Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations Mr. Amos Chanda has said that Republican President Edgar Lungu is actively fighting corruption and has institutionalized the corruption fight.
Speaking when featured on Diamond TV live phone in programme to answer pertinent issues of the nation with regard to the presidency last night Mr. Chanda said President Lungu was actively fighting corruption but the only problem was that people want a blood letting and added that and this idea must seriously go.
Mr Chanda said that When there is an investigation going on, one can not fire somebody unless there was credible evidence as was the case in the Ministry of Infrastructure, where officers were fired. Mr Chanda said that story at Ministry of Infrastructure has been quiet because no politician was involved but one can see that action was taken.
Mr Chanda also noted that a minister was equally fired, in an apparent reference to Chishimba Kambwili, when too much evidence was pointing at him with regard to corruption.
Mr. Chanda further pointed out pointed out that President Lungu has institutionalized the fight against corruption. Mr Chanda said that President Lungu has upgraded offices tasked with fighting corruption and that the has upgraded audit offices. Mr Chanda said President Lungu is committed to institutionalizing corruption and giving the investigative agencies the space they need.
“If you look at the audit report it’s half the size… this is an institutional reaction,” Mr Chanda said.
“Let me make it clear President Lungu has made it very clear to us that we are not going to be bullied to go on an ant hill, shout at someone, send police and direct the arrest of someone as long as you have an allegation and you are in an elevated position… that he will not do.
Mr pointed to the the Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC), A sole statutory agency dedicated to providing timely, high quality, impartial and actionable financial intelligence to law enforcement agencies and foreign designated authorities in order to eliminate financial crimes in Zambia.
Mr Chanda said that some Patriotic Front (PF) members wanted were critical of the FIC and wanted it abolished, but President Lungu met FIC and assured them of their autonomy.
Bla…bla..as usual, until I read this..”President Lungu has upgraded offices tasked with fighting corruption and that he has upgraded audit offices”…
That is where it all fails, the elevation should have been done by the institution called parliament. fighting corruption is not a personal issue and done behind the scenes.
Amos, no one believe that.
Simply laughable coming from the Grinch
Amos meant, President Lungu has institutionalized corruption.
‘Mr Chanda said President Lungu is committed to institutionalizing corruption and giving the investigative agencies the space they need.’
Can you see what bad reporting can do?
Institutionalising corruption?
Hahahahaha ,blind Amos Chanda iwe have you seen the $42m firetrucks, the eSwatini mansion ,the British withdrawal of aid ,the overpriced highway tender for Kitwe-Lusaka dual carriageway etc ?
Ubomba mwibala, Michael Sata toll gate, ZNBC,ZESCO,NRDC, Ministers’ failure to pay back
Israeli police on Sunday said they had found enough evidence for bribery and fraud charges to be brought against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife in the third and most serious corruption case against the Israeli leader.
Police said they had evidence to charge Mr Netanyahu and his wife Sara with accepting bribes, fraud and breach of trust in what is known as Case 4000.
In this long-running scandal, Mr Netanyahu is suspected of passing regulations favouring the Bezeq telecommunications firm in exchange for favourable coverage on the Walla news website, which is owned by Bezeq’s controlling shareholder. Police say Mrs Netanyahu coordinated the coverage.
Mr Netanyahu has long framed this investigation as a witch hunt organised by the media and the accusations against him as…
… as personal rather than legal in nature.
“The police recommendations regarding me and my wife don’t surprise anyone,” he said in a statement. “These recommendations were decided upon and leaked even before the investigation began.”
Police say their investigation includes the testimony of at least 60 witnesses and five years’work. They accuse the prime minister and Bezeq boss Shaul Elovitch, who they also recommend be charged, as having shared a “bribe-based relationship” which saw Mr Netanyahu and his associates intervene in news coverage on an almost daily basis.
Calls for Mr Netanyahu’s resignations came quickly from Israel’s opposition, with some calling for the country to go to immediate elections.
But even if charged, Mr Netanyahu faces no legal requirement…
… leave office. His ruling Likud party pulled together a right-leaning coalition after the last election but currently only enjoys a small parliamentary minority, making Israel’s government particularly vulnerable to wobbles.
This is the third time police have recommended Mr Netanyahu face corruption charges in as many separate investigations. He has so far avoided being charged in either of the other cases, one of which involved accepting gifts from billionaire friends and the other over trading positive media coverage for legislation.
