PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu says his government has kept State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) the way it found them while others have been revamped contrary to claims that it is selling some parastatal companies.
Mr Lungu said the Patriotic Front government wanted to expose SOEs to improve their operations and make them transparent to create more wealth and jobs.
The president said today in Kasama when he launched the ZAFFICO Kasama Forest Plantation that Zambians should not listen to people who were saying that ZAFFICO had been sold.
He said just like government listed ZCCM IH on the stock market, it did not mean that ZAFFICO would be sold because the State would maintain 60 per cent shareholding while part of the 40 per cent shares would be floated to the workers and the rest to others.
“As we list ZAFFICO on the Lusaka Securities exchange (LuSE) we will be careful and prudent just like vice president Inonge Wina said in Parliament on Friday, government will hold 60 per cent shares,” he said.
Mr Lungu said in the MMD regime some people involved in the privatization process undervalued some companies but the PF government would be careful with SOEs.
In an apparent reference to UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema, he said some people even had shares in the same companies they sold.
“Some people we know were given chance to sell companies and they bought them. But now they want to be leaders, do not listen to them they will sell more companies. They are wolves in a sheep’s skin,” he said.
He stated that it was sad that the people that where entrusted with with the privatization process at the time, shamelessly sold off the state owned enterprises and even now boast of riches which they literally looted through the privatization process to the disadvantage of the poor ordinary majority.
“Muchibemba batila, shibukombe ninkombe wakufikisha amashiwi. Nomba ngawaya ifisha we shibukombe, ninshi fyamano? (As a messenger, your role is to deliver a messege and not pass off the message as your own). The President stated that it was a shame that the privatisers were shareholders in the companies that they had been entrusted to privatise.
He stated that the accusations by the culprits of privatization, that the PF government was selling state owned companies was malicious and lacked merit in its entirety and urged the Zambian people to treat those peddling falsehoods with the contempt they deserved.
“Do not listen to lies that we are selling ZAFFICO. We have kept all state owned enterprises that we found. We have grown some of them and going foward we intend to list some of them on the stock exchange to make them more viable,” he said.
He said the PF government had kept parastatals the way it found them and ZAFFICO was on the right trajectory and was implementing programmes such as the 5,000 hectares cashew nut Mongu project and the almost 2,000 hactares of forest in Kasama.
“Some people we know were given chance to sell companies and they bought them. But now they want to be leaders, do not listen to them they will sell more companies. They are wolves in a sheep’s skin,” he said.
He urged Zambians to listen to both sides because those who were involved in the privatization of companies were the ones accusing his government of corruption.
The president urged those in government to continue working hard while listening to people’s concerns and not from those who wanted to distract them so that they could lose the 2021 elections.
Lands and Natural Resources Minister Jean Kapata said Zambia was facing rapid deforestation and her ministry wanted to ensure there were 20 hectares of forest plantations in each district.
Ms Kapata said the idea needed the partnership of stakeholders and that was the reason the ministry partnered with ZAFFICO in the Kasama and Nakonde projects.
She said President Lungu had provided leadership on sustainable forest management which had potential to create wealth and job opportunities.
Northern province Minister Brian Mundubile said ZAFFICO had responded by investing in the region in order to help drive the diversification agenda.
ZAFFICO board chairperson Trevor Kaunda said the 1,947 Kasama Forest Plantation was the first in Northern province and the third outside the Copperbelt.
He said 300 hectares of land had been cleared this year with the involvement of about 300 local people.
He said his company was also in the process of acquiring land in Luwingu and Mporokoso in its continued forest plantation expansion programme.
He said the idea of listing the company on the stock market would help his company raise capital while Zambians would also have to own shares.

President Obama library will cost $500 million to build in Chicago. If this were done by our hard-working President, UPND INCOMPOS and tribal hooligans would be opening their evil mouths and talking trash from their evil hearts! Mr. President (Lungu) stay focused and do not listen to the tribal talk and tribal walk of tribalists masquerading as a political party.
