Friday, March 14, 2025

President Lungu happy that Zambia has started benefiting from the 60 billion Dollar Chinese investment pledge for Africa


President Edgar Lungu cuts the ribbon to officially launch the ground breaking ceremony of Jiangxi Multi facility Economic Zone in Chibombo
President Edgar Lungu cuts the ribbon to officially launch the ground breaking ceremony of Jiangxi Multi facility Economic Zone in Chibombo

President Edgar Lungu says he is happy that Zambia has started benefiting from the 60 billion Dollar Chinese investment pledge for Africa that was made during the Forum on China-Africa cooperation (FOCAC).

President Lungu says this can be seen through the actualization of various projects which were made during the summit in September.

Speaking when he officiated at the phase one of the 600 million-dollar Jiangxi multi facility economic zone in Chibombo district today, President LUNGU said the investment is testimony of the deepening relationship between Zambia and China.

The Head of State said his administration has shown that it’s pledges are not mere rhetoric as the country is being transformed through the actualisation of various infrastructure projects.

He thanked Jiangxi corporation for the gesture of investing in the multi facility economic zone and said the investment comes shortly after the Central province investment expo which he described as successful.

President Lungu said the setting up of the Multi facility economic zone in Chibombo will help government in its value addition and Industrialisation agenda.

At the same occasion, Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Li Jie said the project is a demonstration of the growing relations between the two countries.

Mr. Li said Zambia is taking a lead in the realisation of the agreements signed during the Forum on China-Africa cooperation-FOCAC-in China

He said the Jiangxi Multi-Economic facility zone will make Zambia an industrial hub in the region and create jobs for young people.

Mr. LI said his government will continue to support Chinese investment into the country.

And Jiangxi Representative Xu Guojian said the industrial park is a vital platform for boosting economic growth of Zambia and Jiangxi province.

Mr. XU said the industrial park will come with industry, trade, integrated services, medical and educational facilities for the needs of Zambia’s economic development.

Meanwhile, Commerce Minister Christopher Yaluma said his ministry is pushing ahead with the Industrialization policy as a tool of creating jobs for Zambians.

Mr. Yaluma said he is happy with the speed that Jiangxi Corporation has moved to actualize the Memorandum of Understanding that was signed with government to begin the project.

And Central Province Minister Sydney Mushanga said the province is ripe for investment in various sectors such as mining, agriculture, manufacturing among others.

Chibombo Council Chairperson James Ntalasha said there is need for coordinated development in the district as it is centrally located and has enough land.

At the same occasion, President of Kabwe Chamber of Commerce Christabel Ngongola said the Jiangxi multi facility economic zone will help spur economic and industrial development in central province.

And Chief Liteta thanked President Lungu for facilitating the construction of the MFEZ saying it will help create jobs in the area and reduce poverty.

