Sunday, September 8, 2024

Prince Harry at Circus Zambia


Clowns on stilts and trampoline artists entertained Britain’s Prince Harry on Tuesday when he visited a youth circus in Zambia which is supported by one of Queen Elizabeth’s charities.

Harry spent the last of his two days in Zambia visiting World War Two veterans in the capital Lusaka before heading to Circus Zambia, a project that helps vulnerable young people to gain skills, education and employment.

The monarch’s grandson posed for pictures surrounded by performers at the circus, which is funded by The Queen’s Commonwealth Trust, a charity supporting young leaders around the world.

“All the stories we heard today are powerful reminders of the great work underway here. All brought about by young people, like you, who have stepped up to make a difference for others,” Harry, who is president of the trust, said in a speech.

“Too often funders and investors miss what you’re doing because they can’t find you or see what you’re achieving. We established The Queen’s Commonwealth Trust to be your platform.”

Harry sent “best wishes” from his wife Meghan who is pregnant and remained at home.


  1. HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN TREATED TO OUR REAL TRADITIONAL DANCES, NYAU,VIMBUZA,etc.. and invite him to come to one of the prominent traditional ceremonies like Nc’wala. Carnival, carnival, things that the Prince is able to see even in the UK, Brazil, Caribbeans do NOT show the UNIQUENESS OF ZAMBIA AND MAY STRIKE INTRIGUE IN THE PRINCE TO HELP US PROMOTE OUR TOURISM, WITH ZAMBIA AS A UNIQUE DESTINATION!!

  2. Good News!!!
    In case you missed Prince Harry,
    Another prince from muchinga will be in Lusaka next week. Please, find time to interact with him.
    ” Build Zambia – promote Zambian”

  3. Dr Clarence Chikusu served as a military officer in Afghanistan. He was a military doctor at the front line of war treating injured soliders etc.He is a Lenje Royal on his paternal side and Bemba Royal on his maternal side.

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