Mrs Netanyahu is also embroiled in separate legal troubles of her own, stemming from accusations of a lavish lifestyle fuelled by misspent public funds, including spending more than $100,000 (£78,000) on take-out meals despite the state…
Mrs Netanyahu is also embroiled in separate legal troubles of her own, stemming from accusations of a lavish lifestyle fuelled by misspent public funds, including spending more than $100,000 (£78,000) on take-out meals despite the state providing a private chef.
Obviously he meant to say “has institutionalised corruption”
UPND cadres have never been in government. Under 5 kids who think fighting corruption is about baseless fake news without evidence. Try to run government in 2041 and see how the fight against corruption is handled.
Under 5 babies. Just because Kaponya (HH) corruptly handled the sell of the mines you think everyone is corrupt.
42/42, eSwatini , $4 million bycle shed called a toll gate , lungus $2.3 million in 19 months in office, UK aid withdrawal , mukula that moves at night,…………..
F*cking empty skull cannot understand one simple thing, his anointed, vise, humble Endemically Corrupt Leader of Plunderers Federation has INSTITUTIONALIZED CORRUPTION
@Spaka you will find that there’s nothing sinister about those things you have listed badala
I’m not UPND and neither is Mushota!
42/42 each at $1 million when the real price is $300k google.co.uk/amp/s/www.crawleyhappytimes.co.uk/new-state-of-the-art-fire-engine-for-crawley/amp
Chilufya sata toll gate at $4 million while RBs complex at $500k ??
Just on those let’s hear you ?????
BoSPakata needs the woman with a tattoo to change his diapers.
Tribal bullies and Hallucinating Corrupt thieves heaping on the hard-working president names to make themselves feel better! Eat More Chicken!
If lungu had his way , he would legalise corruption.
We know how lungu operates , high ranking officials who are not cutting him and his hand some corruption money are fired and warned to keep silent or he will get ACC on to them. Like eric chimesa.
Only CK knows of lungus corruption and has presidential ambitions and refused to remain silent……and is singing loudly.
“…Mr Chanda said President Lungu is committed to institutionalizing corruption and giving the investigative agencies the space they need…”
Well said Amos. First time telling the truth!!!
Now that is official, can we know the names of the members of this Institutionalized Enterprise?
What does ubomba mwibala mean
Am a non partisan political consultant
He has laid ground work for next govt to be more corrupt by using the phraseology
HH and GBM will worse
If you want gbm to rule Zambia vote for hh.
He fraudulently took over a political party. He had NO post in upendi. .he was an mp. he was not a chairman. Heas was not a councillor. From nowhere became president of upendi. Thats what we call corruption
And he wants to usher gbm into state house fraudulently. Gbm had no post in upendi. From nowhere to vice president.
These are just crooks
Am a non partisan political consultant
What is it with most Presidential press aides? They feel like they are a small president in their own right. Wait my dear Amos Chanda, your hour of reckoning is drawing closer by the day. You might just end up worse than Richard Sakala.Those positions are not permanent. Enjoy while you can but enjoy responsibly.
Amos ( Amarura, corruption and eswantini plots= Dununa reverse.
This is probably the best jock I have heard this year, a convicted debarred thieving lawyer fighting corruption, this just takes the cake…. and the message is coming from a clone.
The Privatisation thief is damaged goods beyond repair.
Amos is right. Most Zambians are used to the “rushing to the ant holl” approach as done by Levy/Nchto/post. But eight years was wasted only to yield an acquittal for FTJ. We should even thank ECL for the creation of FIC and the amended constitution that lays a foundation for a more independent judiciary. Only the U5s can’t see this.
Yes you are right, what the see is 42/42, eSwatini , $4 million bycle shed called a toll gate , lungus $2.3 million in 19 months in office, UK aid withdrawal , mukula that moves at night , $265 million digital migration the most expensive in Africa, $1.3 billion dual carriage road to CB which as hotels no one has asked for, Zambia billed for an airport that fradulantly foresees a 14 % passenger increases……
…and you have evidence for that?? Those are speculations, can your accusations stand in court??
@ Zambian !mbecile
FTJ was CONVICTED by the HCEW and USD 46million are to be returned to GRZ upon registering Judgement. Unfortunately, neither Rabid Bastard, late Sata (RIP) or Endemically Corrupt Leader of Plunderers Federation did authorize registering Judgement with the High Court of Zambia.