Great job Mr. President! Let’s develop this thing! It is UNELECTABLE!
Edgar is a joke no wonder LAZ disbarred him for stealing money from a widow. This is a man with zero integrity
Not only does he luck leadership qualities but he is also chipuba ECL, Show leadership because we all know and can see what the chinese are doing to Zed. They will give as much as you want and when you fail to pay back they will take our country, ask Tayali who has been visited by bailiffs.
HH is a tribal joke no wonder he will NEVER be a president but a tribal leader, a Paramount Chief of the NAMWALA people.
Why should ZAFFICO fail to go on with it’s projects after selling the Mukula logs. Because the amount they raised is more than what they are trying to get by listing. It’s either somebody has already chewed the money or it is managed illetate cadres.
Again, this just sowing hatred.
If ECL is convinced that something was not lawfully done, he is the President, why those people he claims were involved in the last privatization have not been taken to task.
Days after it was revealed that ECL and HH had a fruitful discussion, and then you go out spewing dirty on the other person, just shows bumambala and someone is a mambala, manipulating people in his favor.
so disappointing that someone who swore using bbaibbele to uphold, protect and defend the constitution (laws of the country) and not only that a lawyer too would stand and talk like a mere cadre Sharon, Monday or kudos.
The law categorically States that:
A person who learns of the crime after it is committed and helps the criminal to conceal it, or aids the criminal in escaping, or simply fails to report the crime, is known as an “accessory after the fact”.
All those who claim they know what transpired during privatisation and have not reported are guilty of this crime.
Why is ZAFFICO as a corporation not on the land title all these years or owning ZAFFICO land? Or who has the certificate of title to ZAFFICO land?
Is it true the police in Ndola were asking HH questions on privatisation when they called him to answer charges for inciting, now we know who set those questions for them. These are the people that should be called for questioning on matters related to privatization, they seem to know a lot.
Political guru
PhD in political science.
Sir, you seem to have a lot of ideas, why don’t you hold a press conference?
Let’s roll …
“Some people we know were given chance to sell companies and they bought them. But now they want to be leaders, do not listen to them they will sell more companies. They are wolves in a sheep’s skin,” he said.
We have finally traced all the monies he sniffed for himself out of the privatization exercise. A report will be available just before the next elections. HH is finished; done; gone … a privatization thief he is.
We have said it once and we will say it all over again. Charged with a responsibility that could have created Zambian billionaires through leveraged management buy-outs, he decided to make money for himself leaving everyone else high and dry.
Now the spirits of all those people that died because of his actions are haunting him and it is one reason he will never…
Don’t tell lies. That money will not com from the federal government coffers.
“Some people we know were given chance to sell companies and they bought them”. since when was HH in government to have “SOLD” any government assets? and this statement is coming from a lawyer? its so, so depressing to be a Zambian.
The same police they are abusing today to harass their opponents will be the same police that will question them over some of the statements they are making today. They will be called to explain what they they know about privatisation.
Aba bemba they say umulandu mume,
A person who learns of the crime after it is committed and helps the criminal to conceal it, or aids the criminal in escaping, or simply fails to report the crime, is known as an “accessory after the fact”.
The money for Obama library comes from private donors. The man for Lungu library would come from tax payers or stolen from foreign donations or loans. Note also that $500 million dollars is pocket change for some Americans (US). Some rich individuals donate billions to causes they support. $500 million dollars is a colossal amount in Zambia. Try to compare apples with apples.
“Some people we know were given chance to sell companies and they bought them. But now they want to be leaders, do not listen to them they will sell more companies. They are wolves in a sheep’s skin,” he said.
I am an independent observing bad from both sides…
One thing I do not like about UPND and NAREP is the privatisation tag.
Game over!
Which is a lesser evil one who buys a failing company and employs his own people in his country or one that sells a good company outright to foreigners for a loan and a kickback where the foreigner only employs fellow foreigners and Zambians as casual workers!!