Pictures By Goodson Lupiya ZANIS

President Edgar Lungu receives flowers from a 10 year old girl Grace Wapamesa on arrival in Chibombo for a ground breaking ceremony of Jiangxi Multi facility Economic Zone in Chibombo
President Edgar Lungu receives flowers from a 10 year old girl Grace Wapamesa on arrival in Chibombo for a ground breaking ceremony of Jiangxi Multi facility Economic Zone in Chibombo
President Edgar Lungu receives flowers from a 10 year old girl Grace Wapamesa on arrival in Chibombo for a ground breaking ceremony of Jiangxi Multi facility Economic Zone in Chibombo
President Edgar Lungu receives flowers from a 10 year old girl Grace Wapamesa on arrival in Chibombo for a ground breaking ceremony of Jiangxi Multi facility Economic Zone in Chibombo
President Edgar Lungu is welcomed by Mr Xu Guojian a representative of shareholders of Jiangxi United Industrial Investment limited on arrival for a ground breaking ceremony of Jiangxi Multi facility Economic Zone in Chibombo
President Edgar Lungu is welcomed by Mr Xu Guojian a representative of shareholders of Jiangxi United Industrial Investment limited on arrival for a ground breaking ceremony of Jiangxi Multi facility Economic Zone in Chibombo
President Edgar Lungu walks abreast Central province Minister Sydney Mushanga(left) and the Permanent Secretary Chanda Kabwe on arrival for a ground breaking ceremony of Jiangxi Multi facility Economic Zone in Chibombo
President Edgar Lungu walks abreast Central province Minister Sydney Mushanga(left) and the Permanent Secretary Chanda Kabwe on arrival for a ground breaking ceremony of Jiangxi Multi facility Economic Zone in Chibombo
President Edgar Lungu kneels to greet Chief from Central Province before a ground breaking ceremony of Jiangxi Multi facility Economic Zone in Chibombo
President Edgar Lungu kneels to greet Chief from Central Province before a ground breaking ceremony of Jiangxi Multi facility Economic Zone in Chibombo
A billboard mounted at the ground breaking ceremony of Jiangxi Multi facility Economic Zone in Chibombo
A billboard mounted at the ground breaking ceremony of Jiangxi Multi facility Economic Zone in Chibombo
President Edgar Lungu unveils the cornerstone during the ground breaking ceremony of Jiangxi Multi facility Economic Zone in Chibombo
President Edgar Lungu unveils the cornerstone during the ground breaking ceremony of Jiangxi Multi facility Economic Zone in Chibombo
President Edgar Lungu operating the excavator during the ground breaking ceremony of Jiangxi Multi facility Economic Zone in Chibombo. looking on (left)is Commerce Trade and Industry Minister Christopher Yaluma,Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Li Jie ,Representative of Shareholders of Jiangxi United Industrial Investment Mr Xu Guojian and Central Province Minister Minister Sydney Mushanga
President Edgar Lungu operating the excavator during the ground breaking ceremony of Jiangxi Multi facility Economic Zone in Chibombo. looking on (left)is Commerce Trade and Industry Minister Christopher Yaluma,Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Li Jie ,Representative of Shareholders of Jiangxi United Industrial Investment Mr Xu Guojian and Central Province Minister Minister Sydney Mushanga
President Edgar Lungu shakes hands with Central Province Minister Minister Sydney Mushanga after operating the excavator during the ground breaking ceremony of Jiangxi Multi facility Economic Zone in Chibombo
President Edgar Lungu shakes hands with Central Province Minister Minister Sydney Mushanga after operating the excavator during the ground breaking ceremony of Jiangxi Multi facility Economic Zone in Chibombo
President Edgar Lungu pose for a photo with government and Chinese officials after the ground breaking ceremony of Jiangxi Multi facility Economic Zone in Chibombo
President Edgar Lungu pose for a photo with government and Chinese officials after the ground breaking ceremony of Jiangxi Multi facility Economic Zone in Chibombo


    • “Lazy says he is happy that Zambia has started benefiting from the 60 billion Dollar Chinese investment pledge for Africa that was made during the Forum on China-Africa cooperation.”

      These are wasted Lungu years….you can empower your people with this type of mindsets I tell you…a foreigner comes and pumps billions in the middle of nowhere and you are happy. Meanwhile you corrupt friends are building 5 star hotels in Lusaka.

    • And Gay Gay here can keep on ranting as per usual … when he dies, we will have his remains repatriated or burried in a lone grave somewhere in Britain. When ECL dies, we will burry him at Embassy Park.

      Now you tell me … who’s living his dream and who’s merely showing us his low libido, low IQ, low class life with political masturbation and who’s living in a political reality as President of the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise.

      Therein lies the difference … ladies and gentlemen. If only Gay Gay just spent 10% of the time he spends here criticizing ECL building his small business, he would be a millionaire.

      Heaven help Gay Gay …

    • Junior – Is your company going to set shop in this facility? I can bet you its Chink companies enjoying tax parachutes…I wouldnt careless where he is buried, we are all going to die!!

    • This article is very vague on the exact description of the facilities, their sizes, the cost construction deadlines, anticipated number of jobs and expected operational date. If a politician’s speech omits such important details, a proper would find a way of obtaining it from relevant people before rushing to publish a half baked article such as this one

      Working diligently for chisusu gay jay and like lilo. The President is working hard for double h and thick necked CK. The president is working hard for the people of Dundumwezi. After working hard for the rejectaments, it spill over to us. MFEZes were orchestrated by one LPM. Make sure that they gain enough coverage and publicity so your people can see and hear that drum you are beating.
      Viva ECL the POTROZ. You’ll be CICOTAFS come 2021.

