Friday, September 6, 2024

LGAZ President welcomes SI on plastics


Kitwe Mayor and The Local Government Association of Zambia (LGAZ) President Christopher Kang’ombe
Kitwe Mayor and The Local Government Association of Zambia (LGAZ) President Christopher Kang’ombe

Local Government Association of Zambia President Christopher Kang’ombe has commended Government for its commitment towards fostering a sustainable environment.

This follows the issuance of Statutory Instrument No 65 of 2018 on Extended Producer Responsibility, Regulations.

LGAZ President who is also Kitwe Mayor said that the SI was another milestone towards ensuring sound environment.

The SI which is designed to regulate non-returnable glass and plastic bottles, beverage cans, electronic equipment and their resultant waste among others, came into force on 3rd August 2018.

Mr. Kang’ombe said the development will go a long way in minimizing generation of the type of waste.

He has however, cautioned that while progressive pieces of legislation are being put in place for the good of the people, they will not yield positive results if enforcement of the same is weak.

In the same regard, he appealed to all councils in the country as institutions closest to the people to study the provisions of the SI for them to make meaningful contributions towards enforcement of the law which he said should be coupled with comprehensive civic education to enhance compliance.

He further said that the development called for concerted effort and change of mindset to ensure the SI and other related pieces of legislation yield intended results.

This is according to a statement released to ZANIS by LGAX Information Officer Mpatanji Namumba.


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