not support the contention that the last presidential election was stolen. The case has turned stale.

    Time for HH and co to rethink their strategy. But did he listen when we advised him similarly after the Chilanga debacle! Someone please clean his waxy ears.

    • 2021 it will be Adedos to plot one, right now we have a strategy or working with the grassroots, offer constructive criticism. Adedos is the only alternative government. Most of our members are new to politics but learned who can analyse the current economic situation , threats and opportunities of the industry. We apply all the three levels of the strategic business although emphasis is on the micro -levels such as politics, technology, social change, society & rise of Asia.We have members who are not opportunists but principled and hard working citizens.
      Thank you

  11. When I look at UPND in Zambia I see many similarities with the Democratic Party in the USA. Their president Hillary Clinton lost and now they are behaving like headless chickens. Day in / Day out they are crying: “Trump this, Trump that etc., etc.” Meanwhile Trump is delivering with his Make America Great Again slogan. Economy is growing, unemployment is at its all time low etc., etc. The only people who hate Trump are the foreigners whose stay in USA is at risk with Trump at White House.
    Here in Zambia it is the same with UPND. HH lost in 2016 and instead of re-organizing the party the whole UPND has lost it as they take to streets to riot and calling Edgar all sorts of names: “Edgar this, Edgar dununa, Edgar Jemason etc., etc.” Meanwhile Edgar is delivering visible development and…


    • Do not be uneducated, Americas economy was set up by President Barack Obama. The Democrats have won control back of the House, they are not UPND, they actually know how to win.

  12. Bye elections. The strategy is charge their leader and keep him away from campaigns. Well done Charity Katanga FP police manager.

  13. Kambwili was right on this one, you can even bring Jesus himself and ask him stand against one of them in dundu………….. people of western province are not crazy. bachulilemo



  16. The poverty level is Managango is so high people had no choice but to vote for PF who they thought would bring development. In 2021 things are going to turn around. They are playing a fast one on PF. They have seen graders on the ground and they are promised clean water. Fyalichenjela ifibantu ifi.

  17. Pipo can say what they want but the truth is that UPND in its current form is a dying ember…instead of concentrating on organising the Party,they are busy insulting,and camera posing in Parliament…. This is a wake up call..for once listen to us as citizens ..sit down and seriously look at what is wrong within the Party….whether you like it or not something is wrong. We told you in Chilanga you never listened now this …stop politics of ostrich and listen …

  18. And you say PF is finished honestly! How? Keep on talking and PF will keep on gaining ground out off your stupidity! An empty tin makes more noise , that is how UPND is. Congrats to the winning party and to the losing party hard luck! Try next time. At least you have won a ward in Eastern province, its a plus to you. After all mobilization starts with the grass roots. Its good for you, lets hope this ward Councillor wont ditch you to create another by-election!! Nayaa inee

  19. @ Munkomba
    You are in big denial bwana, UPND under the captain of HH is finished, its the late. If these defeats you are getting cant send a strong message to you, I fear that you may suffer irreparable stroke damage in 2021. Bwana, the leadership of President Lungu and PF means business to govern this country the way we expect it. Of course along the way, there are challenges but whats important and matters is that we are all seeing the efforts and strives to transform the country for the better.
    Remember on this journey of development transformation, a lot of painful decisions and sacrifices ought to be made but in the end its Zambians who will get the benefits of today’s sweat. If only you can be sincere with yourself, HH has no capacity to lead UPND and its ironical that he can…

  20. contd
    If only you can be sincere with yourself, HH has no capacity to lead UPND and its ironical that he can claim he better lead the country, logic defies this thinking. So be real, 2021, PF will win with a very big margin based on facts and what its doing today, NOT lies!!! And one thing your so called leader has failed to realize is that he claims “He is the I know it all” and this kind of behavior is very demeaning to many of us. A man who cant acknowledge his limitations is a very big danger not only to himself but to those around him, thats your HH. Fact is, people can see through him that he cant be President of Zambia. Zambia is a country and NOT a company run on stolen or unexplained wealth.