Shut up UPND thug gay Jay. Shut your trap. You must have benefited a lot from Kainde’s Privatization?
Buys a failing company employes his own people? You don’t know that your brother took the loot to Panama.
Wise up chap
There is nothing of lesser evil here… the guys in PF need jail time so does the UPND and NAREP if we had to revisit privatisation
If I benefited from Hakainde’s privatization then your mother also benefit from me with free drinks I bought her at Fridays corner where she used to hang out!!
Gay Jay, “your mother your father” jokes are for inept chaps like you who can’t manage intellectual defeat.
I can’t stoop that low to your level but surely at your age being an economic refugee in the UK. Come back Hamasaka. You’re just a sakala like Akainde
Silly little boy…do you even know what intellectual is…just go and exchange numbers with the other kid who pollutes the site with the same drivel of your silly Hakainde and UPND. You will always get these responses, you dont deserve any better!!
@ Jay Jay, shake my hand, there is something in you which is real
Bloody gay Jay, it is called insider trading and Akainde should be in prison and not creating tension in the country. His partner in crime Valentine Chitalu is as quite as ice for he knows the consequences.
Albert – I dont want to sound like am defending Hakainde …but if you are going to terms like”Culprit” like Lazy who is a Head of State or “inside trading” please look up the definition online.
@Dr Chonya, who stopped you? I guess it’s your stupidity, pompousity and ignorance!
This is something that our people should have been warmed about or reminded a very time ago about some people who want to run this country.
There appears not to be enough political will to keep control on our resources as a country. Growing up in the UNIP era, I remember a dinstinctive sense of Zambian pride floating through the air. No doubt a lot of mistakes were made in the management of state owned companies like Zambia Airways, Indeco, Namboard etc. but at the end of the day, KK did a splendid job to inspire the nation with national pride.
So what are trying to state whilst sitting on the fence…go a spade a spade instead of beating about the bush!!
*..call a spade a spade instead of beating about the bush!!
You can figure it out for yourself. In a nutshell, I’m sick and tired of these empty statements from our leaders of today. Why don’t they just quit talking and start delivering? We all know the truth – it is not easy to keep state owned companies profitable in a free market economy, especially when you have huge foreign debts like we do. Then there are factors like inflation, budget deficits and dependency on unfavourable terms of international trade.
Despite all this, it still makes more sense to try and restructure state owned companies in order to improve business efficiency than sell them off to the private sector.
An insider trading corrupt privatization thief needs to be in prison not in State House.
So if you are sick of it…why dont you be explicit and hit the nail on the head.
The punches have already started immediately after the meeting of the two. Barely a month after the National day of prayer, repentance and reconciliation
This man has no leadership qualities …he is merely a chancer!!
Your brother Akainde has no political clout or charisma he’s just a chancer who loses elections and court cases.
Call him a chancer but at least our President wins presidential elections
The tribal leader has no leadership qualities that is why he has been losing five times in a roll.
The lazy moron is on another working visit on a weekend
A lazy moron? But you are an unproductive pillock. Zambian refugee in the UK going by the name Ha Clayson Ha Masaka
What do you know about Productivity when you were raised in a massage palour by *** workers!!
An adult in the UK using “your mother your father jokes”
Pathetic bum.
Today your topic is “what do you know about Productivity”
I remember a few weeks ago when you had “what do you know about International Refugee Law”
Hahahahaha gay Jay small parrot
Lazy bum illiterate tribal hooligan bully son of a tribal polygamist TONGA father who never taught him toilet training pooping in public HAGAIN needing MUTINTA HICHILEMA and HAKAINDE MENTAL to change his diapers HAGAIN! Bitter hearts, bitter brains, evil hearts, evil brains, tribal hearts, tribal brains.
This little UPND cadre bum Gay Jay said battle lines are drawn, gloves off.