    • But when are we going to do things for ourselves? And why mainly just one type of investor–the Chinese? Why are we not empowering native Zambians to start big businesses in the country? While this looks good on the surface, it’s really troubling upon careful observation. There’s just too much Chinese everything in Zambia. And lazy Lungu’s job now is just to welcome Chinese “investors” in the country, give them free land, claim they’ll benefit the country and create jobs, and then go right back to sleep. Sooner than later, the Chinese will be controlling the entire Zambian economy–and he who controls the economy controls politics too. Very troubling. Vote these PF clowns out of office in 2021. They’re no good for the country.

    • Jiangxi multi facility economic zone and not chibombo multi facility economic zone, another beacon in Chinese planted, taking your land block by block.

    • lazy bum illiterate tribal UPND hooligan bully son of a tribal polygamist who never taught him toilet training pooping in public HAGAIN needing cynical tribal MUTINTA HICHILEMA and cynical HAKAINDE HICHILEMA to change him his dirty diapers HAGAIN. HICHILEMA is a UPND Satanic cult, THREE MANSIONS, Privatisation THief and money laundering thief who will NEVER be a president in Zambia.

    • Good job Mr. President! China has done a lot for Zambia and is a good partner in development. In 10 years’ time Zambia will be a great nation because of your visionary leadership! I am glad the little tribal chief is UNELECTABLE.

    • PF are thieves the flagship and best industrial park in Africa which is in Ethiopia only cost $250 million how is this one coming to 600 million???? Zambians let us be serious. China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) is to build an industrial park in the resort city of Bahir Dar, 552 km north of Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa at a cost of $60 also constructed Ethiopia’s flagship industrial park the Hawassa Industrial Park located 275 south of Addis Ababa at a cost of $250 million.

    • Jonathan Lungu is completely clueless. China is taking over, while the rest of PF Cronies are busy dancing. These foreign investments have to be counter balanced with local investment or else we change our country to Chambia.

    • @LIE – DETECTOR we will start doing things on our own when you and I living in diaspora go back and live in Zambia and there after show the rest how one can do things on his own. It is the way forward

  1. Its only you people at the top who are seeing this investment and enjoying the fruits. Its not trickling down to us at the grassroots.

  2. Even when one wants to be positive about some of these initiatives one can’t help but be critical/-ve. What has become of the other MFEZ that have been set up with similar pomp and splendor in Zambia? In fact, what is an MFEZ? Exactly what industries, products and/or services will emanate out of this MFEZ? What is Jiangxi interest to set this up and what is the connection with the $60Billion fund for investment in Africa that was announced in Sept? Surely this cant be the result of that fund as it is just too soon to have actualised it to already be setting up this MFEZ. Is Jiangxi a private corporation or an extension of the Chinese government? Is the investment in form of FDI, debt, equity, grant etc? Why should ECL face to appear on the bill-board…implying that he personally should…

    • Zambians just cheer …its like being invited to lunch by strangers and the are giving you the fat potions whilst they look at you like vampires!!

    • ”Mr. XU said the industrial park will come with industry, trade, integrated services, medical and educational facilities for the needs of Zambia’s economic development…”

      Correct, Blabla…..these kaponyas are just ready to dance to anything, are those hotels and ware houses to stock Chinese wholesale goods or what will you be making ?

      ata se…….ati chibuba bati

    • It’s because Chagwa only got a paltry $60 million from that $60billion. 30 for electrifying one of the existing mfez and the other for Mulungushi conference upgrade. Period! That trip he made to China to which the 60billion was committed to Africa was a flop

  3. When will Lungu be voted out office so Zambians can have a fresh start? Are there no “Recall Provisions” in Zambian Constitution? No man has destroyed the economic trajectory of this nation with reckless and unthought economic policy—, especially on Chinese investments— than Lungu has done in his few years in office. A new post-Lungu “presidency” will give Zambia a hopeful and fresh start.

  4. Give Credit where credit is due, this is a great thing for Zambia. The Industrial Park will accommodate various industries including motor vehicle and generator assembling plants.

