Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Prince Harry offers Zambia support with boosting the country’s dwindling elephant population


President Edgar Lungu bids farewell to Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex at State House shortly after the Prince called on the President
President Edgar Lungu bids farewell to Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex at State House shortly after the Prince called on the President

Britain’s Prince Harry on Monday offered Zambia support with boosting the country’s dwindling elephant population, as he began a two-day working visit without his pregnant wife Meghan.

The Duke of Sussex, 34, was received at Lusaka airport by dignitaries and colourfully-dressed traditional dancers, later holding a closed-door meeting with Zambian President Edgar Lungu and his ministers.

As president of animal conservation charity African Parks, Harry offered to bring elephants from neighbouring Botswana.

“Prince Harry told the president during closed-door talks that African Parks will help move between 500 and 1,000 elephants from Botswana into Zambia’s Kafue National Park,” Lungu’s spokesman Amos Chanda said.

“He said this should help boost Zambia’s tourism and create jobs, especially for the youth.”

African Parks manages national parks on behalf of governments to help protect animals targeted by poachers, including elephants and rhino.

Botswana has the highest population of elephants in Africa, while Zambia struggles to pull in the same crowds to its safari parks.

Harry is a frequent visitor to southern Africa for his conservation work and holidays. Harry and Meghan have enjoyed romantic getaways together in Botswana.

Last month the royal couple visited Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga on their first official tour since marrying in May.


  1. Botswana has the highest population of elephants in Africa, while Zambia struggles to pull in the same crowds to its safari parks.

    • The British Prince is in town working and when you read some of the comments here you wander what most of these bloggers do for a living.

  2. We really should be ashamed of ourselves!

    Anyone reading my comment here knows that it is the political will power that is lacking. We can do this on our own! Botswana has done it on their own and has increased the population of elephant heards.

    But Zambia no!!! We think the world loves us and everyone is going to do right by us!

    We need to exorcise this ghost of low self esteem.

    Am suspecting some of the ministers are over-employed and under-qualified!

    • This is the song I’ve been singing for years. We can blame leadership but the problem is also us for not respecting nature and the natural surroundings look at the deforestation due to charcoal as well as our appetite for destroying and not maintaining things. Someone leaves you with street lights and you go and break the bulbs, they erect street signs you go and cut them to sale the poles, when will this stop? Only when I guess the majority of Zambians are in the middle class and are better informed and better aware? Our struggle then is to get to this middle class.

  3. The prince is naive, he’s bringing the elephants for the Chinese to poach them. The Chinese must be excited with this good news, more dollars for them

    • the Chinese are plenty in Botswana also, nothing new to China here. In fact Chinese poaching is already a problem in Botswana also.

  4. Jona, via Kaizer, Jean Mukula Baptist, & Chimpyiongo will hunt all the Tswana Elephants down, sell the Ivory to ma China, & roast the Elephant meat, in th.e process gaining Millions of U$D. Let’s not forget they’ve already decimated Zambian Elephants, & Wild Dogs, (Bush meat for ma China).

    • Remember these same Corrupt P.F Goons are planning to massacre Zambia’s Hippos, & sell them to South African hunters, rather than move the Hippos to areas where we have less Hippos, exactly same plan as moving Elephants where they are overpopulated, rather than culling. Saving grace may be suspected Anthrax in the Hippo population.
      Only in Zambia! Only under P.F!!

  5. The love of money in Zambia has destroyed the country.Politicians and game rangers have killed the elephants.U can’tr understand why can’t we keep our animals.I wonder if we normal or mad bcoz it can’t take a white person to teach u how to preserve. Its we don’t have children to care about.Always we think about being rich using short cuts.Let let put systems in place so that it will be very difficult to wipe out the animals.

  6. Zambia is like a place of criminals can use to be rich.Europeans,chinise and Senegalese,indians n selfish politicians kill aninamls in parks.There is no security at all.So sad to let animal desapear like this.Tourism can be boosted if we had interest in preserving nuture

  7. HH is to blame for the small elephant population in Zambia. Just why does Zambia have to be given everything. When are we ever going to give? It was in the news recently that there were too many hippos in the Luangwa river. Why don’t we also give them away?

  8. Someone coming to you house and tells you how to increase the number of you chickens by going to your nextdoor neighbour and talk to them nicely.Why didn’t you think about that in the first place?Do you need someone to do it for you?With this mentality do you think we can really develop?

  9. The real problem with us Zambians is illiteracy. Let us concentrate on educating our people and bring some of the programs in the school curriculum.

  10. Prince Harry offers Zambia 1000 Jumbos??? Have we surely depleted our Elephant Stocks through poaching? Lord help this country what will our grand children have to see in future dinosaur stories and pictures like us

  11. Let them stay where they are. If you bring them here it will become a fundraiser for the government through hunting fees and concessions.

  12. Zambia is going from +0 Elephants to ~ +1000 Elephants

    Someone explain to me how this is a loss for the country. Basing the question on comments across ‘sho sho media’ on this subject.

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