After 7 years, the money was appropriated by the UKGOV.
Therefore, Zambian !mbecile, little thieving dwarf did die as convicted embezzler (MHSRIH)
$42 million was paid for 42 converted fire trucks , equalling $1 million each when one costs $300k
Proof ….** google new-state-of-the-art-fire-engine-for-crawley***
Enswatini , lungu reciving gifts from a major GRZ contractor inyatsi ..
Proof…..Section 21 of the Anti-Corruption Act (dealing with abuse of authority of office) provides that any public officer using their position, office or authority to obtain property, profit, an advantage or benefit, directly or indirectly for oneself or another person is guilty of the offence of abuse of office.
$42 million was paid for 42 converted fire trucks , equalling $1 million each when one costs $300k
Proof …. w w w google.co.uk/amp/s/www.crawleyhappytimes.co.uk/new-state-of-the-art-fire-engine-for-crawley/amp
Enswatini , lungu reciving gifts from a major GRZ contractor inyatsi ..
Proof…..Section 21 of the Anti-Corruption Act (dealing with abuse of authority of office) provides that any public officer using their position, office or authority to obtain property, profit, an advantage or benefit, directly or indirectly for oneself or another person is guilty of the offence of abuse of office.
@Spooked: Which court will use evidence from a Google page than a verified grz procurement process?? Does that ACC act cover the president?? unlike developed democracies where the office holder relinquishes all gifts to the state, our laws haven’t addressed that technicality.
@Facts: Which money was appropriated by UK govt?? FTJ was accused of plundering taxpayer’s money and buying luxury villas in Europe. Nothing was found but that mentally unstable judge ruled on Zambian properties. Do Zambian judges ever rule on British properties?? Keep your bird brain theories to yourself, U5.
@ Zambian !mbecile
And FTJ lawyer was de-bared for life because he tried to bribe the same Judge?
By the way !mbecile, do you know the extension of either HCEW or USFC?
Do you !mbecile know from where such Jurisdiction arise?
Please name and shame that lawyer. What jurisdiction are you talking about?? Insults are a sign of low intellect. Your theories are fake and unfounded. The useless task force found nothing in Europe!! Read about real corruption fight the Nigerians did on Sano Abacha not the circus Mwamawasa did here.
Ati which court will use Google ?? I am showing you the true price of a real fire truck , not those mock up converted into fire trucks in some ones backyard….a more than 70% mark up price which lungu signed for on the heads of the tax payer……..
Ati our laws haven’t addressed that technicality of lungu reciving gifts from GRZ contractors ???
It is public perception badala, moral integrity of the highest office is supposed to be something looked up to , not this stealing, always using Gray areas and technicalities by lungu…..no wonder the man does not even deny that he is a corrupt theif….
Citizen what of the block of flats in lusaka belonging to FJT forfeited to the state after his people could not account for them ???
Court of Public Opinion is not the courts that are created by our constitution. While Levy allowed this to dominate the nation, even he questioned its morality just before his death when he confided in RB. Lungu found these laws and is doing his best to improve them-Amended Constitution, FIC. Those flats were not properly accounted for defence team and remain a subject of debate and litigation.
The good news is that a privatisation thief will lose HAGAIN in 2021.
Mwanawasa was a fake President.
there you have it – the perfect Freudian Slip – the spokesman says THE PRESIDENT HAS INSTITUTIONALISED CORRUPTION….LT from WTF do you derive YOUR title?!! hau !!!
It is a slip of the tongue. He wanted to say HH.
Lungu is the very definition of corruption, How possibly could he be fighting himself.
HAKAINDE has corrupt money in PANAMA and is holding 1,000 hectares of land from corrupting his tribal chiefs in tribal NAMWALA. He certainly will NEVER be a President in Zambia.
Yes. Like those speed cameras which ensure you pay to the state for use as opposed to cops to pay for DSTv or whatever.
Problem is that many common Zambians are corrupt to the core. Always wanting shortcuts rather than pay the due tax or fees or fines or queuing diligently or planning diligently. And they think those doing better than them are practicing corruption many times over. This warped thought process is the basis for poverty.
Amos Chanda has run out information, how honestly can he hallucinate his boss has institutionalised corruption when he is the most corrupt president in history. State house special assistant for corruption MUST keep quite and drink quietly.