    China is in a Trade war with the US but Chinese companies manufacturing and exporting from Zambia will say its made in Zambia and go around prohibitive tarrifs. Also Congo is a well placed market for Zambia to exploit. And it will employ at the very minimum 500 Zambians which is good. So if people don’t have anything positive to say they shouldn’t say anything at all.

    • “The Industrial Park will accommodate various industries including motor vehicle and generator assembling plants”. Where do you get this info from? Have you not learned anything from recent so-called investments by China? The management, technical HR and labourers will all be Chinese. Chinese do not promote knowledge transfer. Forget the products being produced in Zambia being competitive in the region or internationally as we are a high cost producing country (fuel, electricity etc). If the pricing will be competitive you can bet the quality will be suspect.
      We will give credit when it will be due….as things stand I see nothing to be excited about.

    • Ndoleshyafye, we don’t want Zambia to be used as a proxy in China/ America trade war. That’s unacceptable. What happens when the war is over? Africa was used as a proxy by America and the Soviet Union during the cold war, and not much good came out of that. We want our own sustainable development and not what’s coming from businesses trying to avoid Trump’s tariffs. Lungu is just way too clueless and lazy to come up with his own developmental plans that have little to nothing to do with China. China is Lungu’s ultimate solution for everything. That’s why Africans get taken advantage of by foreigners because of this fooolish overdependence on other races. Why can’t we forge our own sustainable development without being overly dependent on the Chinese? Hello?

  5. Technology transfer accurs when the activity or product maintenance or assembly is available locally. That’s why most of the mechanics we have in zambia are not educated but learnt the trade by apprenticeship in garages. The reason the Chinese use their own labor is because in Zambia electricians, plumbers, and brick layers are not trained formally but just learn on the job. Anyone that has built a decent house in zambia will tell you how hard it is to get competent skills in these areas. So before criticizing those that actually want to build in your country we should be pushing govt to include trade school practical training in chines building contracts so the skills can be transferred formerly. Also everywhere in the world people are formerly learning Chinese it’s the new English…

  6. ….. Also everywhere in the world people are formerly learning Chinese it’s the new English because they are the only ones investing at that scale.

  7. If Mr Hichilema can say today that, “Zesco has been sold,” and government considers that message to be so influential that the whole nation can rise to demonstrate against the State, then the PF must be very worried. What that means is that people ignore when President Lungu says no national assets have been sold, but they believe what Mr Hichilema says.

    • Because lies travel faster than truth. You wonder why Lucifer the father of lies managed to con Adam and Eve at the backdrop of the resounding assurances from the LAWD.
      “A Lie Can Travel Halfway Around the World While the Truth Is Putting On Its Shoes” otherwise
      “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” – Winston Churchill

    “When an African becomes rich, his bank accounts are in Switzerland. He travels to France for Medical treatment.

    He invests in Germany. He buys from Dubai. He consumes Chinese. He prays in Rome or Mecca. His children study in Europe. He travels to Canada, USA, Europe for tourism.

    If he die, he will be buried in his native country of Africa.

    Africa is just a cemetery for Africans. How could a cemetery be developed?” ~Putin Asks!

  9. Ati “JiangXi MFEZ” why the “Chibombo or the Liteta MFEZ”??

    That alone tells who will benefit and these stupid PF cadres are too dull to see the bigger picture just because they are seeing shiny things. Anyways let them come and ‘develop’… We will be watching 😎

  10. Mr. Lungu, I am very alive to the fact that you and and I cannot change the past but can start where we are and influence the present and hopefully change the ending God willing. The fact that you attempted once and got that HOT sit is testimony enough that God really had a hand in it. What you are doing for the Nation is subtracting campaign propaganda from those in the opposition camps. What makes me wonder is – if foreigners can see the developments, how come our own cannot see the same but are so excellent in name calling and insulting? God bless you Mr. Lungu.

  11. The projects will be a success as long as none of the money ends up in any PF crony’s pocket. Am sure China does not want its money to end up being used for buying luxury vehicles, presidential jets, PF regalia, Jameson among other things.

  12. If jah jah and his fellow critics are not investing in anything in this country,who do they want to invest if not the chinese?

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