  21. Congratulations to the PF! UPNDs lack of strategy is their downfall. No rigging was involved in Mangango just like in Chilanga. Let them congratulate PF instead of being bitter losers.

  22. The writing is on the wall. Adolf has only one dream…getting into State House opposite the Lusaka Golf Club…he dreams of a Presidential Motorcade of a retreat in mfuwe and addressing press conferences surrounded by yes men. He looks forward to when he can exact revenge for being locked up… Chilanga, Mangango, lost and Sheseke will follow suit….the party is dying and the man at the top doesn’t get it all he wants is a ticket to state house….but with his continued antiques and the stooges he keeps come 2021 he will be back at the concourt crying foul pretending he can argue with judges….as lawyers chew his hard earned cash

  23. 2021 it will be Adedos to plot one, right now we have a strategy or working with the grassroots, offer constructive criticism. Adedos is the only alternative government. Most of our members are new to politics but learned who can analyse the current economic situation , threats and opportunities of the industry. We apply all the three levels of the strategic business although emphasis is on the micro -levels such as politics, technology, social change, society & rise of Asia.We have members who are not opportunists but principled and hard working citizens.

  24. I just wonder how it can be something to be proud of for one to attempt to become president for 50 years. It’s only in Africa where this happens like that Senegalese senile president. In the USA I have seen presidential candidates trying only once like Dukakis, Algore, McCain and others. They lost once and never went for the second time. But here it’s something like Even Sata Lost 2 times and won on third attempt . What nonsense is this?

    • It was 3 times, 2 times at general elections and once during a by election ,4th attempt thats when he won.i see nothing wrong with that, especially that this TIA.

  25. PF is always claiming that they only have two individuals from the the other half of the country because of no representation at MP level in the south western and parts of central of the country, God works in miraculous ways they have been given PUTU by the people of mangango, please you Christians appoint him minister of education.

  26. The same sand that makes an ant hill is the same sand that makes a mountain. One should not trivial the loss suffered by the other three parties put together because that in a presidential race can raise the winner to above 50%. In other words we would say a lose is a lose as long as it is confirmed. Problem with UPND is the I know it all mentality and the paradigm of seeing only the bad side of life by their leadership.

  27. Ha ha ha, the consultant only got 126? Then what advice are you getting from him, how to insult leadership? I know of No perfect man but this one is beyond redemption. This minute he apologizes and the next he hails an insult. This is being unpredictable.

  28. Hakainde Hichilema, We long to see your differences to this Country, Zambia as we have already seen Patriotic Front’s but so far the original Patriot being Late,( MHSRIP) Mr Michael Chilufya Sata was the true Patriot as the rest are Photo Copies of Patriotic Front, they don’t come out clear as to National Development and their strategies for Development are failures because of too much loans hence granting Zambia’s major assets under their person gain.
    I believe in Opposition because for something to be opposed, there must be unsatisfying differences to some people and it will be there throughout as it is also in heaven. God and Devil but when things are better, we feel better too and that is what is needed most , because it is the BASIC level of life.
    No matter how many times…

    To become POTROZ and CICOTAFS, one ought to be credible and should posses some charisma.

  30. Meanwhile upnd mps today were keeping up appearances in parliament try to play down the Loss in mangango. But their secretary general for the first time have conceeded defeat and praised his party for performing better this time.

  31. This is not a reflection of any future election results. Instead of making an analysis of the results as to the underlying factors for the same, people are quick to conclude about ‘dying’ parties or quick to jump around like kids that have been handed lollipops.
    There are issues with the communication channels that the UPND uses to convince more of the ‘brainwashed’ to turn around and smell the coffee – which is why the result is far from being an indication of government performance. The PF cannot be reinvented from it’s current primitive politics and a lack of a strategic social & economic policy. We are still doomed – it’s the people that need being woken up to the realization and that’s where how the issues are being articulated by the opposition parties, needs reassessment.

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