Sunday, February 23, 2025

Zambian judiciary is independent and operates without any undue influence-Ernest Sakala


Chief Justice Ernest Sakala (l) and Livingstone High Court judge in charge Ernest Mukulwamutiyo (r) during the commissioning the holding cells and Magistrates’ Chambers at Livingstone High Court
FILE: Former Chief Justice Ernest Sakala (l) and Livingstone High Court judge in charge Ernest Mukulwamutiyo (r) during the commissioning the holding cells and Magistrates’ Chambers at Livingstone High Court

Former Chief Justice Ernest Sakala says the Zambian judiciary is independent and operates without any undue influence from any arm of government.

And President Edgar Lungu who is Chair of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) organ on Politics, Defence and security has appointed Justice Sakala to head the SADC election Observer Mission to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Justice Sakala who has 35 years of experience in the judiciary said all verdicts by the courts are made independently after careful study and analysis without any interference from anyone.

The Former Chief Justice was speaking in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia when he transited to Congo DR to lead the SADC election Observer mission in that country.

He however emphasized that the kernel of juridical autonomy and independence also lies in the attitude of individual judges.

“In the year 2000, I did a study on judicial autonomy and independence, realities and challenges. I clearly stated that the autonomy of the judiciary also lies in the attitude of individual judges. When we train judges we normally tell them that the best judgment is on that pleases the loser, where everyone goes satisfied with the verdict,” he said.

Justice Sakala said the role of the SADC Elections observer Mission will be to see to it that the elections DRC follow the SADC principles and standards of elections.

President Edgar Lungu who is Chair of the SADC organ on Politics, Defense and Security appointed the retired Chief Justice to lead the SADC Election Observer Mission to monitor elections in Congo DRC scheduled for 23rd December, 2018.

This is contained in a statement availed to ZANIS today by First Secretary for Press and Tourism at the Zambian Embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Inutu Mwanza.


    • Every Zambian knows that the judiciary is rotten from the head, especially the unqualified KangCourt judges.
      Its stomach first, country last.
      KangCourt chose to allow Lungu a 3rd term fearing that any change of govt. will call for investigation & possible arrest of KangCourt judges.
      Its State Capture at its best. ECZ, police, ZAF, KangCourt, judiciary, DeadNBC, all have been captured by the den of PF cr00ked thieving thugs.

    • The Zambian Judiciary is under total control of the PF and not able to deliver judgements independently. What would you expect an ex chief Justice who has been appointed by Lungu say.

    • Farming season is here with us again. Can someone please enroll our under5s on FISP program so that they can start getting free fertilizer to grow their brains. Imagine people from other countries reading the shallow comments by these kids. Its very embarrassing indeed. Any nutritionist out there to design a recipe for fertilizer for these under5s.

    • In the last days of UNIP era, Justice Enerst Sakala dubiously acquitted KK’s son Kambarage for killing his ex-girlfriend Tabitha Mwanza. She had rejected the presidents son, moved on with a new guy. Kambarage stalked her & shot her in a jealous rage.

      Today he wants to be champion of claiming independence of judiciary from political influence. Even now he’s still a beneficiary of Lungu’s appointments & is as corrupted as back then.

    • Same old guard, where are the young people in Zambia, Most of the folks invoived in the affairs of the country belong to old people`s homes.

    • Please someone tell the retired CJ that the Zambians are the ones to say if the Judiciary is independent or not. Not a single individual regardless of their previous status. If 80% of all constituencies in Zambia voted yes to a vote of confidence for the Judiciary. As of now there is no confidence in the Judiciary and that is a fact.

    • @Maloza
      The CJ you were thinking about was Annel Silungwe and not Ernest Sakala! By the way, AS still chews from government coffers on some dubious assignments just like ES is noe trying to.

      I agree the judgement on Kambarage was questionable and ES is being cheeky to suggest that our judiciary especially in its current form is independent and free …

    • @Nsimbi. Sakala was part of the supreme court bench which made judgement. Yes, Silungwe was the CJ.
      Judge Musumali had earlier found him guilty at High Court & had sentenced Kambarage to death.

    • Ba Sakala dont thnik you are a champion in waffling you are jist showing us your idiocy. Look at the cases of elections petitions in mwanakatwe andLdidnt we vote after the death Sata? again didnt we vote in 2016? which candidate was on pf ticket. was he a running mate?

    • Please someone tell the retired CJ that the Zambians are the ones to say if the Judiciary is independent or not. Not a single individual regardless of their previous status. If 80% of all constituencies in Zambia voted yes to a vote of confidence for the Judiciary. As of now there is no confidence in the Judiciary and that is a fact.

  1. We old people have really let the nation down.The question is can our youths do any better than us?No wonder they called us niggars,we dont deserve respect…whites simply put us in our place…

  2. Honestly the whole government institutions and linked systems is corrupt, dirty and filthy. Honestly, how can an educated man like sakala say the judiciary is independent. This is crazy, ridiculous and shows his stupidity and tribalism remarks.
    What a shame!!!

    • Very true. He reached retirement age 15 years ago but is still being appointed to SADC by Lungu.
      Ba mudala should give room to new judges. He can’t bootlick his entire life till he’s in a coffin. Corruption is killing our youths.

    • I wonder why they even publish such stories from such compromised foooools even at his age he is still working instead of being a pillar of wisdom!!

  3. On such a wonderful. Its worth reflecting on God’s mercy. He loves you and me.

    Hate feelinngs and hate speech will never change anything to your advantage.

    • Blind as a bat personified!! The motherland can only regress with citizens who are proud to exhibit ignorance this way. This kind of ignorance is criminal.

  4. You wanted the former CJ to support your shallow minded negative thinking of attacking your own country..??? Upnd blind followers are a disgrace to our beloved peaceful country, Zambia.

  5. Lungu threatened the judiciary not to exercise independence like their Kenyan counterparts and they complied…our judiciary lacks courage and integrity; rather than serving the nation, they serve themselves. Same with ECZ…but day of reckoning will come

  6. How these punks get away with such blatant untruths is testimony to Zambian’s legendary docility. His name alone convicts him as a dishonest inhuman being: Ernest Sakala-Nyongo!

  7. Please someone tell the retired CJ that the Zambians are the ones to say if the Judiciary is independent or not. Not a single individual regardless of their previous status. If 80% of all constituencies in Zambia voted yes to a vote of confidence for the Judiciary. As of now there is no confidence in the Judiciary and that is a fact.

  8. The former has been out of service for a long time now so is unaware of how the judiciary operates nowadays. Also there is nothing he can say against the government after receiving this appointment when he has been in the doldrums all along lest this appointment is withdrawn.

  9. Does Rtd. CJ Sakala understand “Bangalore Principles”? Reading his biased and unrealistic rant, it appears that he has forgotten what is all about. Shameless old man!

  10. A boot – licking, dishonest and deceptive Enerst Sakala who should know better. It is common secret that the judiciary in Zambia reeks with corruption and is rotten to the core. Who is this clown trying to fool?? He is only proving himself demented.

  11. Thirty five years of wasted experience by this ignorant retired judge! Under which rock has Enesrt Sakala been living? The judiciary in Zambia reeks with corruption and is properly captured by the executive. Has he no shame?

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