Saturday, March 15, 2025

Bank of Zambia introduces new banknotes


The Bank of Zambia (BoZ) will soon introduce enhanced Zambian Banknotes meant to ensure high quality notes and coins circulate.

Speaking during a district sensitization tour in Mwansabombwe, Bank of Zambia Ndola Branch Manager-Security Operations, Kedrick Zombe said the bank also wants to ensure the Zambian currency is adequately protected from counterfeiting by continually adopting new technology based security features that safeguard the integrity of the currency.

Mr. Zombe added that in 2018, BoZ launched the enhanced banknotes with new security features to further protect the Zambian kwacha from counterfeiting.

He said amongst the new security features on the bank notes are a dynamic geometrical pattern which changes form and size when tilting the note, a gold iridescent band representing doves which runs from the top to the bottom of the banknote.

Mr. Zombe noted that other features include tactile marks for the visually impaired which will allow them to run fingers along the edges of the banknote and will be clearly felt.

He explained that the new banknotes will be working side by side with the old ones until such a time when the old notes will phase out of circulation.


  1. How much does it cost to change these notes, the frequency of, is worrying.

    We have pounds here in Scotland not that nonsense Kwacha
    I have a PhD



    • Hey Mushota, ive been reading your posts for a while now as im always on this site, I currently live in Livingston Scotland, Are you by any chance local?? maybe we could meet for a coffee??


    • Let them include Chinese letters on the notes.
      We need to embrace our new tu ma choncholi masters. Even Lungu is in their pockets.

    • Is that advice from Prof. HANSONI? It looks like a tribal advice! Please don’t listen to him! I hope he has not written the same on his University Letterhead to the UN about what you have just written! Tribalism and Racism go hand in hand! The most tribalistic H-organisation in Zambia is the most racist as well. I am sure you know its leader.

  2. Now they are even thinking of changing coins! This is laughable! Does it mean that it is easy to mint Zambian coins as well? This is another way of syphoning the Zamba Kwacha by the ever fast thinking Zambian as you won’t accuse them of stealing money when they are given kick backs to mint new money!

  3. Trying to prop up the reserves which have been going down ever since PF came into power in 2011 from US3.8billion to US1.6billion. The monetary mechanism put in place by BOZ using fire fighting method of releasing it to try and save the kwacha has not helped matters at all. This is simply reverse economics of trying to introduce more money in the economy having failed to use monetary instruments and control of cash flow exports by the mines. Kalyalya will soon be replaced as he has failed to stimulate the economy by creating confidence and encouraging banks to provide loans to the informal sector. Instead they all run for treasury bills leaving the informal sector bleeding.

    Don’t be fooled by the introduction of enhanced Zambian Banknotes.The PF government is broke and does not have money to pay debts and salaries.
    Soon inflation will increase and the currency will depreciate.

  5. i see no logical of changing the notes!!! just try to be sincere with your governance…its a non starter and only fools can appreciate that

  6. Indirect way of saying the valueless kwacha has been devalued again .Full stop ????.You cannot talk about security features this time as if we have just changed from prehistoric barter system in 2018. Everyone one knows what is happening in the nation .Think and consult before you talk to the nation bwana Branch manager

  7. Sounds like BOZ is asking me to go back and spend the K2000 cash I’ve on me in Australia. Money money money money singing….

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