He’s a scared little ShlT.
You just try coming back to Zambia Gay parrot
You are a small boy with no manners no internet etiquette…sit down..I should have given your mother more money after that nite instead of a soft drink!!
Today won’t you try “what do you know about Parenting”
Last time you had a lengthy blog exchange on LT you were demolished by Saulosi when you tried to give a lecture on “Wildlife and Culling of Hippos in Luangwa”
You are no different from Hachi Hakala (HH) who tries the same tricks to get to State House. You are truly brothers born of the same cunt.
Any way keep trying badala Ha Gay Jay
Lazy bum illiterate tribal hooligan bully UPND HAKAINDE parrot pooping in PUBLIC HAGAIN! Your little god is UNELECTABLE ask MUTINTA to bring a box of diapers tomorrow. I don’t want you to remain wet and dirty. It affects your heart and brain easily and your TRIBALISM kicks in unabated.
You don’t know what demolishing is as you have no internet etiquette: in fact that issue about culling hippos has now become a standard issue where they are profiting under the table under the guise of culling. You are a small boy who logged on to the internet yesterday …sit down..you think everyone who has an opinion different from you must be a Tonga, HH supporter who do you think I was supporting in 2011 go and see archives you small ill manner silly boy!!
Kudos and Sharon are beneficiaries of this rotten regime; no point arguing with these f@0ls Jay Jay. If HH was guilty of any crime, he would have been locked up…he was arrested for less so you can imagine with how insecure this so called leader is if he were guilty of anything.
Why the fights and insults, the people u are fighting for are meeting at covert meetings at night, well except for Sharon we can understand mwana we Hu!e so she is not normal the mixture of all those sperms that manufactured her is the cause of her delinquency
Funny. They are saying ECL has no leadership qualities but support hh who has William Banda as presidential advisor, GBM as his vice, accommodates every PF reject even corrupt ones like CK.
When one states that Lazy Lungu has no leadership qualities why would you assume that the individuals thinks HH has them…i have told you that dont assume everyone in Zambia supports two parties..stop this folly then you will start to use your brain!!
Lazy bum illiterate tribal hooligan son of a TONGA tribal polygamist father who never taught him toilet training pooping in public HAGAIN. Did MUTINTA HICHILEMA change you? MUTINTA’s husband HAKAINDE MENTAL is UNELECTABLE.
HH has no qualities of leadership all he rides on is a TRIBALISM wave and fellow THREE MANSIONS’ help from outside and those who want to buy and sell ZAMBIA. The good news is that he is UNELECTABLE and has no leadership skills that is why he will lose HAGAIN for the sixth time in 2021. He also has arrogant tribal supporters who want to destroy Zambia with their Satanism. Many of them don’t believe in God.
@Gay Jay: So who do you support?? You just can be criticizing ECL and not be behind someone, unless you are just a frustrated low libido spoiler.
Does one need to be a supporter of a party? Use your brain to think..
So finally Jay Gay is trying to justify crooked privatisation? Exposed again! Just further confirmation of what he is, a trib.al upnd cadre praying in trib.al language to his trib.al god trib.al Hacks.
Here is another one with no manners nothing to post but the selfsame thing all the time.
Justifying the PRIVATISATION THIEF and money laundering thief?
Exactly. His working so hard to criticize one person. Not sure if he is paid for it though.
Lungu instead of trying to justify selling just provide jobs and let the employment numbers, GDP and exports speak for them selves……
Lungu is just a dull moron with no vision, the man said it him self no one forced him to say that, so even if u defend him doesn’t mean he will grow some brains, the problem even u his cadres are just as dull as him, to call u chaps !doits would be an insult to !diots
HH has no clue that he is UNELECTABLE as a tribal leader of UPND.
Bushe ba Lungu baliwininepo case mu court? just asking
President Lungu won so many cases. In fact he was President Sata’s lawyer. You Ha-underestimate him at your own peril. He was the first man to get a distinction in law at UNZA. In 2021 he will beat the crap out of CHILDISH UNDER FIVE HAGAIN. Watch this space.
