Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Zambia and DRC agree to resolve the Kasumbalesa Border congestion


File:Trucks waiting to be cleared at Kasumbalesa border

The Congolese Government has welcomed the call by Copperbelt Province Minister Japhen Mwakalombe to engage its authorities on the congestion of trucks at Kasumbalesa Border.

DRC Deputy Consulate General, Nkulu Ghyslain admitted that the prevailing situation at Kasumbalesa Border is not conducive and the matter has to be resolved immediately.

He said the situation cannot be allowed to continue considering that the country will be going to the polls this month.

Mr. Ghyslain said he will inform higher authorities in Katanga Province about a meeting further stating that, another meeting will be arranged on both sides of Kasumbalesa to ensure that the issue is resolved amicably.

He added that, with the onset of the rains the situation may result in an outbreak of disease noting that Zambia and the DRC enjoy cordial relations which should not be compromised.

And Copperbelt Province Minister, Japhen Mwakalombe has described the situation as a danger to the people citing the lack of sanitary facilities and proper food storage facilities.

Mr. Mwakalombe stated that it is gratifying that the two governments have agreed that the matter has to be resolved adding that, a long term solution has to be found to avoid the re-occurrence of the situation.

And ZRA Assistant Commissioner-North, Wagner Chilembo said over a thousand trucks were as of yesterday pulled off the road into the parking yard at Kasumbalesa on the Zambian side and in DRC.

He said with the provisional extension in the number of working hours from 18 to 22, the authority will ensure that the situation is normalized soon.


  1. Something else

    The civil aviation authorities of Member States of the European Union are only able to inspect
    aircraft of airlines that operate flights to and from Union airports; and in view of the random
    nature of such inspections, it is not possible to check all aircraft that land at each Union
    airport. The fact that an airline is not included in the Community list does not, therefore,
    automatically mean that it meets the applicable safety standards.
    Where an airline which is currently included in the Community list deems itself to be in
    conformity with the necessary technical elements and requirements prescribed by the
    applicable international safety standards, it may request the Commission to commence the
    procedure for its removal from the list…

    The civil aviation authorities of Member States of the European Union are only able to inspect
    aircraft of airlines that operate flights to and from Union airports; and in view of the random
    nature of such inspections, it is not possible to check all aircraft that land at each Union
    airport. The fact that an airline is not included in the Community list does not, therefore,
    automatically mean that it meets the applicable safety standards.
    Where an airline which is currently included in the Community list deems itself to be in
    conformity with the necessary technical elements and requirements prescribed by the
    applicable international safety standards, it may request the Commission to commence the
    procedure for its removal from the list.
    Every effort has been made to…

    • Corruption in Congo is the biggest issue. Even if a businessman cleared his tax at the border there still hundreds of people needing the same on any goods cleared within Congo HAGAIN.

  3. These people need to be serious.

    I can count the number of lorries on one hand, and they claim there to be congestion.

    Before this is resolved, there will be one hundred meetings over a number of years….calculate sitting allowances and you see why we struggle to develop.

  4. Ba indigi, there is indeed a problem. My twin brother is truck driver and I know what these guys are talking about. There was no need to be closing the boarder at 18:00. Last week the queue was as long as 3o km. Sanitation is bad especially at Glencore depots. Too bad they cannot allow me to post pic I took on Sunday… They needed this meeting like last year. Both govts have been retrogressive and passive beyond imagination.

  5. What happened to all that money that was poured into the new border post….i can see this sold to Chinks as a solution

    • No need to yawn at what is going on. UPND is an irrelevant H-organization to contribute to meaningful development so better to shut up.

  6. How many times will these two Govts agree. Every year its meeting after meeting, but no sound resolution. Smuggling at that border seems to have been allowed by the two governments any way…..

  7. As a landlocked country, your borders should function like clockwork. Nothing should be delayed otherwise you affect commerce negatively. The efficiency of the border helps you more than your neighbours because they have access to the sea.
    Instead of having useless ministries such as Religious affairs we should have a ministry that focuses just on border points. We have had this Kasumbalesa hogwash for ages by now we should have resolved it unless there are no brains in our nation.

  8. The developed world works 24 7 and yet The poor Poeple of Africa can manage to work only up to 22hrs ,for your on information mr ministers put up toilets showers employ their are people willing to work ,so many if not we can help you writeing for for a shift plan .

  9. Only one who has never dealt with the Congolese will think is a joke. These guys will be able to find a case even against Gabriel the Archangel. Even on elementary things they will not agree with you. But like having a brother you don’t like they will always be our neighbors.

  10. The two governments that share this border are to be blamed in this matter because of not setting priority for developmental projects. Kasumbalesa is very old border post and one of the busiest border posts that allow access into Congo in the southern region and Congo is one of the biggest importers and exporters in the region but if you go to the border today, it looks like it is a new border that is just being constructed to add on other borders that are already in use.

    An initiative is supposed to be put in place as quickly as possible to expand and construct Mokambo and Kipushi border post to ease the congestion at this border post. Traffic into congo is increasing daily something emergency needs to be done within the beginning of 2019. Our governments do not know how important is…

  11. Zambia needs to be more ingeneous in dealing with a nueighbour country that has no systems in place. On one hand one could sympathise with the DRC (formerly Zaire) country authorities who are working under a very strange envioronment devoid of any civil culture. I quote from one notable former head of state (Zaire is “not a country”) it is just a land mass of people living together. Take it or leave it.

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