Bushe dung bull on the photo can bring about the same disease that HH has? MAD COW DISEASE?
Is HH nikakawalala. Kanagula Hotel yamwene canachita undervalue.
Lungu (and Wina) says govt will hold 60% of the shares, 40% for the workers and “the rest” for others. 60% + 40% = 100% so where do “the rest” come from? It creates the impression that somebody did bad math and the president is just parroting.
Yaba, Could someone advise the elite of the country to re-look at figures before pronouncements.. or is it L/T at it again.. 60% to be held by govt and 40% workers. so what the point of listing? whose going to lend to Zaffico if their own profits can not be reused for reinvestments?
How are they going to collect all the relevant evidence seeing that second republican president Dr FTJ (MHSRIP) is no longer with us? Are we going to arrest or question IMF personnel that were pushing our govt to sell without being given a chance to find credible buyers? It appears there will be a field day to get this properly done..
I believe its immature to single out one person just because he opposes the short cuts that are currently going on.. We should also ask how our current leaders Ministers…
I believe its immature to single out one person just because he opposes the short cuts that are currently going on.. We should also ask how our current leaders Ministers inclusive have become instant millionaires.. some have even been heard saying, have you seen the flag? to coerce would be investors.. Just saying!!
Gay jay is sooo boring I have never seen eish
Just the fact that Mr lungu is finding time to attack HH speaks volumes of his leadership capacity.
Here is a man who has had $12 billion or more at his disposal , considering the time frame no other leader has had so much money to work with, yet lungu is threatened by HH ???
Zambia and lungu should be riding a wave of popularisim, with GDP, exports, job numbers flying….
After spending all that money One would think the country would be singing lungus name for life president , not calls for his no third term we are seeing….
Holiday is over, time to account for such colossal amount of money $12 billion.
Wow! with the comment section exploding, I now know why Zambia is in the state it is in. Yes president Lungu needs better mangers of our State owned companies, plus one undemocratic leader of UPND needs to leave it before Zambia ends up not having an opposition at all.
Lungu is hopless….
Trying to distract from brazen theft of public assets; the fire tenders are but a tip of the ice berg; money now wasted on the likes of kudos and “Sharon”. Ati distinction in law…does he sound distinguished and accomplished to anyone but a pf cadre?
Everyone can see who’s bitter now and you’re still dinning with the same MMD
What utterances from leader! ????
Double H needs lots of rebranding to overcome negative public perception. At the very least, have a good media team. Where is Cornelius Mweetwa? More radically, That means changing the core team around him: GBM, Masebo, Depark, Mucheleka, Muteteka, Katuka, Jack, Nalumango etc have nothing new to offer.
Before he knows it, he will be done and dusted. With the kind of people around him, he should forget 2021 if ECL is declared eligible on Dec 7.
Sharon tell us how and why Sata Toll Gate is so expensive than Rupiahs house. Tell us why fire tenders was insured’s less than buying price . Tell us how Top star has more shares on ZNBC because you said you have serious leader ( Lungu) Build you debate don’t insult so that we join pf
Sharon is a Hu!e for PF what does she know about insurance.
Privatisation crook HH who has hidden the privatisation loot in the paradise papers has been exposed and only UPND sycophants and zealots and enemies of progress like Wanzelu and Spaka and Jay Jay will support the privatisation thief kikiki
Some people who had an opportunity to be a lawyer stole from clients. Now given the opportunity to be president have stole from the whole country.
In PF all smoke denotes fire!! The clown is buying state of the art jets at exorbitant prices, when hospitals are without drugs, upgrade works at Maina Soko by Israelis are highly inflated and the country is delivered to both Chinese and Israelis by Edgar Lungu and his cabal, Zambians must wisen up and show this drunken dictator the door!!